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Software Manual

„R360 System“ AddIn

for Maintenance Tool

Release 3.4.x or higher

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25


1 Preliminary note 4
1.1 The purpose of the document ..............................................................................................4
1.2 Symbols and styles used .....................................................................................................4
1.3 History of the instructions (AddIn R360 system)..................................................................5

2 Safety instructions 6
2.1 General safety instructions ..................................................................................................6
2.2 Warnings used .....................................................................................................................6

3 Functions and features 7

3.1 Supported devices ...............................................................................................................7

4 Installation 8
4.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................................8
4.2 Install R360 system AddIn ...................................................................................................8
4.3 Add R360 system AddIn to a configuration .........................................................................8

5 Operating instructions 9
5.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................9
5.2 Navigate in the menu tree ..................................................................................................10
5.2.1 Menu tree: Show subelements ................................................................................................... 10
5.2.2 Menu tree: Hide subelements..................................................................................................... 11
5.2.3 Menu tree: Show functions ......................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Notes on working with safety controllers ...........................................................................12

6 Menu functions 13
6.1 Settings ..............................................................................................................................14
6.1.1 Set expert mode and compatibility mode ................................................................................... 14
6.1.2 Switch between standard and extended side ............................................................................. 15
6.1.3 Set communication channel ....................................................................................................... 16
6.1.4 Set device parameters................................................................................................................ 17
6.1.5 Enter application password ........................................................................................................ 18
6.2 System information ............................................................................................................19
6.2.1 Read identity .............................................................................................................................. 20
6.2.2 Error Memory ............................................................................................................................. 21
6.3 Software .............................................................................................................................23
6.3.1 Load ........................................................................................................................................... 24
6.3.2 Commands ................................................................................................................................. 30
6.3.3 Support ....................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3.4 PLC information.......................................................................................................................... 35
6.3.5 Symbol Configuration ................................................................................................................. 36
6.3.6 System data ............................................................................................................................... 38
6.3.7 Memory settings ......................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.8 Memory display .......................................................................................................................... 41
6.4 CSV editor ..........................................................................................................................44
6.4.1 Create a new CSV data record ................................................................................................... 45
6.4.2 Edit an existing CSV data record ................................................................................................ 47
6.4.3 Transfer a CSV data record to the device .................................................................................. 47
6.4.4 Merge CSV data records ............................................................................................................ 48

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25

6.5 About ..................................................................................................................................49

7 Error elimination 50

8 Appendix 51
8.1 Safety check lists ...............................................................................................................52
8.1.1 Check list: Create boot project ................................................................................................... 52
8.1.2 Check list: Upload application from controller............................................................................. 53
8.1.3 Check list: Download application to other controllers ................................................................. 54

9 Index 55

10 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale 57

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Preliminary note The purpose of the document

1 Preliminary note
The purpose of the document ..................................................................................................................4
Symbols and styles used ..........................................................................................................................4
History of the instructions (AddIn R360 system) ......................................................................................5

1.1 The purpose of the document


This document describes the installation and use of the following following software component:
 R360 system AddIn for the Maintenance Tool, version 3.4.x or higher
This document is to complement the following documentations:

Document Manufacturer
Software manual Maintenance Tool, version 3.4.x or higher ifm electronic gmbh
Installation instructions of the target system ifm electronic gmbh
Programming manual / Operating instrcutions of the target system ifm electronic gmbh


1.2 Symbols and styles used


► ... Instructions
> ... Reaction, result

→ ... Cross-reference or internet link

123 Decimal number
0x123 Hexadecimal number
0b010 Binary number
[...] Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Preliminary note History of the instructions (AddIn R360 system)


1.3 History of the instructions (AddIn R360 system)


Issue Topic

7391011_00 New creation of the document

7391026_00 Update to Maintenance Tool release 3.0.x

7391049_00 Update to Maintenance Tool release 3.2.x
 Added: Support of Safety controller
7391110_00 Update to Maintenance Tool release 3.3.x
 Added: Read error memory
 Added: Control IO module
7391133_00 Update to Maintenance Tool release 3.4
 Added: Support of Safety controller
 Added. Batch command -em
 Added: Export error memory

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Safety instructions General safety instructions

2 Safety instructions
General safety instructions .......................................................................................................................6
Warnings used ..........................................................................................................................................6

2.1 General safety instructions


► Read the installation instructions and the programming / system manual of the target system
before using the software.
► Familiarise yourself with the basic functions of the Maintenance Tool (→ Software manual
Maintenance Tool).
► If the operating instructions or the technical data are not adhered to, personal injury and/or
damage to property can occur.

2.2 Warnings used


Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.

Slight reversible injuries may result.

Property damage is to be expected or may result.

Important note
Non-compliance may result in malfunction or interference.
Supplementary note.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Functions and features Supported devices

3 Functions and features


In conjunction with the supported devices (→ Supported devices (→ p. 7)) and the Maintenance Tool the
"R360 system" AddIn is intended for the following tasks:
 Transfer software components to the device
 Save software components of the device
 Control (start, stop, delete, reset) PLC applications on the device
 Execute restore and boot commands
 Read system information
 Read and change memory contents online
 Create, administer and tranfer CSV data records to the device
 Control and maintain configurations using the command line

3.1 Supported devices


The "R360 system" AddIn supports the access to the following models of the ifm device family "R360":

Article no. Device Runtime system

CR0020 R360 Classic Controller (16 bit), 40 inputs and outputs V05.00.00 or higher
CR0200 R360 Extended Controller (16 bit) V05.00.00 or higher
CR0032 R360 Classic Controller (32 bit) V02.00.00 or higher
CR0232 R360 Extended Controller (32 bit) V01.00.00 or higher
CR0033 R360 Classic Controller (32 bit), 16 inputs and outputs V01.00.06 or higher
CR0233 R360 Extended Controller (32 bit), 40 inputs and outputs V01.00.06 or higher
CR0303 R360 Cabinet Controller (16 bit) V05.00.04 or higher
CR0505 R360 Classic Controller (16 bit), 24 inputs and outputs V05.00.00 or higher
CR2500 R360 Smart Controller (16 bit), 12 inputs and outputs V05.00.01 or higher
CR7032 R360 Safety Controller (32 bit), 16 inputs, 16 outputs V01.00.02 or higher
CR7132 R360 Safety Controller (32 bit), 80 inputs and outputs V01.00.02 or higher
CR7021 R360 Safety Controller (16 bit), 40 inputs and outputs V06.00.06 or higher
CR7201 R360 Safety Controller (16 bit), 80 inputs and outputs V06.00.06 or higher
CR7506 R360 Safety Controller (16 bit), 24 inputs and outputs V06.00.06 or higher

