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 High involvement HR practices
 Psychological empowerment
 Co-worker support
 Turn over intention

High involvement HR practices

• HR practices staffing

• Training

• Compensation employees

• Performance appraisal

• Job design

• Participation

HR practices staffing
Our company spends a great effort in selecting the right person for every position

Our company uses extensive procedures in recruitment and selection, including a variety of test and

In recruiting, our company emphasizes the potential of new hires to learn and grow with the company

Our company takes care on its image when recruiting and selecting employees

Employees are selected based on their overall fit to the organization

Employees will normally go through ongoing training programs

The organization provides training focused on teambuilding and teamwork skills training Managers
provide specialized training and development for their employees

Managers initiate and provide various kinds of training and development for their employees

Our company has good mentoring system to support new hires

Compensation employees
Employees in this organization receive monetary rewards based on their individual performance

Employees in this organization receive monetary rewards based on their group performance

Employees in this organization receive monetary rewards based on the organizational performance

Our company’s pay system reflects employee’s contribution to the company

Performance appraisal
Employees performance appraisal is based on individual behaviors and attitudes at work

Employees performance appraisal is oriented towards their development and progress at work

Employees performance appraisal emphasize collective and long-term based results

Employees receive performance feedback on a routine basis

Job design
Our company emphasizes employees’ job rotation and flexible work assignments in different work areas
Our company transfer extensively different tasks and responsibilities to employees
Our company emphasizes employees’ team work and network collaboration
Employees in this organization have broadly designed jobs requiring a variety of skills

Co-worker support
Employees in this organization have relationships based on trust and reciprocal faith

Employees in this organization trust in their co-worker

Employees at the organization share a commonality of purpose and collective aspirations with others at

Employees share information and learn from another

Psychological empowerment
My job activities are personally meaningful to me

I have significant autonomy in determining how I do my job

I can decide on my own how to go about doing my work

I have considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do my job

I have significant influence over what happens in my department

I am confident about my ability to do my job.

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