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S.NO Chapters Page No

1. Chapter 1(Sets) (2-3)

2. Chapter 2(System of Real Numbers) 4

3. Chapter 3(Logarithms) 5

4. Chapter 4(Algebric Expression) 6

5. Chapter 5(Factorization) 7-9
6. Chapter 6(Algebric Sentences) 10-11
7. Chapter 7(Matrices) 12
8. Chapter 8(Elimination) 13
9. Chapter 9(Variation) 14
10. Chapter 10(Information Handling) 14-15
11. Chapter 14() 16
12. Chapter 15(Trignometry) 17
13. Theorem’s for Section ‘B’ 17
14. Theorem’s for Section ‘C’ 18
15. Mcq’s 19-31

Prepared By M.Laraib.Irfan Page 1

Bs(Computer Science)
Past Papers(2007-2019)
Chapter # 1(Sets)

Q1)If A={1,2,3,4} and B={2,4,6,8},Prove that

AUB=(AΠB)U(BΔA) (2017)

Q1)If A={1,2,3,4} and B={2,4,6,8},Prove that

AΔB=(A-B)U(B-A) (2016)

Q1)If A={a,b,c} and B={x,y},Find only two binary relations in AxB


Q1)If U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} , A={1,3,5,7} and B={3,4,5,6}.Prove that A’UB’=(AΠB)’


Q1)If A={1,2,3,4},B={2,4,5,6} and C={2,3,6,8}.Prove that (A-B)x(B-C)


Q1)If U={x/x £ N.x<=10},A={2,4,6,8,10} and B={},Prove that (AUB)’=(A’ΠB’)


Q1)If A={1,2,3,4} and B={2,4,6,8},Show that (AUB)-(AΠB)=AΔB


Q1)If A={1,2,3,4,5,6} and B={2,4,6,7},Find AΔB (2010)

Q1)If U={x/x £ N.x<=10},A={1,3,5,7} and B={1,5,6,8},Prove that (AΠB)’=A’UB’


Q2)If A={2,3,4} and B={a,b},Find AxB (2009)

Prepared By M.Laraib.Irfan Page 2

Bs(Computer Science)
If U={x/x £ N.x<=20}, A={2,4,6.......20} and B={1,3,5....19}, Verify that (AΠB)’=A’UB’

Q1)If U={x/x £ N.x<=12},A={2,4,6,8,10,12} and B={3,6,9,12},Prove that

(AΠB)’=A’UB’ (2007)

Q1)If A={a,b},B={2,3} and C={3,4}.Find the value of Ax(BUC)


Q1)If U={x/x £ N.1<=x<=12},A={1,2,5,9} and B={2,3,8,9,10},Prove that A’UB’=(AΠB)’


Prepared By M.Laraib.Irfan Page 3

Bs(Computer Science)
1. (Xa/Xb)a+b x (Xb/Xc)b+c x (Xc/Xa)c+a (2017,2016 2009,2019)

Q1)Simplify? (2015,2018)
2 1
(216)3 (25)2
1. √ −3
1 2
( )

Q1)Simplify? (2014)
2. [ (125)2 x (8) / (64)2 ]1/3

Q1)Simplify? (2013)
4 𝑎𝑥 4 𝑎𝑦 4 𝑎𝑧
3. √ √ √
𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑧 𝑎𝑥

Q1)Simplify? (2012 2010)

l m l+m m n m+n n l n+l
4. (X /X ) x (X /X ) x (X /X )

5. (X2a/Xa+b) x (X2b/Xb+c) x (X2c/Xc+a) (2011 2008 2007)

6. (Xa/Xb)a+b x (Xb/Xc)b+c÷ 4(Xa.Xc)a-c . (2006)

Q1)If x=2+√3 ,Find the value of x2+1/x2.(2017 2013,2007)

Q1)If p=3+2√2 ,Find the value of p2+1/p2 (2012)

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Bs(Computer Science)

Q1)Find the vlaue of 3 with the help of logarithmetic table? (2019)

Q1)Find the vlaue of 85.7 x 2.47/8.89 with the help of logarithmetic table?(23.81)
(2017,2014 &2010)

Q1)Find the value of (6.735)(48.27)/(16.18)2 with the help of log table?(2.38)

(2016 & 2011)

√431.5 (1.2)2
Q1)Find the vlaue of 3 with the help of logarithmetic table?(30.09)

Q1)Find the value of (86.2)2(37.37)/(591) with the help of log table? (469.8)
(2013 & 2009)

Q1)Find the vlaue of 0.87/ (28.9)(0.785)with the help of logarithmetic table?

(2012 & 2008)

Q1)Find the vlaue of (82.8)(88.6)/2.25with the help of logarithmetic table?

(780.6)2 √3
Q1)Find the vlaue of with the help of logarithmetic table?(24.19)

Q1)Find the vlaue of (1.08)(62.4)3 with the help of logarithmetic table?

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Bs(Computer Science)
Ex # 4.7
 Find the value of x-y when x+y=-9 and xy=20. (2016)
 If a+b=7 ,ab=11, Find (a-b)=? (2014,2018)
 If a+b=5,a-b=3 ,Find a2+b2=? (2010)
 If a+b=9 , ab=20 ,Find a2+b2=? (2009)
 If a+b=7 , ab=12 ,Find a2+b2=? (2007)

Ex # 4.8
Q1)Find the value of x2+y2+z2 when x+y+z=√7 and xy+yz+zx=2.
Q2)If a+b+c=9 , a2+b2+c2=29 , Find ab+bc+ca=? (2008)

Ex # 4.9
Q1)Find the value of a3-1/a3=? When a-1/a =4. (2011)
Q2)Find x3+1/x3=? When x+1/x=4. (2006)
Q1)Find the value of x3+y3=? When x+y=-5 and xy=8. (2019)

Ex #4.10
Q1)Find the value of a3+b3+c3-3abc when a+b+c=15 and ab+bc+ca=74.

Prepared By M.Laraib.Irfan Page 6

Bs(Computer Science)
Ex 5.1-5.5
Q) Factorize the following ?

