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Om Swastyastu,

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

The honorable chairman of IOA-Bali Branch, dr. I Wayan Gede Jayanegara, SpM (K)

Our honourable Study Program Coordinator of Ophthalmology Department at Sanglah hospital,

Dr. dr. A.A. Mas Putrawati Triningrat, Sp.M (K),

Our honorable professor, Ms. Prof. dr. Ni Ketut Niti Susila, Sp.M (K),

Our honourable guest speaker, dr. Jean-Louis deSousa,

And all the staff members and the participants in this symposium.

Firstly, we would like to share our gratitude to the God, because of His blessing so we can gather
on this special event at the Symposium and Workshop with the theme “Eyelid Disorders and

It is a pleasure for us to welcome dr. Jean-Louis deSousa this time in Bali. We are very grateful to
have you, dr. Jean-Louis deSousa. for taking time off from your busy schedule to attend this special
symposium and workshop.

On this Symposium and Workshop, as we know Eyelid disorders, have always paid specific
attention because of their popularity among women lately. Especially in cosmetics aspect, they
became more popular and high expectancy is a new challenge for us as ophthalmologist

As for our expectations by organizing this event, the participants may achieve the better
understanding and updated knowledge, especially in regards to Eyelid disorder and it’s
management. We hope after his event, the participants can also give effective treatment and
management on these cases.
Overall, I would like to thank all the participants who have attended this event. Please kindly enjoy
the symposium and workshop. Thank you for all third parties that involved in this event. Hopefully
on this happy day, we all can get the good take home messages for our improvement.

“Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om”



Om Swastyastu,

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

The honorable chairman of IOA-Bali Branch, dr. I Wayan Gede Jayanegara, SpM (K)

Our honourable Head of Ophthalmology Department at Sanglah hospital, dr. I Made Agus
Kusumadjaja, SpM(K),

Our honorable professor, Ms. Prof. dr. Ni Ketut Niti Susila, Sp.M (K),

Our honourable guest speaker, dr. Jean-Louis deSousa,

And all the staff members and the participants in this symposium.

Firstly, we would like to share our gratitude to the God, because of His blessing so we can gather
on this special event at the Symposium and Workshop with the theme “Eyelid Disorders and

It is a pleasure for us to welcome dr. Jean-Louis deSousa this time in Bali. We are very grateful to
have you, dr. Jean-Louis deSousa. for taking time off from your busy schedule to attend this special
symposium and workshop.

As we know that Eyelid disorders and it’s management is always developing every second, and
for our own knowledge, as an ophthalmologist or students here, a good lecture like this is always
a pleasure to have, so we have been giving modality to treat our patients better with evidence based
and experience based knowledge.

As for our expectations by organizing this event, the participants may achieve the better
understanding and updated knowledge, especially in regards to Eyelid disorder and it’s
management. We hope after his event, the participants can also give effective treatment and
management on these cases.
Overall, I would like to thank all the participants who have attended this event. Please kindly enjoy
the symposium and workshop. Thank you for all third parties that involved in this event. Hopefully
on this happy day, we all can get the good take home messages for our improvement.

“Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om”

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