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Victorian Education Mission to Latin America (20-29 April 2015)

Victorian Delegates

State Government of Victoria

Hon. Steve Herbert, Minister for Training and Skills – Delegation Leader

Steve Herbert was raised in Glenroy and has lived and worked in Melbourne,
Australia for most of his life.

Steve qualified and worked as a teacher for many years before embarking upon a
political career in 1990. He has since worked in a number of senior advisory roles in education with
both state and federal governments.

Shortly after his election to the Victorian State Parliament in 2002, Steve was appointed Chair of the
Parliamentary Education and Training Committee and during 2002-2006 undertook substantial
investigations into ways of improving education provision and outcomes for young people.

After assuming the role of Parliamentary Secretary for Education in 2007, Steve was appointed
Shadow Minister for Higher Education, Training and Skills from 2010 to 2014. Steve was appointed as
Minister for Training and Skills in 2014 and his responsibilities include leadership for international

Minister Herbert is responsible for the successful Study Melbourne initiative and promoting
Melbourne, Victoria as one of the world’s leading destinations for international education. Taking
Victoria’s education to the world is a key focus for the Victorian Government and international
education is one of the six future priority industries for the State of Victoria.

La Trobe University

Prof John Dewar, Vice Chancellor

Professor Dewar is the Vice-Chancellor and President of La Trobe

University, a position he has held since January 2012.

Professor Dewar is an internationally-known family law specialist and

researcher. He is a graduate of the University of Oxford, where he
was also a Fellow of Hertford College from 1990-1995. He taught at
the Universities of Lancaster and Warwick in the UK, and worked for
the London law firms Allen & Overy and Farrer & Co.

Professor Dewar came to Australia in 1995, and held senior leadership positions at Griffith University
and the University of Melbourne, where he was Provost, before taking up the position of Vice-
Chancellor of La Trobe.

Professor Dewar is currently Chair of the IRU Group of Universities for 2014-5; Chair of the Victorian
Vice-Chancellors' Committee for 2014-5; a member of the AHEIA Executive Committee; a Director of
Education Australia Pty Ltd; a member of the Advisory Board for the Centre for Ethical Leadership at
the Melbourne Business School and Ormond College; and a member of the International Editorial
Board, 21st Century Society. He is also Adjunct Professor in the Melbourne Law School and an
Honorary Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford.


His previous appointments include member of the Attorney-General's Family Law Pathways Advisory
Group (2000-1), Chair of the Family Law Council (2001-4), Chair of the Queensland College of
Teachers (2006-9) and member of the Advisory Council of the Australian Institute of Family Studies

Prof Mike Clarke, Head of the School of Life Sciences, and Professor of

Prof Mike Clarke is the Head of the School of Life Sciences, and Professor of
Zoology at La Trobe University. He has published internationally on the evolution
and conservation biology of birds, and the ecology of reptiles, mammals, fish and
plants. He leads research, along with his colleague Prof Andrew Bennett from
Deakin University, into the impact of fire in the mallee, the Box-Ironbark forests,
the Central Highlands, and Wilsons Promontory. He also maintains an ongoing
research interest in threatened species and threatening processes. He was the
Convener of the Scientific Advisory Committee on the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act to the Victorian
Minister for the Environment for five years. In 2007 he was awarded the DL Serventy Medal by the
Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union for his outstanding contribution to the scientific literature in
ornithology. In 2010 he appeared as an expert witness in fire ecology at the Victorian Bushfires Royal

Dr Damian M Spencer, College of Science, Health and Engineering

School of Molecular Sciences
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics
La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science

Dr Spencer is primarily involved in the development and teaching of a

variety of postgraduate coursework programs in the School of
Molecular Sciences, specialising in biotechnology, bioinformatics and molecular biology. He is heavily
involved in the scholarship of teaching and learning, including the production of integrated science
curriculum, the teaching of international students and the development of the teaching-research
nexus. He is also involved in scientific research into the cell biology of neurodegenerative diseases
such as MND, and tumour and viral inhibitors of caspases in the apoptotic pathways.

Deakin University

Professor Gary Smith, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)

Professor Gary Smith was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global

Engagement) in May 2013.

