Moong Varieties

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Varietal Recommendation for different states of India


Recommended Varieties

Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

Pusa Baisakhi, PDP 71-1, PS 16, ML 131, T 44, Kon daveedu (CGG 127), Kopargaon, Lam M2, PS 7,
PS 10, K 851.


T 44, Kopergaon, PS 16, K 851, PS 7, PS 10, Pusa Baisakhi.

Delhi Pusa Baisakhi, Mohini (S-8), PS 7, PS 10, PS 16, Pusa

Bihar BR 2, Sunaina, Amrit, Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, PS 7, PS 10, T 51, PDM 54 (Summer & Kharif)
PDM 11 (Spring), Pusa Baisakhi

Gujarat Gujarat 1, Gujarat 2, Pusa 105, Sabarmati PS 16,m ML 337, PDM 11 (Spring), K 851.

Himachal Pradesh Shining Mung No.1, PS 16, PS 7, PS 10, K 851, : Pusa Baisakhi

Haryana Varsha, PS 7, PS 10, Pusa 105, Pant Moong 1, Pant Moong 3, ML 5, T 44, PS 16, K
851, G 65, S-9, ML 267, ML 337, Pusa Baisakhi

Jammu & Kashmir T 44, Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, PS 7, PS 10, PDM 34

Karnataka Jawahar 45, Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, Kopergaon

Kerala Co 4, Pusa Baisakhi, Mohini (S-8)

Madhya Pradesh Khargaon 1, Krishna 11, Jawahar 45, Kopergaon, Mohini (S-8), PS 16,
Pant Moong 3, Pusa 105, ML 337, PDM 11 (Spring).

Maharashtra Jalgaon 781, Kopergaon, Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, ML 131, Pusa 105, TAP 7, ML 337,
PDM 11 (Spring)

North Eastern Hil Reagin Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, K 851, PS 7, PS 10

Orissa HY 403, HY 12-4, ML 131, Pusa Baisakhi, Kopergaon, PS 16, Dhauli, Ratila

Punjab ML 1, ML 4, G 65, PS 10, Pusa 105, Pant Moong 3, ML 32, ML 267, ML 337, Pant Moong,
PS 7.

Rajasthan R 288-8, D 66-26, RS 4, Jawahar 45, Mohini (S-8), T 44, Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, Pant
Moong 3, Pusa 105, ML 37.

Tamil Nadu CO 1, CO 2, CO 3, CO 4, KM 1, ML 131, KM 2, ADT 2, Paiyur 1, Pusa Baisakhi,

Mohini (S-8).

Uttar Pradesh Type 1, Type 4, Type 51, K 851, Pusa Baisakhi, PS 16, PS 10, PS 7, Pant Moong 2,
Pant Moong 3, ML 267, Pusa 105, ML 337, PDM 54 ((Summer & Kharif), PDM 11 (Spring) Pant
Moong 1.

Characters Of Important Varieties Of Greengram

Variety Important Characters


It is a selection from a local material of Bhiar. It matures in 90 days.

Seeds are mottled yellow. Tolerant to yellow mosaic virus.

Suitable for late planting in north and south Bihar.

BR 2

It was developed by selection from local material of Bhagalpur in Bihar.

It matures in 110-115 days. Plants are semi-erect and seeds are mottled green. It is suitable for
cultivation in Kharif.

CO 4

It was notified in 1983. Its duration is 85 days.

Plants are erect and compact.

Seeds are oblong bold.

It is tolerant to tip blight, powdery mildew and root rot.

G 65

It was developed by local selection at Gurdaspur.

It matures in 65 days. Plants are erect and seeds are dull green, medium in size.

It is suitable for spring/summer cultivation.

Average yield is about 10q/ha.

Hyb 4-3

It was also developed by Rabi sowing in Orissa

Hyb 122-4

It was developed in coastal Orissa for Rabi sowing.

It is tolerant to yellow mosaic virus.

Jawahar 45

It was developed by cross of Madira X U.P. Local.

It matures in 70 to 80 days. Plants are erect.

Seeds are green and small in size with the test weight of 30 g per 1000 seed.

K 851

Short duration variety of 60-65 days.

It was developed at Kanpur by the cross in between 4454-3 x type 1.

Pods are straight, blackish brown at maturity, and 7-10 cm long containing 10-14 seeds per pod.

Seeds are green bold with the average yield of 10-12 q/ha.

This variety is suitable for spring and summer planting.

KM 1

It was developed by the cross of S-8XPS 16.

It is a short duration variety of 65 days.

Seeds are shining green and medium in size.

It is tolerant to yellow mosaic virus and pod borer.

ML 1

It is a cross of Hyb 4 X P 23-67. It matures in 90 days.

Plants are erect and compact with height of 90 cm.

Seeds are green and medium in size with a test weight of 31 g per 1000 seed.

ML 5

It was developed by the cross of No 55 X Hyb 45.

It matures in 80-85 days.

Seeds are green and medium small in size.