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Installation Requirements

4 Installation
Requirements ...........................................................................................................................................8
Install R360 system AddIn ........................................................................................................................8
Add R360 system AddIn to a configuration ..............................................................................................8

4.1 Requirements

Installation and correct configuration of one of the following interface AddIns are the prerequisite for
the R360 system AddIn:
 CAN AddIn (→ software manual interface AddIns)
 RS232(USB) AddIn (→ software manual interface AddIns)
 CANwireless AddIn (→ software manual interface AddIns)

4.2 Install R360 system AddIn


The R360 system is part of the Maintenance Tool setup file. The AddIn will be installed together with
the Maintenance Tool by default.
To check if the AddIn is already installed:
► [Tools] > [Uninstall AddIn...]
If the AddIn is not installed:
► Reinstall the Maintenance Tool (→ software manual of the Maintenance Tool)

4.3 Add R360 system AddIn to a configuration


To add the R360 system to a configuration:

1 Select configuration
► Select [File] > [New UserConfiguration] to create a new configuration.
Select [File] > [Open UserConfiguration ...] to open a saved configuration.
2 Add interface AddIn to the configuration
► Add the required interface AddIn to the configuration and configure it (→ Requirements (→ p. 8)).
3 Add Basic sytem AddIn to the configuration
► In the configuration structure: Select the interface AddIn.
> Selected interface Addin is active.
► Add the R360 system AddIn to the configuration (→ Software manual of the Maintenance Tool).
> In the configuration structure the R360 system AddIn is displayed as a subelement of the interface AddIn.
► Save the changed configuration.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Operating instructions Overview

5 Operating instructions
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................9
Navigate in the menu tree ......................................................................................................................10
Notes on working with safety controllers ................................................................................................12

5.1 Overview

1 The header shows provides information on the program version of the R360 system AddIn.

2 The menu structure shows the menu tree of the functions of the R360 system addin.

3 Active element in the menu tree

4 The [R360 System] window shows the functions of the active element.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Operating instructions Navigate in the menu tree


5.2 Navigate in the menu tree


The functions of the AddIn are grouped by topic. The menu tree shows all function groups in a tree
> The active navigation element has a dark-grey background.
> The triangle symbol characterises navigation elements that have
further subelements. The orientation of the triangle symbol indicates
if the subelements are hidden:
= subelements are hidden
= subelements are visible.


5.2.1 Menu tree: Show subelements


To show the subelements of a navigation element in the menu tree:

► In the menu tree: Mouse click on the symbol left of the requested navigation element.
> The triangle symbol points downwards:
> Subelements of the navigation element are visible.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Operating instructions Navigate in the menu tree


5.2.2 Menu tree: Hide subelements


To hide the subelements of a navigation element in the menu tree:

► In the menu tree: Mouse click on the symbol left of the requested navigation element.
> The triangale symbol points to the right:
> Subelements of the navigation element are hidden.


5.2.3 Menu tree: Show functions


To show the functions of a subelement in the menu tree:

► In the menu tree: Mouse click on the requested subelement.
> Subelement is active.

> Window [R360 System] shows all available functions.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Operating instructions Notes on working with safety controllers


5.3 Notes on working with safety controllers


The Maintenance Tool (release 3.4.x or higher) supports safety controllers of the "R360" device family
(→ Supported devices (→ p. 7)).
To establish a connection between the Maintenance Tool and the safety controller, the safety
controller has to run in the operating mode "TEST mode" (TEST pin = TRUE).

Further infomration about the operating mode "TEST mode": → programming manual, section
TEST mode

If the Maintenance Tool detects a safety controller the header area displays a safety note. The note
provides a hyper link to the safety check lists contained in the appendix of this manual (→ Safety check
lists (→ p. 52)).

The Maintenance Tool securely transfers the data between the PC/laptop and the safety controller.
When using a serial connection (RS232/USB) mechanism for error detection will be applied. When
using the CAN bus the CAN specific secure mechanisms will be applied. Both interface addins are
certified for use in safety-related applications.

The CANwireless addin is not certified for use in safety-releated applications. The user is
responsible to manage expectable safety threats and safety issues before using the addin.
In batch mode all data between PC/laptop and the safety controller will be transfered via an
unsafe connection! The data transfer in batch mode is not suitable for safety controllers.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Notes on working with safety controllers

6 Menu functions
Settings ...................................................................................................................................................14
System information .................................................................................................................................19
CSV editor ..............................................................................................................................................44
About ......................................................................................................................................................49

Many of the menu functions described in this chapter can also be executed in the batch mode
of the Maintenance Tool.
→ Software manual of the Maintenance Tool

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Settings


6.1 Settings

The menu page [Settings] provides access to the following functions:

 Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)
 Switch between standard and extended side (→ p. 15)
 Set communication channel (→ p. 16)
 Set device parameters (→ p. 17)
 Enter application password (→ p. 18)

6.1.1 Set expert mode and compatibility mode


With the expert mode enabled the user has access to the following additional functions:
 Switch between standard and extended page (→ Switch between standard and extended side
(→ p. 15))
 Transfer bootloader to the device (→ Transfer software to the controller (download) (→ p. 24))
 Display memory settings (→ Memory settings (→ p. 40))
 Display and change memory contents (→ Memory display (→ p. 41))
 Display system data (→ System data (→ p. 38))
 Merge CSV data (→ Merge CSV data records (→ p. 48))

With the compatibility mode enabled the Maintenance Tool displays a warning message if connected
to a offically unsupported controller.
To set the expert mode:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Settings]
2 Set expert mode and compatibility
► Group [Mode]: set the following parameters as requested:
Parameter Description Possible values
[Expert mode] The parameter enables or disables the expert Expert mode is disabled.
Expert mode is enabled.

[Compatibility mode] The parameter enables or disables the Expert mode is disabled.
compatibility mode.
Expert mode is enabled.

> Selected value is applied.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Settings


6.1.2 Switch between standard and extended side


The operator can only access these functions if the following conditions are met:
 Expert mode is active (→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).
 The controller has an extended page (devices with article number CR02nn, CR7132 and

To switch between the inputs/outputs of the standard and extended side:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Settings]
2 Switch between standard and extended side
> Group [Switch to extended/standard side] shows the active I/O side of the controller.
► Use [Standard] to activate the inputs and outputs of the standard side of the controller.
Use [Extended] to activate the inputs and outputs of the extended side of the controller.
> Maintenance Tool activates the selected I/O side of the controller.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Settings


6.1.3 Set communication channel


To set the parameters of the communication channel:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Settings]
2 Set interface parameters
> Group [PC Interface] shows the current parameter values of the selected interface:

CAN: Change NodeID and baud rate


Parameter Description Possible values

[Node ID] CANopen identifier of the device which the 1 ... 127
Maintenance Tool uses to communicate with the
device (communication channel).
[Baudrate] Data transfer rate of the communication channel depends on the device

The parameter values shown here correspond to the parameter values set in the CAN AddIn.
(→ Software manual of the CAN AddIn)

► Set the required values for [Node ID] and [Baudrate].

