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“Written by

N.Nilgün Çokça

Introduction to
Econometric Views
EViews provides sophisticated data analysis, regression, and forecasting tools on
Windows-based computers. With EViews you can quickly develop a statistical relation from
your data and then use the relation to forecast future values of the data. Areas where EViews
can be useful include: scientific data analysis and evaluation, financial analysis,
macroeconomic forecasting, simulation, sales forecasting, and cost analysis.

EViews is a new version of a set of tools for manipulating time series data originally
developed in the Time Series Processor software for large computers. The immediate
predecessor of EViews was MicroTSP, first released 1981. Though EViews was developed by
economists and most of its uses are in economics, there is nothing in its design that limits its
usefulness to economic time series. Even quite large cross-section projects can be handled in

EViews takes advantage of the visual features of modern Windows software. You can
use your mouse to guide the operation with standard Windows menus and dialogs. Results
appear in Windows and can be manipulated with standard Windows technique. Alternatively,
you may use Eviews’ powerful command and batch processing language. You can enter and
edit commands in the command window. You can create and store the commands in programs
that document your research project for later execution.
Basic Terms of Eviews
The Initial Screen

When you are using Eviews, you can tell it what to do by typing simple commands, by
using menus, or running program files. The following discussion will focus on the commands
and menus. Program files are just collections of commands.

Work Files

The work file is held in the computer’s RAM memory during a session and contains all
the data entered or created during a session. You have several options to start a new work file.
In either case, you must tell Eviews what kind of data you will be using. All data are either time
series or cross-sectional data. Time series have a frequency of Annual, Semi_Annual,
Quarterly, Monthly, or Daily. Cross-sectional data are undated. Each series, once created, is
stored as a single variable with a series name.

Using the Menu System

You can create a new data series using the FILE/NEW/WORKFILE option from the main
menu. EViews will ask for the frequency of the data and the earliest and latest dates you will
be using in the session. For the first assignment, the data are annual for 1979 to 1988. The first
date can be entered as 1979 or as 79. An untitled workfile will appear as in the figure below.
This workfile will have two objects: C and RESID.

Using a Command Line Entry

If you use the command line to create the workfile, enter

create A 1979 1988

If you use the command line to create the workfile enter

Some Frequency Specifications

If your data are You enter at the CREATE prompt
Undated (e.g., cross-sectional data) The number of observations you will enter
Annual A 70 80
A 1970 1980
Semi-Annual S 70 80
S 1970 1980
Quarterly Q 70.1 80.4
Q 1970.1 1980.4
where the number after the dot is the quarter
Monthly M 70.01 80.12
M 1970.01 1980.12
where the number after the dot is the month
Entering Data

Once the workfile is specified, select OBJECT from the workfile menu bar and SERIES
from the New Object dialog box. Enter a name in the space provide. Click OK. The name you
entered will appear in the workfile list.

At this point, you just have a name for a series that will be annual data from 1979 to 1988,
but no data; the series is empty. To enter data (or edit the data later), double click the series
name. a spreadsheet form will appear as shown below. click EDIT +/- to toggle data entry.
Enter data as you would expect, say. Using a spreadsheet. Click EDIT +/- to save it. Select
FILE/SAVE from the main menu to save the workfile.

Rules for Naming A Series

1. Every name must begin with a letter.

2. Subsequent characters may be letter or digits
3. Maximum of 8 characters
4. Do not use the following reserved names:



EViews accepts both capital letters and lower case letters in the name you give to your
series and other objects, but it treats name as all capital letters., even if entered in lower case.
Its messages to you will follow normal capitalization rules. For example, ‘SALES’, ‘sales’, and
‘sAles’ are all the same object in EViews. For the sake of uniformity, we have written all
examples of input using names in lower case, but you should feel free to use capital letters

Viewing Data

You can either type SHOW seriesnames in the Command Window or double click the
series name in the workfile display. The command line entry version is shown in the next

To view more than one series, select several at once by clicking on them (using the Ctrl
key) and then selecting OPEN GROUP. The selected series will now be visible.
Importing Data

An effective way to manage your data is to use Excel. Excel will allow you to use a
familiar interface plus give you some added capabilities, especially for small datasets.

Generating a New Series

One of the most powerful features of EViews is the ability to use and to process
mathematical expressions. EViews contains an extensive library of built-in operators and
functions that allow you to perform complicated mathematical operations on your data with just
a few keystrokes. In addition to supporting standard mathematical and statistical operations,
EViews provides a number of specialized functions for automatically handling the leads, lags
and differences that are commonly found in time series data.

An EViews expression is a combination of numbers, series names, functions, and

mathematical and relational operators. In practical terms, you will use expressions to describe
all mathematical operations involving EViews objects. As in other programs, you can use these
expressions to calculate a new series from existing series, to describe a sample of observations,
or to describe an equation for estimation or forecasting. However, EViews goes far beyond this
simple use of expressions by allowing you to use expressions virtually anywhere you would
use a series.

The most common operators and functions are

Operator/function Explanation
+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
^ raise to a power
> greater than; X>Y has the value 1 if X exceeds Y and 0 otherwise
< less than; X<Y has the value 1 if Y exceeds X and 0 otherwise
<> not equal; X<>Y has the value 1 if X differs from Y and 0
<= less than or equal; X<=Y has the value 1 if X does not exceed Y
and 0 otherwise
>= greater than or equal; X>= Y has the value 1 if Y does not exceed
X and 0 otherwise
AND combines logical operators; X>Y AND Z>Y has the value 1 if
BOTH conditions are met and 0 otherwise
OR combines logical operators; X>Y OR Z>Y has the value 1 if
EITHER condition is met and 0 otherwise
log(X) natural log of X
exp(X) exponentiation, eX
abs(X) absolute value of X
sqr(X) square root of X
C(X) value of a coefficient X where X is a number from 1 to 100
dnorm(X) standard normal density function of X
cnorm(X) standard cumulative normal distribution function of X
nrnd returns a normally distributed random number with variance equal
to 1

The first step in the project is to read the data into an EViews workfile.

To create a workfile to hold your data, select File/New/Workfile…, which opens a dialog
box where you will provide information about your data:

For our example, quarterly data are observed from the first quarter 1952 to the end of the
1996. You should set the workfile frequency quarterly, and specify the start date 1952:1, and
the end date 1996:4.

Once you have filled out the dialog, click on the OK button. EViews will create an untitled
workfile, and will display the workfile window.