Prior to this appointment he held positions at the University of Western

Sydney as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement and International) and
Executive Dean of the College of Arts. He also has prior connections with
Deakin as a former Professor of International Relations at the University.
He has a BA(Hons) and PhD from Monash University.


Professor Smith is widely published in the area of Australia’s foreign policies and engagement with
Asia, and the international relations in the Asia Pacific. He has been a visiting professor at Renmin
University of China in Beijing. For several years he was academic program director at the Centre for
Defence and Strategic Studies in Canberra, the senior executive college of the Department of

His publications have had a particular focus on Australia’s regional relations and Australia’s
expanding engagement with Asia. Deakin’s own increased connections with Asia and other regions
are part of this larger dynamic and he sees great opportunities for the University in deepening these
connections - whether through international partnerships in exciting areas of research and teaching
that make a difference, or in welcoming international students to Deakin's campuses to learn
alongside local students, or through many more Australian students studying abroad with Deakin's
partners as part of their degree

Ben Stubbs
Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) and Global
Student Mobility

Ben Stubbs is the Director of Deakin University English Language Institute

(DUELI) and Global Student Mobility at Deakin University. He is responsible
for the management of one of Australia’s largest ELICOS centres that has
over 6,000 commencing and continuing students enrolled each year.

As the Director of Global Student Mobility, Ben is also responsible for a

management of Deakin’s Student Exchange and Study Abroad program that enables over 1800
students a year to have an overseas study experience each year.

Ben has been involved in the Australian ands International university sector for over 21 years and has
presented widely on a range of topics related to international education and TESOL. He has also
developed and delivered a range of offshore and onshore teacher training programs in the UAE,
Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia.

Victor A. Sposito, MPhil Regional Planning (Edinburgh), MSc Civil Engineering

(Texas and Uruguay)

Sposito is Associate Professor Strategic Spatial Planning in both Deakin’s Centre

for Regional and Rural Futures - Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built
Environment, and the School of Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Until recently, Sposito was a Principal Scientist and Project Director in the
(former) Department of Primary Industries (DPI), State of Victoria, Australia. Over
many years, he held positions of Executive Director/Director of Strategic Regional and Metropolitan
Planning in the (former) Ministry for Planning and Environment. He was the recipient of a Fulbright
Scholarship (USA) and a British Council Scholarship (UK); he is also a Fellow of the Planning Institute
of Australia (PIA). Sposito has led major projects in national, regional/rural, urban and organizational
development and planning in Australia and abroad, and has an international and national reputation
for leading-edge initiatives in sustainable development. He has written and published widely in those
fields, and has lectured and researched at Deakin, Melbourne, RMIT, and Swinburne Universities in
Australia and in various universities in North and South America, and Europe. He has received
multiple international and Australian awards for his work. Current work involves both theoretical and
applied research on sustainable regional/rural development, climate change impacts and adaptation
in regional/rural systems, and Systems Thinking (Systems Science) mainly the application of system
concepts to strategic spatial planning and in the formulation of integrated assessment methodologies
and methods.


Monash University

Professor Tony Wong, Chief Executive of the Cooperative Research

Centre for Water Sensitive Cities

Professor Tony Wong is Chief Executive of the Cooperative Research

Centre for Water Sensitive Cities, an Australian Government initiative with
research hubs in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Singapore.
Tony is internationally recognised for his research and practice in
sustainable urban water management. His expertise has been gained
through national and international consulting, research, and academia. He
provides strategic advice to governments and industry on sustainable urban
water management and has previously served on the Prime Minister’s
Science Engineering and Innovation Council’s working group on Water for Cities.
He has led a large number of award-winning urban design projects in Australia and overseas.
Tony was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in
2014. He was the Institution of Engineers, Australia 2010 Civil Engineer of the Year, cited as having
defined "a new paradigm for design of urban environments that blends creativity with technical and
scientific rigour”.

Associate Professor Alan Reid, Associate Professor, Faculty of


Alan Reid is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Monash

University. He edits Environmental Education Research, and is a member of
the Education, Environment and Sustainability Faculty Research Group. Until
2012, he worked at the Centre for Research in Education and the
Environment, University of Bath, and is active in a range of environmental
education research activities and networks, primarily in Europe, North
America and Australasia.