 6a2-11a- 10  a3-a2+2

 a3 -8b3 +27c3 +18abc  4a4 +625b

 x2 +15x-100  a4 +4b4

 a3-a2+2  64y2 +64/y6 +8y9+96y3

 (x-2y)3 -64z3  4a4 +625b4

 x2+15x+36  ax4 - a/16

 a3-a2+2  8a3 +b3+27c3 -18abc

 5x2 -13x- 6  x3 -64y3

 x4+4y4  18y2+9y-20

 x3 -x- 2y+8y3  x6-64

 a6 +a4+1  (ab+cd)2 (ac-bd)2

 18x2 +9x-20  a4 +64

 a3-a2 +2  27x3 -1+8y6 +18xy2

 X4+4y4  x6 +64y6

 10x2 -17x- 6  a6-b6

 ab +amx – bc-mx2  x4 -11x2 +1

 x2 y2 -16xy+64  x3 –x2+2

 x2-yz+xy- xz  a4 +4

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Bs(Computer Science)
 1+2ab-(a2 +b2 )  x3-x- 2y+8y3

 a3 –b3 -27c3-9abc  12x2+5x-2

 x3-8y 2 +1+6xy 


Q1)Resolve into factors:x2(y-z)+y2(z-x)+z2(x-y). (2017,2011,2010)

Q2)Resolve into Factors: a2(b-c)+b2(c-a)+c2(a-b). (2016,2013)
Q3) Resolve into Factors:4a2(3b-4c)+9b2(4c-2a)+16c2(2a-3b).(2015)
Q4) Resolve into Factors:r2(s-t)+s2(t-r)+t2(r-s).(2014,2012,2018)

Q1)Find the factors by means of remainder theorem:
 X3+7x2+14x+8 (2017)

Q2) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X3+3x2+4x-28 (2016,2011)

Q3) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X 3-21x+20 (2015)

Q4) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X3+8x2+19x+12 (2014)

Q5) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X3-4x2+5x-2 (2013,2018)

Q6) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

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Bs(Computer Science)
 X3-x2-14x+24 (2012,2008)

Q7) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X3-11x2+36x-36 (2010)

Q8) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X3+5x2-2x-24 (2009)

Q9) Find the factors by means of remainder theorem?

 X3-6x2+11x-6 (2007)

Q1)For What value of “q” 4x4+12x3+25x2+24x+q will be a perfect
Q2) For what value of p and q 4a4+12a3+5a2+pa+q will be the perfect square?
Q3) What should be added to x4+4x3+10x2+14x+5 so that it may be a perfect
square?( 2015,2018)
Q4) For what value of a and b, x4+4x3+10x2+ax+b is a perfect square? (2014,2012,
Q5) What should be added to 4a4+4a3+5a2+2a+5 so that it become a perfect
square? (2013)
Q6) What should be subtracted from the expression x4+2x3+3x2+x-2 so that it
becomes a perfect square?(2008)
Q7) If 4x4+12x3+21x2+ax+9 is a perfect square,find the value of ‘a’? (2007)

Prepared By M.Laraib.Irfan Page 9

Bs(Computer Science)
Ex # 6.2
Q1.Find the solution set of the following equations graphically: (Find four ordered
pairs for each equation)
1. x – 3y = -5 ; 2x + 3y = 3 (2007)
2. 3x = 7 + 2y ; 5x + y = 3 (2008)
3. 4x – y = 5 ; x + 5y = 17 (2009)
4. 5x + 7y = 13 ; 7x + 6y = 3 (2010)
5. x – 2y = -3 ; 2x + y = 14 (2011)
6. 4x – y – 10 = 0 ; 3x + 5y – 19 = 0 (2012,2019)
7. 2x –y = 5 ; x – 2y = 1 (2013)
8. x – 2y = -3 ; 2x + y = 14 (2014,2017,2018)
9. 3x – 11 = y ; x – 3y = 9 (2015,2016)

Ex # 6.8
Q2. Find the solution set with the help of quadratic equation:-
1. 2b² - 7b + 5 = 0 (2012,2014)
2. x² + 8x + 15 = 0 (2011)
3. 2x² - 7x + 6 = 0 (2013)
4. x²+ 6x - 40 = 0 (2008)
5. x² + 10x – 24 = 0 (2009)
6. x² + x – 56 = 0 (2017)

Ex # 6.5
Q3.Find the solution set of the followingy:-
𝑥+5 25 – 4𝑥
< , 0¥ x € N (2015)
10 5

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Bs(Computer Science)
Ex # 6.3 & 4
Q4.Find the solution set of the following:-
1. | | -2 = 8 (2007)
2. | |–2=0 (2008)
3. √ + 2 = 10 (2008,2007)
8x + 5
4. | | -1 = 3 (2009)
5. √25𝑥 − 6 = 4√𝑥 + 3 (2009,2016,2019)
6. √4x – 5 = √3𝑥 + 7 (2010)

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Bs(Computer Science)
Ex # 7.3
Q1)If A= 3 2 ,Prove that AA-1= I . (2017 & 2011)
1 0

3 2
Q1)If A= ,Prove that AA-1= I . (2015,2019)
5 4

−3 −2
Q1)If A= , Prove that AA-1= I . (2008 & 2009)
5 6

Ex # 7.4
Q1)Apply Cramer’s rule? (2016)

Q1)Solve the following equation with the help of matrix method?


Q1)Apply Cramer’s rule? (2013)

4x+3y= 5

Q1)Apply Cramer’s rule? (2012)

2x+5y= 9
4x-2y= 1

Q1)Apply Cramer’s rule? (2010)

4x+y= 2
7x+2y= 3


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Bs(Computer Science)
Ex # 8.1
Eliminate ‘X’ from the following equations (2018)
X - 1/X = 2a, X2 +1/X2=b2
Eliminate ‘Y’ from the following equations
1 1
Y + =2a : Y- =2b+1 (2016 & 2006)

Eliminate ‘a’ from the following equations (2015)

a2 + 1/a2 = m2 , a4 +1/a4=b4

Eliminate ‘X’ from the following equations (2014 , 2010,2017,2019)

x+1/x = 2p ; x- 1/x = 2q+1
Eliminate ‘Y’ from the following equations
𝑦 𝑏 𝑦2 𝑏2
+ = 2𝑐 ; 2
+ = 𝑎2 (2013)
𝑏 𝑦 𝑏 𝑦2

Eliminate ‘t’ from the following equations (2012)

𝑎(1−𝑡 2 ) 𝑏(1−𝑡 2 )
X= ;𝑌 =
1+𝑡 2 2𝑡 2

Eliminate ‘X’ from the following equations (2011)

X+1/x=2a ; x3+1/x3=b3
Eliminate ‘Y’ from the following equations (2009)
𝑦 𝑏 𝑦 𝑏
+ = 2𝑐 ; − = 2𝑎
𝑏 𝑦 𝑏 𝑦

Eliminate ‘t’ from the following equations (2008)

X=at2 ; Y=bt3

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Bs(Computer Science)
𝑎 𝑐 𝑒 𝑎4 𝑏2 +𝑎2 𝑒 2 −𝑒 4 𝑓 𝑎4
Q1)If = = ,prove that = .(2016,2013,2010,2018)
𝑏 𝑑 𝑓 𝑏6 +𝑏2 𝑓2 −𝑓5 𝑏4

𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 𝑥3 𝑦3 𝑧3 (𝑥+𝑦+𝑧)3
Q2)If = = ,prove that 3
+ 2
+ = .(2015)
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐 𝑎 𝑏 𝑐2 (𝑎+𝑏+𝑐)2

