In The High Court of Rangoon: Han Mohan Das MANU/WB/0371/1924

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Decided On: 03.09.1928

Appellants: Ma E Tin
Respondent: Ma Byaw and Ors.



Carr, J.

1. The plaintiff-appellant's case is that before her marriage to the son of Maung Pan, deceased,
and defendant 1, Ma Byaw, Maung Pon and Byaw promised that on the celebration of the
marriage they would give the land in suit to the young couple as Kanwin. The marriage took
place and possession of the land was given to the plaintiff and her husband, but no registered
deed of conveyance was executed. Defendant has now taken back the land and claims it as her
own. Plaintiff sued for specific performance of the promise to give.

2. Both Courts below have held that plaintiff's suit is not maintainable and have dismissed it, no
evidence being taken.

3. It is not necessary to go beyond the plaint. If on the allegation therein set out being proved the
plaintiff would be entitled to succeed in her suit, that suit is maintainable, and must be tried.

4. If there was, as plaintiff alleges, a valid ante-nuptial promise made in consideration of the
marriage, the case of Pran Mohan Das v. Han Mohan Das MANU/WB/0371/1924 :
AIR1925Cal856 , is authority for the view that on the marriage taking place that promise would
become a binding contract. If there was such a contrast it would seem that there is no reason why
it should not be specifically enforced, and it would also seem that the transaction would not be s
properly a gift but rather a conveyance in consideration of the marriage.

5. The final result of the suit must of course depend on the facts found, but I am of opinion that
the Courts were wrong in holding at this stage that the suit is not maintainable.

6. I allow this appeal, set aside the judgments and decree of the Courts below and remand the suit
to the Sub-Divisional Court of Tharrawaddy for trial and disposal on its merits.

7. The appellant will be given a certificate for the refund of the Court-fee paid by her on this
appeal. The appellant's other costs in this Court and her costs in the first appeal will be paid by
the respondents. The costs of the Sub-Divisional Court will follow the result of the suit.

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