Notice that the workfile window displays two pairs of dates: one for the range dates
contained in the workfile, and the second for the current workfile sample. Note also that the

workfile contains the coefficient vector C and the series RESID. All EViews workfiles will
contain these two objects.

The next step is to import data into the workfile. The data for the four variables used in
the analysis have been provided in an Excel file named DEMO.XLS.

To read these data, click on Procs/Import/Read Text-Lotus-Excel …, which opens the file
open dialog.

Locate the DEMO.XLS file and double click on the file name. EViews will open the
Excel spreadsheet import dialog:

The default settings for order of data, upper-left data cell, and the sample to import should
be appropriate for this Excel file since the names of the series are in the first row of the Excel
file, you simply enter the number of series, 4, in the Names for series or Number of series if
name in file field of the dialog box. Click OK and EViews will import the four series. These
series will appear as icons

Verifying the Data

The first you should do is to verify that the data have been read correctly. We will create
a group object that allows us to examine all four series. Click on the name GDP in the workfile
window, and then press CTRL and click on M1, PR, and RS. All four of the series should be

Now place the cursor anywhere in the highlighted area and double click the left mouse
button. EViews will open a pop-up menu providing you with several options:

Choose Open Group.

~ 10 ~
EViews will create an untitled group object containing all four of the series.

You should compare the spreadsheet. View

with the top of the Excel worksheet to insure that the first part of the data has been read

Once you are satisfied that the data are correct, you should save the workfile by clicking the
Save button in the workfile window. DEMO2.WF1 for file name. A saved workfile can be
opened later by selecting File/Open/Workfile … from the main menu.

Examining the Data

We can use basic EViews tools to examine the data in a variety of ways. For example, if
you select View/Multiple Graphs/Line from the group object toolbar, EViews displays line
graphs of each of the series.

~ 11 ~
You can select View/Descriptive Stats/Individual Samples to compute descriptive
statistics for each of the series:

or click on View/Correlations to display the correlation matrix of the four series:

~ 12 ~
We can also examine characteristics of the individual series. Since our regression analysis
below will be expressed in logarithms, we will work the log of M1. Select Quick/Show .. then
enter log (M1), and click OK.

Now select View/ Descriptive Statistics/ Histogram Stats from the series toolbar to display the
descriptive statistics for LOG(M1):

We can construct a smoothed version of the

histogram by selecting View/ Distribution Graphs / Kernel Density … and clicking on OK to
accept the default options:

~ 13 ~
Estimating a Regression Model

We now estimate a regression model for M1 using data over the period from 1952:1
1992:4 and use this estimated regression to construct forecasts over the period 1993:1-2003:4.
The model specification is

log(M1t )  1  2 log(GDPt )  3RSt  4 log(PRt )  t

where log(M1) is the logarith of the money supply, log(GDP) is the log of income, RS is
the short term interest rate, and log(PR) is the log first difference of the price level (the
approximate rate of inflation).

To estimate the model, we will create an equation object, Select Quick from the main
menu and choose Estimate Equation … to open the estimation dialog. Enter the following
equation specification:

~ 14 ~
Here we list the name of the dependent variable, followed by the names of each of the
regressors, separated by spaces. We use expressions involving log and dlog to represent the log
transformations of M1 and GDP, and the difference of the log transformation for PR. The built-
in series name C stands for the constant in the regression.

The dialog is initially set to estimate the equation using the LS-Least Squares method for
the Sample 1952:1 1996:4. You should change the Sample to 1952:1 1992:4 to estimate the
equation for the subsample of observations.

~ 15 ~
Click OK to estimate the equation using least squares and to display the regression results:

Note that the equation is estimates from 1952:2 to 1992:4 since one observation is
dropped to account for the dlog difference term. The estimated coefficients are statistically
significant, with t-statistic values well in excess of 2. The overall regression fit, as measured by
the R2 statistic, indicates a very tight fit. You can select View/Actual, Fitted, Residual/Graph
in the equation toolbar to display a graph of the actual and fitted values for the dependent
variable, along with the residuals:

Specification and Hypothesis Tests

We can use the estimated equation to perform hypothesis that the coefficients of the
model. For example, to test the hypothesis that the coefficient on the price term is equal to 2,
we will perform a Wald test. First determine the coefficient of interest by selecting
View/Representations from the equation toolbar:

~ 16 ~
Note that the coefficients are assigned in the order that the variables appear in the
specification so that the coefficient for the PR term is labeled C(4). To test the restriction on
C(4) you should select View/Coefficient Tests/Wald-Coefficient Restrictions …, and enter the
restriction c(4) =2. EViews will report the results of the Wald test:

~ 17 ~
The low probability values indicate that the null hypothesis that C(4)=2 is strongly

The Durbin-Watson statistic can be difficult to interpret. To perform a more general

Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation in the residuals, select View/Residual Tests/Serial
Correlation LM Test .. from the equation toolbar, and specify an order of serial correlation to
test against. Entering 1 yields a test against first-order serial correlation:

Working with Data

This chapter describes EViews’ powerful language for using expressions and generating
and manipulating the data in series and groups. We first describe the fundamental rules for
working with mathematical expressions in EViews, and then describe how to use these
expressions in working with series and group data.

Using Expressions

One of the most powerful features of EViews is the ability to use and to process
mathematical expressions. EViews contains an extensive library of built-in operators and
functions that allow you to perform complicated mathematical operations on your data with just
a few keystrokes. In addition to supporting standard mathematical and statistical operations,
EViews provides a number of
specialized functions for
automatically handling the leads, lags
and differences that are commonly
found in time series data.

An EViews expression is a
combination of numbers, series
names, functions, and mathematical
and relational operators. In practical
terms, you will use expressions to
describe all mathematical operations
involving EViews objects.

As in other programs, you can

use these expressions to calculate a new series from existing series, to describe a sample of

~ 18 ~
observations, or to describe an equation for estimation or forecasting. However, EViews goes
far beyond this simple use of expressions by allowing you to use expressions virtually anywhere
you would use a series.


EViews expressions may include operators for the usual arithmetic operations. The
operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and raising to a power
(^) are used in standard fashion so that

5 + 6 * 7.0 / 3

7 + 3e-2 / 10.2345 + 6 * 10^2 + 3e3

3^2 - 9

are all valid expressions. Notice that explicit numerical values may be written in integer,
decimal, or scientific notation.

