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10/21/2019 September 2019 - Quiz Part 2-complete-test

September 2019 - Quiz Part 2

General Awareness – Current A airs
Q.1) Indian Railways has recently (Sep 2019) inaugurated its first gaming zone at which one of the
following sta ons?
[A] New Delhi
[B] Guwaha
[C] Vishakhapatnam
[D] Bengaluru
[E] Lucknow

Q.2) Who among the following Kathak dancers/Actors has passed away recently (Sep 2019)?
[A] Veeru Krishnan
[B] Mrinalni Sarabhai
[C] Shovana Narayan
[D] Sunder Prasad
[E] None of the above

Q.3) Which former Union Minister and Senior Advocate has passed away recently in the month of
September 2019?
[A] K P S Menon
[B] D V Sadanand Gowda
[C] Ram Jaithmalani
[D] Ananth Kumar
[E] Kanchan Chaudhary Bha acharya

Q.4) Which of the following is the theme of the Interna onal Literacy Day, held on 8th Sep 2019?
[A] Reading the past
[B] Literacy in digital world
[C] Literacy and Skill Development
[D] Literacy and Mul lingualism.
[E] None of the above 1/23
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Q.5) Recently (Sep 2019), first Indian helicopter summit has been held at which of the following places?
[A] Chandigarh
[B] Dehradun
[C] Mumbai
[D] Hyderabad
[E] New Delhi

Q.6) In September 2019, India has announced $ 1 Million Disaster Relief aid for which of these countries?
[A] Bahamas
[B] Namibia
[C] Indonesia
[D] Nepal
[E] None of the above

Q.7) Recently in September 2019, Brigid Kosgei has run fastest ever women’s half marathon. She belongs
to which of the following countries?
[A] Great Britain
[B] Ethiopia
[C] Uganda
[D] Kenya
[E] None of the above

Q.8) Recently which of the following teams has emerged as, ‘champions of 93rd All India MCC Murugappa
Gold Cup hockey tournament’?
[A] Indian Air force
[B] Indian oil Company
[C] Punjab na onal bank
[D] Indian Navy
[E] Central Secretariat

Q.9) Who among the following freedom fighters has passed away recently (Sep 2019)?
[A] Heeralal Sharma 2/23
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[B] Mohan Ranade

[C] Mohammad Bazi
[D] Paripoornand Painuli
[E] Padmanabhan

Q.10) Who among the following has been honoured with pres gious ‘Sarla Puruskar’ recently (Sep 2019)?
[A] Satrughna Pandav
[B] Pradeep Dash
[C] Banjara Devi
[D] Dr Hrushikesh Mallick
[E] None of the above

Q.11) Which of the following movies has been screened recently (sep 2019) as a tribute to Nobel laureate
Kailash Satyarthi?
[A] Amoli: Priceless
[B] Children of the pyre
[C] India untouched
[D] Final solu on
[E] Jhalki

Q.12) Recently (September 2019), It has been announced that two of the following states/UTs will have a
common court. These states/UTs are:
[A] Laddakh and Jammu kashmir
[B] Punjab and Haryana
[C] Goa and maharashtra
[D] Nagaland and Assam
[E] None of these

Q.13) Who among the following cricketers has announced his re rement from test cricket in September
[A] Andre Russell
[B] Mohammad Nabi
[C] Jonny Bairstow 3/23
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[D] Kasigo Rabada

[E] Glenn Maxwell

Q.14) Recently in September 2019, the seventh edi on of the bilateral mari me exercise ‘SLINEX 2019’
was conducted between India and Sri Lanka at_.
[A] Kocchi
[B] Mumbai
[C] Kolkata
[D] Vishakhapatnam
[E] None of these

Q.15) Recently (Sep 2019), Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves arrived in New Delhi on a five-day official visit to India.
He is the prime minister of which of these na ons?
[A] Saint Lucia
[B] Samoa
[C] Barbados
[D] An gua and Barbuda
[E] St. Vincent and the Grenadine

Q.16) Who among the following has been appointed as the New Energy minister of Saudi Arabia,in
September 2019?
[A] Mohammad bin Salman
[B] Ibrahim Al Assaf
[C] Mohammad Al Hamdan
[D] Hamad Al Sheikh
[E] Abdulaziz bin Salman

