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A. Background Of The Problem

In the globalization, the world is really facing of changes. Each country
competing to create the tools and advanced features. However, from the
technological advances of course there are advantages and disadvantages. On
the one hand, this change is very useful for human life, but on the other is very
worrying. The impact of changes is very worrying that the incidence of poverty
and neglect of moral ethics that they progressively lost. Every human being has
a moral predetermined from birth because it was an absolute thing of every
human being.
Human can not live alone, then encourage them to establish
relationships with others. The relationship is sometimes good and bad. Each
community has its own culture and ethics unique. So it is not surprising that
there are people who often do things which other people strange. People from
different continents and nations figuring out how to successfully get along in
the midst of a wave of change. It is not easy as easy as turning the palm of the
hand. They should be able to choose between a good and a bad thing because
the Impact of globalization can be misleading users if used wisely. All of it
comes from the heart and desire of their own.
The media today is very worrying when used by children under age.
They could have used the media for negative things because they do not know
the outside world. Now has raised some negative effects of globalization such
as young people today every day that there grasp they are gadgets, laptops, and
Black Berry. With these tools they can obtain information without the
knowledge of their parents. So they often do things according to the state and
religion was banned like drunkenness, adultery, theft, gambling using drugs,
commit a crime etc.


Mass media when used continuously will cause adverse effects on the
physical, mental, and social life or work. People who have been abusing the
media too often, it can lead to dependence. The form of dependence is not
solely to mass media alone, but dependence also includes other things like
being our mood modifiers, such as sex, money, power, work, shopping, etc.
Dependence on it will cause problems or problems in our lives. There is a big
difference between each type of dependency, but there equation, that is the
underlying problem.
Factor of this environment that determines the value and moral force.
Because, it is a product of culture and religion. Ethics is the key to the success
of a person Giving rise to different moral standards in accordance with the
prevailing value system that has been built from the old. So the authors wrote
the paper entitled "The moral decline of the nation in globalization era".
B. Limitation Of The Problem
From the problems above, it can be formulated the problems, they are:
1. What is the definition of moral?
2. What is the definition of globalization?
3. What is the impact of globalization on people’s lives?
4. How is the prevention of irregularities arising from globalization?
C. The Aim Of Research
From the above problems arise purpose in writing this paper:
1. To know the definition of moral
2. To know the definition of globalization
3. To know is the impact of globalization on people’s lives.
4. To know is the prevention of irregularities arising from globalization
D. The Research Methodology
Before we know the methods used by the writer, let us understand what
it is method. Method is a means used by the writer to collect data used to write
scientific papers. As regard methods used writer is a resech literature. Reset


literature is a way that makes data collection objects is writing as a means to

collect a problem. Step done are:
1. Preparation phase
In this stage the writer chose the topic, define problems, and create a
2. Phase data collection
In this stage the writer find the data and information on matters relating to
the theme through objects written, example: books, magazine, news paper,
3. Writing stage
At this stage the writer began compiling the papers according to the
information already obtained.
4. Phase editing
At this stage the writer began to edit or fix in advance what has been drawn
E. Systematic Of The Writing
A. Background of the Problem
B. Limitation of the Problem
C. The Aim of Research
D. The Research Methodology
E. Systematic of the Writing


A. Definition of Moral
B. Definition of Globalization
C. Impact of Globalization On People’s Lives
D. The Prevention of Irregularities Arising From Globalization
A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion
C. Closing



A. Definition Of Moral
Etymology call derived from the Latin moral is MORESE (single)
and mores (plural) that have meaning habit or custom. In terminology
there are several opinions about the definition of morality:
1. According to Dian Ibung moral is prevailing values in a social
environment and regulate one’s behavior.
2. According to Wiwit Wahyuning moral norms regarding the public,
about what is good or right in one’s way of life.
3. According to Zainuddin Saifullah Nainggolan moral is a spiritual
tendency to perform a set of standards and norms that govern the
behavior of people and society.
4. According to Maria Assumpta moral are the rules regarding the attitude
and behavior of human beings of human beings.
5. According to Sonny Keraf moral become the benchmark used to
determine whether the poor community of man as a human action,
perhaps as a member of the public or a person with a particular position
or a particular profession.
6. According to Imam Sukardi moral is a kindness that are tailored to the
size-the size of the measures adopted by the public, including social
unity or a particular environment.
7. According of Chaplin moral refers to morality according to social rules,
or laws or custom regarding regulating behavior.
8. According to Hurlock the moral is ordinances, habits, and customs
regulation that have become habitual behavior for members of a culture.
9. According to Wantah moral is something related or anything to do with
the ability to determine the correct one and the good and bad behavior.


According KBBI, moral good is bad doctrine of generally accepted

regarding the actions, attitudes, obligations.
In the Islamic religion, the same moral character is defined by
derived from the Arabic language is “khulk” which means character.
It would be much better that we know what the nation because in
the paper content nation. Nation derived from the latin is a
nation/nata/nation, which men born. This means that nation as a shaper of
the state organization. In the development of the understanding of the
nation is based on two views, they are:
1. Nation in the sociology sense anthropological that is a communion of
life of each of its members are bound by the primordial attitude means
attitudes based on ethnicity religion, cultural, customs, and language.
2. The politically that is group of people who are in the territory of a state
which is subjects to the state authorities.
According to some experts the sense of the nation are as follows:
1. According to Ernest Renan, a nation is a group of people united by
common fate and ideals.
2. According Otto Bauer, the nation is group of people who have the same
3. According F.Retzel, the nation was formed from their united desire is
based on the similarity shelter.
4. According Haskont, the nation formed out of the power of human life in
the history said.
B. Definition of Globalization
From the native word, word globalization derived from global,
which means univoersal.

