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American Literature


Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Match the American literary periods with their names (3 marks)

• American Modernist Period • Beat Writers • Colonial Period • Counterculture

• Jazz Age • The "Lost Generation" • The Contemporary Period • The Early
National Period • The Naturalistic Period • The Realistic Period • The
Revolutionary Age • The Romantic Period
Match parts of statements in A with their completion in B (3.5 marks)

1- And certainly We wrote in the a- will be ease.

Book after the reminder that (as b- we shall be made a story, a
for) the land, byword through the world.
2- And if there are among you one c- together as one man.
hundred (who are) steadfast d- they will overcome a thousand
3- Blessed are the pure in heart, of those who have disbelieved.
4- Blessed are they that mourn e- the eyes of all people are upon
5- Do not walk proudly in the us.
earth. f- so We reduced them to bygone
6- For we must consider that we tales.
shall be as a City upon a hill; g- My righteous servants shall
7- If we should deal falsely with inherit it.
our God in this work, h- looking at their Lord.
8- Indeed with hardship i- Indeed, you will never tear
9- Some faces that Day will be open the earth, nor attain the
radiant, height of mountains.
10- The believers in their mutual j- for they shall see God.
kindness, compassion and k- for they shall be comforted.
sympathy l- except for someone who comes
11- The Day when neither wealth to Allah with a pure heart.
nor children will be of any m- are just like one body…
benefit n- and you will be satisfied.
12- They wronged their own selves
13- We must be knit
14- Your Lord is going to give you

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
B g d j k i e b a h m l f c n
Are the following statements True or False? (4)

You are under surveillance means you are being watched. T

The writings of the colonial period neglected religious, practical, and historical
themes. F

The period between 1765 and 1775 witnessed an American protest against
British rule. T

The 1st permanent English colony was founded in 1607. T

Romantic writers were not interested in the past. F

Pilgrims landed at Plymouth on December 26, 1520. F

Columbus first landed in America in 1592. F

An outcast is someone who is respected by people. F

Answer the following questions (5 marks)

Mention 2 other names for the Romantic Period.

1- The American Renaissance 2- The Age of Transcendentalism

The Romantics valued emotions and imagination instead of facts and logic.

Who are the most influential writers of the Colonial Period?

John Winthrop Benjamin Franklin

Cotton Mather Anne Bradstreet

Explain: "Wake up and smell the coffee"

Be more realistic and aware of what is really happening

What is a colony?

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