Alan’s research interests focus on teachers’ thinking and practice in environmental education, and
traditions, capacities and issues in environmental education theory, research and practice. His
research students are strongly encouraged to consider what is necessary and sufficient as
environmental education research, including who claims the power to construct and fix a debate about
environmental education within particular boundaries of discussion or inquiry.

Alan is also the Associate Dean (Education) for the Faculty, the portfolio for which addresses course
governance, leadership, development and evaluation, teaching and learning quality and innovation,
and resources, opportunities and support for high quality education.

Alan's teaching commitments and interests principally focus on environmental and sustainability
education, and research approaches and professional inquiry in education. He is also an associate
editor of Journal of Curriculum Studies.


Joanna Donagan, Associate Director, Global Initiatives

Joanna Donagan, Associate Director Global Initiatives, currently focuses
on the development of strategic global partnerships for Monash University
within the Global Engagement portfolio. Global Initiatives cut across
education, research, contract consultancy and international engagement
strategy. There is necessary external engagement with government,
industry, and the academy.
Joanna was previously the Manager of International Engagement for the
Faculty of Education, Monash University and focused on business
development activities including tender preparation, project managing
contracts and consultancies, consortium projects, and Educational Services. She has a Master of
Education (International Education) from Monash University.

The University of Melbourne

Carmel Murphy, Executive Director, International

Carmel has significant leadership experience in strategic and

business development in International education. More recently she
has lead the student recruitment and mobility teams to outcomes that
are congruent with the strategic goals of the University. At the
University of Melbourne, through the Chancellery, she is accountable
for strategic, business and policy development to enhance
international student program outcomes. She has been engaged in
higher education for over 25 years and has an extensive network of
International contacts. Carmel represents the University on a number
of external committees including the Go8 and will soon become
engaged in the U21 network as Management representative.

Carmel has significant leadership experience in strategic and business development in International
education. More recently she has lead the student recruitment and mobility teams to outcomes that
are congruent with the strategic goals of the University. At the University of Melbourne, through the
Chancellery, she is accountable for strategic, business and policy development to enhance
international student program outcomes. She has been engaged in higher education for over 25 years
and has an extensive network of International contacts. Carmel represents the University on a
number of external committees including the Go8 and will soon become engaged in the U21 network
as Management representative.

Professor Peter Scales

Deputy Dean, Melbourne School of Engineering; Director of the

Australia-China Joint Research Centre on River Basin Management

Prof Peter Scales completed a BSc (Hons) degree at The University of

Melbourne in 1981 and a PhD at The University of Melbourne in 1988.
After seven years in in industry he took up a role as manager of the
Advanced Mineral Products Centre at the University of Melbourne. He
then became an academic in the Department of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering with research interests in the area of slurry flow,
particle dispersion and manufacture, particle flocculation and separations


technologies including thickening, filtration and centrifugation. His special area of interest is the
relationship between particle size, shape and state of dispersion and either flow characteristics and/or
separation efficiency. More recently, the failure of networks, both particulate and molecular and the
effect on separations, include filter efficiency is a key focus.

Prof Scales is Deputy Dean of the Melbourne School of Engineering, is theme leader for 'water' in
Carlton Connect and Director of the Australia-China Joint Research Centre on River Basin
Management (water resources and water quality). He is on the editorial board of four journals, is a
Fellow of IChemE and Engineers Australia and has won prizes for both his teaching and research.

Professor John Polesel

Associate Dean International, Melbourne Graduate School of

John Polesel is Professor and Associate Dean International in the

Melbourne Graduate School of Education in the University of Melbourne.
He has written over 100 journal articles, book chapters and commissioned
reports, including articles in Oxford Review of Education, Comparative
Education and Journal of Education Policy. His research focusses on
youth transitions. He is currently leading a national study of the
partnerships schools form to deliver vocational learning.

