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Software manual

Interface + Stand-alone AddIns

Maintenance Tool
Release 2.6.x

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14


1 Preliminary note 3
1.1 Symbols and formats used ..................................................................................................4
1.2 Purpose of the document .....................................................................................................5
1.3 History of the instructions (Interface + Stand-alone AddIns) ...............................................5

2 Safety instructions 6

3 Functions and features 7

3.1 CAN AddIn ...........................................................................................................................8
3.2 RS232(USB) AddIn ..............................................................................................................8
3.3 CanUtility AddIn ...................................................................................................................8

4 Serial interface (RS232) 9

4.1 Requirements .....................................................................................................................10
4.2 Add a serial interface to a configuration ............................................................................10
4.3 Menu functions ...................................................................................................................11
4.3.1 Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 11

5 CAN interface 12
5.1 Requirements .....................................................................................................................13
5.2 Add an interface AddIn to a configuration ..........................................................................13
5.3 Menu functions ...................................................................................................................14
5.3.1 Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 14

6 CanUtility 15
6.1 Requirements .....................................................................................................................16
6.2 Add CanUtility to a configuration........................................................................................16
6.3 Menu functions ...................................................................................................................17
6.3.1 Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3.2 NodeID search ........................................................................................................................... 17

7 Index 18

8 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale 19

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Preliminary note Symbols and formats used

1 Preliminary note

Symbols and formats used .......................................................................................................................4

Purpose of the document .........................................................................................................................5
History of the instructions (AddIn interfaces)............................................................................................5

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Preliminary note Symbols and formats used


1.1 Symbols and formats used


Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.

Slight reversible injuries may result.

Property damage is to be expected or may result.

Important note
Non-compliance can result in malfunction or interference
Supplementary note
► ... Request for action
> ... Reaction, result
 ... "see"
abc Cross-reference
123 Decimal number
0x123 Hexadecimal number
0b010 Binary number
[...] Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Preliminary note Purpose of the document


1.2 Purpose of the document


This document describes the installation and use of the following software components:
 CAN AddIn for the Maintenance Tool, as from version 2.6.x
 RS232 (USB) AddIn for the Maintenance Tool, as from 2.6.x
 CanUtility AddIn for the Maintenance Tool, as from 2.6.x
This document is to complement the following documentations:

Document Manufacturer
Software manual Maintenance Tool, as from version 2.6.x ifm electronic gmbh
Installation instructions of the target system (controller) ifm electronic gmbh
Programming / System manual of the target system (controller) ifm electronic gmbh


1.3 History of the instructions (Interface + Stand-alone AddIns)


Versions Topic

1.0 New creation of the document

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Safety instructions History of the instructions (Interface + Stand-alone AddIns)

2 Safety instructions

► Read the installation instructions and the programming / system manual of the target system
before using the software.
► Familiarise yourself with the basic functions of the Maintenance Tool ( Software manual
Maintenance Tool).
► If the operating instructions or the technical data are not adhered to, personal injury and/or
damage to property can occur.

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Functions and features History of the instructions (Interface + Stand-alone AddIns)

3 Functions and features

CAN AddIn ................................................................................................................................................8

RS232(USB) AddIn ..................................................................................................................................8
CanUtility AddIn ........................................................................................................................................8

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Functions and features CAN AddIn


3.1 CAN AddIn


The CAN AddIn for the Maintenance Tool can be used for the following tasks:
 Selecting the CAN interface
 Setting the baud rate of the CAN interface

3.2 RS232(USB) AddIn


The RS232(USB) AddIn for the Maintenance Tool can be used for the following tasks:
 Selecting the COM port of the serial interface
 Setting the baud rate of the serial interface

3.3 CanUtility AddIn


The CanUtility AddIn for the Maintenance Tool can be used together with the "CAN"AddIn for the
following tasks:
 Setting the baud rate of the CAN bus
 Determining the baud rate of the CAN bus
 Determining the NodeID of the devices on the CAN bus

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Serial interface (RS232) CanUtility AddIn

4 Serial interface (RS232)

Requirements .........................................................................................................................................10
Add a serial interface to a configuration .................................................................................................10
Menu functions .......................................................................................................................................11

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Serial interface (RS232) Requirements


4.1 Requirements

To connect the Maintenance Tool PC/laptop via a serial interface to a controller ifm recommends the
following accessory:

Designation Article no.

Programming cable EC2096

► Put programming cable into operation

( > Data sheet search > EC2096 > Operating instructions).
► Connect Maintenance Tool computer and controller with the programming cable.

4.2 Add a serial interface to a configuration


To add a serial interface (RS232) to a configuration:

1 Select configuration
► Use [File] > [New Configuration] to create a new configuration.
Use [File] > [Open Configuration ...] to open a saved configuration.
2 Add RS232(USB) AddIn to the configuration
► In the window [Maintenance Navigation] highlight the root element of the configuration structure (e.g. [ecomat
> The root element is active.
► Select [File] > [Load AddIn...].
> The list of the available interface AddIns is displayed.
► In the list, highlight the RS232(USB) AddIn and press [Add] to add it to the configuration.
> In the window [Maintenance Navigation], [RS232(USB)] is displayed as a sub-element of the root element.
► Use [File] > [Save Configuration] to save the changes.

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
Serial interface (RS232) Menu functions


4.3 Menu functions


4.3.1 Settings

To configure the serial interface (RS232):

► Observe the requirements ( Requirements ( page 10)).

1 Select menu page

► Navigation path: [RS232(USB)] > [Settings]
> Group [Communication] shows options for the configuration of the serial interface:

2 Select serial interface

► Press the [Scan for interfaces] button.
> Maintenance Tool is scanning the hardware for available serial interfaces (RS232).
If successful:
> List [Port name] shows the available serial interfaces.
► Select the requested serial interface.
> Selected value is applied.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the procedure.
3 Set the baud rate
► In list [Baudrate], select the required transfer rate.
> Selected value is applied.