Q.17) Recently (September 2019),in which of these ci es, Na onal Conference on Crop residue
Management was concluded?
[A] Hyderabad
[B] New Delhi
[C] Ghaziabad
[D] Chennai 4/23
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[E] Bengluru

Q.18) Vaidehi Chaudhari has won Asian Tour Tournament in September 2019.She belongs to which of
these sports?
[A] Tennis
[B] Badminton
[C] Wrestling
[D] Weight li ing
[E] squash

Q.19) Who among the following ministers has recently (September 2019) inaugurated first Greenfield
industrial smart city in Aurangabad?
[A] Nirmala Sitharaman
[B] Prakash Javedkar
[C] Ravi Shankar Prasad
[D] Narender Modi
[E] Piyush Goel

Q.20) Recently (September 2019) the centre-le Democra c party along with which of these par es has
formed a government in Italy?
[A] M5S Party
[B] League party
[C] Conserva ve Party
[D] Labour Party
[E] Liberal Party

Q.21) Which of these statement is false regarding the Na onal Animal Disease Control Programme
launched recently in September 2019?
[A] Prime Minister Narender Modi has launched the Na onal Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)
on 11th September.
[B] It has been launched in Mathura, U ar Pradesh.
[C] The programme is aimed at eradica ng the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Brucellosis in the
livestock. 5/23
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[D] It will be done by vaccina ng over 500 Million Livestock including ca le, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs
against the FMD.
[E] It will be accomplished by vaccina ng 36 Million male Bovine Calves annually in its fight against the
Brucellosis disease.

Q.22) In which of the following ci es, Prime Minister Narender Modi has launched Kisan Man Dhan Yojna
on 12th of the September, 2019?
[A] Ranchi
[B] Patna
[C] Indore
[D] Amrava
[E] Gandhi nagar

Q.23) In which of the following countries recently (September 2019), Minister of state for commerce and
Industry of India has par cipated in 84th Thessaloniki Interna onal Fair (TIF)?
[A] Bulgaria
[B] Turkey
[C] Greece
[D] Romania
[E] Austria

Q.24) In September 2019, which movie has been awarded the “Golden Lion Award” at 76th Venice
Interna onal Film Fes val?
[A] Joker
[B] Black Panther
[C] Roma
[D] Green book
[E] Bohemian Rhapsody

Q.25) Researchers have recently(sep 2019) developed a new method to understand the inner workings of
Ar ficial Intelligence (AI) models in terms of causal a ributes. Which of these research Ins tutes
contributed to this inven on?
[A] IISC bengaluru
[B] ISER Mohali 6/23
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[C] IIT Hyderabad

[D] IIT Mumbai
[E] IIT Chennai

Q.26) Who among the following persons has been appointed recently (September 2019) as the Managing
Director of Microso India?
[A] Karan Bajwa
[B] Salil Parekh
[C] Rajiv Kumar
[D] Abdili Neemuchwala
[E] Anindya Basu

Q.27) The Indian Air Force (h ps://

fighters-1567775983704.html), in September 2019 has resurrected which of its following air force sta ons for
Rafale air jets first unit?
[A] Golden Arrow, no. 17 Squadron
[B] The Tigers, no. 1 squadron
[C] Tuskers, no. 5 squadron
[D] Panthers, no. 23 Squadron
[E] Ba le Axes, no. 7 Squadron

Q.28) The exhibi on ‘PRA-KASHI’ has been inaugurated in New Delhi (Sep 2019). It belongs to which of
the following art trends?
[A] Contemporary weaving

[B] Clay models

[C] Abstract art
[D] Sculpturing
[E] Literature

Q.29) India's second mul -modal terminal at Sahibganj (Jharkhand) has been inaugurated in September
2019 by which of the following ministers?
[A] Raghubar Das
[B] Narendra Modi 7/23
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[C] Draupadi Murmu

[D] Arjun Munda
[E] Babulal Marandi

Q.30) Recently which of the following has sworn in as ‘the new chief jus ce’ of the Gujarat High Court?
[A] Dhirubhai Naranbhai Patel
[B] J K Maheshwari
[C] Vikram Nath
[D] Gita Mi al
[E] Harish Chandra Mishra