In the examples above, the first expression takes 5 and adds to it the product of 6 and 7.0
divided by 3 (5+14=19); the last expression takes 3 raised to the power 2 and subtracts 9 (9–9
= 0). These expressions use the standard order of evaluation as described below.

The “-” and “+” operators are also used as the unary minus (negation) and unary plus
operators. It follows that





all yield a value of 0.

EViews follows the usual order in evaluating expressions from left to right, with operator
precedence order (from highest precedence to lowest):

 unary minus (-), unary plus (+)

~ 19 ~
 ^
 *, /
 +, subtraction (-)
 <, >, <=, >=, =
 and, or

The last two sets of operators are used in logical expressions.

To enforce a particular order of evaluation, you can use parentheses. As in standard

mathematical analysis, terms which are enclosed in parentheses are treated as a subexpression
and evaluated first, from the innermost to the outermost set of parentheses. We strongly
recommend the use of parentheses when there is any possibility of ambiguity in your

To take some simple examples,


evaluates to (–1)^2=1 since the unary minus is evaluated prior to the power operator.

-1 + -2 * 3 + 4

evaluates to –1 + –6 + 4 = –3. The unary minus is evaluated first, followed by the

multiplication, and finally the addition.

(-1 + -2) * (3 + 4)

evaluates to –3 * 7 = –21. The unary minuses are evaluated first, followed by the two
additions, and then the multiplication.

3 * ((2+3)*(7+4) + 3)

evaluates to 3 * (5*11 + 3) = 3 * 58 =174.

Working with Series

One of the primary uses of expressions is to generate new series from existing data or to
modify the values in an existing series. Used in combination with samples, expressions allow

~ 20 ~
you to perform sophisticated transformations of your data, saving the results in new or existing
series objects.

To create or modify a series, select Quick/Generate Series… or click on the Genr button
on the workfile toolbar. EViews opens a window prompting you for additional information.

You should enter the assignment

statement in the upper edit box, and the
relevant sample period in the lower edit box.

The assignment statement is actually an

implicit loop over observations. Beginning
with the first observation in the sample,
EViews will evaluate the assignment
statement for each included observation.
There are several ways to specify an
assignment statement.

Basic Assignment

You can type the series name, followed by an equals sign and then an expression. For
every element of the sample, EViews will evaluate the expression on the right-hand side of the
equality, and assign the value to the destination series on the left-hand side, creating the series
if necessary.

For example, if there is no series named Y,

y = 2*x + 37*z

will first create the Y series and fill it with NAs. Then, for every observation in the current
sample, EViews will fill each element of the Y series with the value of the expression. If Y does
exist, EViews will only replace Y values in the current sample with the value of the expression.
All observations not in the sample will be unchanged.

One special form of assignment occurs when the right-hand side expression is a constant


~ 21 ~
y = 37 * 2 + 3

EViews will simply loop through all of the observations in the sample and assign the
value of the constant.

Using Samples

By modifying the sample of observations used in assignment, you can splice together
series using multiple Genr commands. For example, if we enter three Genr commands with
different samples, first,

Upper window: y=z

Lower window: @all if z<=1 and z>-1

followed by a Genr with

Upper window: y = -2 + 3*z

Lower window: @all if z>1

and finally,

Upper window: y = -.9 + .1*z

Lower window: @all if z<=-1

we can generate Y as a piecewise linear function of the series Z.

Note that while it is possible to perform these types of operations using loops and IF-
statements, we strongly urge you to use Genr and sample statements wherever possible since
the latter approach is much more efficient.

Basic Single Equation Analysis

Single equation regression is one of the most versatile and widely used statistical
techniques. Here we describe the use of basic regression techniques in EViews: specifying and
estimating a regression model, performing simple diagnostic analysis, and using your
estimation results in further analysis.

~ 22 ~
For more advanced and specialized techniques, testing, and forecasting see: Weighted
Least Squares, Two-Stage Least Squares (TSLS), Nonlinear Least Squares, ARIMA/ARIMAX
Models, Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), GARCH models, and Qualitative and
Limited Dependent Variable Models (Binary, Ordered, Censored, and Count). These
techniques and models all build upon the basic ideas presented here.

Where appropriate, we will also provide you with specialized references for specific

Equation Objects

Single equation regression estimation in EViews is performed using the equation object.
To create an equation object in EViews: select Objects/New Object/Equation or Quick/Estimate
Equation… from the main menu, or simply type the keyword equation in the command window.

Next, you will specify your equation in the Equation Specification dialog box that
appears, and select an estimation method. Below, we provide details on specifying equations in
EViews. EViews will estimate the equation and display results in the equation window.

The estimation results are stored as part of the equation object so they can be accessed at
any time. Simply open the object to display the summary results, or to access EViews tools for
working with results from an equation object. For example, you can retrieve the sum-of-squares
from any equation, or you can use the estimated equation as part of a multi-equation model.

Specifying an Equation in EViews

When you create an equation object, the Equation Specification dialog box appears.

~ 23 ~
You need to specify three things in this dialog: the equation specification, the estimation
method, and the sample to be used in estimation.

In the upper edit box, you can specify the equation: the dependent (left-hand side) and
independent (right-hand side) variables and the functional form. There are two basic ways of
specifying an equation: by list and by formula. The listing method is easier but may only be
used with unrestricted linear specifications; the formula method is more general and can be
used to specify nonlinear models or models with parametric restrictions.

Specifying an Equation by List

The simplest way to specify a linear equation is to provide a list of variables that you wish
to use in the equation. First, include the name of the dependent variable or expression, followed
by a list of explanatory variables. For example, to specify a linear consumption function, CS
regressed on a constant and INC, type the following in the upper field of the Equation
Specification dialog:

cs c inc

Note the presence of the series name C in the list of regressors. This is a built-in EViews
series that is used to specify a constant in a regression. EViews does not automatically include
a constant in a regression so you must explicitly list the constant (or its equivalent) as a
regressor. The internal series C does not appear in your workfile, and you may not use it outside
of specifying an equation. If you need a series of ones, you can generate a new series, or use
the number 1 as an auto-series.

~ 24 ~
You may have noticed that there is a pre-defined object C in your workfile. This is the
default coefficient vector—when you specify an equation by listing variable names, EViews
stores the estimated coefficients in this vector, in the order of appearance in the list. In the
example above, the constant will be stored in C(1) and the coefficient on INC will be held in

Lagged series may be included in statistical operations using the same notation as in
generating a new series with a formula—put the lag in parentheses after the name of the series.
For example the specification:

cs cs(-1) c inc

tells EViews to regress CS on its own lagged value, a constant, and INC. The coefficient
for lagged CS will be placed in C(1), the coefficient for the constant is C(2), and the coefficient
of INC is C(3).

