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28, 1928, 1,681,937

Filed Nov. 24, 1924-
2 Sheets-Sheet 1
Zzz C

2 %

Gaoege 77227:y
Aug. 28, 1928.
G. M. HOLLEY 1,681,937
Filed Nov. 24, 1924 2 Sheets-Sheet 2


6.AoaGa M% A/2ZZay

Patented Aug. 28, 1928. 1,681,937
Application filed November 24, 1924. Serial No. 751,819.
This invention relates to an improved fuel and a plurality of fuel outlets Q, (Q= #58=
vaporizing device adapted to be used in con .042'; Q =#E45=.082'; Q = #52=.0635')
junction with internal combustion engines. located at different levels both above and be
The specific object of this invention is to low that of the fuel in the float chamber X. 60
automatically prevent the overheating of the It will be obvious, therefore, that the total
mixture - when developing the maximum area of Q Q and the two orifices Q is ap
power of the engine. An additional object proximately twice the area of the orifices P.
is to minimize the formation of carbon in the The orifice Q is, roughly speaking, between 65
vaporizing device. 4; and 6 of the area of the orifice P, and the
O Figure 1 shows a partial cross sectional orifice Q is just less than half the orifice P.
elevation of a carbureting system incorporat The passage R communicates with the pas
ing: improved vaporizing device.
Figure 2 shows insectional elevation, on
Sage S, which in its turn communicates with
the passage between the plate T and the 70
the plane 2-2 of Figure 1, a view of the cover G.
5 lower portion of the device illustrated in A second fuel nozzle V, having a restricted
Figure 1. This device is more particularly outlet, preferably it:60= 0.04' in diameter,
adapted for use with kerosene. is provided which is aspirated by means of
Figure 3 shows a view, taken on the same primary air drawn from the passage M.
plane, of a slight modification of the con through a horizontal passage O which is pro s
2) struction illustrated in Figure 2. This con vided for that purpose.
Eetion is more adapted for use with gaso This nozzle V discharges into the tube U,
e. which communicates with the passage be
In Figure 1, A is the main air entrance, B tween T and G in the upper portion thereof, 80
is the automatic air valve controlling the thus discharging against the hottest portion
25 said main air entrance, C is the Venturi tube of the plate T. It will be noted that the
which forms the main mixing chamber, D discharge point of the fuel nozzle V is lo
is the throttle valve controlling the mixture cated at a considerable distance above the
outlet, E is the inlet manifold superimposed level of the fuel in the float chamber X, 85
above the exhaust manifold F. For conven whereby the discharge of fuel through U is
St ience in manufacture these are shown cast delayed until the speed of the engine in
together. G is a detachable cover plate creases. That is, until there is sufficient de
which renders the interior of the exhaust pression in H to cause the fuel to discharge
- manifold F accessible. out of W.
This cover G forms with a plate T an ex In Figure 3 a primary air passage e is
35 haust heated vaporizing passage located in provided communicating with a passage
the wall of the exhaust manifold F and lead formed in the outer wall of an exhaust mani
ing to the outlet tube H, which discharges fold f by a plate t and a cover 7. The cover
into the throat of the Venturi tube C, this g is provided with a depending portion y to
detail of the construction corresponding to which the float chamber at is attached. (The 95
st) the co-pending application of George R. float and float mechanism are not shown.)
Welch, Serial No. 312,304. The passage e is provided with a vertical pas
The cover G has a depending portion Y to sage m which communicates with an in
which the float chamber X is attached in a clined passage n, which in its turn connects
well known manner. (The float and float with a vertical passage r through which the 00
mechanism are not shown.) A primary air primary air passes.
tube K is shown passing through the exhaust A fuel nozzle w discharges in this passage
manifold F and communicating with the r, which is provided with a restricted sub
horizontal outlet L. This primary air flow merged fuel entrance p (it43=.089') com OS
ing along L, however, is diverted so as to municating with the float chamber and with
pass through a tube M, which communicates acharges
side outlet g (#58-042')
below the levelwhich dis
with an inclined passage N, which connects at a point of the fuel
with the vertical passage R. in which pas in the float chamber a. The passage r com
sage (R) a fuel nozzle discharges,
aspirated by the primary air. f
being municates with the outlets, which discharges
into a passage formed in the wall of the ex
55 his fuel nozzle W is provided with a haust manifold f between the plate t and the
fuel entrance P, preferably #40 (.098'), cover g.
2 1,6893?
The nozzle w is provided with an exten tion of the passage formed between the plate
sion w, which communicates with a passage T and the cover G. The effect of this rela
u drilled in the cover g. vo’ is provided with tively cold mixture discharged through U is
two air entrances o (E45=.082') located to lower the mean temperature of the air
opposite a restricted fuel nozzle v (#60=s and fuel discharged through H, thus the tem 70
.04''), which is located a considerable dis perature of the mixture drawn in at E is
tance above the level of the fuel in the float lower and the horsepower of the engine is
chamber a. In the upper portion of u is maintained at the maximum possible.