► Selected values are applied.

RS232: Change port name and baud rate


Parameter Description Possible values

[Port name] Name of the serial interface COM1...COMx
x = max. number of serial interfaces
[Baudrate] Data transmission rate of the serial interface depends on the device

The parameter values shown here correspond to the parameter values set in the RS232 AddIn.
(→ Software manual RS232 AddIn)

► Set the requested values in the lists [Port name] and [Baudrate].
> Selected values are applied.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Settings


6.1.4 Set device parameters


To set the interface parameters of the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Settings]
2 Set interface parameters of the device
> Group [Device Interface] shows the current parameter of the selected device interface:

CAN: Change NodeID and baud rate


Parameter Description Possible values

[Node ID] CANopen identifier of the device interface 1...127

[Baudrate] Data transmission rate of the device interface depending on the device

The baud rate of the device interface muss be identical to the baud rate of the communication channel. If the baud
rate of the device interface is changed, the Maintenance Tool adjusts the baud rate automatically to the
communication channel. (→ CAN: Change NodeID and baud rate (→ p. 16))

► Set the required values in the [Node ID] and [Baudrate] lists.
► Use [Apply] to apply the selected values.

If successful:
> Selected values are applied.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the process.

RS232: Change baud rate


Parameter Description Possible values

[Baudrate] Data transfer rate of the communication channel depends on the device

The baud rate of the device interface muss be identical to the baud rate of the communication channel. If the baud
rate of the device interface is changed, the Maintenance Tool adjusts the baud rate automatically to the
communication channel. (→ RS232: Change port name and baud rate (→ p. 16))

► Set the requested value in list [Baudrate]

► Use [Apply] to activate the selected values.

If successful:
> Selected values are applied.
► Reboot the device (→ Reset controller (reset) (→ p. 30)).
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the procedure.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Settings


6.1.5 Enter application password


A CODESYS project can be protected from non-authorised reading using the command setpwd. To
make sure that the Maintenance Tool can access such a project, the correct password must be
To enter the password:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Settings]
2 Enter password
► In group [Application Password], enter the requested password in the [Password] field.
> The entered password will be used to access the application stored on the device.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions System information


6.2 System information

Read identity ...........................................................................................................................................20

Error Memory ..........................................................................................................................................21

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions System information


6.2.1 Read identity


To obtain detailed information about the controller connected to the Maintenance Tool:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [System Informationen] > [Identity]
2 Read device information
► Press the [Update] button to read the system information.
> The device goes into the STOP state (status LED lights green).
> Group [Device Information] shows the following information:
Parameter Description Possible values

[Order Number] Order number of the R360 controller e.g. CR0032

[Software Version] Version number of the installed operating e.g. V02.01.02.081215
[Manufacturer] Manufacturer of the controller ifm electronic gmbh
[Application State] Status of the CODESYS application stored to Running application in RUN mode
the controller
NotRunning application in STOP mode
NoApplication no application
[Active Application] Name of the active CODESYS application e.g.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions System information


6.2.2 Error Memory


The menu page [Error Memory] provides accesss to the following functions:
 Read error events and error memory (→ p. 21)
 Export error memory information (→ p. 22)

Read error events and error memory


Before reading the error memory the controller changes into the STOP state.

To read the error memory of the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [System Informationen] > [Error Memory]
2 Read error events and error memory
► Click on [Update].
> The device goes into the STOP state (status LED lights green).
> Maintenance Tool reads the error events and the error memory of the device.
> Under [Error Events]: table shows the detected errors.
Name Description
[Time] Timestamp of the error event
[Event] Error
[Detail] Description of the error
[Err.ID] ID of the error
[Additional Data] additional data

> Under [Error Memory]: table shows the data read from the error memory.
Name Description
[Operation Times] Operation time of the device (DD:HH:MM)
[Bootproject Loadings] Number of Bootproject loadings
[PCB Temperature (Max) [°C]] maximum temperature of the PCB (value in °C)
[PCB Temperature (Min) [°C]] minimum temperature of the PCB (value in °C)
[PCB Temperature (Avg.) [°C]] average temperature of the PCB (value in °C)
[PCB Temperature Cyclings] Number of temperature cycles
[CPU Temperature (Max) [°C]] maximum temperature of the processor (value in °C)
[CPU Temperature (Min) [°C]] minimum temperature of the processor (value in °C)
[CPU Temperature (Avg.) [°C]] average temperature of the processor (value in °C)
[Overvoltage (Max)] Number of overvoltages
[PowerOn Resets] Number of power-on resets
[Watchdog Resets] Number of watchdog resets
[Software Resets] Number of software resets

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions System information

Name Description

[Traps] Number of traps

[Other Resets] Number of resets caused by other instances
[Timebased Errors] Number of time based errors
[Board Link Errors] Number of board link erros
[Board Link Warnings] Number of board link warnings


Export error memory information


To export the information read from the error memory

1 Read the error memory
► Read error events and error memory (→ p. 21)
2 Export information read from the error memory
► Click on [Export].
> Dialogue window appears.
► Enter file name and select directory.
► Click on [Save] to save the file.
> Maintenance Tool saves the information in a CSV file in the selected directory.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


6.3 Software

Load ........................................................................................................................................................24
Commands .............................................................................................................................................30
Support ...................................................................................................................................................34
PLC information ......................................................................................................................................35
Symbol Configuration .............................................................................................................................36
System data ............................................................................................................................................38
Memory settings .....................................................................................................................................40
Memory display ......................................................................................................................................41

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


6.3.1 Load

The menu page [Load] provides access to the following functions:

 Transfer software to the controller (download) (→ p. 24)
 Transfer data record from the CSV file to the controller (→ p. 25)
 Transfer application from PRG/BIN file to controller (→ p. 25)
 Transfer a C-code application to the controller (→ p. 27)
 Save a CSV data record to a RESX file (→ p. 28)
 Convert IntelHex files (.H86) to resource files (.resx) (→ p. 28)
 Copy and save software from the controller (upload) (→ p. 29)

Transfer software to the controller (download)


Risk of data loss!
In case of power failure during the data transmission data can be lost so that the device is no longer
functionable. Repair is only possible by ifm electronic.
► Ensure a reliable voltage supply during data transmission!

