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CHEM 101L Pre-Lab 2 Fall 2019

UNC onyen

Experiment 2: Aqueous Reactions

Experiment #2 Pre-Lab Assignment
1. When answering questions, do not repeat or copy from the lab manual. You are encouraged to
use the Lab Manual as a reference, but plagiarized answers will not be graded.
2. Do not ever work to answer these questions with a partner - avoid plagiarism and cheating.
3. Do not exceed the limit given for each question.
4. Do not remove instructions or any bolded text.

1. (3) What is the objective of this lab (what are you measuring and why)? (1-2 sentences)

In this lab, we will be using calorimetry to measure the change in temperature that happens
during a chemical reaction. We are doing this to better understand the process of a chemical
reaction and what happens during one.

2. (2) Summarize this experiment: Provide a bulleted list of tasks for this experiment, using
1 phrase or sentence per bullet. You can use a maximum of 4 bullet points to describe
Experiment 2.

 Set up the calorimeter and record the temperature when ammonium chloride is
 Discard the solution then perform the same experiment with a solution of citric acid
and sodium bicarbonate.
 Discard solution then place a temperature probe in a hydrochloric acid solution.
After 20 seconds add the magnesium and record the temperature.
 Then dispose of the liquid and solid waste in the containers in the fume hood.

3. (2) Look up (use an internet search engine) and reference the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for
hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Report the health hazard
ratings, one potential hazard and one prevention method for both compounds below.
o Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

 Health Hazard Rating: 3

 Potential health hazard: Irreversible eye injury including irritation and severe
 Prevention: Wear safety gear, including goggles and lab coat
CHEM 101L Pre-Lab 2 Fall 2019

o Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

 Health Hazard Rating: 2

 Potential health hazard: Can cause eye irritation and increase the flow of tears
 Prevention: use only under a chemical fume hood

4. Answer the following questions about the use of Styrofoam cups in this experiment:

o (2) In this experiment, you are instructed to use two Styrofoam cups. Why do you
need two cups and why do you use Styrofoam?

Styrofoam is used because it is an insulated material. The calorimeter uses

two cups because the calorimeter assumes that no heat or energy is lost to
outside surroundings. Two cups ensures that no heat or energy escapes.

o (1) Why do you put a lid on the Styrofoam cup?

You put a lid on the Styrofoam cup so that heat and energy do not escape out
the top.

o (1) Why does this reaction need to be stirred?

The reaction needs to be stirred in order to make sure that the temperature is even
throughout the whole mixture to ensure accurate readings.

o NOTE: In this experiment, it is essential that the temperature probe is submerged

in the solution at all times. This means you must have your probe off to the side
(not directly in the middle of the cup - otherwise, because of stirring, the probe
will not be submerged in solution)
CHEM 101L Pre-Lab 2 Fall 2019

5. (2) Ammonium chloride is a strong electrolyte, meaning it completely dissociates into its
ions when it dissolves in water.
a. Fill in the ionic equation for dissolution of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl(s)) below. Be
sure to include states of matter in the equation.

NH4Cl(s) → NH4+ (aq)+Cl-(aq)

b. (2) If the dissolution of NH4Cl(s) is endothermic, what do you expect to observe in

regards to the temperature of the water when it is dissolved? (less than 1

The temperature of the water will go decrease.

c. (2) If the dissolution of NH4Cl(s) is exothermic, what do you expect to observe in

regards to the temperature of the water? (less than 1 sentence)

The temperature of the water will increase.

6. (1) Balance the following chemical equation: (hint, PO43- is a polyatomic anion)

3CaCl2(aq) + 2Na3PO4(aq) → Ca3(PO4)2(s) + 6NaCl(aq)

7. (4) Write the net ionic equation of the reaction in question #6. (Hint: write the complete
ionic equation elsewhere and solve the the net ionic equation, then type it into the space

2PO43-(aq) + 3Ca2+(aq) → Ca3(PO4)2(s)

8. (2) In your calorimeter, the system is described as the reaction; which includes the
reactants and the products. If you are measuring a reaction in water, is water part of the
system, or the surrounding? If the energy of the water increases (temperature increases),
did the system gain or lose heat?

The water is part of the system. The system has gained energy if the energy of the water
CHEM 101L Pre-Lab 2 Fall 2019

9. (2) If you measure an exothermic reaction, such as HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq), in a calorimeter, will
the water heat up, cool down, or remain the same temperature?

The water will heat up.

10. (3) In 2 sentences or less, describe how the heat energy is transferred in an endothermic
reaction using the terms "system" and "surroundings". For example: Is the heat energy
released to the surroundings or supplied by the surroundings?

An endothermic reaction cools the surroundings. The system absorbs the heat which cools
the surroundings.

11. (3) In 2 sentences or less, describe how the heat energy is provided and distributed in an
exothermic reaction. For example: Does the heat come from breaking bonds, go into
breaking bonds, come from making new bonds, or go into making new bonds?

In an exothermic reaction the heat comes from making new bonds.

12. (1) What physical observation would indicate that a gas is forming during a chemical
reaction in water?

A physical observation would be bubbles forming in the water.

13. (2) Critical thinking question: Why does the data collection last for 4 minutes? Why not
use a single measurement of temperature before and a single measurement after the
reagents are mixed?

There may be a sudden drop or jump in temperature so by taking multiple data points, it
ensures that the data is correct. It also helps you see if there are inconsistencies in the data.

TA ONLY: Late Penalty Formatting

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