You can include a consecutive range of lagged series by using the word to between the
lags. For example,

cs c cs(-1 to -4) inc

regresses CS on a constant, CS(-1), CS(-2), CS(-3), CS(-4), and INC. If you don't include
the first lag, it is taken to be zero. For example,

cs c inc(to -2) inc(-4)

regresses CS on a constant, INC, INC(-1), INC(-2), and INC(-4).

You may include auto-series in the list of variables. If the auto-series expressions contain
spaces they should be enclosed in parentheses. For example,

log(cs) c log(cs(-1)) ((inc+inc(-1)) / 2)

specifies a regression of the natural logarithm of CS on a constant, its own lagged value,
and a two period moving average of INC.

Typing the list of series may be cumbersome, especially if you are working with many
regressors. If you wish, EViews can create the specification list for you. First, highlight the
dependent variable in the workfile window by single clicking on the entry. Next, CTRL-click
~ 25 ~
on each of the explanatory variables to highlight them as well. When you are done selecting all
of your variables, double click on any of the highlighted series, and select Open/Equation…
The Equation Specification dialog box should appear with the names entered in the
specification field. The constant C is automatically included in this list; you must delete the C
if you do not wish to include the constant.

Specifying an Equation by Formula

You will need to specify your equation using a formula when the list method is not general
enough for your specification. Many, but not all, estimation methods allow you to specify your
equation using a formula.

An equation formula in EViews is a mathematical expression involving regressors and

coefficients. To specify an equation using a formula, simply enter the expression in the dialog
in place of the list of variables. EViews will add an implicit additive disturbance to this equation
and will estimate the parameters of the model using least squares.

When you specify an equation by list, EViews converts this into an equivalent equation
formula. For example, the list,

log(cs) c log(cs(-1)) log(inc)

is interpreted by EViews as,

log(cs) = c(1) + c(2)*log(cs(-1)) + c(3)*log(inc)

Equations do not have to have a dependent variable followed by an equal sign and then
an expression. The = sign can be anywhere in the formula, as in:

log(urate) + c(1)*dmr = c(2)

The residuals for this equation are given by:


EViews will minimize the sum-of-squares of these residuals.

~ 26 ~
If you wish, you can specify an equation as a simple expression, without a dependent
variable and an equal sign. If there is no equal sign, EViews assumes that the entire expression
is the disturbance term. For example, if you specify an equation as

c(1)*x + c(2)*y + 4*z

EViews will find the coefficient values that minimize the sum of squares of the given
expression, in this case (C(1)*X+C(2)*Y+4*Z). While EViews will estimate an expression of
this type, since there is no dependent variable, some regression statistics (e.g. R-squared) are
not reported and the equation cannot be used for forecasting. This restriction also holds for any
equation that includes coefficients to the left of the equal sign. For example, if you specify,

x + c(1)*y = c(2)*z

EViews finds the values of C(1) and C(2) that minimize the sum of squares of
(X+C(1)*Y–C(2)*Z). The estimated coefficients will be identical to those from an equation
specified using:

x = -c(1)*y + c(2)*z

but some regression statistics are not reported.

The two most common motivations for specifying your equation by formula are to
estimate restricted and nonlinear models. For example, suppose that you wish to constrain the
coefficients on the lags on the variable X to sum to one. Solving out for the coefficient
restriction leads to the following linear model with parameter restrictions:

y = c(1) + c(2)*x + c(3)*x(-1) + c(4)*x(-2) + (1-c(2)-c(3)-c(4))*x(-3)

To estimate a nonlinear model, simply enter the nonlinear formula. EViews will
automatically detect the nonlinearity and estimate the model using nonlinear least squares. For
details, see Nonlinear Least Squares.

You can elect to use a different coefficient vector. To create a new coefficient vector,
choose Objects/New Object… and select Matrix-Vector-Coef from the main menu, type in a
name for the coefficient vector, and click OK. In the New Matrix dialog box that appears, select
Coefficient Vector and specify how many rows there should be in the vector. The object will
be listed in the workfile directory with the coefficient vector icon (the little ).
~ 27 ~
You may then use this coefficient vector in your specification. For example, suppose you
created coefficient vectors A and BETA, each with a single row. Then you can specify your
equation using the new coefficients in place of C:

log(cs) = a(1) + beta(1)*log(cs(-1))

Estimating an Equation in EViews

Estimation Methods

Having specified your equation, you now need to choose an estimation method. Click on
the Method: entry in the dialog and you will see the drop-down menu listing estimation

Standard, single-equation regression is performed using the LS-Least Squares method.

Equations estimated by ordinary least squares and two-stage least squares, GMM, and
ARCH can be specified with a formula. Nonlinear equations are not allowed with binary,
ordered, censored, and count models, or in equations with ARMA terms.

Estimation Sample

You should also specify the sample to be used in estimation. EViews will fill out the
dialog with the current workfile sample, but you can change the sample for purposes of
estimation by entering your sample string or object in the edit box (see Sample for details).
Changing the estimation sample does not affect the current workfile sample.

If any of the series used in estimation contain missing data, EViews will temporarily
adjust the estimation sample of observations to exclude those observations (listwise exclusion).
EViews notifies you that it has adjusted the sample by reporting the actual sample used in the
estimation results:

~ 28 ~
Dependent Variable: Y
Method: Least Squares
Date: 08/19/97 Time: 10:24
Sample(adjusted): 1959:01 1989:12
Included observations: 340
Excluded observations: 32 after adjusting endpoints
Here we see the top of an equation output view. EViews reports that it has adjusted the
sample. Out of the 372 observations in the period 59.01–89.12, EViews uses the 340
observations with observations for all of the relevant variables.

You should be aware that if you include lagged variables in a regression, the degree of
sample adjustment will differ depending on whether data for the pre-sample period are available
or not. For example, suppose you have nonmissing data for the two series M1 and IP over the
period 59.01–89.12 and specify the regression as

m1 c ip ip(-1) ip(-2) ip(-3)

If you set the estimation sample to the period 59.01–89.12, EViews adjusts the sample to:

Dependent Variable: M1
Method: Least Squares
Date: 08/19/97 Time: 10:49
Sample: 1960:01 1989:12
Included observations: 360

since data for IP(–3) are not available until 59.04. However, if you set the estimation
sample to the period 60.01–89.12, EViews will not make any adjustment to the sample since
all values of IP(–3) are available during the estimation sample.