To download software components to the controller to store them there:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 Select container file
► Select the [To R360 System] tab.
► Press the [Open file ...] button.
> The file explorer appears.
► Select container file (*.H86 or *.resx) and press the [Open] button to load it.
> List shows the software components contained in the container file.

The bootloader is only visible if the following conditions are complied with:
 Container file contains bootloader.
 Expert mode is activated (→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).

3 Select software components

► Activate the checkboxes of the software components to be transferred.

Activate the [All] checkbox to highlight all listed software components.

4 Transfer software components

► Use [Load] to transfer the selected software components to the device.
> Maintenance Tool deletes all data from the controller.
> Maintenance Tool copies the selected software components separately to the controller (download).
> A progress bar indicates the status of the data transfer.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software

> The device goes into the STOP state (status LED lights green).

If successful:
> Maintenance Tool displays success message (→ Error elimination (→ p. 50)).
> The software components are stored on the device.
If it failed:
> Error message is displayed.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the process.

Transfer data record from the CSV file to the controller


For use in CSV-based data in ifm controllers: → System manual of the controller!

To transfer a data record from the CSV file to the controller:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 Load CSV file
► Select the [To R360 System] tab.
► Press the [Import file ...] button.
> The file explorer appears.
► Select the CSV file and press the [Open] button to load the file.
> List shows the loaded CSV file.
3 Transfer CSV file to the device
► Activate checkbox of the CSV file.
► Use [Load] to transfer the CSV files to the controller.
> Maintenance Tool writes the data into the memory area of the controller. Its start address is defined in the CSV file.

Transfer application from PRG/BIN file to controller


To transfer data from a PRG/BIN file to the memory area "User Application" (APP) of the controller:
1 Selet menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 Load PRG/BIN file
► Select [To R360 System] tab.
► Press [Import file ...] button.
> File explorer appears.
► Select PRG/BIN file and press [Open] to load the file.

PRG file can only be transfered to 32 bit controllers of the R360 device class.

> Dialog box appears.

3 Select controller and memory area
► Set the following parameter as requested:

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software

Parameter Description Possible values

Controller Device, the application will be transfered to Supported devices

Start address Name of the memory area, the application R360_32_APPLICATION Start address of the APP
will be written in memory segment
(= values dependis on the
used device)
End address End address of the memory area Value will be automatically calculated from the size of the
PRG/BIN file

► Press [OK] button to apply the selected values.

> List shows application loaded from the BIN/PRG file.
4 Transfer application to the device
► Activate the application checkbox.
► Press [Load] to transfer the application from the BIN/PRG file to the controller.
> Maintenance Tool writes the data to the selected memory area of the controller.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


Transfer a C-code application to the controller


CODESYS provides the possibility to include C programming code in a IEC application (e.g.
ISOBUS_Stack_C-Code). These applications are stored in a certain memory segment of the device.

The function is only available in expert mode (→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode
(→ p. 14)).
The function is only available for 32 bit controller.

1 Select menu page

► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 C-Code_Anwendung laden
► Select [To R360 System] tab.
► Click on [Import file ...].
> File explorer appears.
► Select H86 containing the C-code application and click on [Open] to load the file.
> Dialog box appears.
3 Select controller and memory segment
► Set the following parameter as requested:
Parameter Description Possible values
[Controller] Device, the application will be transfered to Supported devices
[Start address] Name of the memory area, the application will be R360_32_C Start address of the memory
written in APPLICATION segment for C-code applications
(values depends on the used

[End address] End address of the memory area Value will be automatically calculated from the size of
the H86 file

The C-code application should not be greater than 512 kB.

► Click on [OK] to apply the selected values.

> List shows the loaded C-code application.
4 Transfer application to the device
► Activate the application checkbox.
► Press [Load] to transfer the application from the H86 file to the controller.
> Maintenance Tool writes the data to the selected memory area of the controller.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


Save a CSV data record to a RESX file


To add a data record from a CSV file to a resource file (*.resx):

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 Import CSV data record
► Select the [To R360 System] tab.
► Press the [Import file ...] button.
> The file explorer is displayed.
► Select the CSV file and press the [Open] button to load it.
> Window shows information about the selected CSV file.
► Press [Import file ...] button to import the selected CSV file.
> List shows the imported CSV file.
3 Add CSV data to RESX file and store it
► Activate the checkbox of the CSV data record.
► Press [Save as *.Resx] button.
> The file explorer is displayed.
► Select the name and the memory location of the container file and press the [Save] button to start the saving
> Maintenance Tool stores the CSV data record in a RESX file.

Convert IntelHex files (.H86) to resource files (.resx)


To convert an IntelHex file (*.H86) into a resource file (*.resx):

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 Load IntelHex file
► Select the [To R360 System] tab.
► Press the [Open file ...] button.
> The file explorer appears.
► Select the IntelHex file (*.H86) and press the [Open] button to load it.
> List shows the software components contained in the IntelHex file.

The bootloader is only visible if the following conditions are complied with:
 IntelHex file contains bootloader.
 Expert mode is activated (→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).

► Activate the [All] checkbox to highlight all listed software components.

3 Create a resource file
► Press the [Save as *.Resx] button.
> Maintenance Tool creates a resource file from the selected software components.

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Menu functions Software


Copy and save software from the controller (upload)


To copy the software components from the controller and to store them in a container file (.resx or
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Load]
2 Select software components
► Select the [From R360 System] tab.
> List shows an overview of the software components:
Software component Meaning / performance
RuntimeSystem Runtime system of the device
Application IEC application (CoDeSys project)
MemoryRetainData Retain data
VarRetainData Retain variables
FileFlash Symbol configuration
DataFlash Memory area for FLASH_READ and FLASH_WRITE
UserFlash Data of the application program (e.g. data tables, symbol name lists)

► Activate the checkboxes of the software components that are to be transferred and saved.

Activate the [All] checkbox to select all software components.

► Optional: Activate the [Check CRC] checkbox to verify the CRC check sum of the software components.
3 Copy and save the selected components
► Press the [Load] button.
> The file explorer is displayed.
► Select the name, directory and format of the container file and press [Save] to save the file.
> Maintenance Tool copies all selected software components from the controller to the container file.

If a selected software component is missing on the controller, a warning message is displayed.

► Press [Close] to confirm the warning message.