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
CAN interface Menu functions

5 CAN interface

Requirements .........................................................................................................................................13
Add an interface AddIn to a configuration ..............................................................................................13
Menu functions .......................................................................................................................................14

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
CAN interface Requirements


5.1 Requirements

To connect the Maintenance Tool PC to the device via a CAN or RS232 interface, ifm electronic gmbh
recommends the following accessories:

Description Article no.

CANfox EC2112

► Put CANFox into operation

( > Data sheet search > EC2112 > Operating instructions).
► Connect the Maintenance Tool PC and the BasicSystem to CANFox.

5.2 Add an interface AddIn to a configuration


To add the AddIn to a configuration:

1 Select configuration
► Use [File] > [New Configuration] to create a new configuration.
Use [File] > [Open Configuration ...] to open a saved configuration.
2 Add interface AddIn
► In the window [Maintenance Navigation], highlight the root element of the configuration structure (e.g. [ecomat
> Root element is active.
► Use [File] > [Load AddIn...] to activate the list of the installed interface AddIns.
> The list of the installed interface AddIns is displayed.
► Highlight the requested interface AddIn in the list and use [Add] to add it to the configuration.
> In the window [Maintenance Navigation] the interface AddIn is displayed as a subelement of the root element.
► Use [File] > [Save Configuration] to save the changes.

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
CAN interface Menu functions


5.3 Menu functions


5.3.1 Settings

To configure the CAN interface:

► Observe the requirements! ( Requirements ( page 13)).

1 Select menu page

► Navigation path: [CAN] > [Settings]
> Group [Interface settings] shows the following configuration options:

2 Select interface
► Press the [Search for interfaces] button.
> Maintenance Tool is scanning the hardware for available CAN interfaces.
If successful:
> List [Interface] shows the available serial CAN interfaces.
► Select the requested serial interface.
> Selected value is applied.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the procedure.
3 Set the baud rate
► In List [Baudrate], select the required transfer rate.
> Selected value is applied.

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
CanUtility Menu functions

6 CanUtility

Requirements .........................................................................................................................................16
Add CanUtility to a configuration ............................................................................................................16
Menu functions .......................................................................................................................................17

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
CanUtility Requirements


6.1 Requirements

The CanUtility requires the installation and correct configuration of the following interface AddInn:
 CAN AddIn ( CAN interface ( page 12))

6.2 Add CanUtility to a configuration


To add the CanUtility AddIn to a configuration:

1 Select configuration
► Use [File] > [New Configuration] to create a new configuration.
Use [File] > [Open Configuration...] to open a saved configuration.
2 Optional: Add CAN AddIn
►  Add an interface AddIn to a configuration ( page 13)
3 Add a CanUtility AddIn
► In the configuration structure: mark the required CAN node.
► Select [File] > [Load AddIn...].
> A dialogue window with the available AddIns is displayed.
► Select [CAN Utility] and confirm with [Add].
> In the configuration structure [CAN Utility] appears as a sub-element of the selected CAN node.
► Use [File] > [Save Configuration] to save the changes.

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14
CanUtility Menu functions


Menu functions

6.3.1 Settings

To set the baud rate of the CAN bus:

► Navigation path: [CAN Utility] > [Settings]
> List [Baudrate] shows the set baud rate.
► In the list [Baudrate], select the required value.
> Selected value is applied.

6.3.2 NodeID search


The menu page [NodeID Scan] provides access to the following functions:

Determine the baud rate of the CAN bus


To determine the baud rate of the CAN bus:

► Navigation path: [CAN Utility] > [NodeID Scan]
► In the group [Determine Baudrate] press the [Start] button.
> Maintenance Tool determines the set baud rate of the CAN bus.
> The information bar displays the result and the determined baud rate.
> Maintenance Tool applies the determined baud rate as data rate of the CAN bus.

Determining the NodeIDs of the devices on the CAN bus


To determine the NodeIDs of the CAN bus participants:

► Navigation path: [CAN Utility] > [NodeID Scan]
► In the group [Detect Devices] carry out the following actions:
1. In fields [From] and [To] limit the search zone.
2. Press the [Start] button to start the scanning process.
> Maintenance Tool scans the CAN bus for devices.
If devices have been found:
> The table shows the following information of the devices found:
 NodeID (e.g. 123)
 Device designation (e.g. CR0032)
 Hardware revision
 Software revision (e.g. V02.01.02 081215)

ifm Software manual Interfcace + Stand-alone AddIns for Maintenance Tool 2.6.x 2014-11-14

7 Index
Add a serial interface to a configuration ................................................10
Add an interface AddIn to a configuration .............................................13
Add CanUtility to a configuration ...........................................................16

CAN AddIn ...............................................................................................8
CAN baud rate .......................................................................................14
CAN interface ........................................................................................12
CanUtility AddIn .......................................................................................8

Determine the baud rate of the CAN bus ..............................................17
Determining the NodeIDs of the devices on the CAN bus ....................17

Functions and features ............................................................................7

History of the instructions (AddIn interfaces) ..........................................5

ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale...................19

Menu functions ......................................................................... 11, 14, 17

NodeID search .......................................................................................17

Preliminary note .......................................................................................3
Purpose of the document ........................................................................5

Requirements ........................................................................... 10, 13, 16
RS232(USB) AddIn..................................................................................8

Safety instructions ...................................................................................6
Serial interface (RS232) ..........................................................................9
Settings ..................................................................................... 11, 14, 17
Symbols and formats used ......................................................................4

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