According to Jan Aart Scholte there are several definitions which

meant people with globalization:


1. Internationalization: Globalization is defined as an increase in

international relations. In this case each state retaining the identity of
each, but become increasingly dependent on each other.

2. Liberalization: Globalization also means the more diturunkankan

borders between countries, for example, import export tariff barriers,
traffic exchange, and migration.

3. Universalization: Globalization also described as increasingly

spreading material and immaterial things throughout the world.
Experience in one locality can be an experience all over the world.
4. Westernization: Westernization is one form of universalization with
the spread of the mind and culture of the west so globalized.
5. Relationship transplanetari and suprateritorialitas: The meaning is
different from the fourth-fifth the above definition. In the first four
definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. In the fifth
sense, global world has its own ontology status, not just countries

In general it can be interpreted that Globalization is a process of

social change that causes a person, group, or a State interconnected and
interdependent with the community or other countries due to advances in
communications technology throughout the world. Therefore, in the era of
globalization, the events that occur in a country can be identified quickly
by nations or other countries. This effective relationships cause foreign
cultural elements into an easy entry into a country.

Elements are not always good and suitable for a community or

country. Positive element is science, how to think critically, rationally, and
appreciate the time. Positive element exchange between countries can
enrich and complement a nation. The negative impact of globalization is
beergesernya norms and moral values in society so that it becomes soft


Besides develop means of communication, globalisai also driven

by the integration of the world economy, which is characterized by the
importance of economic activity without weights (wedanightless
economy). Product of economic activity, among others, computer
software, entertainment media products, internet-based services.

C. Impact of Globalization On People’s Lives

1. Concussion Culture (Cultural Shock)
Culture shock is a condition when the soul or mental shock a
person or group of people due to lack of ability or readiness to accept
foreign cultural elements that differ greatly with its own culture and
came suddenly. New foreign influence is usually accepted as
interesting. But, when it should be directly involved, the public usually
is not ready. Changes abruptly causes people depressed, hopeless, even
feel powerless to come out after the changes. If these are continued, it
could be chaos in society. Adjustment is necessary in order to calm
2. The gap Culture (Cultural Lag)
In societies that are changing, not always elements of society
and culture can have the same change quickly. Here there is a gap
usually material culture change more rapidly than the culture
immaterial. Process unbalanced changes could lead to a crisis, tension,
conflict, and others.
3. Reduction of Religious Legitimacy
Throughout the developing world a wide range of religions.
Not only great religions example Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and
Islamic. Many sociologists assume that when dealing with the
modernization of religion, its role as a major factor in the legitimacy of
the public will be excluded and replaced by social institutions
established by society itself on the basis of the advancement of


We as a nation of Indonesia is a religious nation and highly

exalt social values and norms derived from the Qur'an because the
Qur'an as a guide of human life, in order to be successful and happy
life in this world and hereafter. Because of his position, the Quran can
be seen as a straight path as described in Surah al-Fatihah verse 6:

َ ‫لص َرا‬
.‫ط ال ُم ْست َ ِقي َْم‬ ِ ‫اِ ْه ِد نَا‬

Meaning: "Show us the straight path”.

The onslaught of globalization, more or less, have affected

patterns of religious and full and total comprehension to trust in
Indonesian society. So the guidance of mankind As the Quran always
answers today's global challenges. The trick is to explore the values
and redefine the concepts of religion that is considered irrelevant to the
guidance of age. However, that does not mean we change the
fundamental teachings of religion and faith that we profess.
4. Moral Decadence And Chaos Humanity
Moral decadence is weakening or erosion of humanitarian
values, love, and togetherness in man. All of this gave birth to humans
who like to deprive the rights of others and do not care about the fate
of others. Individualism that follows modernization has shaped people
who only care about himself and his group, and apathy on the
surrounding environment. The same thing happened in Indonesia.
The fact that we are facing now is that there are millions of
people, children and adults, who need a helping hand and help from
other people just to meet basic needs because they are not able to
process natural resources at their disposal or as a result of a natural
disaster struck. Whereas in the Qur'an Allah has promised to those who
want to do good pious and faithful.

َ ‫ت لَ ُه ْم َّم ْغ ِف َرة ٌ َّوا َ ْج ٌر‬

‫ع ِظ ْي ٌم‬ َّ ‫عدَا هللُ الَّ ِذيْنَ ا َمنُ ْوا َو َع ِملُواال‬
ِ ‫ص ِل َح‬ َ ‫َو‬


This means that:

"Allah has promised to those who believe and do Salih, (that) they will
receive forgiveness and a great reward”. (QS. Al-Ma'idah / 5: 9)

‫ت‬ َّ ‫سانَ لَ ِف ْي ُحس ٍْر اِالَّالَّ ِذيْنَ ا َ َمنُ ْو َو َع ِملُواال‬

ِ ‫ص ِل َح‬ َ ‫ص ِر انَّاال ْن‬
ْ ‫َوال َع‬
.‫صب ِْر‬ َ ‫ق َوتَوا‬
َّ ‫ص ْوا ِبال‬ َ ‫َوتَوا‬
ِ ‫ص ْوا ِبال َح‬
This means that:

"For the sake of time, true man is in loss, except those who believe
and do well and encourage one another to truth and exhort one
another to patience”. (QS. Al-'ashr / 103: 1-3)