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Menu functions Software


6.3.2 Commands

The menu page [Commands] provides access to the following functions:

 Reset controller (reset) (→ p. 30)
 Control the IEC application (→ p. 31)
 Control IO module (→ p. 31)
 Execute Bootloader commands (→ p. 32)
 Change to the runtime system (→ p. 32)
 Execute recovery commands (→ p. 33)

Reset controller (reset)


To reset the controller:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Commands]
2 Select and execute type of reset
► In group [Reset]: select the requested reset type:
Type of reset Meaning / performance
[Warm]  The following variables are reset to their initialisation values:
 Variables that were not initialised are reset to default initialisation values (example: integer numbers
to 0)

[Cold]  The device goes into the STOP status (status LED lights green).
 The following variables are reset to their initialisation values:
 Variables that were not initialised are reset to default initialisation values (example: integer numbers
to 0)
[Source]  The device goes into the STOP status (status LED lights green).
 The IEC application on the device is deleted.
 The following variables are reset to their initialisation values:

► Press the requested reset button.

> Controller is reset with the selected type.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


Control the IEC application


To control the IEC application on the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Commands]
2 Control IEC applicaton
► In group [IEC application], press one of the following command buttons:
Button Description Response of the system
[Start] The IEC application on the device is started. The controller goes into the RUN status (status LED
flashes green at 2 Hz).

[Stop] The running IEC application is stopped. The controller goes into the STOP status (status LED
lights green).
[Delete] The IEC application on the device is deleted. The controller goes / stays in the STOP status (status
LED lights green).

> Maintenance Tool executes a selected command on the device.


Control IO module

The function is only available in expert mode (→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode
(→ p. 14)).
The function is only available for the following devices: CR2031, CR2032, CR2033
The function is only available, if a CAN connection is established between Maintenance Tool
and the device.
The function can only be executed if the IO module is in bootloader mode.

To switch the IO module from bootloader mode to runtime system mode:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Commands]
2 Control IO module
► In group [IEC Application]: Click on [RunIoModul].
> IO module changes into runtime system mode.
> Status LED lights green.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


Execute Bootloader commands


To activate the bootloader mode:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Commands]
2 Execute Bootloader command
► In group [Bootloader]: Press [Force Bootloader Mode] button.
> Controller changes to bootloader mode.
> Runtime system and application program are deleted on the device.
> The device settings remain unchanged.

Change to the runtime system


To change to the runtime system of the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Commands]
2 Change to the runtime system
► In group [Bootloader]: Press [Switch to Runtime System Mode] button.
► Power the controller off and on again.
> Controller changes to the runtime system mode.
> The application stored on the device is deleted.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


Execute recovery commands


The operator can only access these functions if the following conditions are met:
 Expert mode is activated. (→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).
 Maintenance Tool accesses the controller via the serial interface (RS232 (USB) AddIn).

To display the restore commands of the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Commands]
2 Execute the recovery command
► In group [Recovery Commands]: execute one of the following commands:
Button Performance

[Force Bootloader Mode] > You are asked to switch the device off and on again.
► Power the device off and on again.
> The runtime system and the application program are deleted in the device.
> The settings in the device remain unchanged.
[Force Bootloader-Modus (Factory Settings)] > You are asked to switch the device off and on again.
► Power the device off and on again.
> The runtime system and the application program are deleted in the device.
> The device is reset to factory settings.
[Force Runtime System Mode > You are asked to switch the device off and on again.
(Remove Application)] ► Power the device off and on again.
> The application program is deleted in the device.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


6.3.3 Support

The menu page [Support] provides access to the following functions:

 Export support file (→ p. 34)

Export support file


If failures occur, the user can create a support file (*.resx) to make error diagnostics easier for the
service engineers. The support file contains all relevant hardware parameters of the controller.
Optionally, the user can select memory areas that are additionally included into the support file.

The Maintenance Tool encrypts the created support file. This protects the data contained in
the file from unauthorised access. Only ifm service employees can edit this support file.

To create and export a support file:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Support]
2 Optional: Select the software segments to be exported
► Activate the [Advanced ...] checkbox.
> A list of available software segments is displayed.
► Activate checkboxes of the software segments that are to be added to the support file.

Activate the [All] checkbox to highlight all software segments.

3 Create support file

► Press the [Export Support File ...] button.
> Maintenance Tool creates a support file with hardware parameters in the selected software segments.
> Maintenance Tool encrypts the created support file.
> The file explorer is displayed.
► Select the file name and folder and press [Save] to export the support file.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software

6.3.4 PLC information


To read information about the controller:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [PLC Information]
2 Read controller information
► Press the [Update] button.
> Maintenance Tool reads information from the controller.
> Group [Software Information] shows the following information:
Designation Description Possible values

[Active Software] e.g. RuntimeSystem

[Software Release] Version of the installed firmware e.g. CR0032 V02.01.02 081215
[Vendor] Manufacturer of the device ifm electronic gmbh
[Target ID] CODESYS target ID for device group (display e.g. 16860
only if target ID is stored on the device)
[Runtime System CRC] CRC checksum of the runtime system e.g. EC3649A6
[Bootloader CRC] CRC checksum of the bootloader e.g. B7B3F179

> Group [Application] shows the following information:

Designation Description Possible values
[Identity] ID that the programmer has set with the e.g. 134448
CODESYS function block SET_IDENTITY.

[CRC] CRC checksum of the application e.g. 82406096

[State] Status of the application Running application in RUN state
NotRunning application in STOP state
NoApplication no application on the device
[Cycle Time] Cycle time of the application e.g. 0.321ms (max. 8.081ms)

> Group [Communication] shows the following information:

Designation Description Possible values
[Protocol] Protocol of the communication with the e.g. V2.3 Tricore

[CAN1 Download ID] Download ID of the CAN1 interface e.g. 127

[Service Interface] Interface the Maintenance Tool computer uses CAN CAN interface
to communicate with the device.
RS232 serial interface
[Baudrate] Data transmission rate of the service interface e.g. 125

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Menu functions Software


6.3.5 Symbol Configuration


The menu page [Symbol Configuration] provides access to the following functions:
 Display symbol configurations stored on the device (→ p. 36)
 Load symbol configurations from the device (upload) (→ p. 36)
 Transfer symbol configuration to the device (download) (→ p. 37)
 Delete symbol configurations on the device (→ p. 37)

Display symbol configurations stored on the device


To display the symbol configurations stored on the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Symbol Configuration]
2 Show stored symbol configurations
► Press the [Update] button.
> Maintenance Tool verifies if symbol configurations have been stored on the device.
> Table shows the following information about the symbol configurations stored on the device:
Parameter Description
[Name] Name of the symbol configuration
[Size] Size of the symbol configuration
[Size on Controller] Size of the symbol configuration on the controller


Load symbol configurations from the device (upload)


To upload a symbol configuration from the device to the Maintenance Tool computer:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Symbol Configuration]
2 Show stored symbol configurations
► Display symbol configurations stored on the device (→ p. 36)
3 Transfer symbol configuratons to Maintenance Tool computer
► Use [Upload] to copy the requested symbol configuration from the device to the Maintenance Tool computer.
> A progress bar indicates the status of the data transfer.