Some operations, most notably estimation with MA terms and ARCH, do not allow
missing observations in the middle of the sample. When executing these procedures, an error
message is displayed and execution is halted if an NA is encountered in the middle of the
sample. EViews handles missing data at the very start or the very end of the sample range by
adjusting the sample endpoints and proceeding with the estimation procedure.

~ 29 ~
Estimation Options

EViews provides a number of estimation options. These options allow you to weight the
estimating equation, to compute heteroskedasticity and auto-correlation robust covariances, and
to control various features of your estimation algorithm.

Equation Output

When you click OK in the Equation Specification dialog, EViews displays the equation
window displaying the estimation output view:

Using matrix notation, the standard regression may be written as:


where y is a T-dimensional vector containing observations on the dependent variable, X

is a Tk matrix of independent variables, is a k-vector of coefficients, and  is a T-vector of
disturbances. T is the number of observations and k is the number of right-hand side regressors.

In the output above, y is log(M1), X consists of three variables C, log(IP), and TB3, where
T=372 and k=3.

~ 30 ~
Coefficient Results

Regression Coefficients

The column labeled “Coefficient” depicts the estimated coefficients. The least squares
regression coefficients b are computed by the standard OLS formula

b= (X’X)-1X’y

If your equation is specified by list, the coefficients will be labeled in the “Variable”
column with the name of the corresponding regressor; if your equation is specified by formula,
EViews lists the actual coefficients, C(1), C(2), etc.

For the simple linear models considered here, the coefficient measures the marginal
contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable, holding all other variables
fixed. If present, the coefficient of the C is the constant or intercept in the regression—it is the
base level of the prediction when all of the other independent variables are zero. The other
coefficients are interpreted as the slope of the relation between the corresponding independent
variable and the dependent variable, assuming all other variables do not change.

Standard Errors

The “Std. Error” column reports the estimated standard errors of the coefficient estimates.
The standard errors measure the statistical reliability of the coefficient estimates—the larger
the standard errors, the more statistical noise in the estimates. If the errors are normally
distributed, there are about 2 chances in 3 that the true regression coefficient lies within one
standard error of the reported coefficient, and 95 chances out of 100 that it lies within two
standard errors.

The covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients is computed as,

  
s 2 ( X ' X ) 1 , s 2   '  /(T  k ),   y  Xb

and the standard errors of the estimated coefficients are the square roots of the diagonal
elements of this matrix. You can view the whole covariance matrix by choosing
View/Covariance Matrix.

~ 31 ~

The t-statistic, which is computed as the ratio of an estimated coefficient to its standard
error, is used to test the hypothesis that a coefficient is equal to zero. To interpret the t-statistic,
you should examine the probability of observing the t-statistic given that the coefficient is equal
to zero. This probability computation is described below.


The last column of the output shows the probability of drawing a t-statistic as extreme as
the one actually observed, under the assumption that the errors are normally distributed, or that
the estimated coefficients are asymptotically normally distributed.

This probability is also known as the p-value or the marginal significance level. Given a
p-value, you can tell at a glance if you reject or accept the hypothesis that the true coefficient
is zero against a two-sided alternative that it differs from zero. For example, if you are
performing the test at the 5% significance level, a p-value lower than .05 is taken as evidence
to reject the null hypothesis of a zero coefficient. If you want to conduct a one-sided test, the
appropriate probability is one-half that reported by EViews.

For the above example output, the hypothesis that the coefficient on TB3 is zero is
rejected at the 5% significance level but not at the 1% level. However, if theory suggests that
the coefficient on TB3 cannot be positive, then a one-sided test will reject the zero null
hypothesis at the 1% level.

The p-values are computed from a t-distribution with T-k degrees of freedom.

~ 32 ~
Summary Statistics


The R-squared (R2) statistic measures the success of the regression in predicting the
values of the dependent variable within the sample. R2 is the fraction of the variance of the
dependent variable explained by the independent variables. The statistic will equal one if the
regression fits perfectly, and zero if it fits no better than the simple mean of the dependent
variable. It can be negative if the regression does not have an intercept or constant, or if the
estimation method is two-stage least squares.

EViews computes the (centered) R2 as

ˆ' ˆ T
1 , ˆ  y  Xb, y   y i /T
( y  y )' ( y  y ) i 1

where ˆ is the residual and y is the mean of the dependent (left-hand) variable.

Adjusted R-squared

One problem with using R2 as a measure of goodness of fit is that the R2 will never
decrease as you add more regressors. In the extreme case, you can always obtain an R2 of one
if you include as many independent regressors as there are sample observations.

The adjusted R2, commonly denoted as R 2 , penalizes the R2 for the addition of regressors
which do not contribute to the explanatory power of the model. The adjusted R2 is computed as

T 1
R 2  1  (1  R 2 )
T k

The R 2 is never larger than the R2, can decrease as you add regressors, and for poorly
fitting models, may be negative.

Standard Error of the Regression (S.E. of regression)

The standard error of the regression is a summary measure based on the estimated
variance of the residuals. The standard error of the regression is computed as:

s  ˆ ' ˆ /(T  k ) , ˆ  y  Xb

~ 33 ~
Sum of Squared Residuals

The sum of squared residuals can be used in a variety of statistical calculations, and is
presented separately for your convenience:

ˆ' ˆ   ( y i  X i b) 2
i 1

Mean and Standard Deviation (S.D.) of the Dependent Variable

The mean and standard deviation of y are computed using the standard formulas:

y   yi / T , s 2y  t 1 ( yi  y ) 2 /(T  1)

i 1

F-Statistic and Probability

The F-statistic tests the hypothesis that all of the slope coefficients (excluding the
constant, or intercept) in a regression are zero. For ordinary least squares models, the F-statistic
is computed as

R 2 (k  1)
(1  R 2 )(T  k )

Under the null hypothesis with normally distributed errors, this statistic has an F-
distribution with k-1 numerator degrees of freedom and T-k denominator degrees of freedom.