Professor Thomas (Tom) Kvan, Dean, Faculty of Architecture,

Building and Planning; Assistant Vice Chancellor (Campus

Professor Thomas Kvan is internationally recognised for his work in the

management of design practice and development of digital applications in

During his academic career he has worked at the Universities of

Melbourne, Hong Kong and Sydney and is an active researcher and author in design, digital
environments and design management. His engagement in the design of campuses for educational
and industrial purposes spans forms and technologies, including research into the intersection of
Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces. He is currently founding Director of LEaRN, the Learning
Environments Applied Research Network, and was founding Director of AURIN, the Australian Urban
Research Information Network, hosted at the University of Melbourne that is developing a national
digital infrastructure to support urban research.

Tom has practiced in architecture in Africa, Europe, Hong Kong and the USA in practices small to
large, was director of software development in an IT start-up in California and a management
consultant to architects and engineers. He has been a member of the Board of Directors in digital
design and facility management associations worldwide and serves on the boards of several journals
and professional organisations. Author of over 140 publications, his latest co-authored book, The
Making of Hong Kong (Routledge), explores the volumetric city as a sustainable urban form.


Victoria University

Professor Stephen Gray, Director, Institute for Sustainability and

Innovation (ISI)

Professor Gray has had a focus on water and membrane research for over 20
years, and was part of the CSIRO teams that developed MIEX™ resin for
organic removal from water, and that conducted the Melbourne Water Climate
Change Impact study. He has established Victoria University’s water research
program that includes water treatment, water resource management, IT,
ecology, psychology and economics.

He is part of research teams that are working towards commercialisation of membrane distillation from
Victoria University research, have introduced ceramic membranes to Australian end users via a
demonstration plant, and is currently assessing developed technology on reverse osmosis integrity
monitoring for IP protection. He also recently led a project with Origin Energy to develop silica
removal technology for their coal seam gas brines.

In 2013 he was recognised as “Thought Leader” in Lux Research's international review of water
research, one of only 30 international researchers recognised as such. He is world renowned for his
research on membrane distillation, organic fouling of low pressure membranes and is building a
reputation for high recovery reverse osmosis systems.

In the field of membrane fabrication he has projects that span nanocomposite UF membranes for
increased abrasion resistance, nanocomposite pervaporation membranes for niche applications,
ceramic membranes for desalination in collaboration with a Korean company and small pore size
metal membranes in collaboration with an industry partner and Deakin University. Work on
nanocomposite UF membranes was the first (and currently only study) to demonstrated increased
abrasion resistance of such membranes.

George McLean, Principal Research Fellow, Centre for International

Research on Education Systems

George McLean is a highly regarded policy, research and evaluation expert in the
fields of school and tertiary education. He joined the Centre for International
Research on Education Systems, Victoria University (CIRES) in early 2015.

Prior to joining CIRES in 2105 he was an Executive Director in the Victorian

Department of Education and Training, holding senior appointments across a
broad range of portfolio areas.

Over the last decade George led successful reforms to the Victorian schooling and VET sectors
encompassing policy, funding and accountability arrangements and program interventions to increase
the proportion of young people completing schooling and making a successful transition to further
education and the labour market. Through this work he has developed a strong knowledge of and
insight into schooling and post-school systems and qualification arrangements in a range of Australian
and OECD jurisdictions.

His roles in the VET sector have focussed on developing and maintaining its relevance and utility in
providing skill formation pathways and strong employment outcomes and the integration VET services
with other government and non-government service provision.


He has held senior appointments to national bodies overseeing policy, research, evaluation and
performance monitoring for the schooling and vocational education sectors. Until its disbandment in
2014, he was a member of the Australian Qualifications Framework Council. Across his various roles
he has had a particular interest in issues of equity and access in education and employment.

RMIT University

Professor Tony Dalton, Deputy Director, Global Cities Research Institute

Tony Dalton is Deputy Director of the Global Cities Research Institute and
Distinguished Research Professor in the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT
University. He has taught housing, urban studies, policy studies and research
strategies, and has published widely on many aspects of housing and policy.
His research and publications in urban and housing studies is closely connected
to his participation in non-government sector and policy advocacy work.
Previously he has held senior academic management positions at RMIT
University at Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellor levels. He
was Chair of RMIT Academic Board 2009-2010.