Instead there are groups of people who only foster personal

wealth and spend millions of dollars to build weapons systems and
military power for the sake can embed dominance over other countries.
Whereas, the importance of harmony has been emphasized in the

‫علَ ْي ُك ْم اِ ْذ ُك ْنت ُ ْم‬ َ ‫ص ُم ْوا ِب َح ْب ِل هللاِ َج ِميْعا ً َّوالَتَفَ َّرقوا َواْذ ُك ُر ْوا نِ ْع َم‬
َ ِ‫ت هللا‬ ِ َ ‫َوا ْعت‬
ٍ‫شفَا ُح ْف َرة‬ َ ‫لى‬ َ ‫ع‬َ ‫صبَ ْحت ُ ْم بِ ِن ْع َمتِ ِه اِ ْخ َوانًا َو ُك ْنت ُ ْم‬ َ َّ‫ا َ ْعدآ ًء فَا َّل‬
ْ َ ‫ف بَ ْينَ قُلُ ْو ِب ُك ْم فَا‬
. َ‫ار فَا َ ْنقَذَ ُك ْم ِم ْن َها َكذَ ِل َك يُبَيِ ُن هللاُ لَ ُك ْم ا َ َيتِ ِه لَعَلَّ ُك ْم ت َ ْهت َدُ ْون‬
ِ َّ‫ِمنَ الن‬
This means that:

"How Firm And hold you all the rope (religion) gods, and do not
divorce and divorce, and the gods favor you remember when you first
(period of ignorance) hostile, then Allah unite your heart, so that by
His grace you became brothers, while (when it is) you are on the brink
of hell, then god save you from there. Thus, Allah explains His verses
to you so that you may be guided”. (Qs. Ali Imran / 3: 103).


5. Changes in Behavior Pattern In Intercourse

Globalization gives birth to a very complex pattern of life, but
this situation should not have made the Indonesian people as a nation
lost a great personality and a rich cultural elements. Indonesia is a
hallmark of kinship, deliberation to reach consensus, and mutual

By the swift currents of globalization, the personality

inevitably be affected, or may be said to be "polluted" by foreign
cultural patterns that are more concerned with individualism,
formality, official work contacts, and so on. This is a global challenge
that will test the ability of our nation. Are we able to deal with and
absorb the positive things or even otherwise would sink into the
lifestyle and carried.

Many Indonesian people, especially the youth they could not

weigh between good and bad thing. So, they often fall into negative
things such as:

a. Tope

Drinking alcohol or alcohol is often if brief drinks containing

alcohol. People who drink too much liquor resulted in the person
drunk. Drunk is conscious behaviors of a person or group of people
who drink alcohol consume or heady stuff to reduce the burden and
pressure of life or just for pleasure while. Drinking alcohol is a
disease that is devastating communities. Because drunk people
usually lose control and balance consciousness. So that it can
perform actions that are not controlled and the potential danger to
themselves or others. Alcohol consumption in the long term will
cause dependence and damage to the liver and brain. Therefore
every drink liquor and materials containing substances harmful to
health of mind and body awareness judged unlawful.


Illicit liquor is based on the proposition that a definite texts verse of

Qur'an and hadits the prophet:

ٌ ‫اب َواْل َ ْز َال ُم ِر ْج‬

‫س‬ ُ ‫ص‬ َ ‫يَآأ َي َها الَّ ِذ ْينَ ا َ َمنُ ْوآ إِنَّ َما ْال َخ ْم ُر َو ْال َم ْي ِس ُر َو ْال َ ْن‬
‫ط ُن ا َ ْن‬ َّ ‫ اِنَّ َما يُ ِر ْيد ُ ال‬. َ‫اجتَنِبُ ْوهُ لَعَلَّ ُك ْم ت ُ ْف ِل ُح ْون‬
َ ‫ش ْي‬ ْ َ‫ان ف‬
ِ ‫ط‬َ ‫ش ْي‬
َّ ‫ِم ْن َع َم ِل ال‬
‫ع ْن ِذ ْك ِر‬ ُ َ‫ضا َء فِي ْال َخ ْم ِر َو ْال َم ْي ِس ِر َوي‬
َ ‫صد ُك ْم‬ َ ‫ي ْوقِ َع بَ ْينَ ُك ُم اْلعَدَ َاوة َ َو ْال َب ْغ‬
َ‫صلو ِة فَ َه ْل ا َ ْنت ُ ْم م ْنتَ ُه ْون‬
َّ ‫ع ِن ال‬ َ ‫هللاِ َو‬

This means that:

"O who believe! (Drink) wine, gambling, (sacrifice to) idols, raffle
fate with arrows, including deeds are vile deeds devil. So stay away
from the deeds that may prosper. Indeed, the devil wish cause
enmity and hatred between you because (drinking) wine and
gambling, and hinder you from remember gods and pray, then stop
you (from doing the job) ". (Al-Maidah: 90-91).

In the above verse there are aspects that indicate illicit liquor,

1) Referred to as gross indecency or just like eating carrion, blood

and pork are clearly forbidden.
2) It is said that the liquor was included acts of Satan. Every devil
was clearly unlawful act is done.
3) Confirmed that the left / shunned the deeds shun it.
4) The promise of luck for the away.
5) Alcoholic may be cause enmity and hatred among the
6) Can be deterred from bubble gods and prayers.

Alcoholic beverages are categorized into three groups based

on alcohol content contained therein, namely:


 Alcoholic Beverages class A, has an alcohol content of 1% to

 Alcoholic beverages of class B, has the alcohol content of
more than 5% to 20%.
 Alcoholic beverages category C, have alcohol content more
than 20% to 55%.

