Review of The Diphthong Sound: Run On

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Run On 1. Let�s see who�s speaking today.

Run On 2. Mary�s sister loves sipping juices.

Run On 3. Frank�s speaking about horses� saddles.

Run On 4. Tom�s zebra and Dick�s snake are unusual.

Run On 5. Let�s zigzag on the ice with Phillip�s skates.

Run On 6. The candidate�s speeches sounded false.

Run On 7. Thousands saw Shakira�s show.

Run On 8. Her face showed a nice smile.

Run On 9. Wendy�s sister likes sausages.

Run On 10. The cyclop�s said, �this cheese stinks�.

Review of the diphthong sound

A. The diphthong sound [ ] The �O� is the 15th letter in the English alphabet. The lips are rounded widely, then closed

to form a very small round shape like the form to pronounce the English �w� or Spanish �oueste� �huesped� The
[ ] sound is very short.


owe alone go

only know no
open throat show

over throne throw

O.K Joan grow

ocean stone flow

owner coat tomato

Oh Dear! comb potato
Phone Joan at home. My nose and throat hurts.

Don�t go to throw stones!. Joe grows tomatoes and potatoes.

It snows on groves. Don�t go to the show alone!

You owe Joe a phone call. Somebody has stolen my comb!

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