It is tolerant to yellow mosaic virus and Cercospora leaf spot. Average yield is 10 q/ha.

ML 131

It was developed by the cross of ML 1 x ML 23.

It was identified in 1983 for peninsular zone.

It matures in 65-70 days. Plants are short compact and seeds are light green, small with the test
weight of 30 g per 1000 seed.

It is resistant to yellow mosaic virus and tolerant to powdery mildew and Macrophomina.

ML 267

It is a cross of ML 1 x LM 987.

It was identified for cultivation in North plain west zone in 1983.

It matures in 73 days.

Seeds are small, shining, light green with the test weight of 30 g per 1000 seed.


It was developed from the cross of BR 2Xtype 2.

It matures in 70-75 days. Plants are erect.

Pods are medium, long containing 10-12 seeds.

Seeds are shining green medium bold with the test weight of 40-45 g per 1000 seed.

Pant Mung 1

It was developed by cross in between LM 294-1X type 44 and identified in 1983 for north plains
west zone.

It matures in 65-70 days in spring and summer and 75-80 days in Kharif.

Plants are tall with dark green foliage. seeds are green with the test weight of 30 g per 1000

Pant Mung 2

It is a mutant of ML 26. It was identified in 1983 for the cultivation in Northern plains ande
eastern zone.

It can also be grown in both spring/summer and Kharif season.

Seeds are shining green and medium in size with the test weight of about 40 g per 1000 seed.

Pant Mung 3

This variety was developed by the cross of LM 294-1XL 80.

It was identified in 1985 for the cultivation in northern plain west zone.

Its duration is 75-85 days. Seeds are shining green, small in size with the test weight of 25 g per
1000 seed.

Plants have multiple resistance to leaf curl virus, yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew.


It was developed by selection from LM 595 and was indentified in 1985.

It matures in 60-75 days. Plants are erect with a height of 50-60 cm.

Pods are brownish black containing 9-11 seeds.

Seeds are green and medium bold with the test weight of 35 g per 1000 seed.

It is resistant to leaf crinkle and powdery mildew and tolerant to yellow mosaic virus and
Cercospora leaf spot.

It is suitable for summer cultivation.

PS 7

It is a selection from P 492 and was notified in 1982 for summer cultivation in Northern plain

It matures in 67 days. Plants are erect and stem is purple pigmented.

Leaves are broad and seeds are bold with the test weight of 50g. per 1000 seed.

PS 10

It was developed at I.A.R.I. by selection from P-469. Varietal features are similar to PS-7 except
lack of pigmentation.

PS 16

It is a selection from germplasm of Iran and was released in 1978.

It is a short duration variety being of 60-65 days. It is popular for summer cultivation.

Seeds are medium in size with the test weight of 43 g per 1000 seed.

Pusa 105

It was developed by selection from an exoticline M 178.

It was identified for cultivation in North west plains and central zones.

Plants are tall. seeds are shining, deep green, medium bold with the test weight of 40 g per 1000

It is tolerant to yellow mosaic virus, powderymildew, macrophonmina blight, aphid, Jassid, etc. It
is suitable for Kharif cultivation.

Pusa Baisakhi

It is selection from Type 44 Plants are semi erect and seeds are dull green, medium bold with the
test weight of 35-40 g per 1000 seed.

It has wider adaptability and is suitable for summer cultivation.


It is a cross of PLM 1066 (Tamilnadu) x Pusa Baisakhi.

It is an early maturing variety. It is tolerant to powdery mildew and leaf spots.

It was developed by the cross of China mung X Type 1.

It is a short duration variety of 60 days.

Plants are semi-erect and tolerant to Cercospora leaf spot. Seeds are medium bold with the test
weight of 40 g per 1000 seed. It is suitable for summer sowing.

Type 1

This variety was developed in U.P during 1948 by selection from local material of Muzaffarpur

It matures in 60-65 days, semi-spreading type, pods are blackish brown at maturity. Seeds are
dull green, medium in size with a test weight of 30 g per 1000 seed. Average yield is about 6-8

Type 44

It was developed in 1962 by a cross between Type 1 X Type 49 in U.P.

Plants are semi-spreading, medium in height, pods are 7-9 cm long containing 11-14 seeds.

Seeds are dull green, medium in size with a test weight of 36 g per 1000 seed.

It is suitable for spring and summer sowing. Average yield is 8-10 q/ha.

Type 51

It was developed by cross between 4465-4X4474-3 during 1962 in U.P.

Plants are erect, tall with the height of 65-85 cm.

Seeds are shining green, small in size with the test weight of 30 g per 1000 seed.

Its duration is 70-80 days and is suitable for Kharif sowing.


It was developed at Hisar. It matures in 60-65 days.

Plants are dwarf erect and compact.

Pods are long containing 10-11 seeds.

Seeds are shining green, very bold with the test weight of 70 g per 1000 seed.

Average yield is 8-10 q/ha.

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