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By :

Nama : Putri Astuti Pandala

Npm : 91511402112015

English Language Education Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Trainning Education

Sintuwu Maroso University



A. Definition of Paragraph

A paragraph is a group of sentences consisting of the main sentence and

explanatory sentence. Paragraphs become an important part and element in
writing and literature. There are various kinds of paragraphs seen from the
location of the main sentence or according to its contents. In general, the
understanding of paragraphs is a composition consisting of a number of sentences
with the main mind as the control and explanatory mind as the supporter.
Paragraphs are also called paragraphs. The first line of paragraphs is usually

Paragraphs consist of 1 main sentence containing the main thoughts and some
explanatory sentences containing explanatory main points explaining the main
idea of the paragraph. The main idea in the paragraph becomes the core topic
explained by other sentences. There are several types of paragraphs that exist. The
division of various paragraphs can be based on the location of the main sentence
or according to the contents and purpose. We can find these types of paragraphs in
various literary and literary works.

Paragraphs are made by developing a main idea. Paragraphs are composed of

several interlocking sentences that form an idea or idea. The definition of
paragraphs according to KBBI is a part of a chapter in an essay that usually
contains one main idea and the writing begins with a new line. Paragraphs are
often referred to as alenia which are composed of one main sentence (main idea)
and several explanatory sentences (explanatory idea). There is only one main idea
/ main idea in a paragraph where the explanatory sentence contains an explanation
/ details of the main sentence.
Tagiran (2005: 1) argues that an intact writing, the main function of
paragraphs, namely: as a sign of opening new ideas, development for previous
ideas and as an emphasis on ideas that have been previously expressed.
B. The Kinds of Paragraph

Paragraphs are divided into several types, namely paragraph types based on
their nature and purpose (function), types of paragraphs based on the position of
the main sentence (place) and types of paragraphs based on their content
(contents) :

Paragraphs Based on Their Nature and Purpose

Types of paragraphs actually have many types, the first we discuss based on
the nature and purpose (Keraf (1980: 63-66)), namely:

1. Opening paragraphs

This paragraph is located at the beginning of a discourse. This paragraph

serves as an opening or introduction to the contents of an essay to the reader.
Before entering the contents and essence of the essay, this paragraph delivers and
prepares the reader's mind to be more focused, and its contents influence the
reader to be interested in continuing the reading content.

The example : "Tomorrow the internet will come to our village. The internet
makes us see the world. The internet can also deliver letters to our friends on the
opposite island, even to neighboring countries. "

2. Connecting Paragraphs

This paragraph is located between the opening and closing of an essay. This
paragraph contains the contents of an essay. The connecting paragraphs describe
the contents and essence of an article. The nature of the connecting paragraph
matches the type of writing such as narration, description, exposition, etc.

The example : “However, don't forget that being friends with the internet has
rules that we should obey. If you don't know the rules of the game, making friends
with the internet can be detrimental. Of course we have heard from TV or the
newspaper that there is a kidnapping of children, then the parents are asked to
give a ransom in the form of money if they want their children returned. It turned
out that after being investigated, the abduction case stems from a child's penchant
for the internet such as chatting. The child unconsciously gives his identity or
personal data to the person he is chatting with when the person is a criminal who
is disguised as a child. This is very possible considering the chat can not see
friends who are invited to talk in real alias virtual”.

3. Closing paragraphs

Closing paragraph is a paragraph that is located at the end of an essay.

Paragraphs serve as the closing of an essay. This paragraph shows the writing has
ended, the form of conclusions, brief repetition, emphasis or final comment. The
form is adapted to the needs and types of writing.

The example : “The things above are not difficult to do only need awareness,
discipline and our own responsibility. When that is done, the internet will be very
useful for life, especially ourselves”.