The p-value given just below the F-statistic, denoted Prob(F-statistic), is the marginal
significance level of the F-test. If the p-value is less than the significance level you are testing,
say .05, you reject the null hypothesis that all slope coefficients are equal to zero. For the
example above, the p-value is essentially zero, so we reject the null hypothesis that all of the
regression coefficients are zero. Note that the F-test is a joint test so that even if all the t-statistics
are insignificant, the F-statistic can be highly significant.

Working With Regression Statistics

The regression statistics reported in the estimation output view are stored with the
equation and are accessible through special @-functions. You can retrieve any of these statistics

~ 34 ~
for further analysis by using these functions in genr, scalar, or matrix expressions. If a particular
statistic is not computed for a given estimation method, the function will return an NA.

There are two kinds of @-functions: those that return a scalar value, and those that return
matrices or vectors.

Functions that return scalar values:

@r2 R-squared statistic

@rbar2 adjusted R-squared statistic
@se standard error of the regression
@ssr sum of squared residuals
@dw Durbin-Watson statistic
@f F-statistic
@logl value of the log-likelihood function
@aic Akaike information criterion
@sc Schwarz information criterion
@jstat scalar containing the J-statistic (for GMM)
@regobs number of observations in regression
@meandep mean of the dependent variable
@sddep standard deviation of the dependent variable
@ncoef total number of estimated coefficients
@coefs(i) coefficient i, where i is given by the order in which the
coefficients appear in the representations view
@stderrs(i) standard error for coefficient i
@tstats(i) t-statistic value for coefficient i
@cov(i,j) covariance of coefficients i and j

~ 35 ~
Functions that return vector or matrix objects:

@coefs vector of coefficient values

@stderrs vector of standard errors for the coefficients
@tstats vector of ratios of coefficients to standard errors
@cov matrix containing the coefficient covariance matrix

If you use these functions without reference to an equation object, EViews will use the
default equation. For example, the command:

series y = @dw

creates a series named Y and assigns to every observation, the value of the Durbin-Watson
statistic for the default equation.

We strongly recommend, however, to precede the statistic with the name of an equation
object and a period. This accesses the appropriate statistic for the named equation. For example:

series y = eq1.@dw

assigns to Y the value of the Durbin-Watson for the equation EQ1.

Functions that return a vector or matrix object should be assigned to the corresponding
object type. For example, you should assign the @tstats to a vector:

vector tstats = eq1.@tstats

and the covariance matrix to a matrix:

matrix mycov = eq1.@cov

You can also access individual elements of these statistics:

scalar pvalue = 1-@cnorm(@abs(eq1.@tstats(4)))

scalar var1 = eq1.@covariance(1,1)

For details on vectors and matrices, see Working with Matrices.

~ 36 ~
Working with Equations

Views of an Equation

 Representations. Displays the equation in three forms: EViews command form, as

an algebraic equation with symbolic coefficients, and as an equation with the
estimated values of the coefficients.

You can cut-and-paste from the representations view into any application that supports
the Windows clipboard.

 Estimation Output. Displays the equation output results described above.

 Actual, Fitted, Residual. These views display the actual and fitted values of the
dependent variable and the residuals from the regression in tabular and graphical
form. Actual, Fitted, Residual Table displays these values in a table with a plot of
the residuals down the right side.

~ 37 ~
Note that the actual value is always the sum of the fitted value and the residual. Actual,
Fitted, Residual Graph displays a standard EViews graph of the actual values, fitted values, and
residuals. Residual Graph plots only the residuals, while the Standardized Residual Graph plots
the residuals divided by the estimated residual standard deviation.

 Covariance Matrix. Displays the covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates as a

spreadsheet view. To save this covariance matrix as a matrix object, use the @cov

 Coefficient Tests, Residual Tests, and Stability Tests. These views are described in
detail in Specification and Diagnostic Tests.

Procedures of an Equation

 Specify/Estimate… brings up the Equation Specification dialog box so that you can
modify your specification. You can edit the equation specification, or change the
estimation method or estimation sample.

 Forecast… forecasts or fits values using the estimated equation. Forecasting using
equations is discussed in Forecasting.

 Make Model creates an untitled model containing the estimated equation.

~ 38 ~
 Update Coefs from Equation places the estimated coefficients of the equation in the
coefficient vector. You can use this procedure to initialize starting values for various
estimation procedures.

 Make Regressor Group creates an untitled group comprised of all the variables used
in the equation (with the exception of the constant).

 Make Residual Series… saves the residuals from the regression as a series in the
workfile. Depending on the estimation method, you may choose from three types of
residuals: ordinary, standardized, and generalized. For ordinary least squares, only
the ordinary residuals may be saved.

Default Equation

Following estimation, EViews often holds the estimated coefficients and their covariance
matrix, the residuals, and some summary statistics in an untitled equation object. These results
are available for use in a variety of subsequent computations, including Specification and
Diagnostic Tests, Forecasting, and Model Simulation. Untitled equations will not, however, be
saved with the workfile.

You may use the Name button on the equation toolbar to name your equation and place
it in the workfile. The equation will be saved with the workfile when the latter is saved. Once
named, you can access the information in the equation at any time, even if you have just
estimated several other models, or have not worked with the workfile in months.

For your convenience, EViews keeps track of a default equation. The default equation is
the equation that is active or was the most recently active equation. The name of the default
equation is shown at the upper right hand corner of the workfile window.

Residuals from an Equation

The residuals from the default equation are stored in a series object called RESID. RESID
may be used directly as if it were a regular series, except in estimation.

RESID will be overwritten whenever you estimate an equation and will contain the
residuals from the latest estimated equation. To save the residuals from a particular equation
for later analysis, you should save them in a different series so they are not overwritten by the

~ 39 ~
next estimation command. For example, you can copy the residuals into a regular EViews series
called RES1 by the command

series res1 = resid

Even if you have already overwritten the RESID series, you can always create the desired
series using EViews’ built-in procedures if you still have the equation object. If your equation
is named EQ1, open the equation window and select Procs/Make Residual Series, or enter

eq1.makeresid res1

to create the desired series.

Regression Statistics

You may refer to various regression statistics through the @-functions described above.
For example, to generate a new series equal to FIT plus twice the standard error from the last
regression, you can use the command

series plus = fit + 2*eq1.@se

To get the t-statistic for the second coefficient from equation EQ1, you could specify


To store the coefficient covariance matrix from EQ1 as a named symmetric matrix, you
can use the command

sym ccov1 = eq1.@cov

See Working with Regression Statistics for additional details.

