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Date: 3rd April, 2017
Grade: IV
No. of pupils: 13
Level: Beginners
Textbook: Fairyland IV
Topic: Unit 5b – Yes ,doctor!
Should /Shouldn’t
Time: 50 min
Teaching aids: textbooks, blackboard, notebooks, computer, flashcards.
Type of lesson: mixed

Skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking (integrated receptive and productive skills)

Lesson aims:

- To talk about illnesses, rules, and giving advice

- to make students aware of the use of Should/ Shouldn’t
- to develop students’ listening-comprehension skills
- to get the students to express thoughts and personal opinions in English;

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able:

- correctly use must/ mustn’t for rules
- to properly use Should/shouldn’t for advice
-talk about illnesses
- to express personal opinions using the English language;
- to state sentences describing pictures that are shown;

Didactic strategies: ▪ Procedural resources: elicitation, conversation, explanation, reading,

listening, comprehension, matching exercise, speaking

Teacher’s role: coordinator, advisor, monitor, resource, help

-initial: homework check-up; summary of the theory
- continue: through activities, error correction
- final: through oral feed-back and homework

Activity 1.
Aim: to make the Ps feel comfortable in the class
Ter greets Ps, asks them informal, ordinary questions. Ps answer the questions and get ready for
the lesson.

Interaction: T-S; S-T

Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 3’

Activity 2.
Aim: to revise must/ mustn’t for rules
Ter holds a bank note up and issues a challenge. ‘ I bet no one can pick up this (10 lei) note! If
anyone can pick it up, they can keep it! Ter asks someone to step forward and accept the
challenge. Ter says that there are certain rules for this challenge. 1.Stand up straight against the
wall! 2. Make sure your heels are touching it. 3. DO NOT bend your knees 4. Don’t move your
feet! Ps try – no one will be able to do it!
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T;
Class management: whole class activity;
Timing: 5’

Activity 3.
Aim: to revise previously learnt material
Procedure: Ter makes Ps remember the Country Code ( the rules to follow in order to enjoy the
countryside) by showing them flashcards with pictures on them.
Ter checks the homework and gives feedback.
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; .
Class management: individual work, whole class activity
Timing: 10’

Activity 4. Matching exercise

Aim: to talk about rules
Procedure: Ps match the words or phrases in column A with the words and phrases in column
B, and they give rules for different situations.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 5’

Activity 5. Presentation and Practice.

Aim: to present and activate the vocabulary of the unit (illnesses).
Procedure: : T tells Ps to open their books at page 42 and asks them to describe what they see in
the pictures in order to introduce the title of the lesson .eg.” Who is in the picture?Are they happy?
What are they doing? Why are they upset?” . After the Ps answer the questions, the Ter writes the
title of the new lesson on the Bb and the Ps in their notebooks: Yes,doctor. The Ter tells the Ps to
look at the vocabulary at the top of the page and plays the audio asking the Ps to repeat after .
Ps listen and repeat the new vocabulary chorally and individually.
Individual Ps mime an illness and the others have to guess it.’ You’ve got a headache.’
Ter shows Ps flashcards with children having different health problems and drills Ps on the model:
‘I feel terrible. I’ve got a cough’,
Interaction: T – Ss; Ss-T; Ss-Ss
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 10’

Activity 6. Listening and Reading

Aim: to develop Ps’ listening and reading skills.
Procedure: Ps listen for specific information. They have to decide and tick the health problems
mentioned in the text. a rash, a stomachache, a cold, a toothache, a headache.
Ter tells Ps to look again at the dialogue and asks them about the reaction of Miss Dee and of the
doctor. “What does the teacher and the doctor say to the children?” Ps: ”They tell them what to
do. They give them advice.” Ter:”Which are the words they use to do that?” Ps:” Should and
Shouldn’t”. Ter then explains Ps that we use these words in English to give advice to someone.
Ter writes the sentences on the Bb and the Ps in their notebooks.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, IW
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 10’

Activity 7:
Aim: to consolidate the vocabulary and the language taught in the unit.

Procedure: Ps practice the pattern in ex 6 on page 43. A: What’s the matter? B: I’ ve got a

A: You should go to the dentist.

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity, PW
Timing: 5’

Activity 8.

Procedure: Ter gives Ss homework ex.2.4 /pg.55

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss-T

Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 2’

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