Hola Neas Las Respuestas

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Tests answer key

To score each test as a 5 were asked to?

percentage, take the total • speak fluently, i.e.
mark (e.g. 60), divide by 41 B 42 C 43 C 44 D without too much
80 (e.g. 0.75) and 45 A 46 D 47 B 48 C hesitation?
multiply by 100 = 75%. 49 D 50 B • speak accurately, with
6 correct grammar and
TEST 1 vocabulary, and a clear
1 51 reviewer 52 all of pronunciation?
53 working 54 100,000 • ask questions and
1 D 2A 3 B 4 D 5 C 55 manufacturing 56 car interact with their partner
6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 C 57 specialist naturally and
58 (really) long hours appropriately? (Step 2
2 59 smile at / be friendly to only)
11 students 12 manager / 60 dangerous • use language presented
management 13 full-time in the unit for talking
14 underestimate about jobs?
15 barefoot 16 prioritize Put students in pairs to
17 researcher 18 assistant talk about the photos and
Use the following criteria
19 cultural 20 pleasure then discuss them. Tell
to award ten marks. Give
students to follow the
3 two marks if the student’s
instructions and give
writing meets each
21 not 22 do 23 has / got them two minutes to
criterion well, one mark if
24 a 25 the 26 usually / prepare their brief
their writing is
normally / often presentation about the
satisfactory, and no marks
27 at / on / during 28 does photos. Then ask them to
if they do not meet the
29 These 30 going discuss the points in Step
criterion at all.
2. As they are speaking,
4 monitor their English and
Did the email include …?
award marks up to ten
31 twice a 32 the moment • a reference to the
according to the criteria
/ present 33 every evening advertisement? (e.g. I saw
below. Give two marks if
34 is travelling 35 you tell your advertisement?)
the student meets each
me 36 at/on the weekend •a reason for writing?
criterion well, one mark if
37 doesn’t / does not (e.g. I am writing to ask
their performance is
38 once 39 I’d like / …)
satisfactory, and no marks
I would like 40 becoming • accurate grammar,
if they do not meet the
more vocabulary and good
criterion at all.
Did the student … paragraphing, etc.?
• complete the task, i.e. • a suitable polite and
talk about everything they formal style? (e.g. polite
greeting, indirect 6 • use language presented
questions, etc.) in the unit for talking
• at least two questions 51 B 52 A 53 B 54 C about motivations,
about the job that show 55 B 56 C 57 B 58 B incentives and rewards?
good understanding of the 59 B 60 A
situation? 8
Use the following criteria
Put students in pairs to to award ten marks. Give
TEST 2 talk about the photos and two marks if the student’s
then discuss them. Tell writing meets each
1 students to follow the criterion well, one mark if
1 B 2 D 3A 4 D 5 B instructions and give their writing is
6 D 7 B 8 A 9 A 10 C them two minutes to satisfactory, and no marks
prepare their brief if they do not meet the
2 presentation about the criterion at all.
photos. Then ask them to
11 spend 12 borrow discuss the points in Step
13 loan 14 savings 15 all Did the report ...
2. As they are speaking, • give appropriate facts
16 invest 17 salaries monitor their English and
18 debts 19 matter about one country?
award marks up to ten • use short sentences and
20 hurry according to the criteria not exceed or fall short of
3 below. Give two marks if the given length?
the student meets each • use accurate grammar,
