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1. Choose and write the most appropriate answer:- 1x6=6
(i) One’s intellectual maturity is very much related to one’s:
(a) Physical maturity (b) emotional maturity
(c)Social maturity (d) both (a) and (b).
(ii) Two persons who marry cannot have exactly similar traits. This
is related to
(a) Adaptability (b) Co-operation
(c )Compatibility (d) Common interests
(iii) Our choices of buying goods is often influenced by:
(a) misconceptions (b) fads
(c)advertisements (d) quackery.
(iv) The founder of Homeopathy system of medicine is:
(a) Dr.Samuel Hahnemann (b) Alexander Fleming
(c )Paul Ehlrich (d) None
(v) The important component of commonly available cough syrup:
(a) Nevocaine (b) Morphine
(c )Bromides (d) Codeine
(vi) This system of medicine is based upon three substances present in
the body i.e, vayu, pitta and kapha
(a) Ayurvedic System (b) Unani System
(c )Homeopathy (d) Siddha System
2. Fill in the blanks:- 1x6=6
(i) ____________ brings major changes in the body.
(ii) ____________ in human beings means much more than
growing taller and stronger.
(iii) Growth and development follow a continuous____________
(iv) ____________ are persons with no special training or license.
(v) Beliefs and____________ are an integral part of all cultures in
the world.
(vi) Susrata and____________were founders of the Ayurvedic
system of medicine.
3. Give answer in 2-3 words:- 1x6=6
(i) Which maturity is neither predictable nor regular?
(ii) Where do you find most joint family in India?
(iii) Which is the part of the body affected by stimulants?
(iv) Who introduced the Unani System of medicine in India and
(v) Who laid the foundation of Chemotherapy?
(vi) Name the alcohol which is extremely poisonous?
4. Write answer in one-two sentences for each of the following:-
(i) List two belief that may be harmful for health.
(ii) What is known as maturity?
(iii) What is medicine?
(iv) What is known as ‘Drug Abuse’?
(v) Who is a Quack?
5. Write answer in 3-4 sentences each for the following:- 3x4=12
(i) Write short note on ‘ Health and Advertising’.
(ii) Suggest some guidelines for a consumer to regulate his/ her
behavior to utilize various products and services of day to day
(iii) How will one identify the real medical qualified practitioner or
a fraud?
(iv) How may the use of ‘medicines and drugs’ be dangerous to
different individuals?
6. Illustrate with examples the different aspects of maturity from your
own experiences. (10)
7. How many systems of medicine do you know that are practised in
India? Give a brief description about these systems. (1+9=10)
8. Explain the different types of drugs which have the potential to be
abused. (10)
9. The most commonly abused substances are tobacco and alcohol all
over the world. Highlight with examples in what ways these are
commonly abused and write the harmful effects related to these
substances when abused. (10)

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