Saskia Loer Hansen, Director International Partnerships and Development

Saskia Loer Hansen is Director International Partnerships and Development and has responsibility for
the University's transnational education partnerships, international relations and prospecting activities
in regard to new presences outside of Australia. The role also covers coordination of activities across
the different campuses and locations at which RMIT delivers programs (Vietnam, Europe and Asia)
including business planning and internationalisation strategies. As RMIT is a tertiary institution, Saskia
pursues new education partnership opportunities for both Higher Education and Vocational Education.
She leads a team of 23 staff and works closely with colleagues across RMIT Australia, RMIT Vietnam
and RMIT Europe.

Before this role, Saskia worked in the Design and Social Context College with particular planning and
resources responsibilities related to the School of Media and Communications. Prior to coming to
RMIT in 2011, Saskia worked at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland as Head of Governance,
Management and Academic Policy and had broader responsibility for academic quality assurance,
strategy and planning. From 1998-2004, Saskia worked at Aalborg University in Denmark covering
industry engagement and research & innovation responsibilities. For a period of 8 years, Saskia was
also seconded on a part-time basis to the position as Secretary General to the European Consortium
of Innovative Universities, working on e-learning initiatives, EU research funding, Erasmus Mundus
masters, leadership development and staff and student mobility. Saskia has degrees in Social
Anthropology and Ethnography and European Studies from Aarhus University, Denmark, and an MBA
from Strathclyde in Scotland.


Federation University

Professor Todd Walker, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement)

Professor Todd Walker is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) and

Secretary to Council: a senior role responsible for University Council,
corporate governance, partnerships and commercial activity, international
affairs, marketing and public relations, philanthropy and alumni and regional

In an academic career spanning 25 years, Professor Walker has held diverse

tertiary and administrative responsibilities. He has particular experience in urban and regional multi-
campus university operations, community engagement, international operations and organisational
change management. He is an expert on academic governance in regional and dual sector
universities, learning pedagogies for low SES students and specialist knowledge in the development
of private and public partnerships with tertiary providers. In 2014, Professor Walker was appointed to
the Board of Engagement Australia as a Director.

While at Federation University, and its predecessor institutions, Professor Walker has held various
senior positions including Chair, Academic Board. From 2009 to 2013, he led the Learning and
Quality Portfolio, first as Pro Vice-Chancellor, then as Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Prior to joining the University, Professor Walker held various senior positions at Charles Sturt
University in New South Wales. He holds a First Class Honours degree in Medical Biotechnology, a
PhD in Molecular Oncology and a Graduate Certificate in University Leadership and Management all
from Charles Sturt University

Swinburne University of Technology

Jeffery Smart, Vice-President International and Students

Jeffrey Smart joined Swinburne as Director, Swinburne International, in

2005. He became Pro Vice-Chancellor (International & Recruitment) in 2008,
and Vice-President (International & Future Students) in March 2013.

A member of Swinburne's senior executive, he is responsible for the

university's external engagement and growth agenda, including:
internationalisation and global strategy; transnational education; domestic and
international marketing, recruitment and admissions; international student
support and student mobility. The International and Future Student portfolio is
responsible for generating student enrolments through marketing, recruitment and admissions and for
engaging on both state and federal levels with decisions that affect international education policy.

Jeffrey has worked in domestic and international marketing and recruitment, public affairs and alumni
and development for over 20 years, holding senior roles at The University of Melbourne (1989-1999)
and Monash University (1999-2005) prior to joining Swinburne.

Jeffrey is a regular media commentator on internationalisation and university marketing and presents
papers at conferences in Australia and overseas. In addition to his paper at the 2013 APAIE (Asia
Pacific Conference for International Education) conference, Jeffrey has presented at:


LH Martin Institute

Ruth Schubert
Associate Director

Ruth Schubert joined the LH Martin Institute in April 2014. Prior to that, Ruth
was the Director, Business Transformation with TAFE SA; a role responsible for
the complete change process bringing together the three separate South
Australian TAFE Institutes. This reinvention of TAFE SA as a Statutory
Corporation has enabled TAFE SA to compete more effectively in the newly
established commercial training market of Skills for All.

Ruth has worked in the education sector for over 30 years, with experience in private RTOs, the
schooling sector, and universities, and most recently 15 years in executive positions in TAFE
institutes in South Australia. Ruth was instrumental in the process of TAFE SA Regional winning the
State and National 2011 Large Training Provider of the year.