According to Ibnu Taymiyah drunkenness will cause

various kinds of damage to public order and trigger disputes, fights,
hostility, hatred, theft, and murder.

Of hostility and hatred caused by drunkenness, Allah says:

‫ضا َء فِي اْل َخ ْم ِر‬ َ ‫ان أ َ ْن ي ْو ِق َع بَ ْي َن ُك ُم ْالعَدَ َاوة َ َو ْالبَ ْغ‬

ُ ‫ط‬َ ‫ش ْي‬
َّ ‫إِنَّ َما يُ ِر ْيد ُال‬
َ‫صلَوةِ فَ َه ْل أ َ ْنت ُ ْم ُم ْنتَ ُه ْون‬
َّ ‫ع ِن ال‬ َ ‫ع ْن ِذ ْك ِر هللاِ َو‬ َ ‫صد ُك ْم‬ ُ َ‫ َو ْال َم ْي ِس ِر َوي‬.

This means that:

"With the liquor and gambling, are merely intended to cause

enmity and hatred between you, and hinder you from remember
gods and perform prayers, then do not you want to quit?". (QS.
Al-Maidah / 5: 91).

European society is a society that is accustomed to drinking

alcohol to warm the body to fight the chill circles. However, they
drank alcohol no more than one small glass (shot) measuring 10 ml
and only a few sips only, and even then do not at any time.

The negative impacts caused by liquor, alcohol, and

drinking behavior are:

a) Nausea, anxiety, trembling, and likes to sleep.

b) Changes in uncontrolled emotional behavior and aggressive,
physiological, and psychological.


c) Interfere with reasonable health and reduce the ability of

Interfere with body health and fitness.
a) May interfere with mental health or spiritual.
b) For pregnant women will cause damage to the fetus.
c) Can spend possessions
d) It could threaten the lives of others
e) Potential organic mental disorders (GMOs) on the function of
thinking and behaving.
f) Potential addicted and experiencing a phenomenon called
alcohol withdrawal syndrome that is the fear of drinking alcohol

To avoid drunken behavior, someone strongly

recommended doing positive things as follow:

a) Never seduced by seduction friend who invites to taste the

b) Do not ever go to a place which sells alcoholic beverages when
it is facing problems which result in psychological distress.
c) Choose a godly friend to hang out and do not like to visit the
place of vice
d) A time to read more about the dangers of liquor for yourself,
family, and community.
e) Fill your free time with useful activities.
f) Increase of religious knowledge by means of the Koran to ulama
righteous scholars.
g) Read the Koran every day, muse commentary, heed the words of
the prophet, and listen to the advice of the scholars with full


In Islam whoever drinking while she Islam, puberty,

intelligent, and not forced, as well as knowing the intoxicating
drinks and unclean, then he shall at had whether he was drunk or
not. If the drinker is free, then in volumes forty times.

Regarding the number of strokes, scholars differed.

Scholarly, including Imam Abu Hanifa, Malik priest and imam
Ahmad Ibnu Hanbal found in a number of blows had liquor is 80
times. They reasoned that the companions after deliberation set by
consensus, that had liquor is 80 times. As in the hadist of Anas.

‫عن ا نس بن مالك رضي هللا عنه ان النبي صل هللا عليه وسلم اتلى‬
‫بر جل شرب الخمر فجلده بجريد تين نحوا اربعين قال وفعله ابو‬
‫بكر فلما كان عمر استشار الناس فقال عبد الرحمن بن عوف اخف‬
‫الحدود ثمانون فاقر عمر‬

This means that:

"Anas RA."The Holy Prophet has been exposed to someone who

has been drinking alcohol or later prophet banded with two stalks
of dates roughly 40 times. Anas said," do any fuel ash (forty times).
After a period of Umar, he consulted with the people, and
Abdurrahman bin auf said: light-light had is 80 times the punch.”
(muttafaq alaih)

Prohibition liquor of wisdom among others:

a) Protected from crimes committed by a person as a result of

b) Maintain physical and spiritual health of disease caused by the
influence of liquor.


c) Avoid the attitude of hatred and hostility due to the influence

of liquor.
d) Keeping careful to keep taqorrub to offer prayers to the gods
and always get the light of wisdom.
b. Gamble

Gambling is game activities that risked a sum of money or

property in the guessing game with the aim of earning money
without working and only rely on speculation factor. Gambling
games motivated by economic issues aimed at obtaining money
quickly without working through a game. Gambling habits make
people become lazy and do not want to work, but have a great
ambition to earn money in a short period of time.

Allah has prescribed any prohibition of alcohol, gambling

gradually. In surah Al-Baqarah verse 219, Allah says:

ِ َّ‫ع ِن اْل َخ ْم ِر َواْل َم ْي ِس ِر قُ ْل فِ ْي ِه ْي َما اِثْ ٌم َك ِب ْي ٌر َّو َمنَافِ ُع ل ِلن‬

‫اس‬ َ ‫يَ ْسئ َلُ ْونَ َك‬
‫َواِثْ ُم ُه َما ا َ ْكبَ ُر ِم ْن نَّ ْف ِع ِه َما‬

This means that:

"They ask thee (Muhammad) concerning wine and gambling, in

both are great sin, and some benefits for humans. But the sin is
greater than use". (QS. Al-Baqarah / 2: 219)

The negative impacts of gambling among others are:

a) Making the dependency so that he was willing to spend time and

thoughts just to gamble.
b) Gambling habit forming grow into a person tend to be
emotional, impatient, unable to think logically, and idlers.
c) Trigger fight, quarrels, disputes, hostility, and even murder.


d) Making the culprit bankrupt.

e) Being able to destroy domestic life.
f) Neglecting t of religious duty of the human
g) Separating between the men of a normal social life.
h) Encouraging the public to trust the fate predictions and lucky
number so stuck into small shirk.
i) The destruction of the social order
j) Encouraging the perpetrator to steal and commit crimes.

