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Submitted to:
Farzana Riva
Dept. of Marketing

Submitted by:
Sadia Afrin Anika- B17231017
Tamim Islam – B17231021
Abrar Jawad – B17231029
Mushfiqur Rahman – B17231033
Ilham Hasan Chowdhury – B17231039

Program: BBA General

Semester: 4th
Batch: 2016-17
Section: A
Department of Business Administration – General

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216
Letter of Transmittal
November 04, 2018

Ms. Farzana Riva

Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Subject: Submission of Term Paper

Dear Madam,
It is our great pleasure to submit the term paper on “SWOT analysis of two public university of
We are grateful to you for your instructions and guidelines. We have learnt lot of new things during
our research and preparation of the report. We believe, it will be very useful for us throughout the
BBA Program as well as in our career.
We tried to put our best effort for the preparation of this report. We will be pleased to answer any
sort of query that you may have regarding the report.

Yours Sincerely,
On Behalf of the team
Md. Mushfiqur Rahman


Roll Number: B17231033

Section: A
BBA General 2017

At the exceedingly beginning we would like to convey our cordial gratitude to Almighty Allah for
giving us the strength and the self-possession to accomplish the assigned job within the schedule

We would like to thank my honorable faculty “Ms. Farzana Riva”, for providing us the necessary
instructions and guidelines for the successful completion of this report.

We would also like to convey our love and appreciation to our family and all of our friends who
have helped and supported us all the way, while doing the report.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction
Bangladesh over the years have improved the quality of their higher education and is still
continuing to do so. “Dhaka University” has always been one of the pioneers of quality
education in Bangladesh. This university holds the highest accolades for this country in any
sector. Following the footsteps of “Dhaka University” many private, public and international
universities have been established in this country. Recent studies have shown these
universities have been are playing a vital role to educate the vast number of students of this
country. And as such one of the new leading public university is “Bangladesh University of
Professionals”. In this termpaper a detailed overview and SWOT analysis of “Dhaka
University” and “Bangladesh University of Professionals” has been reported.
1.1 Origin of the Report
This report is prepared as an academic requirement for the course “Marketing Management”
under the supervision of Ms. Farzana Riva, Lecturer and Course teacher department of
Marketing in Bangladesh University of Professional.

1.2 Problem and purpose

In this report, our objective was to know SWOT analysis between any public university and
Bangladesh University of Professionals. SWOT analysis is the deep analysis of strength,
weakness, opportunity and threats of an institution/ company/ firm. So, the purpose of the
report was to learn about the strengths of Bangladesh University of Professionals to grab the
scopes of improvement, and to learn about the weakness and prepare accordingly to face the
incoming threats.

1.3 Scope of the report

The report was a theory based on our findings and SWOT analysis. Universities in
Bangladesh are mainly categorized into three different types: public (government owned and
subsidized), private (private sector owned universities), and international (operated and
funded by international organizations such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation).
Bangladeshi universities are affiliated with the University Grants Commission, a commission
created according to the Presidential Order of the Government of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh. Currently Bangladesh has 2 international, 40 public and 97 private universities.
This report is on only 2 public universities.

1.4 Research Methodology

Research design: This report is mainly a descriptive research. The main focus of the repot
is to show the SWOT analysis of two public universities of Bangladesh
Sources and collection of data: Both primary and secondary data has been used for this
report. Even though primary data for Bangladesh University of Professionals was
available, we had to use secondary sources of data for Dhaka University and mostly from
different websites and social Medias.
Data Analysis: Collected data was analyzed using SWOT Analysis process. SWOT is
basically Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat analysis of an institute. Here,
Strength and weakness are internal factors of an institution and Opportunity and Threats
are external factors of a university..

