Dear Craig Williams

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Dear Craig Williams,

I have had the pleasure of teaching [student name] in my [grade] grade [subject] class. Among the five

groups of students that come into my class every day, [student name] stood out from the rest

immediately from the first day itself.

In the classroom, [student name] often expressed a level of maturity and commitment which is hard to

miss in a student. Her dedication went beyond my expectations. She wasn’t just an active participant in

classroom discussions but was also very astute, insightful and perceptive. Her questions many times

forced me to think twice before answering. Her confidence and eagerness to learn more also earned

her respect from her classmates.

[Student name]’s desire to learn more is not just limited to classes. She is equally ahead in

extracurricular activities. She has been doing [list of activities] and all of these at her level best.

For all these reasons and more, I would recommend [student name] for your institution. She has always

made us proud, and she will make you proud too if you choose to admit her. I truly believe she deserves

this chance. For any other information, you can call or email me on [phone number] or [email id].


Lee PrestoN
A : Hi,B. Why do you look so sad?
B : I am so confused
A : Why? Maybe I can help you
B : Tomorrow my mother will come here
A : It sounds nice. She will bring many foods for you.
B : No, A. That’s problem. Tomorrow I will go to EXO concert with my friends. I have bought
VIP ticket.
A : I think you should tell your mother that you will go to EXO concert. So, she know what you
will do tomorrow.
B: No, thank you. My mother doesn’t like concert and she doesn’t like if I watch concert.
A : Have you got the articles about environment?
B : No,I haven’t . There is no newspaper at home.
A : So how can you complete your task tomorrow?
B : I don’t know. Do you have an idea to solve this problem?
A :How about if we go to My uncle’s home, he is a newspaper sender .
B : It is a good idea
A : We have to get there at 4 p.m. He will get home after 3 p.m everyday in the afternoon.
B : You have to remember me, i am afraid i forget it
A : Yes I will

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