According Fiqih Madrasah Aliyah Kelas II Catur Wulan 3

To avoid gambling behavior, someone highly recommended doing
positive things the following:

a) Never seduced by invitation of friends to gamble.

b) Do not ever go to a gambling
c) Understand the true dangers of gambling
d) Associating the pious friend and do not like to go to the place
of sinners.
e) Trying to learn more about the dangers that caused by
f) Fill free time with useful things.
g) Increase knowledge of religion by way of the Koran to ulama-
righteous scholars.
h) Please read the Koran every day, muse commentary, heed the
words of the prophet, and listen to the advice of the scholars
with full awareness.
c. Drugs
Drugs are an abbreviation of narcotics and drugs. Under
Law No. 22 of 1997 on narcotics, narcotics or drugs defined as
substances derived from plant or not plant, either the synthesis or
semi-synthesis which can cause a decrease or alteration of


consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to relieve pain and can lead to


According to Dr. D.J. Siregar, narcotics term derived from

the Greek language, from the word "narkotikos", which means the
state of someone who is stiff as a statue or sleeping.

Narcotic derived from the English language are: "narcotics"

which means the drug.

Definition of narcotics in general is a substance that can

cause changes in the central nervous system.

In medicine drugs is indispensable as a means of treatment.

Such as: sedatives or anesthetics and painkillers to patients.

People who abuse drugs consumption is a form of abuse

that is not only self-destructive, but also disrupt the social
environment as a result of the attitude arising from dependence on
drugs. People who are addicted to drugs will usually perform a
variety of ways to get drugs, as purloin, rob, and plunder. This was
due to several factors, among others:

1) Ease of getting the goods

2) Encouragement great curiosity
3) The influence of friends
4) The lack of information facing the dangers of drugs
5) The breakdown in communication between children and

Drug abuse and psychiatric problems often cause serious

health for its users. The social life of drug users become distracted,
difficult to get along and tend to be easily influenced crime.


The influence of drugs on healthy body will lead to mental

disorders in the form of emotional, uncontrollable behavior,
memory loss are very drastic, damage to the nervous system of the
brain. As in general, the characteristics of drug users, among others

a) Power decreased concentration

b) Lazy, passion for life lost
c) It does not matter to the state itself and the social environment
d) Not being able to use his mind in a healthy sense
e) Very sensitive, emotional, and aggressive
f) Dependence on drugs inflict pain on the whole body

Of dependency drug use must be symptom and its

distinctive characteristics. As below:

No. Section Signs

1 Physical a. Weight loss
b. The eyes look sunken and red, pale
face, and lips blackish
c. Hands full with red spots like
mosquito bites and no incision scar
d. Scratches and discoloration of the
skin at the injection
e. Defecation and urination substandard
f. Constipation or abdominal pain for
no apparent reason

2 Emotions a. Very sensitive and quickly bored

b. When in scolds her show properties
c. c. Emotions go up and down and do
not hesitate to hit the elderly or speak


harshly against family members or

people around him
d. d. Appetite is erratic

3 Conduct a. Lazy and often forget routine tasks

b. Indicate the nature does not care and
away from family
c. Often meet with people who are not
known by the family, left without
saying goodbye, and go home after
d. Steal money at home, school, or place
of work or pawn valuables at home,
as well as with her belongings.

d. Free sex

Adultery is sexual intercourse between men and women

who do not have a valid marriage bond by religion. Fornicate much
heckled by religion and damnation by God, and the culprit was
wearing a heavy penalty in the form of stoning. About the
punishment for adultery, Allah says:

‫اح ٍد ِم ْن ُه َما ِمائ َةَ َج ْلدَ ٍة َو َالت َأ ْ ُخ ْذ ُك ْم ِب ِه َما‬

ِ ‫اج ِلدُ ْوا ُك َّل َو‬
ْ َ‫الزانِ ْي ف‬َّ ‫لزانِيَةُ َو‬ َّ َ ‫ا‬
‫عذَا‬َ ‫َرأْفَةٌ فِ ْي ِد ْي ِن هللاِ اِ ْن ُك ْنت ُ ْم ت ُؤْ ِمنُ ْونَ بِا هللاِ َواْليَ ْو ِم اْ َال ِخ ِر َو ْليَ ْش َه ْد‬
َ‫طا ئِفَة ٌ ِمنَ ْال ُمؤْ ِم ِن ْين‬
َ ‫بَ ُه َما‬


"Adulteress and the adulterer men, lashing each of them a hundred

times, and do not compassion to both prevent you to (run) religion


(law) of Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day, and let
(implementation ) their punishment be witnessed by some people
who believe. "(Qs. An-nur / 24: 2).

In this modern era of commercial sex workers (PSK), PSK

activity is referred to as prostitution has been known since ancient
Roman times. Although eradication of the constitution has always
done, but the practice of prostitution is still rampant in society. In
general prostitution done due to economic factors. However, in the
psychology of prostitution is a mental disorder that can only be
stopped on awareness of actors alone. Through this prostitution
flourish social disease other, creating an unbroken chain, even
interrelated and that the transmission of HIV / AIDS.

AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease

that attacks the immune system due to infection HIV (Human
Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV virus is spread through the
exchange of bodily fluids, such as blood, of genitals (semen and
vaginal fluid), and milk. Therefore, HIV is transmitted through
sexual contact with someone who has HIV.

The problem of AIDS is not merely a medical or health

problem, but rather a problem of sexual behavior that has pass by
limit. Therefore, avoid fornication, promiscuity, prostitution and
mutually exchange away from a sexual partner who is not valid
according to religion is the preventive measures of HIV and AIDS.
So that the Islamic religion prohibited prostitution so Allah says:

‫س ِب ْي َل‬ َ ‫شةً َو‬

َ ‫سا َء‬ َ ‫ى اِنَّهُ َكانَ فَا ِح‬ ِ ‫َوالَ ت َ ْق َربُوا‬
َ ‫الز َن‬
This means that:


"And do not approach adultery (free sex) it was really a terrible

thing and a bad way." (Qs.Al-Isra '/ 17: 32)

Impact of prostitution is as follows:

1) Damage legitimate off spring when prostitution descent

2) Destroy the child's future.
3) Generate a wide variety of venereal disease.
4) Encourage other big sin
5) Entangled punishment of stoning as much as a hundred times
or until death.

The wisdom of the prohibition of adultery is:

1) To maintain the sanctity and dignity of human

2) To keep the descent to avoid obscurity lineage
3) To avoid gross disease
4) The emergence of a sense of affection towards children born of
a valid marriage.
5) To avoid other offenses Crimes Unit
6) To avoid adultery

At present on the society to free sex. It’s there is a popular

word related called cabe-cabean. We often interpret that cabean is
chili chili-red and very spicy taste it. But the question here is not
chili like that. For the layman often cabe-cabean used to describe
the underage girls who have paved the prostitution business. At
first "cabe-cabean" used to be a material ABG wild racing betting
arena. The term cabe-cabean in the racing world is a wild teenager
who often haven sex and they decided to sell themselves.


Vocabulary cabe-cabean is popular among young people

today. Many use this term but do not know what that means and
they interpret it wrongly did not even know of the meaning of
"slang" are rampant lately. Here cabe-cabean referring to teenagers
who are not in accordance with the general appearance with
makeup Nudity (redundant). So that no one in use cabe-cabean
meaning it helps us to know the characteristics of cabe-cabean girl
in a Rapper Young Lex in the song relax. Below are the
characteristics of cabe-cabean:

1) 3B

Recognized or not is largely Cabe-cabean stirrup put teeth

even though not necessary but they wear in order to look "cool"
and "fashionable", in addition to the B-2 is that they often play
their Blackberry even though there was no need. And B that the
3rd is their hair bangs lot.

2) Make-up of excessive

Often the cabe-cabean grooming wear make-up seemed like

a go want to be invited even though it was only for hanging in
Seven E * event.

3) Tandem on a motorcycle

Very often they rode on a motorcycle more than 2 people

and worse they love their BB flicked street

4) Speeding

To draw attention to their opponents like street racing,

especially when in addition to the opposite sex.

5) Frequent updates status


6) Do not self-conscious

7) Often the wrong location

8) Dating everywhere

9) Like to wear photo edits and dressed in skimpy

e. Stealing

Stealing is taking other people's stuff in secret. According

to Ibnu Arafah thief is the one who came by stealth to the storage
of goods of others to take in a way that is not true.

Theft is one of the major sins are forbidden by religion.

Allah says:

‫سبًا َن َكا ًال ِمنَ هللاِ َو‬ َ ‫ارقَةُ فَا ْق‬

َ ‫طعُ ْوا ا َ ْي ِد َي ُه َما َجزَ ا ًء ِب َما َك‬ ِ ‫س‬َّ ‫ار ُق َوال‬ ِ ‫س‬َّ ‫َوا ل‬
‫ع ِز ْي ٌز َح ِك ْي ٌم‬ َ ُ‫هللا‬

This means that:

"As for the men and women who steal, cut off the hands of both (a)
reward for what they do and as the torment of Allah. And God is all
powerful, all-wise.” (QS. Al-Maidah / 5: 38).

Word gods above describes the general had to steal, is cutting off
hands. Regarding implementation is described further in detail with
the Sunnah apostles, among others:

‫عن ابي هريرة رضي هللا عنه عن اتى النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم قال فى‬
‫السارق ان سرق فاقطعوا يده ثم ان سرق فاقطعوا رجله ثم ان سرق فاقطعوا‬
‫يده ثم سرق فاقطعوا رجله‬

This means that:


"From Abu Hurairah RA, verily Allah's Apostle of Allah. Said of

the thieves: "If he steals (first time) cut off one of his hands; then if
he stole (the second time) cut off one of his legs; then if he steals
(third time) cut his hand (the other) afterwards if he steal (to place
other) cut his foot (the other).

Regarding the magnitude of nisab theft is a quarter dinar or

three dhirham or equivalent with gold weighing 3.34 grams.

‫ ال تقطع يدسا رق اال في ربع دينار فصاعدا (رواه البخري ومسلم‬:‫قال‬

This means that:

"From Aisyah R.A, from the prophet peace be upon him, has said
he:" thief's hand is not cut, but had reached a quarter of a dinar or
more ". (Transmitted by Muslim Bukhari).