Q.31) Recently (September 2019), who among the following has become first female pilot from Odisha’s
Maoist-hit Malkangir?
[A] Bhawana Kanth
[B] Mohana Singh
[C] Urvisha Jariwala
[D] Anupriya Lakra
[E] Shailza Dhami

Q.32) Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Nepal counterpart K P Sharma Oli have recently (September
2019) inaugurated the petroleum product pipeline between the two ci es, the first of its kind in South
Asia. These two ci es are:
[A] Sitamrhi (India) & Janakpur (Nepal)
[B] Mo hari (India) & Amlekhgunj (Nepal)
[C] Mujjafarpur (India) & Rajbiraj (Nepal)
[D] Be ah (India) &Birgunj (Nepal)
[E] None of these

Q.33) Recently (September 2019), US President Donald Trump has nominated which of the following
American Indian as federal judge in Florida?
[A] Padmanabhan Shrikanth
[B] Shireen Ma hews
[C] Neomi Rao 8/23
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[D] Deepa Amhekar

[E] Anurag Singhal

Q.34) In Sep 2019, the Botanical Survey of India (BSI) scien sts have discovered two new species of
Zingiber(ginger), from which of these following north east states?
[A] Nagaland
[B] Mizoram
[C] Sikkim
[D] Manipur
[E] Arunachal Pradesh

Q.35) Recently , which of the following cricket players has been bestowed with Knighthoods?
[A] Keith Fletcher and Bob Willis
[B] David Gover and Mike Ga ng
[C] Andrew Strauss and Geoffrey Boyco
[D] Michael Atheron
[E] None of the above

Q.36) In September 2019, which one of the Interna onal Airports has accomplished the dis nc on of
having one million passengers in nine months?
[A] Kocchi
[B] Goa
[C] Kannur
[D] Sikkim
[E] Lucknow

Q.37) In Sep 2019,World’s first-ever gene cally modified silkworm developed at Andhra Pradesh State
Sericulture Research and Development Ins tute (APSSRDI) now awaits approval from Gene c Engineering
Appraisal Commi ee at na onal level to go for the second phase trials with a view to overcome the loss in
silk cocoon produc on.This silkworm is resistant to which of the following microorganisms?
[A] Nematode
[B] B. sub lis
[C] Prion 9/23
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[D] Baculovirus
[E] Aspergillosis Fungus

Q.38) Recently, in Sep 2019, The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has derecognized which of the
following commi ees for viola ng the Na onal Sports Development Code of India, 2011?
[A] Olympic Commi ee
[B] Paralympic commi ee
[C] Empowered steering commi ee
[D] Sports related concussions in youth
[E] None of the above

Q.39) Recently (September 2019), the 8th Edi on of Asian Ministerial Energy Roundtable (AMER8) was
organized at which of the following places?
[A] Abu Dhabi, UAE
[B] Moscow, Russia
[C] Berlin, Germany
[D] Paris, France
[E] New Delhi, India

Q.40) Which organiza on has announced an ini a ve recently (Sep 2019), to help people to recharge
their phones using plas c bo le crushers?
[A] Indian Railway
[B] Department of civil Avia on
[C] Na onal highway authority
[D] Indian Roadways
[E] None of the above

Q.41) In September 2019, to modernize the Indian armed forces and bolster their combat capabili es
over rivals in the region how much amount has been approved by the Indian Government approved
[A] 100 billion
[B] 120 billion
[C] 150 billion
[D] 130 billion 10/23
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[E] 125 billion

Q.42) In September 2019, Which of the following Industries has joined hands with green ac vists to clean
up Mumbai’s Mithi river?
[A] Reliance Industries Limited
[B] Larson and Turbo
[C] ITC Limited
[D] Tata group
[E] Hindustan Uniliver

Q.43) Who among the following has assumed Chairmanship of ‘Alibaba’ in September 2019?
[A] Ma Huateng
[B] Jack Ma
[C] Denail Zang
[D] Richard Liu Qiandong
[E] Joseph Tsai

