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Zombies vs. vampires

in a fight for pop-culture
horror supremacy
McClatchy-Tribune Information Services

Within pop-culture, there are a lot of monsters, ghouls and

maniacs out there that want to terrify us. But for the true mas-
ters of horror pop, you need look no further than the two reigning
champs of chomps: zombies and vampires.
More than any other, these creatures capture the imagination and
inspire ferocious loyalty. Zombie lovers corpse-up, congregate in flash
mobs and hijack constructions signs to read “Caution: Zombies Ahead.”
Vamp fans wear molded ceramic fangs, make pilgrimages to New
Orleans and Transylvania, and drink Tru Blood.
But really, which beast is best? The walking dead or undead? The brain
eater or blood sucker?
In order to settle the zombie vs. vampire debate, we’ve collected notable
films of both genres from the last 25 years, and pitted their characters against
each other for a celebrity undead death match.
Although judgments on winners are completely subjective, we tried to channel
George A. Romero and Bela Lugosi for guidance since they were incredibly influen-
tial in both genres. Lugosi starred as the count in the definitive version of “Dracula” in
1931 and gave the world the grandfather of the zombie movies, “White Zombie,” in
1932. Romero remains the reigning genius of the zombie genre after directing 1968’s
“Night of the Living Dead,” and he contributed heavily to vampires on screen with the
underrated deconstruction “Martin” (1978).


Rodriguez/Tarantino Terrors
“From Dusk Till Dawn” vs. “Grindhouse”
Filmmakers Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez
have collaborated on six films together, but the most well
known are the duo’s work on the 1996 vampire flick
“Dawn” (written by and starring Tarantino, and directed
by Rodriguez) and 2007’s double-feature, “Grindhouse.”
In the latter, Rodriguez directed the “Planet Terror” zom-
DETROIT FREE PRESS/MCT NEW LINE CINEMA bie segment, which includes Tarantino as zombified UNIVERSAL PICTURES L I O N S G AT E

Ash Williams Blade “Rapist No. 1.” Both films sport over-the-top action, Self-aware zombies in Vampire society in
(Bruce Campbell) (Wesley Snipes) plenty of bared flesh — as well as gory flesh-eating. “Land of the Dead.” “Daybreakers.”
“Terror” features a stripper who kills zombies with a
Supernatural slayer, male prosthetic machine-gun leg; “Dawn” has mutated vam- looks pretty bleak. In the 2005 George A. Romero film
pire strippers. As an unapologetic popcorn bloodsucker “Land of the Dead,” it’s the “not too distant future” and
Ash vs. Blade humans are outnumbered by zombies and forced to live
movie, “From Dusk Till Dawn” takes the win.
From the Sam Raimi-directed “Evil Dead” franchise WINNER: Vampires in an extremely gated community. The rich live inside a
(1981, 1987, 1992), Ashley J. “Ash” Williams (Bruce modern skyscraper, the poor must fend on the street, and
Campbell) is a wisecracking, S-Mart housewares the zombies outside are becoming self-aware and evolv-
employee who uses a chainsaw attachment for his miss- Classic remakes of classics ing. In the equally bleak 2010 film “Daybreakers,” vam-
ing hand and double-barreled, 12-gauge “boomstick” to “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” vs. pires outnumber humans in the near future, and blood
fight zombie (ahem, Deadite) hoardes. Ash is a good “Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead” supplies are running low. Ethan Hawke plays a vampire
fighter and inventive, but pretty dim-witted. The title In 1992, Francis Ford Coppola’s contributed his take scientist trying to create synthetic blood while the
character of his own film series (1998, 2002, 2004), on Bram Stoker’s 1897 tale. The result had some prob- remaining humans are hunted and harvested in blood
Blade (Wesley Snipes) is a half-vampire “daywalker” lems (Keanu Reeves’ English accent, anyone?) but was banks. “Daybreakers” possesses a nifty concept with
who possesses speed, strength, healing powers and basi- so visually arresting that it is one of the great “Dracula” futuristic aesthetics similar to “The Matrix,” but it never
cally all the powers of a vampire — including blood films. Gary Oldman’s portrayal of the count as both an captures the attention like “Land of the Dead.” In
thirst — but none of the weaknesses. Being half-super- old and young man stands out. Meanwhile, Zack “Land,” Romero returned to form in a big-budget way,
natural and completely tough, Blade has the clear Snyder’s 2004 remake of George A. Romero’s and the audience is actually inspired when the dead
advantage and could kick Ash’s ash. 1978 celebrated zombies-in-mall sequel solid- begin to use tools and decide to work together.
WINNER: Vampires ified the transition from the walking dead WINNER: Zombies
into the sprinting dead, which began with
Supernatural slayer, female “28 Days Later.” Snyder’s version Man-made monsters
Alice vs. Buffy starts fast and stays fast, gives “28 Days Later” vs. “I Am Legend”
Alice (Milla Jovovich) is a rugged, super- excellent gore and a zombie birth. Before he was the Oscar-winning director of
human zombie-killer in the post-apocalyptic Because the first 20 minutes bor- “Slumdog Millionaire,” Danny Boyle was the man who
world of the “Resident Evil” quadrilogy ders on brilliance and the ending is popularized the fast-moving zombie in “28 Days Later”
(2002, 2004, 2007, 2010); she com- so open-ended, Snyder narrowly (2002). Along with the first “Resident Evil,” the film
bines occasional telepathic and teleki- snatches victory from the dude helped change movie zombies from reanimated corpses
netic powers with martial arts skills, that gave us “The Godfather.” to humans infected with a virus. As soon as the character
WINNER: Zombies of Jim (Cillian Murphy) wakes from a coma to find
munitions and a curved “kukri” knife
to dispatch enemies. Buffy “The London emptied of humans, the film is an unsettling and
Vampire Slayer” Summers of the Forget the future unrelenting drama that helped redefine the zombie genre
1992 film is a cheerleader — with val- “Land of the Dead” vs. — and make it cool again. With its eerie scenes of an
ley girl slang and wooden stakes. Not to “Daybreakers” abandoned Manhattan, “I Am Legend” is the 2007 Will
be confused with the TV Sunnydale ver- When it comes to vampire Smith film about viral vampires and a scientist who may
sion, this Buffy was played by Kristy and zombie movies, the future be the last living human. “Legend” could have been
Swanson, and although she eventually great if it remained focused on Smith’s character surviv-
saves the day, Alice could have done it in Milla Jovovich as Alice in ing and combating loneliness, but the CGI virals look
half the time with far more bloodletting. “Resident Evil: Afterlife.” cheesy and the film flounders when more humans arrive.

