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Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

Teacher’s Guide
Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education
Teacher’s Guide
(Unit 3- Week 28)


This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public and private schools,
colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of
Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 1
Teacher’s Guide: Maranao
First Edition, 2013
ISBN: 978-971-9981-73-2

Republic Act 8293, section 176 indicates that: No copyright shall subsist in
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government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
The borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand
names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.
Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC
Undersecretary: Dr. Yolanda S. Quijano
Assistant Secretary: Dr. Elena R. Ruiz

Development Team of the Teacher’s Guide

Authors: Saada Tubing and Azisah Naga

Consultant: Rosalina J. Villaneza

Editors: Elianor P. Disoma and Norquisah P. Somusen

Graphic Artists: Bienvenido E. Saldua, and Kiram T. Altawan

Layout Artist: Aileen Nacario Ilagan

Printed in the Philippines ____________

Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat

Office Address: 2nd Floor Dorm G, PSC Complex, Meralco Avenue.
Pasig City, Philippines 1600
Telefax: (02) 634-1054, 634-1072
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I. Objectives:
At the end of the week, the pupils are expected to:
1. Tell stories, legends, fables, jokes, advertisement, etc. With correct rate,
accuracy and prosody(phrasing, pausing and emphasis.)
2. Read by sight word listed in Appendix.
3. Read phrases, sentences and short stories containing high frequency
words and words studied.
4. Read with automatic, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade high-
frequency/sight words (Appendix)
5. Read grade one level text in three-to-four words phrases, and sentences
with appropriate intonation, expressions, and punctuation cues.
6. Correctly spelled previously learned words.
7. Correctly spell action words in different tenses as it is used in the
8. Write using phonic knowledge for different purposes-sentences, lists,
jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc.)
9. Use the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in different
10. Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and multi-meaning
words correctly.
11. Identify some words that comprise contractions (e.g. Can’t-can not, Isn’t-
is not)
12. Infer the character’s feelings based on their actions or on what they say.
13. Listen and respond to the story, legends, fables, etc.through discussions,
illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.
14. Listen and respond to the school and community issues, events,
situations, radio broadcast, advertisement, etc. through discussions,
illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.
15. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topics:
1. Oral Language
 Telling stories, legends, fables, jokes, advertisement, ect. With
correct rate, accuracy and prosody(phrasing, pausing and

2. Word Recognition
 Reading by sight word listed in Appendix.
 Reading phrases, sentences and short stories containing high
frequency words and words studied.
3. Fluency
 Reading with automatic, accuracy and prosody 100 first grade
high-frequency/sight words (Appendix)
 Reading grade one level text in three-to-four words phrases, and
sentences with appropriate intonation, expressions, and
punctuation cues.

4. Spelling
 Writing the correct spelling of previously learned words.
 Writing the correct spelling of action words in different tenses as it
is used in the sentences.

5. Composing
 Writing using phonic knowledge for different purposes-sentences,
lists, jokes, poems, songs, riddles, short stories, etc.)

6. Grammar Awareness
 Using the correct action words in narrating one’s experiences in
different forms.

7. Vocabulary
 Identifying and using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and multi-
meaning words correctly.

8. Activating Schema
 Inferring the character’s feelings based on their actions or on what
they say.

9. Comprehension of information Text

 Listening and responding to the school and community issues,
events, situations, radio broadcast, advertisement, etc. through
discussions, illustrations, songs, dramatization and art.

10. Attitudes Towards Literature

 Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to
them and asking to be read more stories.

B. References:
1. K to 12 Curriculum
2. Two-Track Approach to Teaching Children to Read and Write Their
First Language (L1): A Guidebook for Trainers (Susan and Dennis
Malone, 2010)
3. Beginning Reading Instructional Guide to Help Teachers Bright

C. Materials:
D. Theme: Our Transportation- tricycle/bicycle, Bangka,ship, jeepney, bus,
car, LRT, raft, horseback, carabao, on foot etc.
E. Value Focus: Getting Together with the Family

III. Learning Activities:

Day 1

A. Pre-Reading:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
a. Somisirit . Da aken den matendo so bilangan o trak ka
somisirit kagiya ko somaged.

b. Pelalag Pelalag si Akmad sa ka petondhagay niyan, sabap roo
na somiyakit a pamosoan iyan.
c. Pemasairo Miyagnaw komabalaga si Abobakar ka pemagayan
pemasairo a trak sa kashong iyan sa Marawi
d. Pemagayan Moontod si Amina ko atag o kayo ka pemagayan
sa trak

2. Motivation/Activating Prior Knowledge

1. Teacher shows picture of two boys racing their bicycle. Teacher
asks pupils to view and study thepicture. After viewing, pupils will
be encouraged to talk about the meaning and ideas that th ey can
get from the pictures and illustrations viewed.

Ask: Antonaa mangaday i peshowaan iran? Antawaa

mangaday i pekhataban sii ko dowa? Antonaa i
khagedam ka opama o makataban ka sa kakhoya?

Say: Imanto, na pemakineg kano sa thotholan a

makapantag ko dowa kataw a bhagowamama a di
khoya sa kambayk. Ilayin tano o antawaa i pekataban

B. During Reading
Interactive Reading

1. Read the title of the story. Introduce the author and the illustrator.
Say: Ilaya niyo so Mala a Libro. Antonaa i miyailay niyo? Antonaa i
manga pakaisha iyo ko thotholan tano?