Q.44) In September 2019,Smartphone firm Realme has appointed which one of the following Bollywood
actors as its brand ambassador?
[A] Aamir khan
[B] Ayushmann khurrana
[C] Siddhart Malhotra
[D] Varun Dhawan
[E] Amitabh Bachchan

Q.45) Recently (September 2019), who among the following has assumed the charge as new Principal
Secretary to Prime Minister Modi?
[A] Ajaybhushan Pandey
[B] Ajay Kumar
[C] P K Mishra
[D] Rajiv Kumar
[E] Nipendra Misra 11/23
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Q.46) Who among the following has been appointed as Managing Director of NBA India?
[A] Rajeev Sethi
[B] Yannick Colaco
[C] Sanjay Gupta
[D] Abheer Shrivastava
[E] None of the above

Q.47) Recently (September 2019), The Defence Research and Development Organiza on has successfully
flight tested indigenously developed Man Portable An tank Guided Missile (MPATGM) in which of the
following ranges??
[A] Kurnool, Andra Pradesh
[B] Chandipur, Odisa
[C] Arawali, New Delhi
[D] Balasore, Odisa
[E] None of the above

Q.48) Recently (Sep 2019), Union Minister Shri Prakash Javedekar has announced the implementa on of
Accessibility Standard for TV Programmes, to enhance the accessibility of television programmes for the
hearing impaired. This will be done by adding which of these provisions?
[A] Cap oning
[B] Indian Sign language
[C] At least one programme per day
[D] Mendate for all new channels
[E] All of the above

Q.49) Recently (September 2019), India has signed two major agreements on “moderniza on of Radar
and Missile Systems of Delhi Class of Indian Navy Ships” with which of the following countries?
[A] United States of America
[B] Russia
[C] Israel
[D] China
[E] Japan 12/23
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Q.50) Exercise ‘Tsentr 2019’, a Joint Exercise between the Armies of India, China, Pakistan and Central
Asian Republics in September 2019 was held at________
[A] Orenburg, Russia
[B] Dehradun, India
[C] Islamabad, Pakistan
[D] Chengdu City, China
[E] None of the above

September 2019 - Quiz Part 2


General Awareness – Current A airs

Q.1)C Q.2)A Q.3)C Q.4)D Q.5)B Q.6)A Q.7)D Q.8)B Q.9)A Q.10)B Q.11)E Q.12)A

Q.13)B Q.14)D Q.15)E Q.16)E Q.17)B Q.18)A Q.19)D Q.20)A Q.21)E Q.22)A Q.23)C

Q.24)A Q.25)C Q.26)C Q.27)A Q.28)A Q.29)B Q.30)C Q.31)D Q.32)B Q.33)E Q.34)A

Q.35)C Q.36)C Q.37)D Q.38)B Q.39)A Q.40)A Q.41)D Q.42)A Q.43)C Q.44)B Q.45)C

Q.46)A Q.47)A Q.48)E Q.49)B Q.50)A

September 2019 - Quiz Part 2


General Awareness – Current A airs

Q.1) Explanation:

· Recently, Indian Railways has opened its first gaming zone at the Visakhapatnam railway sta on as an
innova ve non-fare earning facility and source of entertainment for passengers. The project has been
developed under the New, Innova ve Non Fare Revenue Ideas Scheme (NINFRIS) of the Ministry of
· The Visakhapatnam railway sta on falls under the South Coast Railway (SCR) zone of the Indian
Railways network.

Q.2) Explanation: 13/23
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· Actor and Kathak dancer Veeru Krishnan passed away recently.

· He was best known for his work in films like Raja Hindustani, Dulhe Raja, Akele Hum Akele Tum among

Q.3) Explanation:

· Senior Advocate and former Union law minister Ram Jethmalani has passed away recently. He served
as the Union minister for law in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government from 1999 to 2000.

· He was elected a Member of Parliament in the 6th and 7th Lok Sabha from Mumbai.

Q.4) Explanation:

· Interna onal Literacy Day (ILD) was observed on September 8, 2019. This day highlights the
importance of literacy or the ability to read and write for individuals, communi es, and socie es

· Theme for year 2019 is ‘Literacy and Mul lingualism’.