Ruth has a PhD and Masters of Educational Management from Flinders University, and was awarded
a Premier’s Award for Postgraduate Research into Lifelong Learning 2001. Ruth is a Graduate
member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Chisholm Institute (Technical and Further Education)

Maria Peters

Maria Peters is CEO of Chisholm Institute one of Victoria’s premier

public vocational education and training providers prominently place
across Melbourne’s south east manufacturing heartland and
residential growth corridors. Maria has extensive experience in vocational education and training at a
state, national and international level having held a wide range of management, leadership and
governance roles.

Maria’s high regard within the broader VET sector has led to significant educational innovation within
the VET sector aimed at improving participation and ensuring strong student and industry outcomes.
In addition, she has also led key innovation at Chisholm in higher education, programs for youth and
online delivery.

Maria has participated in Government committees both at a state and national level including aged
care, the automotive industry, vocational and higher education policy development.

Maria has been at the forefront of effective organisational change and management in the TAFE
sector. Her commitment to industry has seen the development of specialist Centres in partnership
with industry to meet employment and community need in areas of Engineering, Manufacturing,
Health and the Trades.

In 2014, Chisholm won the Victorian Large Training Provider category at the State Training Awards
and Australian Large Training Provider at the National Training Awards. These awards are recognition
of Chisholm's reputation as a quality education and training provider at a state, national and
international level.


Homesglen (Technical and Further Education)

Mary Faraone
Chief Executive

Ms Faraone, Chief Executive, has extensive experience in the VET

sector, working with industry, RTOs and at TAFE. Since mid-2003, Ms
Faraone has been instrumental in ensuring Holmesglen's growth,
securing the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games training project,
the 2006 Asian Games in Doha and educational reform project in
Bahrain and Qatar.

Mary has lead the Institute’s higher education agenda, and the Institute is now widely recognised as a
leader in non-university higher education delivery. Ms Faraone’s appointment was made after a
search that attracted national and international candidates.

Holmesglen Chair, Mr Peter Lewinsky confirmed Ms Faraone’s skills and experience bring stability to
the Institute as it enters a new phase in its history. “Mary is a proven leader who has already
demonstrated a strong passion for the Institute and the educational welfare of its students. During her
time as Executive Director, Educational Development and Design, Ms Faraone was instrumental in
leading the Institute’s teaching and learning, the introduction of higher education and securing a
number of significant national and international commercial projects.”

Mary commenced as CE of Victoria’s largest TAFE Institute in October 2013 and Ms Faraone plans to
build on the Institute’s history and reputation and lead the Institute in the next phase of its journey as
a relevant and contemporary tertiary provider, “It’s an absolute privilege to lead Holmesglen’s staff
and students. It’s a big job, and a challenging time for those working in the TAFE sector. I look
forward to the task, in particular, ensuring Holmesglen’s quality education is available to all.”

Melbourne Polytechnic (Technical and Further Education)

Dino Bettiol - Head of Development and Sales, International at

Melbourne Polytechnic

Dino Bettiol is one of the most experienced managers and operators of

International education in Australia. After an initial career in teaching and
education management over many years and in a variety of countries, Dino
took over the management and direction of the International operations of
the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE in 2005. Under his leadership,
the operation grew to the point where NMIT (now Melbourne Polytechnic)
became the largest provider of transnational programs in vocational
education from Australia. Over that same period, he has been instrumental in the development of
both vocational and higher education programs which have proved very popular amongst international
students in Australia and produced several thousand satisfied and qualified graduates.

Dino is highly respected in the filed for his experience, wisdom and especially his ability to see how
the needs of all stakeholders can be accommodated in a proposal.

His education has been at LaTrobe University, Victoria University and within NMIT.


Box Hill Institute (Technical and Further Education)

Dr Susan Maastricht - Executive Manager International Program Delivery and Major Projects

Susan is responsible for a wide range of disciplines across the Institute internationally and

The International component includes oversight of inbound and transnational delivery and associated
contract deliverables and compliance including VET, Higher Education, teacher training and

Susan is also responsible for major projects and contracts management such as Defence, APTC,
Goodyear, Jobs Plus, TVET Vanuatu, NEIS, P Drivers Project.