They’re both great. characters could ignore in favor There’s not much you can do with
Vampires go way back to of petty bickering.” them … On the vampire front, I
when I was a little kid. And back — George A. Romero, actually like the smarter vampire
even more to my parent’s genera- director, “Night of the Living films. ‘Interview with a Vampire’
tion — and back even before Dead,” “Dawn of the Dead” is one of my favorites — anything
them. The zombies are a little that gets you to think a little more
more recent. One of my favorite deeply about the whole vampire

Of course, I have a soft
directors and close friends is spot in my heart for vam- phenomenon as opposed to just
George Romero, and I think he pires, because they are dark and the purely you know, visceral or
transformed the horror genre with sexy like myself. But lately zom- women being bitten by vampires.”
‘Night of the Living Dead.’” bies are taking over, man. I love — Dave Howe, president,
— John Carpenter, director, zombies. … There’s been so B Y G I U L I O M A R C O C C H I / A B AC A P R E S S / M C T Syfy channel
“Halloween,” “Vampires,” many great zombie films out Elvira, host of “Elvira’s Movie Macabre,” has a soft spot for

“Big Trouble in Little China” recently.” vampires. Vampires can be elegant
— Elvira, mistress of and sophisticated, beauti-

“ “
I’m not particularly fasci- the dark/host, “Elvira’s Movie drive-in movie. So they were all I think vampires are my ful ... but zombies are ugly, dead
nated about zombies. I Macabre” wrapped up in my memory with favorite because vampires people that (continue) to be dead
sort of backed into it. I didn’t making out in the back seat with are a little more textured with a and rot.”

even call them zombies in the first Well, I’m kind of partial a surfer girl.” little more depth than zombies … — Tom Savini, makeup artist,
film; I called them ‘flesh eaters.’ I to some of the Hammer — Robert Englund, actor, Zombies are difficult to make sus- director, actor, “Dawn of the
just wanted some sort of game- vampire films. Because I saw “Nightmare on Elm Street,” tainable because they are trained Dead,” “Night of the Living
changing event that my human those when I was a teenager at the “Zombie Strippers!” not to have much of a personality. Dead,” “From Dusk Till Dawn”



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