𝑎2 +𝑏2 𝑎𝑐+𝑏𝑑
Q3)If a:b=c:d,prove that = . (2014,2019)
𝑎2 −𝑏2 𝑎𝑐−𝑏𝑑
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
Q4)If = = and a+b+c≠0,prove that a=b=c.(2012)
𝑏+𝑐 𝑐+𝑎 𝑎+𝑏
𝑎 𝑐 𝑒
Q5)If = = ,prove that (a2+c2+e2)(b2+d2+f2)=(ab+cd+ef)2.(2011,2017)
𝑏 𝑑 𝑓
1 𝑏 𝑎
Q6)Simplify: − − .(2007)
𝑎−𝑏 𝑎2 −𝑏2 𝑎2 +𝑏2

Q.1: Find the Standard deviation of the following set :(2018)
Q.1: Find the variance of the following set of observations: (2013,2017,2019)
X=11, 13, 25, 15, 12, 18, 17, 23, 20, and 16

Q.2: The marks obtained by 60 students in an examination are given below. Find
their ode: (2007)
Marks 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-54
students 10 12 30 6 2

Q.3: a set of data contains the value as 148, 145, 160, 157, 156, 160,
160,165show that the mode > median> mean. (2015)
Q.4: Find the variance from the following information: (2014)

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Bs(Computer Science)
x=19.5, n=10, ∑x2 = 5555
Q.5:Marks obtained by some students in computer science exam. Are given
below. Find median of their numbers? (2012)
Marks 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
students 25 28 32 25 13 12

Q.6: The marks obtained by 84 students in an examination are given below. Find
the mean:? (2016,2011)
marks 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
students 9 18 35 17 5

Q.7: The marks obtained by some students in a subject are given below. Find their
arithmetic mean:?(2009)
marks 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39
students 9 18 35 17 5

Q.8: The following are the percentages of marks obtained by 10 students in

Mathematics: X = 23, 15, 35, 48, 41, 5, 8, 9, 11, 51. Find the median of the
students. (2008)

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Bs(Computer Science)
Q1)Construct a triangle ABC in which mAB =5cm,mB=105o and mBC=4cm.Draw it
circumscribed circle.also write the steps of construction.(2016)
Q2) Construct a triangle PQR in which mPQ =6cm,mQR=5cm and mQ=70o.Draw
the in-circle of the triangle and write the steps of construction? (2015)
Q3)Draw a circle of radii 2.5cm.Take a point B at a distance 6.5cm from the centre
of the circle and draw two tangents to the circle passing through B.Find the
length of segments of tangents by measuring them. Verify your measurement
with the help of pythagorous theorem.(2013,2010)
Q4)Draw a transverse common tangents of the two circles with the radius 3cm
and 2cm.When the distance between their centres is 6cm.Write down the steps
of construction.(2012)
Q5)Take two points p & q at a distance of 7cm.Draw circles with the radii of 2.8cm
and 1.6cm with centres p &q.Draw direct common tangent to these circles and
write the steps of constructions? (2011))
Q6)Draw two circle od radii 3cm and 1.5cm such that the distance between their
centre is 6.2cm.(2009)
Q7)Draw a triangle ABC such that mAB=4.3cm,mA=5.2cm and mBC=6cm.Draw it
circumscribed circle.Write also steps of construction?(2008)
Q8)Construct PQR in which mPQ=mQR=4cm,mQ=60o,Draw the circumcircle of the
triangle and write down the steps of construction?(2007)
Q9)Solve the triangle ABC in which mC=90o,mB=60o,b=4cm?(2007)


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Bs(Computer Science)
Q1)Find all the trigonometric ratio of 300.(2017,2014,2012,2010)
Q2)Find all the trigonometric ratio of 450.(2016,2013,2009,2018)
Q3)If Ө=3/5,find the remaining trigonometric ratios, using trigonometric
Q4)Drive that sin2Ө + cos2Ө=1.(2016,2011)
1−𝑠𝑖𝑛Ө 𝑐𝑜𝑠Ө
Q5)Prove that = .(2014,2009,2017)
𝑐𝑜𝑠Ө 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛Ө

Q6)Prove that cotβ+tanβ =cotβsec2β.(2012)

Q7) Prove that sin260o + cos260o =1. (2008)
Q8) Prove that ( cosӨ – sinӨ )2 +2sinӨ cosӨ=1. (2007)
𝑠𝑖𝑛Ө 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠Ө
Q9) Prove that = . (2018,2019)
1−𝑐𝑜𝑠Ө 𝑠𝑖𝑛Ө

Q10)Solve triangle ACB when angle C=90,c=808cm,b=4√3 cm? (2019)

Theorem’s for Section C

2019,2017,2015,2012 :
1. Theorem 8 (Page 312)

2. Theorem 10(Page 315)
1. Theorem 7 (Page 310)

Theorem’s for Section B

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Bs(Computer Science)
1. Theorem 3 (Page 302) 2. Theorem 4 (Page 363)

1. Theorem 1a (Page 357) 2. Theorem 6 (Page 308)
3. Theorem 2a(Page 359) 4. Theorem 5 (Page307)

2. Theorem 9 (Page 314) 3. Theorem 1a (Page 357)
1. Theorem 9 (Page 314) 2. Theorem 5 (Page 307)
3. Theorem 4 (Page 363)
1. Theorem 2 (Page 299) 2. Theorem 2a (Page 359)
3. Theorem 13(Page 320)
1. Theorem 12 (Page 319) 2. Theorem 3 (Page 302)
3. Theorem 5(Page 307)
1. Theorem 2 (Page 302) 2. Theorem 9 (Page 314)
3. Theorem 1 (Page 357)
1. Theorem 5 (Page 307) 2. Theorem 4 (Page 304)
3. Theorem 6(Page 308)
1. Theorem 9 (Page 314) 2. Theorem 1 (Page 357)
1. Theorem 1 (Page 331) 2. Theorem 6 (Page 368)
3. Theorem 9 (Page 314)

