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We know each other intimately, as friends, •

Which stage of marriage do I think we’re in?

Talking Points
Depth Stage - Zechariah and Elizabeth lovers and children of God.
• Which stage of marriage does my partner think
We feel safe and secure in each other’s love. we’re in?

We understand that our differences can also • What three things could I do to help our
be our strengths. marriage move positively towards the
discovery and depth stages?
We treasure everything about the other
person, even the challenging, annoying and
• If I woke up tomorrow and our marriage was
difficult-to-understand things.
perfect, what would I be saying and doing
We discuss our differences openly, differently than I did today? What difference
respectfully and maturely, without intense would it make to our marriage if I chose to
arguing. start doing those things today?

We make a daily choice to love each other • God wants our marriage to be the best it can
unconditionally in everything we do or say. be. What ideas does He have that would bless
our marriage?
We look at each other through God’s loving
eyes, and ask, ‘How I can help my spouse
experience more of God’s love today?’ • ‘Highly Effective Marriage’ by Nancy van Pelt

For further help

• ‘God’s Little Book of Marriage Builders’ by Karen
and Bernie Holford

Seasons of Marriage
• ‘The Family Book’ by Karen Holford
• ‘The Marriage Book’ by Nicky and Sila Lee
• ‘Laugh your way to a better marriage’ DVD series by
Mark Gungor -
• ‘The Five Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman -
• ‘Hold me Tight’ by Sue Johnson -
‘The Divorce Remedy’ by Michele Weiner-Davis -
‘Seven principles for making marriage work’
At this stage we may need to:
• Talk about how our relationship may change as
by Dr John Gottmann and Nan Silver –
we grow older, and discuss the plans we have for
a happy and healthy retirement.
• ‘The Adventist Home’ by Ellen G. White ...Depth...
• Talk honestly with others about the ups and
downs of our relationship so they can see how
All marriages grow through different stages.
we’ve grown through our struggles.
• Mentor a younger married couple and support Leaflet sponsored by: Each stage has its own challenges and its own
them through the different stages of marriage. The BUC Children’s Ministries Department possibilities.
• Find a unique ministry we can share together, so SDA Church Headquarters At every stage there are things we can do to
that others can experience God’s love through us. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, WD25 9JZ help us grow even closer in our marriage.
Dream Stage - Solomon and his bride When we’re newly married we’re often very This is the toughest stage. But it’s also a very normal

Stage - Samson and Delilah

caring and loving, but we’re also still finding part of every growing relationship. Some couples stay in
our way together. this stage for the rest of their lonely and unhappy lives
together. Some couples separate and divorce because they
We try to do everything possible to make can’t find a way through this stage. But we’ll never learn
each other happy. how to have the close, strong and loving relationships God
intended us to experience, unless we find a way through
our disillusionment into the discovery stage.
We have high (and probably different)
expectations of each other and our marriage.
Our high expectations are dashed by the reality of
everyday stresses and strains.
We try to avoid conflict, so we overlook our
irritations and problems. We become more aware of each other’s differences, habits
and limitations and they become more annoying to us.
We may be afraid of letting our partner see us
as we really are. We argue, fight, blame each other, point out each other’s Every stage of marriage needs to be a discovery

Discovery Stage - Joseph and Mary

weaknesses, and become easily irritated and frustrated stage. There’s always something new to learn
At this stage we may need to: with each other. about each other, and something new to learn
• Establish our couple spirituality through about having an even happier marriage.
times of prayer and worship. We retreat into our own separate and over-busy worlds.
• Build deeper trust and talk to each other Our commitment is vital for our growth. If

about difficult and painful things. We may try to soothe ourselves by becoming addicted we’re not committed we’re not going to work
• Learn how to discuss our differences to food, overwork, exercise, the Internet, gaming, on our relationship, and we’ll miss out on the
openly, calmly and respectfully. pornography etc. ways God wants to use our marriage to help us
• Establish a pattern of enjoyable couple grow.
At this stage we may need to:
times – planning surprises and special
• Know there’s hope beyond our disillusionment and At this stage of marriage we may need to:
times together.
pain. • Rediscover the things that attracted us to
• Explore what our parenting choices will
• Find more useful and respectful ways to communicate each other, and find ways to cherish them
mean for our relationship. with each other.
• Learn how to soothe and comfort each again.
• Forgive the hurts of the past and find ways to move
other through the inevitable distresses • Look for ways in which our differences are
on together.
of life. gifts from God that bless our relationship
• Recognise each other’s needs and begin to meet them.
• Do one kind thing a day for each other, even when we in many ways.
don’t feel like it. • Learn to meet each other’s needs for
• Look for the times when we’re actually getting it affection, attention, appreciation,
right, and wonder how we manage to do that again. acceptance, forgiveness, respect, support,
• Find respectful and kind ways to manage our conflicts. comfort, security and encouragement.
• Have more fun together. Find a baby-sitter if necessary. • Help each other to reach our personal and
• Do things together that show how much we value our couple goals
relationship. • Discover new ways to make our marriage
• Go to a Marriage Retreat. the best it can be.
• Read some of the books listed at the end of the leaflet. • Regularly attend marriage seminars and
• Visit and other Christian retreats.
marriage websites for help, support, encouragement • Read books & watch videos about marriage
and ideas. together.
• Try specialist couple counselling. (The sooner couples • Renew our commitment to each other.
attend counselling, the more effective the counselling • Remember that God wants to help us have
is likely to be, and the fewer sessions will be needed. a wonderful marriage.
Counselling is much cheaper than a divorce!)

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