Friday of The Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time: Introductory Song

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Friday of the Twenty-Ninth do not want.

When I act against my will,

week in Ordinary Time then, it is not my true self doing it, but sin
which lives in me.
INTRODUCTORY SONG In fact, this seems to be the rule, that
every single time I want to do good it is
//Everithing I am, something evil that comes to hand. In my
Everithing I am to be inmost self I dearly love God´s Law, but I
I lay it down all your feet.// can see that my body follows a different
law that battles against the law which my
//I lay it down, reason dictates. This is what makes me a
I lay it down, prisoner of that law of sin which lives
I lay it down, inside my body.
At your feet.// What a wretched man I am! Who will
rescue me from this body doomed to
death? Thanks be to God through Jesus
PENITENTIAL ACT… PAG. 4 R// The Word of the Lord
A// Thanks be to God
/Lord have mercy on us/
/Chris have mercy on us/ R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
/Lord have mercy on us/
Teach me discernment and knowledge for
COLLECT I trust in your commands.
R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
Almighty ever-living God, grant that we
may always conform our will to yours You are good and your deeds are good;
and serve your majesty in sincerity of teach me your statutes.
heart. R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you in the Let your love be ready to console me by
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever your promise to your servant.
and ever. R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
Let your love come to me and I shall live
THE LITURGY OF THE WORD for your law is my delight.
R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
A reading from the letter of Paul to the
Romans I will never forget your precepts for with
I know of nothing good living in me - them you give me life.
living, that is, in my unspiritual self- for R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
though the will to do what is good is in
me, the performance is not, with the result Save me, for I am yours since I seek your
that instead of doing the good things I precepts.
want to do, I carry our the sinful things I R. Teach me your laws, O Lord.
Christ, hear us.

GOSPEL 3. For the repose of the souls of the

faithful departed, let us call upon the
D// The Lord be with you judge of all humanity.
A// And with your Spirit Christ, hear us.
D// Reading from the holy Gospel
according to Luke 4. For all of us who pray in faith and
A// Glory to you, O Lord ask the mercy of the Lord, let us
entreat the compassion of our Savior.
Jesus said to the crowds, “When you see a Christ, hear us.
cloud looming up in the west you say at
once that rain is coming, and so it does.
And when the wind is from the south you Priest’s Prayer
say it will be not, and it is. Hypocrites!
You know how to interpret the face of the Incline your merciful ear to our
earth and the sky. How is it you do not prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in
know how to interpret these times?. kindness to the supplications of those
“Why not judge for yourselves what is who call on you.
right? For example: when you go to court Through Christ our Lord.
with your opponent, try to settle with him R. Amen.
on the way, or he may drag you before
the judge and the judge hand you over to
the bailiff and the bailiff have you thrown OFFERING SONG
into prison. I tell you, you will not get out
till you have paid the very last penny”. One bread, one body, one Lord of all, one
D// The Gospel of the Lord cup of blessing which we bless.
A// Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ And we, though many, throughout the
earth, we are one body in this one Lord.
Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or
Priest’s introduction man no more.
Brothers, as we now make our prayer for One bread, one body, one Lord of all, one
our community and for the world, let us cup of blessing which we bless.
all pray to Christ the Lord, not only for And we, though many, throughout the
ourselves and our own needs, but for the earth, we are one body in this one Lord.
entire people.
Many the gifts, many the works, one in
Christ, hear us. the Lord of all.

1. For the whole Christian People, let One bread, one body, one Lord of all, one
us beseech the abundance of divine cup of blessing which we bless.
goodness. And we, though many, throughout the
Christ, hear us. earth, /we are one body in this one Lord./

2. For those who hold public office, let

us call upon the power of the Lord.

Grant us, Lord, we pray, a sincere respect EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II … PAG.23

for your gifts, that, through the purifying
action of your grace, we may be cleansed
by the very mysteries we serve. LAMB OF GOD SONG
Through Christ our Lord.
/Lamb of God, you who take away the
R. Amén sins,/
/have mercy on us/
/Lamb of God , you who take away the
P// The Lord be with you sins,/
A// And with your spirit / have mercy on us./
P// Lift up your hearts /Lamb of God, you who take away the
A// We lift them up to the Lord sins,/
P// Let us give thanks to the Lord our /grand us peace./
A// It is right and just COMMUNION SONG
It is truly right and just, our duty and our I will come to you in the silence
salvation, always and everywhere to give I will lift you from all your fear
you thanks, Father most holy, through You will hear My voice
your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, your I claim you as My choice
Word through whom you made all things, Be still, and know I am near
whom you sent as our Savior and I am hope for all who are hopeless
Redeemer, incarnate by the Holy Spirit I am eyes for all who long to see
and born of the Virgin. In the shadows of the night,
Fulfilling your will and gaining for you a I will be your light
holy people, he stretched out his hands as Come and rest in Me
he endured his Passion, so as to break the Do not be afraid, I am with you
bonds of death and manifest the I have called you each by name
resurrection. Come and follow Me
And so, with the Angels and all the Saints I will bring you home
we declare your glory, as with one voice I love you and you are mine.
we acclaim:


Grant, O Lord, we pray, that, benefiting
from participation in heavenly things, we
Holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord,
may be helped by what you give in this
God of the universe, holy is the Lord.
present age and prepared for the gifts that
/Hosanna in the sky, hosanna on earth,
are eternal.
blessed is he who comes in the name of
Through Christ our Lord.
the Lord./
R. Amén.



//Everithing I am,
Everithing I am to be
I lay it down al your feet.//
//I lay it down,
I lay it down,
I lay it down,
At your feet.//

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