2.0 Overview of Universities in Bangladesh

Universities in Bangladesh are mainly categorized into three different types: public (government
owned and subsidized), private (private sector owned universities), and international (operated and
funded by international organizations such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation).
Bangladeshi universities are affiliated with the University Grants Commission, a commission
created according to the Presidential Order of the Government of the People's Republic of
Most universities focus on general studies, mixing together such areas of study as business,
engineering and technology. Seven universities have specialized curricula. Two of these are
focused on Islamic studies, two on agricultural science, one on healthcare science, one on
veterinary medicine, and one on women's studies. A detailed evaluation of all the universities can
be found in the report of 2017 on the university rankings in Bangladesh.

2.1 Public Universities of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has 40 public universities to the bulk of higher studies students. These universities are
funded by the government while managed as self-governed organizations.
Dhaka division is home to thirteen public universities, among which eight are in Dhaka City. There
are seven public universities in Chittagong division, four in Khulna division, three in Rajshahi
division. Each of Mymensingh Division, Rangpur division, Sylhet division & Barisal division has
Most famous universities are
1. University of Dhaka
2. University of Rajshahi
3. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
4. University of Chittagong
5. Jahangirnagar University
6. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
2.2 Private Universities of Bangladesh
Establishment of private universities in Bangladesh was initiated after the institution of the Private
University Act 1992. There are 80 such universities that are operational in five out of seven
divisions of the country. Another 12 universities has been approved by UGC recently but yet to
start operation. So the total number of approved private university is now 97 (as of April 2018).

Most of the private universities are in Dhaka Division, totaling 51. All of them have their campuses
in Dhaka city, concentrated mostly in the Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Panthapath and Uttara regions of
the city. Two private universities in Dhaka specialize in science and technology, one specializes
in women's studies, and the others are general universities. Six private universities are located in
Chittagong Division. All six have their main campuses in Chittagong city. One has its urban
campus in Kumira, outside the main city. Five of them are general universities, while one
specializes in science and technology. The only private university in Rajshahi Division has its
campus in Bogra. In Sylhet Division there are four private universities, all having their main
campuses in Sylhet city. There is no private university in Barisal Division and Rangpur Division.
Most famous universities are
1. Brac University
2. East West University
3. North South University
4. American International University Bangladesh
5. Independent University of Bangladesh

2.3 International University

There are only two international universities in Bangladesh. They are neither managed nor funded
by the government, like public universities, nor established under the Private University Act and
managed by a private governing body, like private universities. International Culture University,
established by civil society organization and branded by United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
and United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), is an internationally accredited-affiliated and an
active partner of different international organizations working for internationalization of education
and international quality. Islamic University of Technology was established by the Organization
of Islamic Cooperation and is located in Gazipur, Dhaka division, while another is located in
Chittagong division and funded by the Asian University for Women Support Foundation
(AUWSF), a United States–based non-profit corporation
The two universities are
1. Islamic University of Technology
2. Asian University for Women
2.4 Special University
Following are the public universities that operate through a number of colleges all over Bangladesh
instead of a localized campus. Both have headquarters in Gazipur.
The universities are
1. Bangladesh Open University
2. National University of Bangladesh
3. Islamic Arabic University

For SWOT comparison University of Dhaka and Bangladesh University of Professional is selected