Chapter 1
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Bs(Computer Science)
1. -------- is the collection of well-defined and distinct objects.
(a)Set (b)Power (c)Conjugate (d)Relation
2. Anything belongs to a set is called an ------- of the set.
(a)subsets (b)Elements (c)Domain (d)Power
3. A set which describe with the help of a statement is called-----form.
(a)Tabular (b)Set Builder (c)descriptive (d)None of these
4. The order pair(-5,3) lies in--------quadrant. (a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
5. The null set is considered to be a ------- of every set.
(a)Super set (b)Proper Subset (c)Subset (d)Improper Subset
6. If n(A)=10 then n P(A) = (a)-1024 (b)1024 (c)1000 (d)1004
7. If the number of elements in a set A is n the number of elements in P(A):
(a)2n (b)2+n (c)2n (d)None of these
8. If a set has four elements then it’s power set will contain elements equal to-----------
elements.(a)16 (b)4 (c)8 (d)10
9. If S={1,2,3,4} then the number of element is P(S)= ---------------
(a)12 (b)10 (c)16 (d)2
10. The set A={x/x is past president of Pakistan who was a women} is an example of--------
set.(a)Super (b)Sub (c)Null (d)Finite
11. The order pair(0,2) lies in ---------------- .
(a)1 quadrant (b)4 quadrant (c)x-axis (d)y-axis
12. If “A” is the real number, the point (0,a) lies: (a)Y-axis (b)X-axis (c)Z-axis (d)None of these
13. If “A” is the real number, the point (a,0) lies: (a)Y-axis (b)X-axis (c)Z-axis (d)None of these
14. At third quadrant the value of x & y will be -----------------
(a)-&+ (b)+&- (c)-&- (d)+&+
15. The y-coordinate of every point at x-axis is -----------------
(a)1 (b)0 (c)2 (d)None of these
16. The x-coordinate of every point at y-axis is -----------------
(a)1 (b)0 (c)2 (d)None of these
17. The point of intersection of x and y-axis is called-----------
(a)Origin (b)Abscissa (c)Ordinates (D)None of these
18. {….-2,-1,0,1,2,….} is the set of -----------------
(a)Prime Number (b)Integer (c)Whole Number (d)Even Number
19. {0,1,2,3……..} is the set of -------------------
(a)Whole Number (b)Prime Number (c)Even Number (d)None of these
20. {1,2,3……} is the set of-----------------
(a)Natural Number (b)Prime Number (c)Even Number (d)None of these
21. {1,3,5,7………….} is the set of --------------
(a)Prime Number (b)Odd number (c)Prime Number (d)None of these

22. {0,2,4,5,6,8……..} is the set of----------------

(a)Even Number (b)Odd Number (c)Prime Number (d)None of these
23. {2,3,5,7……} is the set of--------------

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Bs(Computer Science)
(a)Prime Number (b)Odd Number (c)Even Number (d) None of these
24. (A’)’ = -------------------(a)B’ (b) A (c)D (d)None of these
25. If A={1,2,3} and B={1,2,3,4,5} then A is --------Subset of B.
(a)Proper (b)Super (c)Improper (d)None of these
26. In generally Cartesian product of sets A and B; AxB-------BxA . (a)= (b)< (c)> (d)≠
27. If E={2,4,6…} and P={1,3,5…} are--------sets.
(a)Equal (b)Equivalent (c)Proper (d)None of these
28. {0} is the set which has---------element.
(a)Two (b)One (c)Four (d)None of these
29. The every subset of the Cartesian product AxB is called a------------relation from A to B.
(a)Function (b)Domain (c)Binary (d)None of these
30. Two sets are said to be equal if and only if they have the same -----------
(a)elements (b)Equal (c)Power (d)None of these
31. The intersection of two overlapping sets is ------------
(a)Empty (b)Non-Empty (c)Equal (d)None of these
32. A and B are said to be ------------ sets if no element is common in them.
(a)Equal (b)Disjoint (c)Equivalent (d)None of these
33. Two order pairs (a,b) and (c,d) are equal if and only if ----------
(a)a=b ; b=c (b)a=b ; c=d (c)a=c ; b=d (d)None of these
34. The set A={x/x is a letter before “a” in the English alphabets} is an example of:
(a)Sub set (b)Super set (c)Null set (d)None of these
35. A set having does not contains any element is called---------set.
(a)Null (b)Super (c)Subset (D)None of these
36. Two sets A and B are said to be----------- if they have same number of elements.
(a)Equal (b)Subsets (c)equivalent (d)None of these
37. Every set is a -------------- of itself.
(a)Subset (b)Null set (c)Proper subset (d)None of these
38. If A is subset of B and and A=B then we say that A is an -------- subset of B.
(a)Proper (b)Improper (c)Super (d)None of these
39. A set which contains all the sets under consideration is called a-----------set.
(a)Universal (b)Finite (c)Super (d)None of these
40. If A={1,2} and B={a,b,c} the Set AxB has ------------ elements.
(a)8 (b)6 (c)10 (d)4
41. The total number of proper subsets of the given set A={a,b,c,d} are ---------
(a)8 (b)15 (c)12 (d)None of thes
42. By Commutative property of union of two set AUB=------------
(a)B∩A (b)BUA (c)AUC (d)None of these
43. By Commutative property of union of two set A∩B=------------
(a)B∩A (b)BUA (c)AUC (d)None of these
44. By Associative property of union AU(BUC)=----------------
(a)(AUB)UC (b)AUBUC (c)BUC (d)None of these
45. By Associative property of intersection A∩(B∩C)=----------------
(a)(AUB)UC (b)AUBUC (c)BUC (d)None of these
46. A∆B=-------- (a)AUB (b)AUB-AUC (c)(AUB)-(A∩B) (d)None of these

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47. The Cartesian product of set A and B is written as:
(a)AxB (b)BxA (c)A.B (d)B.A
48. If R= {(1,2),(2,3),(3,4}, Domain R= : (a) {1} (b) {1,2} (c) {1,2,3} (d) {0}

Chapter 2
1. The additive inverse of –x + y is:
(a)x-y (b)-x-y (c) x+ y (d)None of these
2. Additive inverse of “0” is:
(a)1 (b)-1 (c)0 (d)None of these
3. Multiplicative Inverse of “0” is:
(a)1 (b)0 (c)Does not exist (d)None of these
4. The set A={1,2,5,7…} is closed with respect to:
(a)Addition (b)Subtraction (c)Multiplication (d)None of these
5. The set A={2,3,5,7,11…} is closed with respect to:
(a)Addition (b)Subtraction (c)Multiplication (d)None of these
6. The set{1,0} is closed with respect to:
(a)Addition (b)Multiplication (c)Subtraction (d)None of these
7. The set{1} is closed with respect to:
(a)Addition (b)Multiplication (c)Subtraction (d)None of these
8. The set{0} is closed with respect to:
(a)Addition (b)Multiplication (c)Subtraction (d)None of these
9. The set{1,-1} is closed with respect to:
(a)Addition (b)Multiplication (c)Subtraction (d)None of these
10. ----------- is the multiplicative inverse of X-1 :
(a)x (b)y (c)xy (d) None of these
11. The multiplicative inverse of -5 is:
(a)-1/5 (b)5 (c)1/5 (d)None of these
12. The identity element for multiplication of a set of real number is:
(a)1 (b)-1 (c)0 (d)None of these
13. The additive inverse of 1/-a-b is:
(a)1/a+b (b)-a+b (c)a+b (d)None fo these
14. Simplified form of √3(√3+2√12) is:
(a)-15 (b) √3 (c)15 (d)None of these
15. Simplified form of √6(5√24-√6) is:
(a)54 (b) √3 (c)-54 (d)None of these
16. Simplify 2√3 + 6 √3 :
(a)8 √3 (b) √3 (c) 6√3 (d)None of these
17. The conjugate of 2√𝑎+4√𝑏 is:
(a)2√𝑎 − 4√𝑏 (b) 2√𝑎+4√𝑏 (c) 2√𝑎+√𝑏 (d)None of these
18. If x=7-4√3 then find the value of x-1/x :
(a)-8√3 (b) √8 (c)4 (d)None of these
19. If x=2+√3 then x2 :