Storing and Retrieving an Equation

As with other objects, equations may be stored to disk in data bank or database files. You
can also fetch equations from these files.

Equations may also be copied-and-pasted to, or from, workfiles or databases.

~ 40 ~
EViews even allows you to access equations directly from your databases or another
workfile. You can estimate an equation, store it in a database, and then use it to forecast in
several workfiles.

Using Estimated Coefficients

The coefficients of an equation are listed in the representations view. By default, EViews
will use the C coefficient vector when you specify an equation, but you may explicitly use other
coefficient vectors in defining your equation.

These stored coefficients may be used as scalars in generating data. While there are easier
ways of generating fitted values (see Forecasting), for purposes of illustration, note that the

series cshat = eq1.c(1) + eq1.c(2)*gdp

forms the fitted value of CS, CSHAT, from the OLS regression coefficients and the
independent variables from the equation object EQ1.

Note that while EViews will accept a series generating equation which does not explicitly
refer to a named equation:

series cshat = c(1) + c(2)*gdp

we strongly recommend that you always use named equations to identify the appropriate
coefficients. In general, the coefficient vector C will contain the correct coefficient values only
immediately following estimation or a coefficient update. Using a named equation, or selecting
Procs/Update coefs from equation, guarantees that you are using the correct coefficient values.

An alternative to referring to the coefficient vector is to reference the @coefs elements of

your equation. For example, the examples above may be written as

series cshat=eq1.@coefs(1)+eq1.@coefs(2)*gdp

EViews assigns an index to each coefficient in the order that it appears in the
representations view. Thus, if you estimate the equation

equation y=c(10)+b(5)*y(-1)+a(7)*inc

~ 41 ~
where B and A are also coefficient vectors, then

· eq01.@coefs(1) contains C(10)

· eq01.@coefs(2) contains B(5)

· eq01.@coefs(3) contains A(7)

This method should prove useful in matching coefficients to standard errors derived from
the @stderrs elements of the equation. The @coefs elements allow you to refer to both the
coefficients and the standard errors using a common index.

If you have used an alternative named coefficient vector in specifying your equation, you
can also access the coefficient vector directly. For example, if you have used a coefficient vector
named BETA, you can generate the fitted values by issuing the commands

equation cs=beta(1)+beta(2)*gdp

series cshat=beta(1)+beta(2)*gdp

where BETA is a coefficient vector. Again, however, we recommend that you use the
@coefs elements to refer to the coefficients of EQ02. Alternatively, you can update the
coefficients in BETA prior to use by selecting Procs/Update coefs from equation from the
equation window. Note that EViews does not allow you to refer to the named equation
coefficients eq02.beta(1) and eq02.beta(2). You must use the expressions, eq02.@coefs(1) and
eq02.@coefs(2), instead.

Estimation Problems

Exact Collinearity

If the regressors are very highly collinear, EViews may encounter difficulty in computing
the regression estimates. In such cases, EViews will issue an error message “Near singular
matrix.” When you get this error message, you should check to see whether the regressors are
exactly collinear. The regressors are exactly collinear if one regressor can be written as a linear
combination of the other regressors. Under exact collinearity, the regressor matrix X does not
have full column rank and the OLS estimator cannot be computed.

~ 42 ~
You should watch out for exact collinearity when you are using dummy variables in your
regression. A set of mutually exclusive dummy variables and the constant term are exactly
collinear. For example, suppose you have quarterly data and you try to run a regression with
the specification

y c x @seas(1) @seas(2) @seas(3) @seas(4)

EViews will return a “Near singular matrix” error message since the constant and the four
quarterly dummy variables are exactly collinear through the relation:

c = @seas(1) + @seas(2) + @seas(3) + @seas(4)

In this case, simply drop either the constant term or one of the dummy variables.

~ 43 ~
Function Reference for EViews

All of the operators described below may be used in expressions involving series and
scalar values. When applied to a series expression, the operation is performed for each
observation in the current sample. The precedence of evaluation is listed in Operator
Precedence. Note that you can enforce order-of-evaluation using appropriate parentheses.

Expression Operator Description

+ add x+y adds the contents of X and Y
– subtract x–y subtracts the contents of Y from X
* multiply x*y multiplies the contents of X by Y
/ divide x/y divides the contents of X by Y
^ raise to the power x^y raises X to the power of Y
> greater than x>y takes the value 1 if X exceeds Y, and 0
< less than x<y takes the value 1 if Y exceeds X, and 0
= equal to x=y takes the value 1 if X and Y are equal,
and 0 otherwise
<> not equal to x<>y takes the value 1 if X and Y are not
equal, and 0 if they are equal
<= less than or equal to x<=y takes the value 1 if X does not exceed
Y, and 0 otherwise
>= greater than or equal to x>=y takes the value 1 if Y does not exceed
X, and 0 otherwise
and logical and x and y takes the value 1 if both X and Y are
nonzero, and 0 otherwise
or logical or x or y takes the value 1 if either X or Y is
nonzero, and 0 otherwise

Date and Observation Functions

These series functions allow you to identify the period associated with a given
observation, or the value associated with a given date/observation. For example, if you create
the series

series y = @month

~ 44 ~
with a monthly workfile, Y will contain a numeric indicator for each month (1 through
12). If you create the series

series z = @quarter

for the same workfile, EViews will fill Z with the numeric quarter indicator (1 through 4)
associated with each observation.

These functions are not available in workfiles with a lower frequency. For example, you
can use the @month function in a daily or monthly workfile but not in a quarterly or annual
workfile. Similarly, you cannot use the @day function in a monthly or annual workfile.

Function Name Description

@day observation day for daily or weekly workfiles, returns the observation
day in the month for each observation.
@elem(x,d) element returns the value of the series X, at date (or
observation) d. d must be specified in double quotes
" " or using the @str function.
@month observation month returns the month of observation (for monthly, daily,
and weekly data) for each observation.
@quarter observation quarter returns the quarter of observation (except for annual,
semi-annual, and undated data) for each observation.
@year observation year returns the year associated with each observation
(except for undated data) for each observation.

Basic Mathematical Functions

The following functions are designed to perform basic mathematical operations. When
applied to a series, they return a value for every observation in the current sample. When applied
to a matrix object, they return a value for every element of the matrix object. The functions will
return NA values for observations where the input values are NAs, and for observations where
the input values are not valid. For example, the square-root function @sqrt, will return NA
values for all observations that are less than zero.

