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1. Which type of nuclei show magnetic properties for the purpose of NMR spectroscopy?
2. Explain the principle of NMR spectroscopy.
3. What are equivalent and non equivalent protons? Give example.
4. What are diasteriotopic protons? Give eg.
5. What are Enantiotopic protons? Give eg.
6. Listout the differences between enantiotopic and diasteriotopic protons?
7. Listout the differences between equivalent and non-equivalent protons?
8. Define the term chemical shift?
9. What are the factors affecting the chemical shift values?
10. What are shielded and deshielded protons ? give example.
11. Define the term coupling constant
12. What are the factors affecting the coupling constant?
13. Explain the term anisotropy with an example.
14. What is spin spin coupling?
15. What is meant by (n+1)rule in spin-spin coupling?
16. What are vicinal and germinal protons? Give example.
17. Listout the differences between vicinal and germinal protons.
18. Mention some important characteristics of solvents used in NMR.
19. How will you distinguish between equatorial and axial protons in cyclohexane?
20. Mention the use of DEPT in assigning CH3 and CH2 peaks.


1. Write a note on equivalent and non equivalent protons.

2. Write a note on enantiotopic and diasteriotopic protons
3. Write a note on electronegativity and anisotropy.
4. Define the term chemical shift and describe the factors which influence it.
5. Define the term coupling constant and describe the factors which influence it.
6. Write a note on signal intergration.
7. Write a note on spin spin coupling
8. Write a note on shielding and deshielding effects involved in NMR spectroscopy
9. Explain the following with suitable example.
a) Vicinal coupling
b) Germinal coupling
c) Long range coupling
10. Write a note on magnetic properties of nuclei
11. Briefly explain the principle of NMR spectroscopy
12. Write a note on instrumentation of NMR spectroscopy
13. Write a note on CW and Pulsed FT instrumentation of NMR Spectroscopy
14. a) How NMR can be used to distinguish between ketone and enol tautomers?
b)TMS is used as internal standard for measuring chemical shift values, account for it.
15. Describe briefly the various applications of NMR spectroscopy
16. What do you understand by the position of the signal in an NMR spectrum? How many signals
are expected in each of following compound
a. Propane
b. Ethanol
c. Butanol
d. Isobutene
17. How will you distinguish between cis and trans isomer with the help of NMR spectroscopy
18. How will you study the conformation of cyclohexane and decalins with the help of NMR
19. How NMR can be used to distinguish between E and Z isomers?
20. Explain proton exchange reactions with suitable example (or) how NMR can be used to study
proton exchange process
21. How NMR can be used to detect hydrogen bonding?
22. An organic compound’s [mol.formula- C6H12O2] description of NMR data is as follows
H NMR: (d in ppm)
0.9(3H, t)
1.2(3H, t)
1.7(2H, q)
2.3(2H, q)
3.7(2H, t)
C NMR: Six signals , a distinct peak at d 172ppm
Predict the structure of the compound and assign the signals.
23. Calculate the chemical shift in ppm for a proton that has resonance at 126Hz downfield from
TMS on spectrophotometer that operates at 60MHz
24. A compound with molecular formula C6H12O2 shows four signals;
i) Singlet 1.1d (6H)
ii) Singlet 2.1d (3H)
iii) Singlet 2.6d (2H)
iv) Singlet 3.9d (1H)

Propose a structure consistent with given data.

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