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(a)7 (b)7+4√3 (c)8 (d)None of these
20. If x=2+√3 then find the value of x+1/x :
(a)√3 (b) √8 (c)4 (d)None of these
21. {-(-1) } = : (a)-1 (b)1 (c)0 (d)None of these
22. {-(-1)5}2 = : (a)-1 (b)1 (c)0 (d)None of these
23. (7-√2) (7+√2) : (a)49 (b)47 (c)-47 (d)None of these
24. ((2√2 + √7) (2√2 − √7) : (a)1 (b)-1 (c)0 (d)2
25. (√𝑥 + √𝑦) (√𝑥 − √𝑦) : (a)x-y (b)x+y (c)xy (d)x/y
26. 81/3 x 361/2 : (a)12 (b)10 (c)25 (d)20
27. (53)2 ÷ (52)3 : (a)5 (b)6 (c)10 (d)0
28. 4x50 = : (a)5 (b)20 (c)4 (d)0
29. √48 : (a) 4√3 (b) √3 (c)20 (d)None of these
30. All terminating decimal fractions represent----------number.
(a)Irrational (b)rational (c)Natural (d)None of these
31. The numbers that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers are called:
(a)Rational (b)Irrational (c)Natural (d)None of these
32. The numbers that can not be expressed as the ratio of two integers are called:
(a)Rational (b)Irrational (c)Natural (d)None of these
33. 𝜋 is an ------------number: (a)Prime (b)Rational (c)Irrational (d)None of these
34. 5√𝑥 : (a)x (b)1/x (c)x1/5 (d)x1/2
35. A number whose exponent is zero is always equal to:
(a)0 (b)1 (c)3 (d)None of these
36. The radicand of the expression 3√35 𝑖𝑠:
(a)35 (b)36 (c)3 (d)None of these
37. √𝑥 , y is called the------------ of the root:
(a)Index (b)Radical (c)Quantity (d)None of these
38. a is called the ------------ root :
(a)Cube (b)Square (c)4times (d)None of these
39. a1/3 is called the ------------ root :
(a)Cube (b)Square (c)4times (d)None of these
40. the nth power of a number “a” is called base and “n” is called:
(a)Coefficient (b)Base (c)exponent (d)None of these
41. The union of the sets of all rational and irrational numbers is called the set of:
(a)Natural (b)Whole (c)Real (d)None of these
42. 1/6 is a ------ number :
(a)Odd (b)Even (c)Rational (d)None of these
43. By distributive property of multiplication with respect to Addition x(y+z)= :
(a)xy-xz (b)xy+xz (c)-xy+xz (d)None of these

Chapter 3
1. If log10X =3 ,then X = (a)500 (b)100/3 (c)700 (d)1000
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2. If log7X =2 ,then X = (a)14 (b)49 (c)128 (d)64
3. The characteristic of log 19 is: (a)0 (b)10 (c)2 (d)1
4. The characteristic of log 3.26 is : (a)0 (b)4 (c)3 (d)10
5. Common logarithm has the base : (a)2 (b)e (c)11 (d)10
6. In scientific notation 0.00416 is written as:
(a)0.046x10-1 (b)0.416x10-2 (c)4.16x10-3 (d)None of these
7. In standard form 2.35 x10-2is written as:
(a)2.35 (b)0.0235 (c)0.00235 (d)None of these
8. Log5+log8-log3 = (a)5log8/3 (b)3log40 (c)log 40/3 (d)3log5/8
9. Log50 can be written as: (a)log2+2log5 (b) log2+2log15 (c) log2+log5 (d)None of these
10. 3 is the characteristic in the logarithm of the number:
(a)879.2 (b)87.92 (c)8.792 (d)8792
11. If log28=X ,then X= (a)64 (b)128 (C)3 (d)None of these
12. 54=625 is written in the algorithm form as :
(a)log5625=4 (b) log54=625 (c) log4625=5 (d)None of these
13. If log81X = -3/4 then X= (a)27 (b)1/3 (c)1/9 (d)1/27
14. If antilog 3.8716 = 7440 and log X = 0.8716 then X =
(a)74.40 (b) 7.440 (c)744.0 (d)7440
15. If log 5 = 0.6990 and log3 =0.4771 ,then log45:
(a)1.6532 (b) 1.1761 (b)1.8751 (d)1.2219
16. 3log2-2log5 in the simplified form is :
(a)log 6/10 (b)log9/12 (c)log 8/25 (d)25/8
17. If logx81=4 then X : (a)3 (b)2 (c)-1 (d)0
18. If log8X=2/3 then X: (a)2 (b)4 (c)3 (d)-1
19. 3log2 +log3+log: (a)12 (b)18 (c)24 (d)30
20. If log464=x then X: (a)2 (b)-1 (c)0 (d)3
21. If logx49=2 then x: (a)6 (b)3 (c)7 (d)0
22. If log35+log36=Log3 x then X : (a)30 (b)10 (c)20 (d)5
23. Log3+log6-log2=log : (a)10 (b)9 (c)8 (d)7
24. Log5+log8-log6= : (a)log7 (b)log13/6 (c)log40/6 (d)log50
25. The characteristic of log 0.00329 is : (a)-1 (b)-3 (c)2 (d)0
26. The exponential form of y =loga x is : (a)x=y (b)ay=x (c)x=a (d)None of these
27. The logarithm form of a =x is: (a)loga x=y (b) logx a=y (c) loga y=x (d)None of these
28. The integral part of logarithm is called:
(a)determinant (b)Matrix (c)Mantissa (d)Characteristic
29. Log 5/3 = : (a)log5-log3 (b)log5+log3 (c)log15 (d0None of these
30. Log729: (a)log 3 (b)6log3 (c)log6 (d)log3+log6

Chapter 4
1. 2x2 +5y +1/3 is a: (a)Binomial (b)Monomial (c)Trinomial (d)None of these