2. Open the book showing the first picture

Ask: Antonaa i miyailay niyo
Say: Batiyaan tano giyaya a lekatan.

(Teacher reads with the pupils or asks volunteer/s to read text for that

3. Do the same for each page, asking the pupils what they think will
happen next.

So Manga Piyanga daan i Arafat

Inisorat i Azisah A. Naga

Miyakaisa a alongan na so pamiliya saki Arafat na

miyamisita siran sa inged iran a pagedaan iran so trak iran a
Pajero. Kagiya ko makawma siran sa inged iran na miyakailay si
Arafat sa mama a maageda sa motor. Somiyaged peman sa
walay iran so bagowamama a khokoda a di melompat sa
kapembaling iyan.
Kagiya ko mapita na miyailay niyan so thenged iyan a
mageda ko bike iyan. Na tiyalowan iyan sa mikomos siran.
Mimbitiyarai siran sa taman sa mipesada siran sa pekhoya siran
sa di iran di kambike. Sii ko di ran di kambike na tanto a
miyakasirit so bikei Rais sa taman sa baniyan baden kiya
rompakan so keleb o alad iran. baden da kasakiti si Rais.

Domikha so dowa kataw sa mininom siran sa matenggaw

a ig. Na miyaling den si Rais sa mipesada siran sa pekhoya siran
bo sii ko di pen kapekabaling saki Arafat.

C. Post Reading

1. Discussion questions (Literal and Motive)

2. Antonaa i mapapadalem ko thothol?

3. Manga antawaa so manga bhagowa mama ko thotholan?
4. Antonaa i pinggolawla o manga wata?
5. Antawaa i miyakataban ko kakhoya?
6. Antonaa i miyagedam i Arafat sii ko kiyapakataban iyan?

Day 2

A. (Review the story by asking the pupils to retell the story by sequencing
its events”)
 Teacher asks volunteer/s to retell the story.

B. Engagement Activities:
a. Aya tomoon aken na:
 The children will draw the characters in the story and tell
something about them.

b. Itolad tano:
 The children will draw faces of Asim and Arafat to show how
they feel after the race.

c. Sayanan tano:
 The pupils will choose their favorite part in the story and they
will act it.

d. Podin Tano
 The pupils will make a medal, ribbon or certificate to recognize
the players in a bicycle race.

C. Processing of the Activity

Teacher should process the activity done by 4 groups. Responses are
written on the chart.


Processing Questions:


 Antonaa i penggalebek o paganay, ikadowa, ikatelo, ikapat

lompok a manga wata?
 Antonaa i miyagedam iyo ko pinggalebek iyo?
 Andamanaya i kiya nggalebeka o manga wata ko sangan iran?
 Antonaa i miyaanad iyo ko pinggagalebek iyo?

Day 3

Grammar Lesson
A. Preparatory Activity
Game: “Paki ilayin ka, ka sowaan aken”
7. Teacher shows pictures depicting actions. Let the pupil talk about the
picture then let the pupil act it out.

B. Presentation
(Connect the story previously learned to the lesson.)
Ask: Antawaa so manga bhagowa mama ko thotholan? (Asim and
Arafat )
Show the picture of Asim and Arafat in several pages of the big book

Ask: Antonaa i di iran di nggalebeken? (as the teacher show

selected pages)

(Teacher writes sentences in the chalkboard based on their responses

using the action words.)
Say: Pamatiyaan tano giyaya a manga sakoyog a manga katharo

(The underlined words are action words.)

a. Misogay sa kakhoya si Arafat ago si Asim.

b. Kiyarompakan i Asim so keleb.
c. Penggita gita siran pharoman amay ko Sapto.

Say: So kigogorisan a manga katharo na phapenotholen iran so

manga galebek o manga bhagowamama. (Teacher presents
the tenses of the verb as they analyze when the action

Day 4

A. Generalization:
 Antonaa i ipesompat tano ko manga katharo igira miyapasad den?
 Antonaa i ipsompat tano ko manga katharo igira pamomolowan so
galebek? (pe-)
 Antonaa i ipesompat tano ko manga katharo igira pekatalingoma
baden? (peka-)

Katharo Miyapasad den Pamomolowan Pekatalingoma

kakan miyakakan pekhan pekakan
lalakaw miyakalalakaw pelalakaw pekalalakaw
palalagoy miyakapalalagoy pelalagoy pekapalalagoy
tindeg miyakatindeg petendeg pekatindeg
B. Guided Practice
a. Let the pupils give sentences using action words.
b. Write sentences using the verbs below in 3 tenses.

C. Independent Practice
Pandoan: Sorat kano sa manga sakoyog a katharo a pegosaren so
pemakatondog a manga katharo.
1. miyakada
2. pekada
3. penggoraok
4. miyakatondog
5. miyakakan

Day 5

A. Application
Sorat kano sa lima koyog a manga katharo makapantag ko paganay a
kiya pamaka pageda ka sa sikad, train, armak, pidicab a phagosaren ka
so ontol a katharo a penothol ko manga galebek.

B. Evaluation
Directions: With the help of the picture, write a sentence using the
appropriate form of the verb. Underline the verb used in the sentence.

C. Agreement/Enrichment Activity:
Write a song ,poem,story about your favorite transportation .Read
your work to the class next meeting.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

DepEd-Bureau of Elementary Education,

Curriculum Development Division

2nd Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex (ULTRA)

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 638-4799 or 637-4347

E-mail Address:,

ISBN: 978-971-9981-73-2

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