If successful:
> A success message appears.
► Repeat the procedure for further files symbol configurations if required.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed (→ Error elimination (→ p. 50)).
► Remove the error cause and repeat the process.

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Menu functions Software


Transfer symbol configuration to the device (download)


The name of the symbol configuration must not exceed 15 characters nor contain any blanks
or special characters. Before the download, Maintenance Tool changes upper case
automatically into lower case.

To transfer a symbol configuration to the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Symbol Configuration]
2 Select and transfer symbol configuration
► Press the [Download File...] button.
> The file explorer appears.
► Select symbol configuration (.smb) and press [Open] to start the data transfer.
> Transfer the selected symbol configuration to the device.
> A progress bar indicates the status of the data transfer.

If successful:
> A success message appears.
> Group [Symbol Configuration] shows the name and the size of the copied symbol configuration.
► Repeat the procedure for additional files if required.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed (→ Error elimination (→ p. 50)).
► Remove the error cause and repeat the procedure.

Delete symbol configurations on the device


Risk of data loss!
When deleting, all symbol configurations stored in the device are lost!
► Create a backup copy of all symbol configurations before deletion! (→ Load symbol configurations
from the device (upload) (→ p. 36))

To delete symbol configurations stored on the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Symbol Configuration]
2 Delete files
► Press the [Erase All] button.
> Maintenance Tool deletes all symmbol configurations stored on the controller.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions Software


6.3.6 System data


The operator can only have access to these functions if the expert mode has been activated.
(→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).

To read information on the system data and the configuration of the interfaces:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [System Data]
2 Read system data
► Press the [Update] button.
> Maintenance Tool reads the system data of the device.
> Group [Basics] shows the following information:
Parameter Description Possible values

[Startup CRC] Checksum of the start-up data depends on the device (hexadecimal
representation), value in kByte

[Startup Length] Size of the start-up data depends on the device (hexadecimal
representation), value in kByte
[Bootloader CRC] Checksum of the bootloader data
[Bootloader Length] Size of the bootloader data Value in kByte
[Runtime CRC] Checksum of the runtime data
[Runtime Length] Size of the runtime data Value in kByte
[Application CRC] Checksum of the application data
[Application Length] Size of the application data Value in kByte
[Controller Status] Current operating status of the controller STOPPED Controller in the STOP mode

RUNNING Controller in the RUN mode

> Group [CAN] shows the following information:

Parameter Description Possible values
[CANx Download ID] CANopen identifier of the interface depending on the type of controller

[CANx Extended Modus] Format of the data frames in a CAN FALSE Base Frame Format

TRUE Extended Frame Format

[CANx Baudrate] Data rate of the interface depending on the selected controller, value in

x ... number of the CAN interface (depending on the selected controller)

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Menu functions Software

> Group [RS232] shows the following information:

Parameter Description Possible values

[Baudrate] Data rate of the interface depending on the type of controller, value in

[Format] Format of the serial bit sequence in the B ... {7, 8}

following schematic illustration: [B S P] P ... {N = No parity,
B ... number of data bits E = Even parity,
P ... parity O = Odd parity}
S ... number of stop bits S ... {1, 2}
e.g. 8 N 1
8 ... 8 data bits
N ... No (= no parity)
1 ... 1 stop bit

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Menu functions Software


6.3.7 Memory settings


The operator can only have access to these functions if the expert mode has been
activated(→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).

To get information on the memory segmants of the unit:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Memory Settings]
2 Read information on memory segments
► Press the [Update] button.
> Maintenance Tool reads the memeory information of the device.
> Table shows the following information on the memory segments of the device:
Table column Description Possible values
[Memory] Designation of the memory area depending on the type of controller
[Base] Start address of the memory area depending on the type of controller;
value in hexadecimal representation
[Total Size] Size of the memory area depending on the type of controller;
(indicated in byte) value in hexadecimal representation
[Used Size] Size of the assigned memory area depending on the type of controller;
(indicated in byte) value in hexadecimal representation

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Menu functions Software


6.3.8 Memory display


The operator can only have access to these functions if the expert mode has been activated.
(→ Set expert mode and compatibility mode (→ p. 14)).

The menu page [Memory Display] provides access to the following functions:
 Show contents of the memory (→ p. 42)
 Change contents of a memory location (→ p. 43)

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Menu functions Software


Show contents of the memory


To display the memory contents of the controller:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Memory Display]
2 Read the memory contents of the controller
► Press the [Start] button.
> Maintenance Tool reads the memory contents of the controller.
> Table shows the following information:

1 Active memory location with start address (= lowest line)

2 Display mode (coding) of the contents of the individual memory locations;

– HEX = hexadecimal
– DEC = decimal
– STRING = character string
3 Control element, to be navigated in the active memory location; selected address is shown in the first line of the
4 Memory location with current memory contents;
– row header = basic address
– column header = address offset
– address of the memory location: Row header + address offset

The indicated information (memory areas, memory addresses, size of the memory contents) depends on the
device! (→ Device manual of the controller)

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Menu functions Software

3 Select display options

► Select the memory area to be displayed in the list
► Use the tabs [HEX], [DEC] and [STRING] to set the display mode of the memory contents.
► Use [+] / [-] to select the memory block to be displayed in the first table row step by step.
4 Terminate the reading process
► Use [Stop] to terminate the online mode.

Change contents of a memory location


Risk of data loss and malfunction in case of wrong settings!
► The values of the memory locations are to be changed only with great care and know-how!

This function is NOT available for safety controller!