Note that the logarithmic functions are base-e (natural logarithms). To convert the natural
logarithm into , you should use the relationship: .

~ 45 ~
Function Name Examples/Description
@abs(x), abs(x) absolute value @abs(-3)=3; abs(2)=2
@ceiling(x) smallest integer not less @ceiling(2.34)=3;
than @ceiling(4)=4
@exp(x), exp(x) exponential, @exp(1)=2.71813
@fact(x) factorial, x! @fact(3)=6; @fact(0)=1
@factlog(x) natural logarithm of the @factlog(3)=1.7918;
factorial, @factlog(0)=0
@floor(x) largest integer not greater @floor(1.23)=1;
than @floor(3)=3
@inv(x) reciprocal, 1/x @inv(2)=0.5
@log(x), log(x) natural logarithm, @log(2)=0.693;
@mod(x,y) floating point remainder returns the remainder of x/y
with the same sign as x. If
y=0. the result is 0.
@nan(x,y) recode NAs in x to y returns x if x<>na, and y if
@recode(x,condition,z) recode by condition returns z if condition is true;
otherwise returns x (x and z
can be series or scalars)
@round(x) round to the nearest integer @round(-97.5)=–98;
@sqrt(x), sqr(x) square root @sqrt(9)=3; sqr(4)=2

Time Series Functions

The following functions facilitate working with time series data. Note that NAs will be
returned for observations for which lagged values are not available. For example, d(x) returns
a missing value for the first observation in the workfile, since the lagged value is not available.

~ 46 ~
Function Name Description
d(x) first difference , where L is the lag operator
d(x,n) n-th order difference
d(x,n,s) n-th order difference
with a seasonal
difference at s
dlog(x) first difference of the
dlog(x,n) n-th order difference of
the logarithm
dlog(x,n,s) n-th order difference of
the logarithm with a
seasonal difference at s
@movav(x,n) n-period backward @movav(x,3)=
moving average
@movsum(x,n) n-period backward @movsum(x,3)=
moving sum
@pch(x) one-period percentage
change (in decimal)
@pcha(x) one-period percentage @pcha(x)=1 where n is the lag
change—annualized (in associated with one-year (n=4 for
decimal) quarterly data, etc.)
@pchy(x) one-year percentage , where n is the lag associated with
change (in decimal) one-year (n=12 for annual data, etc.)
@seas(n) seasonal dummy returns 1 when the quarter or month
equals n and 0 otherwise
@trend, @trend(n) time trend returns a trend series, normalized to
0 in period n, where n is a date or
observation number; if n is omitted,
then the series is normalized at the
first observation in the workfile

~ 47 ~
Descriptive Statistics Functions

These functions compute descriptive statistics for the current sample, excluding missing
values if necessary. To determine the number of observations available for a given series, use
the @obs function. Note that where appropriate, EViews will perform casewise exclusion of
data with missing values. For example, @cov(x,y) and @cor(x,y) will use only those
observations for which data on both X and Y are available.

Function Name Description

@cor(x,y) correlation returns the correlation between X and Y
@cov(x,y) covariance returns the covariance between X and Y
@inner(x,y) inner product returns the inner product of X and Y
@obs(x) number of observations returns the number of non-missing
observations for X in the current sample
@mean(x) mean average of the values in X
@median(x) median computes the median of the X (uses the
average of middle two observations if the
number of observations is even)
@min(x) minimum minimum of the values in X
@max(x) maximum maximum of the values in X
@stdev(x) standard deviation square root of the unbiased sample
variance (division by n1)
@sum(x) sum returns the sum of X
@sumsq(x) sum-of-squares sum of the squares of X
@var(x) variance variance of the values in X (division by n)

~ 48 ~
Regression Statistics

Single Equation Regression Statistics

There are two kinds of @-functions: those that return a scalar value, and those that return
matrices or vectors. These functions may be used in generating new series; see Working with
Regression Statistics. See Systems of Equations Regression Statistics for statistics from Pool,
Sspace, System, VAR objects.

Functions that return a scalar:

Function Description
@coefs(i) coefficient i
@cov(I,j) covariance of coefficients i and j
@dw Durbin-Watson statistic
@f F-statistic
@jstat scalar containing the J-statistic (for GMM)
@logl value of the log-likelihood function
@meandep mean of the dependent variable
@ncoef total number of estimated coefficients
@r2 R-squared statistic
@rbar2 adjusted R-squared statistic
@regobs number of observations in regression
@schwarz Schwarz information criterion:
@sddep standard deviation of the dependent variable
@se standard error of the regression
@ssr sum of squared residuals
@stderrs(i) standard error for coefficient i
@tstats(i) t-statistic value for coefficient i

Functions that return vector or matrix objects:

@coefs vector of coefficient values

@stderrs vector of standard errors for the coefficients
@tstats vector of ratios of coefficients to standard errors
@cov matrix containing the coefficient covariance matrix

~ 49 ~
Systems of Equations Regression Statistics

These regression statistics functions apply to Pool, Sspace, System, and VAR objects.
See Single Equation Regression Statistics for statistics from a single equation.
Functions that return a scalar:

Function Description
@coefs(i) coefficient i (except for VARs)
@cov(i,j) covariance of coefficients i and j
@dw(j) Durbin-Watson statistic for equation j
@jstat scalar containing the J-statistic (for GMM)
@logl value of the log-likelihood function (where appropriate)
@meandep(j) mean of the dependent variable for equation j
@ncoef(j) number of coefficients in equation j
@ncross number of cross-sections in the pool (Pools only)
@ncrossest number of cross-sections used in last pool estimation (Pool only)
@neqn Number of equations in system
@r2(j) R-squared statistic for equation j
@rbar2(j) adjusted R-squared statistic for equation j
@regobs(j) number of observations in regression for equation j
@residcov(i,j) covariance of residuals from equation i with those in equation j in a VAR or
system object. @residcov must be preceded with a named object, e.g.
@sddep(j) standard deviation of the dependent variable for equation j
@se(j) standard error of the regression for equation j
@ssr(j) sum of squared residuals for equation j
@stderrs(i) standard error for coefficient i (except for VARs)
@sysncoef total number of coefficients in the system
@tstats(i) t-statistic value for coefficient i (except for VARs)

Functions that return vector or matrix objects:

@coefs vector of coefficient values

@stderrs vector of standard errors for the coefficients
@tstats vector of ratios of coefficients to standard errors
@cov matrix containing the coefficient covariance matrix

~ 50 ~

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