Nust Entrance Test - June 2009 Instructions For Engg/IT, MBBS/BDS/Applied Biosciences, BBA/BS Economics Candidates

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Instructions For Engg/IT, MBBS/BDS/Applied Biosciences, BBA/BS Economics Candidates

The Entrance Test will be held for applicants in following subjects:-
Engineering & IT Medical/Applied Biosciences BBA/BS Economics
a. Physics a. Physics a. Verbal (English)
b. Chemistry/Computer Science b. Chemistry b. Quantitative (Gen Maths)
c. Mathematics c. Biology c. Intelligence Test
d. English d. English

The following instructions deal with the multiple choice answer sheets, which will be provided for
examination. An answer sheet has two parts i.e. personal information and answers. A filled answer sheet
is printed at the back of this page for illustration. Answer sheets are graded by a computer, therefore, it is
very important that the candidates read and understand these instructions thoroughly before taking the
exam. Non-compliance WILL lead to improper grading.
PERSONAL INFORMATION (See appropriate block in the example answer sheet at the back). Exam
Superintendent will brief on filling of this portion before start of the exam.
• Clearly write your name in Capital Letters in the box titled FULL NAME. Fill corresponding
circles. If the name is longer than the space provided, fill in as much as fits in the given space. (In
the example answer sheet, Mohammad Saleem is the name of candidate).
• Write your Roll No in the box titled ROLL NO. (In the example answer sheet, the Roll No of
student is 39581).
• Write your NATIONAL ID CARD NUMBER in the corresponding box. If ID Card has not
been issued to you, write the ID card no of your father and fill in the corresponding circles. (In
the example answer sheet, the ID card number of student is 3740505759941).
• In the SUBJECT column, use the following codes for different disciplines and fill corresponding
circles (in the example answer sheet, Engg/IT has been marked as 001):-
ENGG/IT: (candidates - FSc with Chem) : 001 BE(CSE)/BIT: (candidates - FSc with CS) : 002
MBBS/BDS/Applied Biosciences: : 003 BBA/BS Economics: : 004
• In the CITY/CENTRE column, use the following codes and fill corresponding circles.
(In the example sheet, Rawalpindi is marked).
RW:Rawalpindi PR:Peshawar LR:Lahore KI:Karachi QA:Quetta MN:Multan
FD:Faisalabad GA:Gujranwala RP:Risalpur PA:Pano-Aqil SK:Skardu SL: Sahiwal
HD: Hyderabad BR: Bahawalpur

• Put your date of birth in the column DATE OF BIRTH. 19-10-86 is marked as the date of birth
on the example sheet.
• In the sex column, fill M for male candidates and F for female candidates. (In the example a male
candidate is marked).
In the example answer sheet, first 5 questions have been attempted. See the example sheet and following
• Mark your choice by filling in the appropriate circle completely, making it a dark
black circle as shown below.
b c d e
• Some examples of improper marking are shown below: -
a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e

(The computer will mark improperly filled circles as wrong answers)

• Do not mark more than a single circle for an answer choice. Multiple answers for a single
question will be regarded as an unanswered question.
• If you need to erase an answer, do so clearly/cleanly using good quality rubber eraser.
• Do not bend or fold your answer sheet, do not make stray marks and do not mark any area outside
the provided circles.
• Answer sheet is to be signed both by the invigilator as well as by the candidate in respective
blocks only with ball pen.
• Use a No. 2B pencil. DONOT USE ink pens, ball-points or felt tip pens on answer sheet.
• You are allowed to bring along examination board, pencils, eraser and sharpener only.
• Use your time effectively and at premium. Furthermore, do not spend too much time on one question,
otherwise you will run short of time for other questions.
• Write your Roll No. on the front page of the QUESTION PAPER. Do not write elsewhere. Return
the complete question paper alongwith answer sheet on completion of exam.
• You are NOT ALLOWED to take away any part of question paper or note questions elsewhere. Non
compliance will be regarded as cheating.
• You are NOT ALLOWED to use device which could assist in calculation e.g. calculator, tables,
digital watches, mobile phones, electronic diaries, Palm Pilots etc.

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