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Que1. Do you eat chocolate?
Yes No

Que2. Which brand of chocolate do you prefer?

Cadbury Nestle Any Other Please specify___________

Que3. Which sub-brand do you purchase?

Cadbury Nestle Other

Dairy Milk Kit Kat

5Star Munch

Perk Milky Bar

Celebrations Bar-One

Temptation Milk Chocolate

Que4. Rank the sub-brands of chocolates according to your preference? (1 for most

Cadbury Nestle Other

Dairy Milk Kit Kat

5Star Munch

Perk Milky Bar

Celebrations Bar-One

Temptation Milk Chocolate

Que5. How much importance do you give to the following factors when you purchase a
chocolate? (Tick in the desired column)

Factors Very Important Normal Least None

Important Important






Brand Image




Que6. Which form of a chocolate do you like?

Hard Nutties Crunchy Chew

Que7. What pack size do you purchase?

Small Big Family Pack

Que8. Which promotional offers attract you most?

Free gifts Price Discounts Any other

Que9. Which of these factors affect your purchase?

Advertisement Suggestion from friends and relatives Attractive Display

Doctors Advice Brand Ambassadors Ingredients
Que10. Which media of advertisement influence your purchase?

cccccccccTelevision Newspaper Brochures Hoardings ccccccccccccccc ccc

Que11. How frequently do you purchase chocolates?

Once in a fortnight Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly

Que12 If your preferred brand is not available for repeat purchase then you will«

Postpone your purchase Switch over to another brand

Go to other shop to search for your preferred brand

Que13. If another brand of the same product appears in the market, will you prefer to stop
buying this brand and buy the new brand?

No, not at all I may consider Can¶t say

Que14. If you don¶t like to change to the new brand, then what are the reasons for
continuing to purchase the old brand?



Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

Age: 0-15 years 15-25years Above 25 years

Gender: Male Female

Phone Number: _______________________________

Marital status: ________________________________

Education: ________________________________________________

Profession: _________________________________________________


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