To change the contents of individual memory locations:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [Software] > [Memory Display]
2 Activate "Online Change" mode
► Press the [Start] button.
> The "Online Change" mode is activated.
> Maintenance Tool reads the memory contents of the controller.
3 Change the contents of the memory location
► Select the requested memory area from the list.
► Use the radio buttons [HEX], [DEC] or [STRING] to set the display mode of the memory contents.
► Mouse click on the requested memory location.
> The highlighted memory location has a white frame.
► Enter the requested value.
> The memory location with changed values has a red frame.
► If required: repeat step 3 to change further memory locations.
4 Adopt the modifications
► Press the [Write] button.
> Maintenance Tool writes the modified values in the memory locations of the controller.
► If required: Repeat steps 3 and 4 for further memory locations.
5 Terminate the "Online Change" mode
► Use [Stop] to terminate the "Online Change" mode.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions CSV editor


6.4 CSV editor


The menu page [CSV Editor] provides access to the following functions:
 Create a new CSV data record (→ p. 45)
 Edit an existing CSV data record (→ p. 47)
 Transfer a CSV data record to the device (→ p. 47)
 Merge CSV data records (→ p. 48)

With the CSV editor the user can write data in CSV format directly into one of the following memory
areas of the controller:
 File Flash
 User Flash
 Data Flash
 Var Retain
 Memory Retain (available only for 32-bit controllers)

Additional information on the use of CSV files: → System manual of the controller

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions CSV editor


6.4.1 Create a new CSV data record


To write a data record in CSV format (data type 0) in a specified memory area of the controller:
1 Call up menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [CSV Editor]
2 Create CSV file
► Use [New] to create a new CSV data record.
> An empty input mask is displayed:

3 Enter header data of the CSV data record

► In group [File Infomration]: enter the following values:
Parameter Description

[Start Address] Start address of the requested memory area (→ Memory settings (→ p. 40))
[Char Length] Character length of the text fields

The Maintenance Tool creates the header information of the CSV file on the basis of the values indicated here.
When an invalid value is entered the input field [Start Address] gets a red frame.
► Read the valid start address (→ Memory settings (→ p. 40))
► Repeat the process with the read value.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions CSV editor

4 Enter the CSV data record

► Enter the following data in the table line by line:
Column header Description

[Value] Requested value

[Data Type] Data type of the entered value
[Address] Relative address at which the entered value is stored; The absolute address results from the start
address and the relative address
[Comment] Comments on the entered value (option); the comment is not transferred to the device

Maintenance Tool calculates the valid address automatically based on the selected data type.

► Use [Undo] / [Redo] to cancel / repeat individual entry steps.

5 Store data record
► Press the [Save as...] button.
> The file explorer appears.
► Enter the name of the CSV file, select the memory location and press [Save] to store the data record.

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Menu functions CSV editor


6.4.2 Edit an existing CSV data record


To edit an existing CSV data record:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [CSV Editor]
2 Load CSV data record
► Press the [Open...] button.
> The file explorer appears.
► Select the CSV file and press the [Open] button to load the file.
> The input mask shows the header information and the data record of the CSV file.
3 Edit header information and CSV data
► Change header information and data as requested line by line in the input mask.

Description of the header parameters: → Create a new CSV file

4 Save changes
► Press [Save] button to apply the changes.
> CSV file contains changed data.

6.4.3 Transfer a CSV data record to the device


To transfer the CSV data record to the device:

1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [CSV Editor]
2 Create/load data record
► → Create a new CSV data record (→ p. 45)
► → Edit an existing CSV data record (→ p. 47)
3 Optional: Adapt the start address
► In the field [Start Address], enter the start address of the requested memory segment (→ Memory settings
(→ p. 40)).
► Press the [Save] button to apply the changes.
4 Transfer CSV data record to the controller
► Press the [Transmit] button.
> Maintenance Tool transfers the CSV data record to the requested memory segment of the controller.

If successful:
> A success message appears.
> Access to data from the CSV file is possible at the respective memory addresses.
If not successful:
> Error message is displayed.
► Remove the error cause and repeat the procedure.

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Menu functions CSV editor


6.4.4 Merge CSV data records


To merge a CSV data record and the content of a memory segment of the device:
1 Select menu page
► Navigation path: [R360 System] > [CSV Editor]
2 Load / Create a CSV data record
► → Create a new CSV data record (→ p. 45) or → Edit an existing CSV data record (→ p. 47)
> Table shows the CSV data record
3 Merge CSV data record and memory content
► Press the [Merge] button.
> Maintenance Tool reads the depicted memory segment of the device and uses the content to overwrite the entered
values in the table.
> Changed table cells are marked with a red frame.
► Hover the mouse pointer over a table cell to show the previous value.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Menu functions About


6.5 About

The menu page [About] shows information on the supported devices.

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Error elimination About

7 Error elimination

If an error occurs during runtime of the application the Maintenance Tool will display an error message
containing an error code. The following error codes are available:

Error code Description Abhilfe

4101 The device is not supported by the Maintenance ► Check list of supported devices
Tool. ► Check status LED of the device (should be green)

5031 CAN connection could not be established. ► Check status of connection between CAN port and
SiE.CANOpenWrapper.SIECANOpenClientException PC / laptop

5067, 4001 Timeout error, the connection has been terminated ► Check baudrate
► Check Node ID
5067 Abort code: 0x5008 ► Check power supply
► Check CAN connection
5100 The device returns an invalid memory segment size ► Check size of software segment
for {} ► Check firmware version of the device
5116 The firmware version of this device is not supported ► Check firmware version of the device
by the Maintenance Tool
Invalid Key SiE MT_API Version ► Check if CAN interface API is correctly installed.
(Maintenance Tool supports SiE MT_API)

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Appendix About

8 Appendix
Safety check lists ....................................................................................................................................52

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Appendix Safety check lists


8.1 Safety check lists

Check list: Create boot project ...............................................................................................................52

Check list: Upload application from controller ........................................................................................53
Check list: Download application to other controllers .............................................................................54

8.1.1 Check list: Create boot project


This check list describes the procedure of downloading the safety application to the controller. The
check list provides all necessary working steps as well as additional space for noting down important

No. Task Check Value

1 In case of access via the CAN bus make sure that the right Download ID =
controller is addressed!
Controller serial number =
2 Use the Maintenance Tool 3.4.x to load the runtime system to the Maintenance Tool release =
controller (→ Transfer software to the controller (download) (→ p. 24)).
Runtime system release =
3 Use the Maintenance Tool to read the "PLC Information" of the Read value:
controller (→ PLC information (→ p. 35)). Runtime system release =
Compare, whether the read values of [Version] and [CRC] are Read value:
equal to the values of [Version] and [CRC] in the release Runtime system CRC =
Value in release documents:
Runtime system release =
Values in release documents:
Runtime system CRC =
Identical values? yes / no
4 Use the function block SET_IDENTITY in the IEC application to Determined ID =
determine the identity (ID).
5 Use CODESYS to download the application to the controller and Boot project created? yes / no
create a boot project:
1. [Online] > [Login]
2. [Online] > [Create boot project]
6 Start the application (→ Control the IEC application (→ p. 31)). Runs correctly? yes / no
Check that the application runs without problems.
If OK, continue with Step 7.
7 Use the Maintenance Tool to read the "PLC information" of the Identity =
controller (→ PLC information (→ p. 35)).
Compare, whether the read values of [Identity] and [CRC] are
equal to the values of the application (Steps 3 and 5) Identical to specified ID? yes / no
8 Archive the following documents: Screenshot exists? yes / no
 this check list with values noted down
 Optional: screenshots of "PLC Informationen"

