Atomic Structure

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Atomic structure

- Atoms are the building blocks of chemistry.

- There are 118 kinds of atoms which are called elements and they exist on a
chart called the periodic table.
- All the atoms in the periodic table are made of protons, electrons and
neutrons, in the center of the atom is the nucleus where the protons and the
neutrons are.
- The proton carries a positive charge (+) and the neutrons are neutral (0).
- The electrons are outside the nucleus and they are shaped as a ball, they
carry a negative charge (–).
- The number of protons and electrons are the same
 the # of protons = the # of electrons.
- Neutrons provide extra glue to hold the nucleus together, and they found in
all atoms that have more than one proton.
- Electrons are wrapped around the nucleus, the first shell can only carry two
electrons, the outer shell can carry 8 electrons maximum.
- The atomic number of the atom is the same as the number of protons in it’s
 Atomic number = number of protons
- The electron configuration is the number of electrons on the inner and the
outer shell.
 the electron configuration of oxygen is 2,6

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