The terms of sentence cut hand:

1) Islam
2) Understanding
3) Baligh
4) The value of the stolen no less than a quarter of a dinar
5) The stolen treasure stored
6) Thieves not as a parent
7) Not theft intoxicants

Lessons penalties for theft, among others:

a) A person is not easy to simply take the property of another

person, because if known to the other party would be bad for
b) The right belongs to someone completely protected by Islamic


c) Avoid the lazy nature that tends to expand unemployment.

d) The thief becomes a deterrent and driven to find luck in
f. Rob

Rob is taking someone else's property by force / threat of

weapons and sometimes accompanied by the murder of the victim.
In Arabic is words taking on someone else's property by force
called qot'u Thoriq (Ambuscade Street). The characteristics of
actions that are categorized qot'u Thoriq:

a) Performed by a group of people as well as people

b) Do on the basis of the strength of
c) The aim of the act is not only possessions, sometimes also the
soul of the victim
d) The perpetrator / victim is not the disbelievers harbi but the
Islam / infidel dhimmis

The statute robs roadblock street is the same as stealing

even greater, because in it there are elements of violence if to kill
the victim.

Punishment roadblock street / rob stated in al-qur'an its

means: "the real punishment of those who wage war against Allah
and His Messenger and do mischief in the land, they just killed / in
the cross, or in their hands and feet cut with balancing behind (in
cross) or in the exhaust of the country (place of residence) such
that as an insult to they in the world.” (Al-Maidah: 33)

g. Dissidents

The word dissident bughah is derived from the shape plural

of isim fail (‫ )باغ‬which means looking and can also mean ma'siyat
exceeded the limit, turn away from the truth, wrongdoers.


Bughah by Personality 'are those who oppose / rebelled against the

legitimate leader of the Islamic government.

People who like it are called bughah and required bughah

law against them, if qualified, are:

a) Having strength, be a follower or a weapon

b) Having the reason why they oppose the priest
c) Having a follower who agree with them so they get the power
d) Having a leader who obeyed

Legal dissidents are not in law infidels, Allah has said in the Al-
Hujarat verse 9; that means:

"And if there are two groups of those who believe that war be ye
reconciled between the two! But if one violates the Agreement
against the other, let that violates the agreement you fight to recede
back to the command of God. If he has subsided, make peace
between them according to justice, and be ye Applicable fair;
Indeed, Allah loves those who are fair Applicable "(Al-Hujurat: 9)

6. The emergence of casino capitalism

In globalization, financial sector means that the economy is

controlled by market speculators money and capital markets. As if
they act as judge for national economic policies that do not support the
world market. The investors will easily run to move the capital
investment to the country safe for investment.

7. The emergence of movements of neo-nationalist and fundamentalist

Brutal action or protest movements in various forms and

demands that crowded in every state is a sign of rejection of society's
marginalized and defeated by the process of globalization. For


example, blasting the WTC in the United States or the protest

movement, on the US attack on Afghanistan.

The impact of globalization in a state in general is as follows:

Impact of globalization state field:

A political field a. The strengthening of

b. Ran down ideology
communists in social and
political life
c. The strengthening of the
democratic system of
d. Strengthening enforcement of
human rights guarantees and
e. The emergence of political
arrogance (and political
f. the existence of money-
politics in the development of
community life
Economic Affairs a. The emergence of global
markets, the ASEAN Free
Trade Area (AFTA)
b. The strengthening of the
European currency, the euro
c. Market competition is high
d. Death of a competitive small


e. The emergence of
government policy that does
not benefit farmers
f. Wages are not professional
g. Total unemployment is still
Line a social and cultural a. Accelerate changes in the
pattern of the life of a nation
b. A shift in values in public life

D. Efforts to prevent irregularities caused by globalization

There is a saying that prevention is better than cure. Similarly, in the face
of like that many cases of irregularities that occurred in the community,
the need for early since determent efforts.

1. Efforts to prevent irregularities in the family

Family is the beginnings of a person's imbibe values of social

norms. Through a family of one's personality is formed. Any behavior
that in doing someone closely associated with the mental attitude of his
personality. The family as the foundation stone of the first formation of
one's personality plays a huge role in creating an atmosphere conducive
to the prevention efforts against all forms of deviant behavior. As for
other forms of prevention of irregularities in the family, among others:

a. Through the cultivation of values and religious norms

Every parent has a moral responsibility to educate their children

in accordance with religious and conviction who embraced.
Therefore, parents have an obligation to direct their children to
behave in accordance with the religion in attentive.


If the process of planting the values and norms contained in

religious teachings can be instilled from an early age to the children
themselves, then he will have a strong mental attitude, so do not be
tempted to commit misconduct. Although in a very difficult
situation. The Holy Prophet said:

‫ سمعت ر سول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬:‫عن ابن عمر رضي هللا عنه قال‬
,‫ كلكم راع و كلكم مسئول عن رعيته االمام راع ومسئول عن رعيته‬:‫يقول‬
‫والرجل راع في اهله ومسئول عن رعيته وامر اة راعية في بيت زوجها‬
‫ومسئولة عن رعيتها والخادم راع في مال سيده ومسئول عن رعيته وكلكم‬
)‫راع مسئول عن رعيته (متفق عليه‬

This means that:

"Abu Hurairah RA. He said: "I have heard Allah's Apostle SAW
said:" you all and you will be asked the leader of the ruled. The
leader will be asked of the people who lead it. The husband will be
asked of a family thing lead. The wife maintains her husband's
household and will be asked of the ruled. Waiters maintain his
master and will be asked of the ruled. And you all a leader and will
be asked (held responsible) of the ruled". (Agreed alaih)