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Appendix Safety check lists


8.1.2 Check list: Upload application from controller


This check list describes the procedure of reading the approved application from a controller. The
check list provides all necessary working steps as well as additional space for noting down important

No. Task Check Value

1 In case of access via the CAN bus make sure that the right Download ID =
controller is addressed!
Controller serial number
2 Use the Maintenance Tool (3.4.x) to upload and save the Maintenance Tool release =
application from the controller (→ Copy and save software from the
controller (upload) (→ p. 29))
1. [R360System] > [Software] > [Load] > [From R360System]
2. Select [Application] only
Select file name, directory and file type (Resx or H86)! File name =
3 Use the Maintenance Tool to read the "PLC informationen" of the read value:
controller (→ PLC information (→ p. 35)). Identity =
Compare the read values for [Identity] and [CRC] with the values
of the application obtained in "Check list: Create boot project with read value:
CODESYS" (→ Check list: Create boot project (→ p. 52)). Application CRC =
value in check list:
Application Identity =
value in check list
identical to present yes / no
4 Archive the following documents: File name (Resx/H86)
 Resx/H86 file of the application Screenshot exists? yes / no
 this check list with values noted down
 Optional: screenshot of "PLC information"

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25
Appendix Safety check lists


8.1.3 Check list: Download application to other controllers


This check list describes the procedure of downloading the approved application to other controllers.
The check list provides all necessary working steps as well as additional space for noting down
important information.

No. Task Check Value

1 In case of access via the CAN bus make sure that the right Download ID =
controller is addressed!
Controller serial number =
2 Use Maintenance Tool (3.4.x) to download the runtime system to Maintenance Toolrelease =
the controller (→ Transfer software to the controller (download)
(→ p. 24)) Runtime system version =
1. [R360System] > [Software] > [Load] > [To R360System]
2. Open Resx/H86 file and select [RuntimeSystem] only!
3 Use Maintenance Tool to read the "PLC informationen" from the Read value:
controller (→ PLC information (→ p. 35)). runtime system version =
Compare the read values for [Version] and [CRC] with the values Read value:
of the runtime system in approved release notes. runtime system CRC =
Value in release documents:
runtime system version =
Value in release documents:
runtime system CRC =
Values identical? yes / no
4 Use Maintenance Tool to download the archived application to File name =
controller (→ Check list: Upload application from controller (→ p. 53),
→ Transfer software to the controller (download) (→ p. 24))
1. [R360System] > [Software] > [Load] > [To R360System]
2. Open Resx/H86 file and select [Application]

5 Start the application (→ Control the IEC application (→ p. 31)) -- --

6 Use Maintenance Tool to read the "PLC informationen" of the Read value:
controller (→ PLC information (→ p. 35)). Application identity =
Compare the read values for [Identity] and [CRC] with the values Read value:
from "Check list: Upload application from controller" (→ Check list: Application CRC =
Upload application from controller (→ p. 53)).
Value from check list:
Application identity =
Value from check list:
Application CRC =
Values identical? yes / no
7 Archive the following documents: Screenshot exists? yes / no
 this check list including the values noted down
 Optional: Screenshot of "PLC informationen"

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25

9 Index M
Memory display......................................................................................41
A Memory settings ....................................................................................40
About......................................................................................................49 Menu functions ......................................................................................13
Add R360 system AddIn to a configuration .............................................8 Menu tree
Hide subelements .......................................................................................... 11
Appendix ................................................................................................51
Show functions .............................................................................................. 11
C Show subelements ........................................................................................ 10
Merge CSV data records .......................................................................48
Change NodeID and baud rate ............................................................... 16, 17 N
Change contents of a memory location .................................................43
Navigate in the menu tree .....................................................................10
Change to the runtime system...............................................................32
Notes on working with safety controllers ...............................................12
Check list
Create boot project ........................................................................................ 52 O
Download application to other controllers..................................................... 54
Upload application from controller ................................................................ 53 Operating instructions..............................................................................9
Commands ............................................................................................30 Overview ..................................................................................................9
Control IO module..................................................................................31
Control the IEC application ....................................................................31
Convert IntelHex files (.H86) to resource files (.resx) ...........................28 PLC information .....................................................................................35
Copy and save software from the controller (upload) ...........................29 Preliminary note .......................................................................................4
Create a new CSV data record .............................................................45
CSV editor..............................................................................................44 R
Read error events and error memory ....................................................21
D Read identity ..........................................................................................20
Delete symbol configurations on the device ..........................................37 Requirements ..........................................................................................8
Display symbol configurations stored on the device .............................36 Reset controller (reset) ..........................................................................30
E Change baud rate .......................................................................................... 17
Edit an existing CSV data record ..........................................................47 Change port name and baud rate ................................................................. 16
Enter application password ...................................................................18
Error elimination.....................................................................................50
Error Memory .........................................................................................21 Safety check lists ...................................................................................52
Execute Bootloader commands ............................................................32 Safety instructions ...................................................................................6
Execute recovery commands ................................................................33 Save a CSV data record to a RESX file ................................................28
Export error memory information...........................................................22 Set communication channel ..................................................................16
Export support file ..................................................................................34 Set device parameters...........................................................................17
Set expert mode and compatibility mode ..............................................14
F Settings ..................................................................................................14
Functions and features ............................................................................7 Show contents of the memory ...............................................................42
Software .................................................................................................23
G Support ..................................................................................................34
Supported devices ...................................................................................7
General safety instructions ......................................................................6
Switch between standard and extended side........................................15
H Symbol Configuration ............................................................................36
Symbols and styles used .........................................................................4
History of the instructions (AddIn R360 system) .....................................5
System data ...........................................................................................38
I System information ................................................................................19

ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale...................57 T

Install R360 system AddIn .......................................................................8
The purpose of the document..................................................................4
Installation ................................................................................................8
Transfe r application from PRG/BIN file to controller...................25
L Transfer a C-code application to the controller .....................................27
Transfer a CSV data record to the device .............................................47
Load .......................................................................................................24
Transfer data record from the CSV file to the controller .......................25
Load symbol configurations from the device (upload) ..........................36
Transfer software to the controller (download)......................................24
Transfer symbol configuration to the device (download) ......................37

ifm Software Manual AddIn R360 System (V3.4.x) 2017-10-25

Warnings used .........................................................................................6

10 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle
Version: 2016-11-29 8310

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