Type of Paragraph Based on Main Sentence Position

1. Deductive paragraphs
Deductive paragraphs are paragraphs that position the main idea or
main sentence at the beginning of a paragraph and are deductive. The word
deduction comes from the Latin: deducere, dedectum deduxi, which means
"lead down"; or ‘decrease’; deductio means 'guide or delivery'.
This paragraph is a paragraph that begins with a statement that is
general in nature, then translated and developed into a statement that is
specific. These special statements can be in the form of details,
explanations, evidences or examples. Since the paragraph is developed
from general statements and then expresses statements that are specific in
nature, we can say that the deduction of these deductive paragraphs from
general to specific.
Examples of discourse using deductive paragraphs:
Nowadays Indonesian culture has gradually become extinct.
Children are familiar and familiar with foreign cultures. Children are very
fond of Upin's stories - Ipin, Spongebob, Avatar, Naruto, Marsha and The
Bear, Frozen and other cartoons that are shown on television. Likewise,
teenagers are more fond of Korean dramas and films such as Spiderman,
Harry Potter, Batman rather than original regional stories such as Malin
Kundang, Timun Mas, Roro Jonggrang, Ande-ande Lumut, and so on. In
addition, in the case of games they prefer playing cards, UNO puzzles, and
other games from PS or computer to online games rather than original
games in our area such as the crank, sodor cart, dakonan, mound, stilts and
2. Inductive paragraphs
Inductive paragraph is a paragraph that positions the main idea or
main sentence at the end of a paragraph and is induction. The word
induction comes from the Latin: duxi, ducere, ductum which means to
bring to; or put in. furthermore, the term induction can be explained by a
method of thinking derived from a specific case for determining
conclusions or laws at the end of a paragraph. Because special sentences
or statements can be in the form of explanations and examples, and
general statements are in the form of laws or conclusions, so the inductive
paragraphs develop from examples and details into conclusions.

Examples of discourse using inductive paragraphs:

It cannot be denied that the phenomenon that is currently
developing is stories from abroad more familiar to children including
Upin-Ipin, Spongebob, Avatar, Naruto, Marsha and The Bear, Frozen and
other cartoons that are aired on television. Likewise, teenagers are more
fond of Korean dramas and films such as Spiderman, Harry Potter,
Batman rather than original regional stories such as Malin Kundang.
Timun Mas, Roro Jonggrang, Ande-ande Lumut, and others. In addition,
in the case of games they prefer playing cards, UNO puzzles, and other
games from PS or computer to online games rather than original games in
our area such as the crank, sodor cart, dakonan, mound, stilts and others.
The things above indicate that nowadays foreign cultures are preferred and
are the center for Indonesian children and adolescents.

3. Deductive-inductive paragraphs
Deductive-inductive paragraphs are a combination of deductive
paragraphs with inductive paragraphs. This deductive-inductive paragraph,
the position of the main idea or main sentence at the beginning and end of
a paragraph. A discourse that uses this type of paragraph is developed with
general sentences at the beginning of the paragraph and the end of the
paragraph while the sentences that are in the middle of the paragraph
(between the first sentence and the last sentence) are special in the form of
details or examples.

Examples of discourse using deductive-inductive paragraphs:

Nowadays Indonesian culture has gradually become extinct.
Children are familiar and familiar with foreign cultures. Children are very
fond of Upin's stories - Ipin, Spongebob, Avatar, Naruto, Marsha and The
Bear, Frozen and other cartoons that are shown on television. Likewise,
teenagers are more fond of Korean dramas and films such as Spiderman,
Harry Potter, Batman rather than original regional stories such as Malin
Kundang, Timun Mas, Roro Jonggrang, Ande-ande Lumut, and so on. In
addition, in the case of games they prefer playing cards, UNO puzzles, and
other games from PS or computer to online games rather than original
games in our area such as the crank, sodor cart, dakonan, mound, stilts and
others. The things above indicate that foreign culture is preferred and is a
center for Indonesian children and adolescents.
4. Deductive-inductive paragraphs
Deductive-inductive paragraphs are a combination of deductive
paragraphs with inductive paragraphs. This deductive-inductive paragraph,
the position of the main idea or main sentence at the beginning and end of
a paragraph. A discourse that uses this type of paragraph is developed with
general sentences at the beginning of the paragraph and the end of the
paragraph while the sentences that are in the middle of the paragraph
(between the first sentence and the last sentence) are special in the form of
details or examples.

Examples of discourse using deductive-inductive paragraphs:

Nowadays Indonesian culture has gradually become extinct.
Children are familiar and familiar with foreign cultures. Children are very
fond of Upin's stories - Ipin, Spongebob, Avatar, Naruto, Marsha and The
Bear, Frozen and other cartoons that are shown on television. Likewise,
teenagers are more fond of Korean dramas and films such as Spiderman,
Harry Potter, Batman rather than original regional stories such as Malin
Kundang, Timun Mas, Roro Jonggrang, Ande-ande Lumut, and so on. In
addition, in the case of games they prefer playing cards, UNO puzzles, and
other games from PS or computer to online games rather than original
games in our area such as the crank, sodor cart, dakonan, mound, stilts and
others. The things above indicate that foreign culture is preferred and is a
center for Indonesian children and adolescents.
Type of Paragraph Based on Content
The types of paragraphs based on the content are very widely used,
especially for those of you who want to become a journalist.