21 did 22 was 23 had criterion well, one mark if vocabulary and good
24 some 25 enough their performance is punctuation,
26 were 27 when / and satisfactory, and no marks paragraphing, etc.?
28 little 29 an 30 any if they do not meet the • write numerical
criterion at all. information correctly?
Did the student … • give suitable advice for
31 many people 32 had a visitor to the country?
• complete the task, i.e.
never / hadn’t / had not
talk about everything they
33 lot of 34 a few TEST 3
were asked to?
35 a little money
• speak fluently, i.e. 1
36 a / any
without too much
37 very much / a lot of
hesitation? 1A 2 C 3 C 4A 5 D
38 any 39 wasn’t having /
• speak accurately, with 6 B 7 B 8 A 9 B 10 C
was not having / didn’t
correct grammar and
have / did not have 2
vocabulary, and a clear
40 too much
pronunciation? 11 campaigns
5 • ask questions and 12 messages 13 products
interact with their partner 14 research 15 launch
41 C 42 I 43 C 44 I naturally and 16 peak 17 trick 18 needs
45 C 46 I 47 I 48 I appropriately? (Step 2 19 meetings
49 I 50 C only) 20 presentations
3 if they do not meet the • include accurate
criterion at all. grammar and a good
21 doing 22 the 23 than range of vocabulary?
24 most 25 as 26 from / to Did the student ... • show good organization
27 more 28 listening • successfully keep up a and paragraphing?
29 to 30 best natural conversation?
• successfully give their TEST 4
4 opinion? (Step 2 only)
31 is less traffic 32 any • show interest in what 1
time travelling 33 to pay their partner said and
interact with them 1 B 2A 3 B 4A 5 C
34 going 35 wasn’t as / 6 A 7 D 8 A 9 D 10 D
was not as naturally and
36 people to take appropriately? 2
37 easier to understand • speak fluently, i.e.
38 the cheapest without too much 11 caring
39 not seeing / missing hesitation? 12 reliable
40 is more pleasant • speak accurately, with 13 height
correct grammar and 14 hard-working
5 vocabulary and a clear 15 sociable
pronunciation? 16 never-ending
41 A 42 B 43 E 44 H 17 challenging
45 C 46 G 47 C 48 F 18 team-player
49 A 50 D 19 independent
Use the following criteria 20 compelling
to award ten marks. Give
51 I 52 I 53 C 54 C two marks if the student’s 3
55 I 56 C 57 I 58 I writing meets each
21 have 22 been
59 C 60 I criterion well, one mark if
23 never / not
their writing is
7 24 might / can 25 did
satisfactory, and no marks
26 had 27 has 28 will
if they do not meet the
Put students in pairs to 29 going 30 are
criterion at all.
have the conversations.
Tell students to follow the 4
Did the review ...
instructions and give • give all the necessary 31 has been 32 yet
them four minutes to read information? 33 she was
and prepare both steps. As • include a balance of 34 hasn’t worked
they are speaking, positive and negative 35 will make 36 will be
monitor their English and points connected with 37 might get
award marks up to ten contrasting linkers? 38 have never / haven’t /
according to the criteria • give a clear have not
below. Give two marks if recommendation at the 39 would give her
the student meets each end that makes sense 40 she isn’t / she’s not /
criterion well, one mark if according to the notes? she is not
their performance is
satisfactory, and no marks 5
41 D 42 B 43 A 44 D 45 pronunciation? 3
B 46 A 47 B 48 C 49 • use suitable language
A 50 C for telephoning? (Step 2 21 were 22 will 23 by
only) 24 up 25 if 26 unless 27 is
6 • use suitable language to 28 do 29 until / so 30 with