· It was declared as the Interna onal Literacy Day by UNESCO in its 14th General Conference in 1966.

Q.5) Explanation:

· Recently, the country's first helicopter summit was held in Dehradun where issues related to
"enhancing connec vity through helicopters” were discussed. It was organized by Ministry of Civilian
Avia on.

Q.6) Explanation:

· Recently, India has announced disaster relief aid of $1 million to help people in the Bahamas affected
by Hurricane Dorian.

· The United Na ons has es mated that 70,000 people are in immediate need of food, water and
shelter on the islands

Q.7) Explanation: 14/23
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· Recently, Brigid Kosgei ran the fastest half-marathon ever by a woman by winning the Great North
Run in a me of one hour, four minutes and 28 seconds.

· Her me was 23 seconds quicker than the world record set in 2017 by fellow Kenyan Joyciline

Q.8) Explanation:

· Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has defeated Punjab National Bank (PNB) in the final to emerge
champion in the 93rd All-India MCC-Murugappa Gold Cup hockey tournament. It is the second oldest
tournament in India, first being Beighton Cup in Kolkata, West Bengal.

Q.9) Explanation:

· Freedom fighter Heeralal Sharma has passed away at the age of 95.He ac vely par cipated in the
freedom movement and was jailed for two years.

Q.10) Explanation:

· Noted Odia writer Pradeep Dash has conferred with the 40th edition of prestigious Sarala Puraskar for
his poetry work ‘Charu Chibar O Charjya’.

· Two more notable personalities of Odisha are honored for their valuable contribution in the field of
music and art. While Pandit Harmohan Khuntia will be awarded 'Ila Panda Sangeet Samman', Lalat Mohan
Patnaik will receive 'Ila Panda Chitrakala Samman'.

· Sarala Puraskar is recognized as the foremost literary award of Odisha. This award is one of the finest
contributions of Indian Metals Public Charitable Trust (IMPaCT) to glorify Odia literature.

Q.11) Explanation:

· Recently, a film named ‘Jhalki’ was screened in Mumbai as a tribute to Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Kailash Satyarthi. It is fic onalized account of the ac vist’s efforts against child slavery and bonded labor.

· This year also marks the fi h anniversary of Mr. Satyarthi winning the Nobel Peace Prize, along with
Pakistani ac vist Malala Yousafzai.

Q.12) Explanation: 15/23
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· Recently, it has been announced that The Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh will have
a common high court.The Centre has nullified Ar cle 370 of the Cons tu on, revoking the special status
of the state and also passed the bill on the bifurca on of the State into two UTs.

Q.13) Explanation:

· Recently, Former Afghanistan captain Mohammad Nabi has announced his decision to retire from Test

Q.14) Explanation:

· The seventh edi on of the bilateral mari me exercise named ‘SLINEX 2019’ between India and Sri
Lanka was conducted.

· Two Sri Lankan naval ships, Sindhurala and Suranimala par cipated in the event

Q.15) Explanation:

· Recently, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves arrived in New
Delhi on a five-day official visit to India.

Q.16) Explanation:

· Saudi Arabia's King Salman has replaced the energy minister with one of his sons.
· The appointment of Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman marks the first me a royal family member has been
put in charge of the all-important energy ministry, replacing Khalid al-Falih as the energy minister.

Q.17) Explanation:

· Recently, Union Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare inaugurated Na onal Conference
on Crop residue Management for farmers from states of Punjab, Delhi, Haryana and U ar Pradesh in New
Delhi.It was organized by: Government of India in collabora on with ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural
Research. 16/23
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Q.18) Explanation:

· Vaidehi Chaudhari has defeated Prerna Bhambri in the final of the $3,000 Asian Tour women’s tennis
tournament at the DLTA Complex in New Delhi.

Q.19) Explanation:

· Aurangabad is set to be the new benchmark of industrial progress as Aurangabad Industrial City (AURIC)
will be ‘first Greenfield Industrial smart city’.

· It will also become a thriving centre of India’s industrial activity besides being an integral part of the Delhi-
Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC).

Q.20) Explanation:

· A government has been formed in Italy by the coali on between the centre-le Democra c Party and
the an -establishment Five Star Movement.

· The Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S) is a poli cal party in Italy.