Professional Background
Susan is a post graduate qualified veterinarian who has worked in both the university and research
sector as a senior manager responsible for the operation and management of complex scientific

Susan has extensive experience in human and animal ethics and welfare and is the immediate past
President of the Victorian Division of the Australian Veterinary Association.

Susan has qualifications in business and teaching and, for the last 6 years has held the positions of
Teaching Centre Manager responsible for all domestic and off shore vocational delivery, key Centre
projects, VETiS and higher education in the Centre for Biotechnology and Animal Sciences and, more
recently, the Centre for Health and Community Services.

She has a strong belief in empowering individuals and teams to take responsibility and authority in
their own domain and to deliver a student or client experience that exceeds all expectations. Her
extensive experience in leadership and management has prepared her well for her new role.

SED Advisory

Roberto Olmos, Specialist Advisor

Dipl.Ing, C.Auditor (U. de Chile)

After graduating in auditing and business from the University of Chile, Roberto worked at Dole Chile
and Coca-Cola developing expertise in food production and high consumption products. During this
time Roberto received a diploma in information and control systems engineering. Roberto then moved
into a role with CORFO, the Chilean Government’s economic development agency, organising
international events in Asia, USA, Europe and Chile. Joining SED in 2012 in the role of regional
manager for Latin America, Roberto has focused on projects in agriculture, energy and foreign
investment. Roberto is fluent in English and Italian, as well is being a native Spanish speake r.



Dario Alvarez, Head, International Partnerships

Dario is responsible for international expansion efforts, developing

strategic alliances at Ducere –a world leading education business-
partnering with institutions around the world, delivering top quality
education with a faculty of over 250 global leaders including former
presidents, Nobel Prize winners, key industry executives and world-
renowned academics, offering a complete suite of business school
programs ranging from Vocational qualifications to MBA degrees.
He has developed his professional career in Finance and Consulting, and has re-organised and sold
the Family Business in Latin America, leading its post-merger integration process. Dario holds CPA
and BA degrees from Universidad de San Andres in Argentina, and an MBA from the University of
Melbourne, where he was awarded the South American Regional Scholarship.

Special Advisor on Latin America

Roger Frankel, Former Australian Ambassador

Roger Frankel was born in Brazil in 1949 and immigrated to

Australia with his parents in 1964. He graduated in 1973 from
Monash University with a BA (Hons). He joined the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs in 1974. His last assignment, from January 1996 to
March 2000, was as Australian Ambassador to Venezuela,
Colombia, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. His earlier
postings were in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil and France.

At the conclusion of his posting in South America in 2000, Roger

became a Director of the Consulting Company, Frank Advice International Pty. Ltd. He was until
2009, Vice-President of the Australia Latin America Business Council.

Roger has been Brazil’s Honorary Consul in Victoria, based in Melbourne, since 2007.

In the last 15 years, Roger’s professional activity centred on on the promotion of education links
between Australia and Latin America, with a particular focus on the VET Sector. He worked for Box
Hill Institute of TAFE until 2011. He delivered consultancy services to the Colombian Government on
VET Reform, and to the Andean Development Bank (CAF) on strategies for VET enhancement in
several Latin American countries (Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru). He attended several major
Education conferences in Colombia and Peru, where he participated in panels and gave papers on
the Australian Qualifications framework, the structure of the VET system and links between education
and the corporate sector. In 2014 he was contracted by TAFE Directors Australia and the Inter-
American Development Bank, to participate in a series of VET seminars in Chile, Brazil, Colombia,
Peru and Mexico.

Roger currently consults to Victoria University, Swinburne University and the Victorian Government’s
Department of Economic Development, which he assisted in the development and execution of the
Melbourne Latin America Symposium in March 2014 and the current Victorian Government Education
Mission to Latin America.

From 2008 to 2011 Roger undertook and successfully completed the Masters in Counselling Degree
at Swinburne University and practises as a Psychotherapist when he is not working on issues related
to Latin America.

Roger is a fluent speaker of Portuguese, Spanish and French.


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