1. Narrative paragraphs
Narrative paragraphs are paragraphs whose content relates to the
type of narrative discourse. Narration is a type of discourse that contains
events or stories. Etymologically, narrative comes from Latin, that is,
narrare means to tell or tell stories, narratio means to tell and narrativus
means to tell.

Examples of discourse using narrative paragraphs:

Pak Rudi is one of the honorary teachers in Grobogan Regency
who teaches at SD N 1 Karangrejo every day. He continued to do the work
until noon. From his job as a teacher of this honor he only received a fee
of Rp. 500,000.00, according to the teacher's UMP in Grobogan Regency.
Even so, Pak Rudi lived it with full sincerity in order to practice their

2. Descriptive paragraphs
Descriptive paragraphs are paragraphs whose content relates to the
type of description discourse. Discourse description is a type of discourse
that contains a clear, detailed and complete description or explanation of a
particular person, atmosphere, object, place, nature, animal or plant.
Etymologically descriptive derived from Latin language that is describing
means making a picture and descriptio means disclosure or depiction.
In developing this paragraph the writer describes something
completely, carefully and in detail. So that readers get a clear picture of
what is told.

Examples of discourse that use descriptive paragraphs:

Grobogan's sky is starting to clear. Although the highway is
narrow, not a few vehicles are packed and heard roaring. School children
dominate the streets. Workers also enliven the streets in a hurry. Slowly
the crowd of vehicles on the road decreases until noon. Although the road
is narrow, but the trees around the road shade the road users.

3. Expository paragraphs
Expository paragraphs are paragraphs whose content relates to the
type of expository discourse. Expository discourse is a type of discourse
that contains an explanation, stretch and exposure of something, so that the
reader gets the knowledge and insights that have been conveyed by the
Expository comes from the Latin language that is exponere which
means to stretch or expose. In describing it, the author cites examples,
processes or concrete evidence of something.

Examples of discourse using expository paragraphs:

Grobogan Regency is the second largest regency in Central Java
Province after Cilacap. Initially, Grobogan regency had its capital in
Grobogan Subdistrict but later moved to Purwodadi Subdistrict. The
special food of this area is muddy. Some of the tourist attractions that we
can visit in Grobogan Regency include Kedung Ombo, Jatipohon
Landscape, mrapen eternal fire and Bledug Kuwu.
4. Argumentative paragraphs
Argumentative paragraphs are paragraphs whose content relates to
the type of argumentation discourse. Argumentation discourse is a type of
discourse that contains opinions, proofs, convictions, ideas, excuses,
grounds or blasphemies against something.
Argumentative comes from Latin that is rguere means to prove or
convince someone and argumentatio means proof. In developing this
paragraph, the writer makes the reader confident by including concrete
evidence in accordance with the available facts. So the reader can believe
the writer's argument.

Example discourse that uses argumentative paragraphs:

Air pollution occurs throughout the country, even in the Grobogan
area mainly in the city of Purwodadi. Motorized vehicles are the main
source of pollution in this area. This results in the air becoming polluted.
The Grobogan District Environmental Agency noted that in 2016 there
was an increase in vehicle levels from the previous year, resulting in an
increase in air pollutants by 125%.

5. Persuasive paragraphs
Persuasive paragraphs are paragraphs whose content relates to the
type of persuasion discourse. Persuasion discourse is a type of discourse
that contains an invitation, persuasion or appeal to someone by giving
good reasons and prospects to those who believe, do something, or buy a
particular object.

Examples of discourse using persuasive paragraphs:

Grobogan Bersemi's slogan should not be a mere claim. Amazingly
motorized vehicles have usurped clean air that is our right as Grobogan
citizens. It's no longer our time to scapegoat other people. The solution
step, let's spring the green plants around us.

A paragraph is a group of sentences consisting of the main

sentence and explanatory sentence. Paragraphs become an important part
and element in writing and literature. There are various kinds of
paragraphs seen from the location of the main sentence or according to its
contents. Paragraphs are divided into several types, namely paragraph
types based on their nature and purpose (function), types of paragraphs
based on the position of the main sentence (place) and types of paragraphs
based on their content (contents). paragraphs based on the nature and
purpose of the opening paragraph, content and closing. paragraphs based
on position and sentence are eductive, inductive, deductive-inductive and
Inerative paragraphs. paragraphs based on content, namely: narrative,
descriptive, expository, argumentative and persuasive.

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