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Week 1

Grammar: Oxford Placement Test

Translations: TBD
Speaking: 2 truths, 1 lie
Games-for-Teens - e important aici sa le zici si chestii despre tine, sa se mai destinda putin
Random bits:

Week 2:
Grammar: Present simple + continuous, (values + states vs. activities)
Reading: How a grandfather…. (see mail – Reading Week 2)
Vocab: Travelling (Vince: Vocab Unit 2 + English Phrasal Verbs in Use: Unit 62 + De rezerva:
Advanced Vocab in use, unit 31, 32)
Translations: (see mail – Translations Week 2) sau orice altceva din Visan – textul din King e
mai mult de fun, ca sa le arat ca nu trebuie totul sa fie foarte formal si pompos, dar fa
altceva daca ti se pare prea informal – alternativ, Visan de la unitatea de PS+PC
Listening: Why bother leaving the house:

Week 3:
Grammar: Present simple + continuous
Reading: The psychology of social media
Vocab: Vince: Vocabulary 5 + Phrasal Verbs Unit 59 + De rezerva Words confused and
misused (Graver)
Translations: TBD
Speaking: Find someone who (see mail – Speaking Week 3) – 10 -15 min more or less – e
pentru habitual use of the PS – incurajeaza-i sa se ridice din banci pt asta – ideal e intr-o sala
mai mare 

Week 4:
Grammar: Present perfect
Reading: They shoot skinned cats
Vocab: Idioms colours + animals
Translations: Visan p 95-98

Week 5:
Grammar: Past simple and continuous
Reading: The origins of superstitions NU AM APUCAT SA FAC INTREBARILE PE TEXT – SORRY!
Vocab: Beliefs and superstitions
Translations: TBD
Speaking: chat about superstitions, things they believe in, things you believe in, examples of
ridiculous ones + Debate?

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