Q.21) Explanation:

· It will be achieved by vaccinating 36 Million Female Bovine Calves annually in its fight against the
Brucellosis disease.

Q.22) Explanation:

· Prime Minister Narendra Modi shall launch the Kisan Man Dhan Yojana on the 12th of September at
Ranchi, Jharkhand.

· The Scheme shall secure the lives of 5 Crore Small and Marginal Farmers by providing a minimum
pension of Rs 3000 per month, to those who a ain 60 years of age. The scheme has an outlay of Rs
10,774 Crores for the next three years.

· All the small and marginal farmers who are currently between the ages of 18 to 40 years can apply for
the scheme. Farmer’s monthly contribu on can be made from the installments of PM-KISAN or through
CSCs. 17/23
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Q.23) Explanation:

· 84th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) has recently taken place in Greece, started in the year 1926.It
is annual commercial exhibition event of significant commercial and political importance in Greece and
Southeastern Europe.

Q.24) Explanation:

· Dark comic book film ‘Joker’ has won the Golden Lion Award at the 76th Venice Interna onal Film
Fes val. Luca Marinelli won Best Actor for the movie Mar n Eden and Ariane Ascaride as best Actress for
the French domes c drama Gloria Mundi

· Roy Andersson won best director for About Endlessness. Yonfan won Best screenplay award for the
animated film No. 7 Cherry Lane

· Toby Wallace won best new talent award for his work in Shannon Murphy’s Baby teeth.

Q.25) Explanation:

· Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT-H) have developed a method by which
the inner workings of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models can be understood in terms of causal attributes.

· Modern AI models can arrive at decisions by in a more human-like manner, but how they arrive at those
decisions is unknown till now.

Q.26) Explanation:

· Microsoft (
schools-1567681716865.html) has appointed Rajiv Kumar as managing director of Microso India (R&D)
Pvt Ltd (MIRPL).

· Rajiv Kumar is succeeding Anil Bhansali, who held this role for the last six years.

Q.27) Explanation:

· The Indian Air Force (

lca-fighters-1567775983704.html) recently has resurrected its 'Golden Arrows' 17 Squadron, which was
disbanded in 2016.

· This squadron was commanded by Air Chief Marshal Dhanoa during the Kargil war in 1999. 18/23
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· It will be the first unit to fly the mul -role Rafale fighter jets.

Q.28) Explanation:

· The exhibi on PRA-KASHI on the finest trends of contemporary weaving has been inaugurated in New
Delhi on 9th September 2019, organized by Na onal Museum, New Delhi in collabora on with Devi Art
Founda on.

Q.29) Explanation:

· Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated India's second multi-modal terminal built at Sahibganj
in Jharkhand.

· This is the second of the three Mul Modal Terminals (MMTs) being constructed on river Ganga under
Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP). First MMT at Varanasi was inaugurated by PM in Varanasi.

Q.30) Explanation:

· Recently, Jus ce Vikram Nath has sworn in as the new chief jus ce of the Gujarat High Court.

· He was serving as a judge in the Allahabad High Court before he was shi ed to the Gujarat High Court.

Q.31) Explanation:

· Hailing from Odisha's Naxal-affected Malkangiri district, 27-year-old Anupriya Lakra has scripted
history by becoming the first female pilot from the backward region.She will soon join a private airline as
a co-pilot.

Q.32) Explanation:

· Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Nepal counterpart K P Sharma Oli have jointly inaugurated the
Mo hari (Bihar) –Amlekhgunj (Nepal) petroleum product pipeline, the first of its kind in South Asia, via a
video link.

· The 69 km-long pipeline is the first-ever cross-border petroleum product pipeline in the South Asia
region. 19/23
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Q.33) Explanation:

· Recently, Anuraag singhal has been nominated as a federal judge in Florida.He is the first Indian-
American to be nominated to this posi on in Florida.

Q.34) Explanation:

· Scien sts from the Botanical Survey of India (BSI) have discovered two new species of Zingiber,
commonly referred to as ginger, from Nagaland. These species are Zingiber perenense (discovered from
the Peren district of Nagaland) and Zingiber dimapurense (found in the Dimapur district of the State)

Q.35) Explanation:

· Recently, Former England cricket captains Andrew Strauss and Geoffrey Boycott have been given
knighthoods. Strauss played 100 tests for England from 2004-12, scoring more than 7,000 runs and
captaining the team to two Ashes series wins.