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2. A polynomial consisting of only one term is called a:
(a)Binomial (b)Monomial (c)Trinomial (d)Multinomial
3. A polynomial consisting of only two term is called a:
(a)Binomial (b)Monomial (c)Trinomial (d)Multinomial
4. A polynomial consisting of only one term is called a:
(a)Binomial (b)Monomial (c)Trinomial (d)Multinomial
5. 3x2y+5 is a polynomial of: (a)Degree-one (b)Degree-two (c)Degree-three (d)None of
6. 2/5 x2 -5x+7 is a polynomial on: (a)Natural numbers (b)Integers (c)Rational numbers
7. What should be added or subtracted from 9x2+16y2 so as to make it a perfect square?
(a)12xy (b)7xy (c)24xy (d)144xy
8. (x-6)(x-4) =: (a) x2+10x+24 (b) x2-10x-24 (c) x2+10x-24 (d) x2-10x+24
9. (a+b)2+(a-b)2 : (a)4ab (b)a2+b2 (c)2ab (d) 2a2+2b2
10. If x+y=8;xy=15 then x2+y2: (a)94 (b)34 (c)49 (d)38
11. If a+b=2 and a-b=2 then the value of a2+b2 is: (a)-1 (b)2 (c)4 (d)5
12. If x-y=4 then for (x-y)3=(4)3 find which of the following sentence is correct?
(a)x3-y3-12xy=64 (b) x3-y3-3xy=64 (c) x3-y3-12xy=12 (d) x3-y3-4xy=64
13. (a-b-c)(a2 + b2+ c2+ab-bc+ac): (a)a3+ b3+ c3+3abc (b) a3- b3+ c3+3abc (c) a3- b3+ c3-3abc (d)
a3-b3- c3-3abc
14. X4+64 can be made a perfect square by adding: (a)8x2 (b)4 x2 (c)16 x2 (d)64x
15. -------------- should be added to 16a2 +8ab to make it a perfect square: (a)2 (b)2b2 (c)b2
16. ------------- should be added to y2+1 to make it a perfect square: (a)2y (b)-2y (c)2 (d)y
17. -------------should be added to make a2-3a , a perfect square: (a)9 (b)1/9 (c)4/9 (d)9/4
18. The degree of polynomial 8x2y3-5x2y5-x2y7 is : (a)5 (b)9 (c)7 (d)8
19. What should be added to x2-8x to make it a perfect square: (a)4 (b)8 (c)16 (d)25
20. What should be added to 9a2 b2-12abc to make it a perfect square: (a)4 c2 (b) -4 c2 (c)4

(d) c2
21. It should be added to x2+1/x2 to make it perfect square: (a)xy (b)2xy (c)2 (d)None
22. To make a2+1/16 a perfect square what should be add --------- to it. (a)1/2 (b)a/2 (c)1/4
23. The degree of the polynomial x4+x3y2+y2 is : (a)5 (b)4 (c)3 (d)2
24. The degree of the polynomial x6+x2y5+y6 is : (a)5 (b)6 (c)20 (d)7
25. The degree of the polynomial x3+xy2+y is : (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)1
26. The degree of the polynomial x4 y+y+y2+ y3 is : (a)3 (b)5 (c)4 (d)1
27. The degree of the polynomial ∛(𝑎2-b)3 is : (a)1 (b)3 (c)2 (d)5
28. (a+b)2-(a-b)2 : (a)8ab (b)12ab (c)4ab (d)10ab
29. a3+b3+3ab(a+b) : (a)(a+b)2 (b) (a+b)3 (c) (a-b)3 (d) (a-b)2
30. If x-1/x then x2+1/x2 : (a)30 (b)25 (c)27 (d)3
31. If a-b=6 ,a+b=5 then a2-b2 : (a)25 (b)27 (c)30 (d)9
32. a-b-(a+b) : (a)2b (b)4b (c)2a (d)-2b
33. Find the value of x3-y3-z3 ------------ if x=0,y=2 and z=-1 : (a)-7 (b)7 (c)8 (d)-8
34. If x=1 and y=1 then value of x-y+xy will be: (a)1 (b)0 (c)2 (d)-1

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35. 3x3-y2 is a polynomial of------------variables: (a)3 (b)2 (c)4 (d)5
36. Subtract(4x2-2x+6)from(2x2+5x+9) is: (a)2x2+7x+3 (b) -2x2+7x+3 (c) 2x2-7x+3 (d) 2x2-7x-3
37. The root of the x3-6x+11x-6=0: (a)3 (b)4 (c)1 (d)2
38. Every signed part of an algebraic expression is said to be a:
(a)Coefficient (b)Term (c)Variable (d)Constant
39. The term whose variables and their powers are the same are called:
(a)Unlike (b)Binomial (c)Like (d)Monomial
40. The term whose variables and their powers are different are called:
(a)Unlike (b)Binomial (c)Like (d)Monomial
41. A quadratic polynomial is a polynomial of degree: (a)3 (b)4 (c)1 (d)2
42. A polynomial of degree 1 is called------------polynomial: (a)Cubic (b)Linear (c)Quadratic
43. The degree of a constant is: (a)0 (b)1 (c)-1 (d)2
44. The sentence 2x3-5x2-7x+9 has been written is the -------order:
(a)Descending (b)Ascending (c)Polynomial (d)None
45. ax3+bx2+cx+d is an example of--------------polynomial: (a)Cubic (b)Linear (d)Quadratic
46. The descending order of the given expression is 8-7x5+y3+6y4 is :
(a)-7y5+6y4+y3+8 (b) 7y5+6y4+y3+8 (c) -7y5-6y4-y3-8 (d)None

Chapter 5
1. The H.C.F of x4-y4 and x2+y2 is: a)x4- y4 b) (x2+y2) (x2-y2) c) (x2+y2)
2. The H.C.F of x3-8 and x4-16 is : a) (x3-8) (x3-4) b) x4-4 c)x-2
3. The L.C.M of x3-y3 and x6-y6 is : a) x3-y3 b) x3+y3 c) x6 +y6
4. Simplified form of 21x2-7xy / 14x2y-21xy2 is:
a)x-3y/(3x-2y)y b)3x-y/y(2x-3y) c)3x+y/y(2x-3y)
5. H.C.F of 8x3y2 and 12x2y is : a)4x3y b) 4x2y c)None
6. The simplified form of a5 b –a b5 / a3 b-ab3 : a)a2-b2 b) a3-b3 c)None
7. L.C.M of 9x2 and 15x is: a)45x2 b)24x c)None
8. H.C.F a3+b3 and a2-ab+ b2 is: a)(a+b) b) (a-b) c) a2+b2 d)None
9. X3+4x2-7x+3 ÷ (x – 1) then the remainder is:

Chapter 6
1. The solution set of 4x = - 2 : a)1 b)-2 c)0 d)None

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2. If x+5:x+7=5:7 then x: a)0 b)1 c)-1 d)None
3. If √𝑥 − 2 = - 4 then the solution set of x: a)18 b)4 c)12 d) None
4. Solution set of √2𝑥 + 3 is : a)1/2 b)-1/2 c)2 d)None
5. Solution set of √2𝑦 − 3 = √3𝑥 + 4 is: a)1 b)7 c)-7 d)None
6. If (x+2.3y-6)=(2x,y) then x: a)4 b)2 c)3 d)None
7. The solution set of y-3 = - 4 is : a) (-1,2) B) (-2,-2) c) ( ) d)none
8. The solution set of the simultaneous equation x+y=5 and 2x-y=7 is:
a){4,1} b) {1,4} c){2,3} d)none
9. Ax2+bx+c =0 will remain quadratic equation:
a)a≠ 0 and b=c=0 b)a≠ 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐 = 0 c)Both a&b d)none
10. If (x-2)(x+3)=0 then x: a)-2,-3 b)2,3 c)2,-3 d)-2,3

