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Activation of workflow for Non PO invoices

in FI
Sep 13, 2007 at 11:52 AM | 83 Views
Hi Everone there
Please advise on the customizing settings to activate workflow for Non PO invoices with example in FI
Thanks and I will not forget to reward.

FIN (Finance)

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1 Answer
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Csaba Soltesz
Sep 13, 2007 at 01:30 PM
follow the below steps:
1. OBWA - create workflow variant. Make sure you have activated prelminiary posting (=
parking) and/or payment release. Subworkflow WS10000051 is delivered for releasing
parked documents, I would recommend to use that for the start.
2. OBWJ Assign your workflow variant from step 1 to your company code(s).
3. SM30, V_VBWF08 Release groups - feel free to adjust, standard entries are OK for first
tests, no need to change. Do not forget to maintain the vendor master on company code
level - you have to enter an approval group (field LFB1-FRGRP, if this is not visible in FK02,
check your field status control for the vendor master).
4. SM30, V_VBWF03, Approval paths, again, no need to change the standard entries for the
first tests. You can maintain later if you like.
5. SM30, V_VBWF05 Assign approval paths. This is important, assign approval paths to
workflow variant (step 1) and document types.
6. OBWE - Subworkflow allocation. This is also essential. Specify release levels (0 to 3) and
subworkflow (use F1 help to see a list of standard workflows by release level, use those) by
workflow variant, approval path and amount/currency. To make it easy, start with a 1-level
approval first. Otherwise, the higher the amount the more release levels makes sense.
7. OBWF Assign users. Here you cna specify who should release the parked documents.
Enter workflow variant, Approval path, release level and amount (limit) first. Then select the
entry and click Details (org object). Here you can assign organizational objects (not users
directly). Also you can create organizational objects from here.
But it is better to use transactions PPOCE (create) and PPOME (change) to maintain
organizational units. You can create an organizational unit Zxxx first then create some new
Positions and assign the positions to the org,unit. You can then assign users to the
positions. Finally, you can go back to OBWF and assign the positions there.
After all of those steps, when you have parked a document and marked it as complete, a
new workitem will come up in the business workplace of the assigned users. They have to
execute the workitem, which ends up in a similar screen like FBV0, but they got there 2
buttons (Release / Reject) which they can use. In case of an approval, document can be
posted. In case of a rejection, the creator of the document will receive a workitem (pls.
change doc xxxxxx) and it starts then from the beginning.
Some additional info: after you have parked a document, check the following fields in the
document header:
Release necessary: it has to be ON, meaning document is relevant for releasing.
Doc. complete: obvious, ON is saved as complete
Approval path / Release levels: as customized, should not be initial in order to get the
workflow running.
Released: obvious, after release, it becomes active.
Hope that helps, points welcome 😊

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o Former Member
Sep 13, 2007 at 01:57 PM
Thanks Csaba.
wanna bet on points 😊

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o Csaba Soltesz Former Member
Sep 28, 2007 at 01:44 PM
Hi Asha,
why don't you continue this topic, I am watching all of the topics I have been contributed to. 😊
Well, I do not really understand what do you mean by activating the workflow. Once the steps described
above were done, I do not think you need to do more.
Try to park a document and then check the document header. Is the document marked for being relevant
for releasing? If not, we are missing something. If it is, then you (or whoever is assigned to this task) should
receive a workflow item in SAP Office. If the document is relevant for releasing, but no work item arrived,
there should be a problem with organizational structure assignments.
Pls. let me know if the relevant for releasing first (see checkbox in parked doc.header), then we can
move forward to a solution on this.
Hope that helps, points welcome 😊

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o Former Member Csaba Soltesz
Sep 28, 2007 at 02:02 PM
Thanks a lot Csaba.
Now I understand how important it is to update ur mail id in your B card :O
Coming to the point, in your original reply, you are saying,
Approval path / Release levels: as customized, should not be initial in order to get the workflow running.
Released: obvious, after release, it becomes active.
what does this mean?

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o Csaba Soltesz Former Member
Sep 28, 2007 at 04:31 PM
approval path and release levels are fields in the parked document header. If those are initial, your workflow
won't work. Check the assignments again (doc type, etc.)
Released is another checkbox in the doc.header. At first, it is initial, after the approval, not very surprisingly,
it will become active (X, checked).
Hope that helps, points welcome 😊

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