· Boyco ’s 108 tests from 1964-82 brought him 8,114 runs and he became the first man to reach 8,000
in tests for England.

Q.36) Explanation:

· The Kannur International Airport has accomplished the distinction of having one million passengers in
nine months. It was opened on 9 December, 2018

Q.37) Explanation:

· The name of the silkworm is Baculovirus resistant transgenic silkworm.

Q.38) Explanation:

· The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has derecognized the Paralympic Commi ee of India (PCI) for
viola ng the Na onal Sports Development Code of India, 2011. 20/23
10/21/2019 September 2019 - Quiz Part 2-complete-test

· Paralympic commi ee of India is responsible for selec ng athletes to represent India at the
Paralympic Games and other interna onal athle c meets and for managing the Indian teams at the
· The organiza on was founded in 1992 as the Physically Handicapped Sports Federa on of India.

Q.39) Explanation:

· Recently, the 8th Edi on of Asian Ministerial Energy Roundtable (AMER8) for the year 2019 was held
in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE).India was the co-host along with UAE.It was held alongside the
24th Edi on of World Energy Congress (WEC).

· AMER9 is scheduled to be held in New Delhi in 2021.

Q.40) Explanation:

· Railways will help recharge phones of passengers by using plastic bottle crushing machines installed at
stations in a bid to promote Prime Minister Narendra Modi's initiative to junk single use plastic.

· Modi had appealed to the nation to eliminate single-use plastic and find alternatives to plastic water
bottles on a priority basis.

Q.41) Explanation:

· India has finalized a road map to spend $130 billion in the next five to seven years to modernize the
armed forces and bolster their combat capabili es over rivals in the region. The sources said establishing
India as a military power in the outer space will be another key aspect of the plan.

Q.42) Explanation:

· Recently, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has joined hands with green activists to help clean up
Mumbai’s Mithi, or the Mahim, river, which causes flooding in the central suburbs during the monsoon.

Q.43) Explanation:

· Alibaba chairman Jack Ma has stepped down from the posi on on his 55th birthday.

· The company has now been handed over to CEO Daniel Zhang. 21/23
10/21/2019 September 2019 - Quiz Part 2-complete-test

Q.44) Explanation:

· Recently,smartphone firm Realme has appointed Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana as its brand

Q.45) Explanation:
1. Pramod Kumar Mishra has been appointed as principal secretary to the Prime Minister, he has succeeded Nipendra Misra.
2. P.K. Sinha has been appointed as principal adviser to the Prime Minister, who is currently func oning as officer on special duty in the Prime Minister's office.

Q.46) Explanation:

· The Na onal Basketball Associa on (NBA) has appointed Rajesh Sethi as managing director of NBA
India.He will oversee the basketball and business development ini a ves of NBA in India.

Q.47) Explanation:

· Recently, Defence Research and Development Organization has successfully flight tested indigenously
developed Man Portable Antitank Guided Missile (MPATGM) in the ranges of Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.
It is a low weight, fire and forget type missile and is third generation

· The missile is incorporated with Infrared Imaging Seeker along with advanced avionics of the Man
portable an -tank missile

Q.48) Explanation:

· This has been done to enhance the accessibility of television programmes for the hearing
impaired.This will be done through the provision of cap oning and Indian Sign Languages

Q.49) Explanation:

· The Ministry of Defence, India and JSC Rosoboronexport, Russian Federa on has signed the contract
for moderniza on of “Air Defence Complex Kashmir and Radar Frigat MAE” on P-15 (Delhi Class) ships.

· This step is aimed at substan ally enhance the Air Defence capability of the P-15 Ships. 22/23
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Q.50) Explanation:

· Exercise Tsentr 2019 has been conducted in Russia. Par cipants of this exercise are the Armies of
India, China, Pakistan and Central Asian Republics.

· Exercise Yudh Abhyas 2019 is also taking place in USA.It is an annual bilateral exercise between India
and USA 23/23

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