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Complete each sentence using the verbs in the brackets. Think carefully
about regular and irregular verbs!
1. My sister ____ (buy) a beautiful leather jacket yesterday. It was so
2. Can you tell me if the 6.43 train to Chicago _____ (leave) on time or not?
3. Don't give me that book, I ______ (read) it last year and hated it!
4. Every Sunday when I was a child, the whole family ______ (visit) my
grandparents in the country.
5. My wife _______ (watch) a horror movie on TV last night until midnight.
6. I didn't write that letter, Pete. Your brother ______ (write) it.
7. The hotel was great and so quiet too. We _______ (sleep) so well. Today, I
feel very relaxed.
8. We hope that you _______ (enjoy) your stay with us. Come again soon!
Bottom of Form
Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form. Some verbs are stative
verbs and some are dynamic verbs. Use the simple present or
present progressive tense.
1. Actually, that _____ (sound) wonderful.
2. We ____ (cook) right now.
3. I ______ (promise) to be back soon.
4. Frank and his wife _____ (disagree) on this matter.
5. He ______(own) several large companies.
6. you _____(hear) Richard's voice now?
7. you ______(study) at the moment?
8. I _____ (mean) to hurt you.
9. you ______(mind) taking out the garbage?
10.I seriously _______(doubt) it.

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