Chapter 7
1. If A= 2 3 then A : a)1 b)0 c) 2 d)3
4 6
2. If AB= I then B I called the --------- inverse of A.
a)Additive b)Multiplicative c)Both a & b d)None
3. Multiply 2 3 5 6 : a)18 b)16 c)Not possible d)None
4. The number used in rows or columns are said to be the------of the matrix.
a)Row b)Column c)Elements d)Order
5. The vertical arrangement of numbers is called----------- .
a)Order b)Row c)Column d)Element
6. A matrix which has only one column is said to be a ------ matrix .
a)Square b)Column c)Null d)Row
7. 1 0 is called ------- matrix. a)Singular b)Null c)Identity d)Row
0 1
8. IF A= 2 -3 and B= 9 4 the A+B= : a) 11 1 b) 11 -1 c)None
4 5 -2 7 2 12 2 12

9. If 2 3 is a singular matrix then = : a)6 b)4 c)-3 d)None

4 x
10. If A= a and B= -1 then A-B = :
B 2

11. A rectangular array of numbers enclosed by a pair of brackets is called:

a)Matrix b)Determinant c)Polynomial d)None
12. The transpose of matrix A= 1 2 T :
3 4
-1 -1
13. A x A = : a)A b)A c)I d)None

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14. The inverse of the matrix doe not exit if the determinant is: a)0 b)1 c)4 d)None
15. (AxB)t : a)At x Bt b)AB c)AtB d)None
16. The order of matrix 1 2 4 is :
2 3 4
17. If A = 0 the matrix is called : a)Null matrix b)Singular matrix c)None
18. If A ≠ 0 the matrix is called : a)Null matrix b)Singular matrix c)Non Singular
19. A constant number is associated with a square matrix is called :
a)Determinant b)Null c)singular (d)None
20. The matrix whose all value is 0 then it is called : a)Null b)Transparent c)None
21. Additive Inverse of A= 7 8 :
-2 5
22. Simplify 3 5 - 4 = : a)45 b)Not Posiible c)None
-2 4 2
23. By associative property of matrixes w.r.t addition A+(B+C) :
a)(A+B)+C b)AB+AC c)None
24. By distributive property of matrixes w.r.t addition A(B+C) :
a)(A+B)+C b)AB+AC c)None
25. 1 0 is called identity matrix w.r.t : a)Multiplication b)Null c)Identity d)Row
0 1
26. If the number of rows of matrix is equal to the number of columns then A is called :
a)Square b)Scalar c)None
27. A diagonal matrix ,all of whose diagonal elements are equal is called : a)Scalar b)Square c)None
28. (At)t : a)A b)At c)2A d)None
29. The ------- is called additive identity : a)Null b)square c)None
30. 3 1 0 =
4 7
31. A matrix which have only one row is called: a)Row b)Column c)none
32. The horizontal arrangement of numbers is called : a)Element b)Row c)None
33. (AB)-1 : a)A-1 B-1 b)AB c) None
34. 4 0 = a)Singular b)Square c)None
0 4
35. By associative property of matrixes w.r.t addition A(BC) :
a)(AB)C b)AB+AC c)None
36. By commutative property of matrixes w.r.t addition A+B :
a)B+A b)AB+A c)None
37. Inverse of identity matrix is: a)0 b)1 c)None
38. If a b then ad-bc is called : a)Singular b)Determinant c)None
c d

Chapter 8
1. Eliminate “ t” from x-t2 =0 and y=t3 the relation is: a)x3=y2 b) x3=y3 c)None
2. Eliminate “x” from x+b=0 and x+c=0: a)b+c=0 b)b=c c)None

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3. Elimination mean to eliminate a certain: a)Variable b)Coefficient c)Power
4. A variable may be eliminated either by ----------- or ---------------
a)Comparison,Substitution b)Variation,Algebra c)None
5. As a result of elimination the new equation or relation obtained is called:
a)Eleminant b)Solution c)Variation
6. Eliminate “x” from ax-c=0 and bx+d=0 the relation is: a)ab=cd b)bc+ad=0 c)None
7. The value of one variable obtained from one equation and put in 2 equation this
method of elimination is named as: a)Substitution Method b)Formula method c)None
8. For elimination of one variable .How many equations are necessary
a)2 b)3 c)4
9. Eliminate “b” from the following equation are a+3b=-1 and a-b=3:
a)a=3 b)a=2 c)None

Chapter 9
1. ---------- is the relation of one quantity to another of the same kind:
a)Ratio b)Proportion c)None
2. The first term of the ratio is called: a)Consequent b)Antecedent c)Integer
3. The Second term of the ratio is called: a)Consequent b)Antecedent c)Integer
4. When the ratio a:b is compounded with itself the resulting ratio is a2:b2 and is calledthe
------ ratio: a)Duplicate b)Triplicate c)None
5. A3:b3 is called the ------------- ratio: a)Triplicate b)Duplicate c)Sub-Duplicate
6. A1/2: B1/2 is called ------------ ratio of a:b : a)Duplicate b)sub_Duplicate c)None
7. The duplicate ration of 2a:3b is ------------ a)4a :9b b)4a2: 9b2 c)None
8. The sub-duplicate ration of 49:25 is : a)5:7 b)2:3 c)7:5
9. The triplicate ratio of 2x:1 is: a)8x3:1 b)8x:1 c)None
10. In the proportion a:b=c:d,a and d are called: a)Extreme b)Means c)None
11. In the proportion a:b=c:d, b and c are called: a)Extreme b)Means c)None
12. If x:15::24:30 ,the value of x is: a)12 b)10 c)16
13. In 9:x::x:4 the value of x is: a)6 b)36 c)None
14. If 2+x:3-x=4:5 then x: a)4/9 b)2/9 c)None
15. If a:b::c:d then a:c::b:d is called ------------ property : a)Alternendo b)Invertendo c)None
16. If a:b::c:d then b:a::d:c si called --------------- property :
a)Alternendo b)Invertendo c)None
17. If a:b::c:d and a+b:b::c+d:d is called------ property: a)Componendo b)Alternendoi c)none
18. If a:b::c:d then a-b:b::c-d:d is called ------ property: a)Dividendo b)Invertendo c)None
19. If a:b::c:d then a:b:a-b c+d:c-d is called : a)Alternendo b)Componendo&Dividendo
20. Find the fourth proportional to 7,10,21: a)30 b)20 c)5
21. Find the third proportional to 4,6: a)8 b)9 c)10
22. If x:y=y:z find the value of in the simplest form: a)0 b)1 c)2