located a ball check valve 2. This ball check Although the degree of vaporization is
valve being located in the outlet from the thereby lessened, owing to the fact that the 75
passage u located in the cover at a point engine is running faster, and also because the
where it meets the passage formed between compression is higher when the throttle is
the plate t and coverg.
In Figure 2 the primary air flowing down further opened, the interior of the engine,
especially the head of the piston, is much 80
KL, and M and up through Rimmediately warmer and therefore the necessity for
sweeps out the small quantity of fuel which is complete vaporization is lessened and satis
collected in N. By doing so the port Q is un factory operation can be secured with the
covered. Owing to the large size of the pas partial vaporization provided by the means
sage KLM and N substantially atmospheric
2) pressure prevails in the well M, and owing disclosed. The discharge of a cold mixture 85
from U against the hottest portion of the
to the fact that the fuel port Q is less than plate T lowers the temperature at this point
4th the area of P the fuel discharges from Q where heretofore the greatest accumulation
under the gravity head between Q and the of carbon has taken place when running with
level in the constant level chamber from kerosene as fuel, hence the period between
which it is fed. We thus have a substan cleaning is extengled by preventing the over
tially constant flow per unit of time from heating which is the direct cause of the
the outlet Q. At the lowest depressions the "cracking' of the kerosene fuel which results
fuel in the nozzle W will not be raised to in the deposition of carbon on the plate.
the level of the two outlets Q, and there Figure 3 shows a construction which is
fore the engine will operate on the fuel thus Somewhat simpler and cheaper. When run 95
supplied by the nozzle Q'. ning at low speeds and light loads the fuel
As the speed and load of the engine increase discharges from the nozzle g and is aspirated
the depression in H also increases and the by the primary airflowing down m across in
fuel in the nozzle W rises to the level of the
35 outlets Q from which it discharges, being and up . When the speed of the engine in
aspirated by the air flowing up R. Mean creases the ball
the flow of primary air increases and
2 is lifted from its seat, fuel is as
while the fuel continues to discharge from pirated from the fuel nozzle oy and a rela
the nozzle Q at a constant rate, being under. tively cold mixture of fuel and air is drawn
a constant head and discharging into the pas the passage u to the rich mixture outlet it,
sage N which is at substantially atmospheric up where it lowers the temperature of the vapor. 0.
pressure. As the depression in H increases ized fuel drawn between the plate t and the
the fuel rises and eventually discharges from cover g.
the fuel outlet Q, which outlet is slightly In this construction the fuel flowing
less than half the area of the fuel outlet P.
5 Under these conditions the fuel restriction P through a passes to h without any direct
heating, but as this construction is intended 8
having approximately half the area of the more especially for use with gasoline no harm
fuel outlets QQ Q, causes less than half results.
the discharge from these orifices and the de What claim is:-
ficiency can only be made up by air drawn 1. A vaporizing device adapted for use in
50 in through Q and Q, thereason for this being conjunction with an internal combustion en 5
that the nozzle outlet Q faces up stream, gine, comprising an exhaust manifold having
whereas the outlets Q discharge laterally an opening therein, a plate covering said
into the air stream and the outlet Q being at opening, a cover forming with said plate a
substantially atmospheric pressure. A mix vaporizing passage, a conduit communicat
ture of fuel and airis therefore discharged in ing with the atmosphere leading to said pas
to S from the nozzle W. In the meanwhile the sage, a fuel nozzle discharging into said con
fuel has also risen in the nozzle W and is dis duit, a vapor outlet from said passage, a
charging from the outlet thereof into the second conduit, a second fuel nozzle discharg
passage U where it is aspirated by the prim ing into Said conduit, a fuel and air entrance
(30 ing air which is supplied by the passage O.
discharging into said conduit, an exit from 25
This latter mixture of fuel and air in U Said conduit located in said cover adjacent
discharges against the upper portion of the said vapor outlet, whereby an additional sup
plate T. mingling with the vaporized fuel ply of air and fuel are discharged over the
discharged from the nozzle Q conveyed upper portion only of said plate.
(35 through S and vaporized in the lower por
2. A vaporizing device adapted for use in
1,681,937 3
conjunction with an internal combustion en tional air passage, a fuel nozzle Eg ()
gine, comprising an exhaust manifold hav therein, said passage having an outlet locate
ing an opening therein, a vaporizing element in said cover adjacent said outlet from said
located in said opening, a cover for said vaporizing element, means for delaying the
vaporizing element, a conduit communicat discharge of said second fuel nozzle until the
ing with the atmosphere leading to said depression in said vapor outlet reaches a pre- is
vaporizing element, a fuel nozzle discharg determined minimum depression.
ing into said conduit, a vapor outlet from In testimony whereof I affix Sl ature.
said conduit located in said cover, an addi - GEO. M. HO EY.

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