51 B 52 B 53 B 54 C talk about skills, personal 4

55 B 56 B 57 A 58 C qualities and interests?
59 A 60 C 31 were brought
8 32 are high
7 33 was made by
Use the following criteria 34 will stop
Put students in pairs to to award ten marks. Give 35 is produced by
talk about the photos and two marks if the student’s 36 Don’t encourage
to ‘leave’ the voicemail writing meets each 37 unless governments
messages. Tell students to criterion well, one mark if provide
follow the instructions their writing is 38 will (only) recycle
and give them two satisfactory, and no marks 39 are recycled
minutes to prepare their if they do not meet the 40 now before
brief presentation about criterion at all.
the photos. Once they 5
have finished talking Did the emails ...
about the photos, allow • start and end 41 A 42 E 43 C 44 G
them two minutes to appropriately? 45 B 46 H 47 B 48 D
prepare the voicemail • keep within the stated 49 F 50 G
messages. As they are word limits?
speaking, monitor their • address the three points
English and award marks in each email? 51 fruit and vegetables
up to ten according to the • use phrases suitable for 52 lonely 53 fresh
criteria below. Give two short emails? 54 the supermarket
marks if the student meets • use accurate grammar, a 55 excited 56 too much
each criterion well, one good range of vocabulary 57 strawberries
mark if their performance and good punctuation, 58 tomatoes
is satisfactory, and no spelling, etc.? 59 understand
marks if they do not meet 60 pick your own / PYO
the criterion at all. signs
Did the student ... 7
• complete the task,
Put students in pairs. Tell
including everything 1A 2 B 3 B 4A 5 C
them to follow the
necessary 6 A 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 D
instructions in Step 1 and
• speak fluently, i.e.
2 give them two minutes to
without too much
prepare their brief
hesitation? 11 line 12 ending presentations about the
• speak accurately, with 13 looking 14 setting dishes they make. When
correct grammar and 15 filling 16 light 17 get they have finished Step 1,
vocabulary, and a clear 18 letting 19 down 20 on
they should move on to Did the email ... 31 to sleep
Step 2 and recommend a • start with a greeting and 32 usually need / have
restaurant to their partner. positive comment? 33 shouldn’t / should not
As they are speaking, • include a clear 34 were you
monitor their English and suggestion about travel 35 hadn’t changed / had
award marks up to ten plans? not changed
according to the criteria • give directions to a 36 couldn’t get / could not
below. Give two marks if named destination (e.g. get
the student meets each home) using correct 37 mustn’t drive / must
criterion well, one mark if prepositions? not drive
their performance is • include a friendly 38 wouldn’t have / would
satisfactory, and no marks ending that refers to not have
if they do not meet the Julie’s visit? 39 didn’t work / did not
criterion at all. • use accurate grammar, work
vocabulary and good 40 wouldn’t get / would
Did the student ... punctuation, not get
• complete the task, i.e. paragraphing, etc.?
talk about everything they
were asked to? TEST 6 41 C 42 C 43 I 44 I
• speak fluently, i.e. 45 C 46 I 47 I 48 I
without too much 1 49 I 50 C
• speak accurately, with 1A 2C 3C 4D 5C 6
correct grammar and 6 B 7 B 8 A 9 B 10 D
51 A 52 B 53 B 54 A
vocabulary, and a clear 55 B 56 C 57 B 58 C
pronunciation? 59 C 60 A
• ask natural questions 2
and interact with their 7
11 valued 12 suggestion
partner appropriately?
13 difference Put students in pairs. Tell
• use language presented
14 enjoyable 15 relaxing them to follow the
in the unit for talking
16 dividing 17 welcoming instructions in Step 1 and
about food and
18 tired 19 decision give them two minutes to
20 appreciative prepare their discussion
about the situation. When
8 3 they have finished Step 1,
Use the following criteria 21 be 22 to 23 would they should move on to
to award ten marks. Give 24 did 25 needs / has Step 2 and ask each other
two marks if the student’s 26 not 27 should / must questions about
writing meets each 28 will / may / can something they have had
criterion well, one mark if 29 need / have to organize. As they are
their writing is 30 could / would speaking, monitor their
satisfactory, and no marks English and award marks
if they do not meet the 4 up to ten according to the
criterion at all. criteria below. Give two
marks if the student meets • use appropriate
each criterion well, one language for making
mark if their performance suggestions and giving
is satisfactory, and no advice?
marks if they do not meet • follow the conventions
the criterion at all. for posting comments
(short sentences, a direct
Did the student ... tone, no greeting or
• complete the task, i.e. signing off)?
talk about everything they • use accurate grammar,
were asked to? vocabulary and good
• use language presented punctuation,
in the unit for talking paragraphing, etc.?
about problems and
• ask natural questions
and interact with their
partner appropriately?
• speak fluently, i.e.
without too much
• speak accurately, with
correct grammar and
vocabulary, and a clear

Use the following criteria

to award ten marks. Give
two marks if the student’s
writing meets each
criterion well, one mark if
their writing is
satisfactory, and no marks
if they do not meet the
criterion at all.

Did the reply ...

• give appropriate
suggestions and answer
the query in suitable
• provide an explanation
of why this is good

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