The values of the most basic religious education given to

children are: first, education monotheism. Both are thankful to god
and his mother and father. The third is to be kind to his parents.

b. Create a harmonious relationship in the family

For a child, the parents are the rest of his life. Before getting to
know another person, a child attention and affection from parents. So
parents need to pay attention to their children, so do not pass up
irregularities. If the need for attention and affection which met from


family makes children feel at ease at home and do not seek attention
and pleasure outdoors.

c. Exemplary parents

Children need a role model for growth and development in his

life. If in everyday parent shows deviant behavior, such as smoking,
drinking, gambling, it is not aware of the child has been accustomed
to experiencing the socialization of deviant sub education. Because
the toxicity of smoking done by parents, children assume that
smoking is a reasonable behavior perpetrated by parents, so that in
the mind of the developing child mistakenly understand that smoking
is one of the characteristics of maturity.

Mimicking a good thing is not something that is easy, but

imitates the bad things and deviate not a difficult thing. So, parents
are sometimes surprised to learn that their children are involved in
school brawl, whereas at home known as an obedient child, quiet,
industrious, and pious as exemplified by his parents.

2. Prevention efforts in the community of social deviation

In essence, humans are social beings who cannot be separated

even depend on their social environment. If in the life of society,
deviant behavior is considered normal or reasonable, it will be
popping behaviors social deviation. To establish an orderly society,
in addition to needed awareness of each citizen, also required the
presence of social control of the community. But in reality the
community social control against deviant behavior symptoms in the
direction that increasingly loose. For example, prostitution is a form
of social aberration, but in fact the new community feels restless and
disturbed when prostitution began to show conspicuous activity.
When there are only a couple of teenagers who use the park to sit


being alone no one care about, maybe even the people feel that none
of his business. However, after developing the fruit of lips that it has
happened transaction park sex workers, community Barry busy to
feel restless.

Therefore, the community as a social entity needs to take steps

to prevent against social deviation in the form of:

a. Through meetings within the scope of the citizens of each RT

revealed the need to maintain social order and conduct a warning
if there are things that are considered deviant.
b. Create an atmosphere conducive to the establishment of social
c. Installing warning or invitation to residents always keeps social

Meanwhile, according Selosoemardjan stated that in the

prevention of social deviations society requires the elements of
personality as follows:

a. Ability and habit of thinking rationally and realistically and

objectively in the face of the problems encountered.
b. Awareness of their rights and obligations as citizens and citizens
to behave that does not violate the values of social and legal
c. Having a sense of self-esteem and self-confidence to participate
in the governance of society characterized by competing systems
(competitive system)
d. Having extensive knowledge and expertise in a professional
e. Having life goals to be achieved by all legitimate and ethical way
and that can be justified.




A. Conclusion
1. Moral Etymology call derived from the Latin moral is MORESE
(single) and mores (plural) that have meaning habit or custom.
Moral In the Islamic religion, the same moral character is defined by
derived from the Arabic language is “khulk” which means character
2. Globalization According to from the home he said, word globalization
derived from global, which means universal.
In general it can be interpreted that Globalization is a process of social
change that causes a person, group, or a State interconnected and
interdependent with the community or other countries due to advances
in communications technology throughout the world
3. Impact of globalization on people’s lives,that is :
a. Concussion Culture (Cultural Shock)
b. The gap Culture (Cultural Lag)
c. Reduction of Religious Legitimacy
d. Moral Decandence And Chaos Humanity
e. Changes In Behavior Pattern In Intercourse, include:
a) Tope
b) Gamble
c) Free sex
d) Stealing
e) Rob
f. The emergence of casino capilatilsm
g. The emergence of movements of neo-nationalist and fundamentalist
4. Efforts to prevent irregularities caused by globalization, that is:
a. Efforts to prevent irregularities in the family
a) Through the cultivation of values and religious norms


b) Create a harmonious relationship in the family

c) Exemplary parents
b. Prevention efforts in the community of social deviation
a) Through meetings within the scope of the citizens of each RT
revealed the need to maintain social order and conduct a
warning if there are things that are considered deviant.
b) Create an atmosphere conducive to the establishment of social
c) Installing warning or invitation to residents always keeps social
c. According Selosoemardjan stated that in the prevention of social
deviations society requires the elements of personality as follows:
a) Ability and habit of thinking rationally and realistically and
objectively in the face of the problems encountered.
b) Awareness of their rights and obligations as citizens and
citizens to behave that does not violate the values of social and
legal norms.
c) Having a sense of self-esteem and self-confidence to participate
in the governance of society characterized by competing
systems (competitive system)
d) Having extensive knowledge and expertise in a professional
e) Having life goals to be achieved by all legitimate and ethical
way and that can be justified
B. Suggestion
All become one in this world together. We as humans are creatures
of the most perfect because of being given reasonable minds. So people
are expected to have good morals in order to improve the country and the
world in the future.
C. Closing


Alhamdulillah the writer prayed to Allah, because by his grace the

writer can finish this paper according to the time that has in lasting. By the
mentioned title knowledge, the writer tryst to express what is in idea. But
the writer hopes this paper will be useful for the writer and the readers.
Nobody in this world is perfect. As human we are very possible to
do mistake, Like in the writing of this paper. It must be still have mistake.
Therefore the writer are sorry if in this paper there are direction feel
offended or do not agree with the opinion that the writer writes. But away
with existence of this paper can increase knowledge and create
imagination for the reader’s.




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