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Bs(Computer Science)
23. IF x α 1/y and y=4 when =15,find y when x=6
24. What number should be subtracted from 4,5,6,8 to obtain four proportional:
a)2 b)1 c)5
25. Find the ratio of 150cm to 3cm: a)1:2 b)2:1 c)None
26. Find the ratio compounded of the ratios 5:18,7:11,9:14 and 11:15:
a)1:12 b)3:4 c)None
27. The cost of 15books is Rs450.Find the cost of 10books; a)300 b)600 c)220

Chapter 10
1. In a class interval (121-130) the upper limit is: a)130 b)129 c)121
2. In a class interval (25-29),25 is: a)Lower class limit b)Upper limit c)None
3. Arithmetic mean is represented by the symbol: a)v b)α c) X
4. The sum of derivations taken from mean (x) is equal to: a)1 b)0 c)None
5. When the Data are arranged in ascending or descending order the middle term in odd
observation is : a)Median b)Mode c)Variance
6. In a series 44,55,88,99,111,121,222,333 the mode is: a)44 b)88 c)None
7. In a series 0,1,4,6,7,9,12 the median is: a)6 b)7 c)0
8. In a series 5,5,5,5,5 the dispersion is: a)0 b)1 c)None
9. A variable contains the values like 9,11,15,4,16,18 the range(R) is: a)9 b)14 c)15
10. Standard derivation is represented by: a)δ b)𝞡 c)¥
11. Variance is----------- of standard derivation: a)Square b)Cube c)None
12. In 2,3,4,4,5,7,9 the mode is: a)3 b)4 c)5.5
13. The sum of 5 observation is 125 its mean is: a)25 b)50 c)-15
14. The mean of 20 observation is 100,its sum is: a)2000 b)500 c)900
15. The sum of 10items is zero its means is: a)Zero b)50 c)-10
16. The most frequency value of a series is called: a)Mode b)Median c)None
17. An exact central point of any array data is called: a)Median b)Mean c)None
18. The information given in quantitative form regarding a particular characteristic is called :
a)Data b)Expression c)None
19. The data collected for a particle purpose is called: a)Data set b)Sample c)Set
20. Numerical facts collected on the first hand and recorded as they stand are known as -----
data: a)Ungrouped b)Continous b)Discrete
21. In a series the difference between the highest and lowest value is known as: a)Range
b)Means c)None
22. The group which contains maximum frequency is known as ------ group: a)Modal b)Mean
23. If S.D of a series is 4,its variance is: a)14 b)64 c)16
24. The mean proportion of 14 and 56 is: a)24 b)28 c)None
25. The median of 0,2,4,6,8,9 is : a)5 b)4 c)6

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26. If the sum of 10 observation is 12,its mean is: a)12.5 b)75 c)None
27. The range of 42,55,50,53,60,35,40 is: a)50 b)27 c)None
28. IF D=125 ,A=25 and a=5 the is: a)50 b)25 c)None

Chapter 11-15
1. The sum of supplementary angles is: a)90 b)180 c)360
2. The angle inscribed in a major arc is: a)Acute b)Obtuse c)Right
3. The point through which medians of a triangle pass is called:
a)Orthocenter b)Centroid c)circum Center
4. The reciprocal of Sin𝞡 : a)Cos 𝞡 b)Cosec 𝞡 c)-cos 𝞡 d)None of these
5. A line cannot be ----------- to two intersecting lines: a)Parallel b)Bond c)none
6. Each of the supplementary angles can be an/a: a)Right angle b)Acute c)none
7. If in a right angled triangle ABC m∠B=90 and the measures of its sides a,b,c are 6,10
and 8 respectively ,then Tan m∠A --------- : a)3/5 b)4/5 c)3/4
8. The sum of all angles of a cycle quadrilateral is : a)360 b)120 c)None
9. In a right angled triangle ,the side opposite to the right angle is:
a)Base b)Hypotenuse c)None
10. Sin60= : a)1/2 b)√3/2 c)1 /√3
11. The line touching at a point of a circle is called: a)Tangent b)Radius c)Diameter
12. In a right angle triangle side opposite to 90 is called : a)Hypotenuse b)Base c)None
13. Sin30= : a)Cos60 b)Cos90 c)None
14. An angle inscribed in a semi circle is of : a)180 b)90 c)None
15. Tan𝞡 / sin𝞡 : a)sec𝞡 b)Cosec𝞡 c)none
16. Line segment joining the vertex and to the mid point of the opposite side of a
triangle is called : a)Median b)Hypotenuse c)None
17. A quadrilateral having opposite sides parallel is called : a)Trapezium
b)Parallelogram c)none
18. Half of the diameter is called : a)Radius b)Chord c)none
19. Tan 60 : a)√3 b)1/√3 c)None
20. Cosec 70: a)Tan70 b)Sin70 c)None
21. A circle which touches all the three sides of a triangle is called:
a)Inscribed b)Circum circle c)None
22. The central angle of a minor arc is ------ than the inscribed angle of its corresponding
major arc: a)Less b)Double c)Half
23. A triangle having no sides congruent is called ---- triangle: a)Right b)Obtuse c)scalene
24. A circle which passes through all the three vertices of a triangle :
a)Circumscribed Circle b)Circum circle c)None
25. AN angle measuring greater than 90 is called: a)Obtuse b)Acute c)Right
26. If two circles of radii 5cm and 3cm touch externally then the distance between their
centres will be : a)8cm b)2cm c)None

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Bs(Computer Science)
27. Cos 45 : a)√2 b)1/√2 c)None
28. In an equilateral triangle ,each angle of: a)30 b)60 c)90 d)None
29. The sum of two complementary angles is: a)90 b)180 c)360 d)100
30. The distance of any point of a circle from its centre is: a)Radius b)Chord C)none
31. The sum of angles of a parallelogram is: a)360 b)180 c)120
32. Construction of unique triangle is possible when sum of measures of two sides is--------
than the third sides : a)Greater b)Lesser c)Equal d)None
33. In a right angle triangle the side opposite to right angle is called: a)Diagonal
b)Hypotenuse c)None
34. The point through which bisector of angles of a triangle pass is called:
a)Incenter b)Orchtocenter c)Cenotoroid
35. In a trangle ABC , the angled A,B,C is called : a)Exterior b)Interior c)Supplementary
36. Sin2 60 + Cos2 60 : a)1/√2 b)√3/√2 c)1/2 d)1
37. 1+Tan45 = Sec2 : a)30 b)90 c)60 d)45
38. 1+Cot230 = Cosec2 : a)45 b)60 c)0 d)30

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