3.0 Overview of Dhaka University

The University of Dhaka (also known as Dhaka University or simply DU) is the oldest university
in modern Bangladesh. The university is ranked number one on the Bangladesh University
Ranking 2017. Established in 1921 during the British Raj, it has made significant contributions to
the modern history of Bangladesh. After the Partition of India, it became the focal point of
progressive and democratic movements in Pakistan. Its students and teachers played a central role
in the rise of Bengali nationalism and the independence of Bangladesh.
The university's distinguished alumni include Fazlur Rahman Khan (pioneer of modern structural
engineering), Muhammad Yunus (winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, pioneer of Microcredit),
Muhammad Shahidullah (famous educator, philologist, and linguist), Natyaguru Nurul Momen
(the pioneer trailblazer of progressive culture, theatre, literature, performing arts, philosophy and
arts; who was both an early student & a teacher as well, of Dhaka University), Serajul Islam
Choudhury (the country's leading public intellectual and writer), Rehman Sobhan (social
democratic economist), Mohammad Ataul Karim (physicist), Abul Fateh (one of the founding
fathers of South Asian diplomacy), Buddhadeb Bose (20th-century Bengali poet), and Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman (the founding father of Bangladesh). It also enjoyed associations with Satyendra
Nath Bose, Vijayaraghavan, and Kazi Nazrul Islam.
Today, it is the largest public university in Bangladesh, with a student body of 33,000 and a faculty
of 1,800. It was identified by AsiaWeek as one of the top 100 universities in Asia.
Academic Departments are
1. Faculty of Arts
2. Faculty of Business Studies
3. Faculty of Biological Science
4. Faculty of Engineering and Technology
5. Faculty of Education
6. Faculty of Fine Arts
7. Faculty of Law
8. Faculty of Medicine
9. Faculty of Pharmacy
10. Faculty of Science
11. Faculty of Social Sciences
12. Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences

3.1 SWOT Analysis of Dhaka University

3.2 Overview of Bangladesh University of Professionals

Establishment of a university for the armed forces educational and training institutes was a long
felt need. National security, war strategy, medical, engineering and technology related to higher
studies are in high demand at present. To keep pace and to be at par with the fast developing world,
the national higher studies, research enabling modern knowledge and creating scope for education
and studies are the obligations to be fulfilled. In order to expand and integrate the existing
educational and training institutes of the armed forces, they were needed to be brought under a
single umbrella or authority. Thereby, the establishment of "Bangladesh University of
Professionals," (BUP) took place in that process and came in to being as 29th public university of
Bangladesh on 05 June 2008. BUP is a unique public university run by the armed forces with
upholding the motto "EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE". The youngest university is
confident in furthering the knowledge in the field of national security, technology and modern
science to achieve the desired human resources development of the country.
Academic Departments are
1. Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FASS)
2. Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)
3. Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies (FSSS)
4. Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)
5. Faculty of Medical Studies (FMS)

3.3 SWOT Analysis of Bangladesh University of Professionals

1. BUP has strong funding and enough resources to maintain its infrastructure.
2. BUP has an army administration for the administrative works are smooth and without the
influence of politics.
3. BUP is situated in Mirpur Cantonment as a result it has security and safety measures for
all the students.
4. BUP although young it already has a strong association of student alumni.
5. BUP has a very passionate and expert group of teachers who give their students quality
6. BUP students are encouraged by the university to take part in different extra-curricular
activities such as business competitions, debates, MUNs etc
7. BUP organizes different kinds of fest around the year which enlightens the students and
teachers which leads to creating a healthy environment.
8. BUP has a strong, clean, modern and well developed infrastructure.
9. BUP has around 16 clubs which helps students to engage and learn new and different

1. BUP being established only in 2008 does not have enough recognition around the country.
2. BUP has increased it student in take by 100% in the last 4years but its campus has only
increased by 10% in the recent years.
3. BUP does not have enough senior teachers and Professors to increase its level of quality

1. BUP is growing every year and each new batch is better than the previous batch of students
which shows demands and quality of the university.
2. BUP is expected to have a bigger campus by 2030 which shows its vision and chances of
becoming a better institution.
3. BUP has enough funding to improve its infrastructure and education related materials to
give its students modern education.
4. BUP alumni have been doing great in the job market which shows the potential and
opportunity of the current students.

1. BUP’s administration is run and overlooked by the Bangladesh army which sometimes
leads to biasness towards the students who come through army quota. Even during the
admission process the biasness is seen. This sometimes leads to poor quality intake of
students which if continued will be the downfall of this university.
2. BUP does not have a student council which leads to a communication gap between the
teachers, students and the authority. As a result unwanted and unnecessary problems are
created in the process.

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