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NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation

Student: Megan Scott

Clinical Instructor: Ann McLeod

Agency Preceptor: Megan Deyman and Rachel Petty

Total Missed Clinical Hours: 0 Total Missed Lab Hours: 0

Satisfactory Progress (SP): The student demonstrates sufficient knowledge, and skill and ability to safely
practice or achieve a competency with an average level of teaching support and guidance; or the level of
performance is what the instructor would expect of an average student at that level and point in time; and the
instructor reasonably anticipates that if the student continues at the current pace of practice and achievement,
the student should be able to fully meet the objective at the end of the course.

Unsatisfactory Progress(UP): The student does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge, or skill, or ability to
safely practice or achieve a competency, even with constant, intensive teaching support and guidance; or the
level of performance is far below what the instructor would expect of the average student at that level and point
in time; and the instructor reasonably anticipates that if the student continues at the current pace of practice and
achievement, the student is not likely to meet the objective at the end of the course.

Needs Development(ND): The student demonstrates sufficient knowledge and ability to safely practice or
achieve a competency, but requires more than average teaching support and guidance; or the student
demonstrates knowledge but needs more practice to achieve the competency; or the level of performance is
below what the instructor would expect of the average student at that level and point in time; and the instructor
reasonably anticipates that if the student focuses his/her learning in the required area, and gains sufficient
practice, the student has the potential to meet the objective at the end of the course.

Clinical Instructor will determine if progress is satisfactory, needs development, or is unsatisfactory.


Course Objective Evidence/Indicators Evidence/Indicators

1. Demonstrated professional Student: Student:
responsibility and ● I always arrive on time and  I have continued to arrive on
accountability to prepared to clinical, having an time to clinical every week,
collaboratively plan, idea in my head of what I will and bringing anything that I
implement and/or evaluate a be doing that day – if I have to may be working on within
health promotion project make arrangements, I will those two days
relevant to the community communicate with my preceptor  I have demonstrated
population served, using ahead of time, so they are aware professional responsibility
elements of the course of my absence or change in start by handing in assignments or
website such as the learning times tasks to my preceptors if I
system and regular, ● Whenever I have a task and have missed a day of clinical
punctual communication with have done my research about it, within a time frame and
preceptor and faculty. I always report to my preceptor reporting to them what I
and communicate with her about have completed that week at
what I have accomplished so far clinical (weekly updates)
● I attend pre-clinical conferences
to discuss what we will be doing  When working on my health
Progress Progress for two days of clinical that promotion project, I always
Midterm Final week check in with my preceptor
and make sure I am working
● I have demonstrated
◻ SP ◻ SP in the right direction as well
professional responsibility by
◻ ND ◻ UP as other partners that I am
handing in assignments and
◻ UP working alongside who are
projects for the
located in different
preceptor/clinical instructor on
 I have looked at the AODA
Preceptor: Megan has initiated guidelines for accessible
conversations and planning on a pocket documents related to my
card resource for women fleeing project to see what stands out
violence in the CKL/Haliburton best and what makes the
regions. She has demonstrated information on the wallet
professional responsibility by card easy to read
maintaining open and consistent
communication with preceptors,
including weekly project updates. Preceptor:

Clinical Instructor:
Megan has presented herself in a Clinical Instructor:
professional manner and shown
initiative to seek feedback throughout
the development of her assignments and
the wallet card, as well as submitting
her work in a punctual manner. I look
forward to the continued updates.
2 Applied their knowledge to Student: Student:
support population ● I applied my knowledge through  I have been able to make
assessment, collaborative and population assessment by health-promoting wallet
evidence informed health conducting a windshield cards to distribute to the
promotion project population survey to know who population of women fleeing
development, implementation we were working with from violence (the outcome
and process and outcome ● On my orientation day, I was of the card will be measured
evaluation. able to learn about the principles after I am finished my
behind what PARN does by placement with PARN)
Progress Progress
Midterm Final
watching modules and applying  I have been able to make
it to when I work in the harm different styles of the card –
reduction cupboard colours and fonts, and am in
◻ SP ◻ SP ● On the windshield survey I had
◻ ND ◻ UP the process of evaluating
the opportunity of using which colour is most
◻ UP websites such as 411 and attracted to the eye when
Census Canada to learn about reading the card
other resources in other
communities. For my project, I  The knowledge I have
am reaching out to learned this semester has
transportation services in areas assisted with the start of the
such as Haliburton and poster presentation about
Kawartha Lakes – where I am various communities
able to develop a plan to provide  Recognizing the different
to women who are fleeing from communities needs and
violence and who are seeking wants of the town has
help opened my eyes to how it
can affect their overall health
Preceptor: Progress on health status
promotion project is satisfactory and
Megan is making good time in terms of
project implementation. Preceptor:

Clinical Instructor:
Megan has conducted a good Clinical Instructor:
community assessment, but in the
project note 1 needed to apply what she
had learned to provide some context to
the project about women fleeing
violence particularly in rural areas. She
has been prompt at responding to
feedback so I anticipate the project will
move forward with support and further
discussion of timelines and evaluation
3. Demonstrated ethical Student: Student:
respectful and professional ● A way that I have demonstrated  When using information for
practice when working with ethical, respectful and a project (e.g., windshield
community organizations and professional practice in my survey), I made sure to
the population with whom placement setting is when I reference any information
they work. signed the confidentiality forms that I found online
prior to entering practice. By  I respect the confidentiality
doing this, whoever I may see, of the clients and team
hear about or interact with will members at PARN
be kept confidential and if I
Progress Progress need to talk to someone about it,  Working in the HR cupboard
Midterm Final it will be addressed to my has enhanced my confidence
preceptor or clinical instructor. – comprehension of the
◻ SP ◻ SP ● When talking with my classmate equipment, as well as feeling
◻ ND ◻ UP or preceptor I always more comfortable talking to
◻ UP communicate in a professional new clients
manner  I respect and have a better
● I have and will continue to understanding for the needs
reference any information found of the population
online or in textbook  I always ask questions to my
● I ask questions to my preceptor preceptor if unsure of any
when confused about material, as well as my
information regarding my clinical instructor with
project regards to assignments
 I am representing the
Preceptor: Ethical, respectful, and Trent/Fleming School of
professional practice is best Nursing, therefore I want to
demonstrated in the harm reduction possess qualities such as
cupboard. We encourage Megan to professionalism, respect and
think critically about interactions with to be ethical in practice
others in the HR cupboard and to
enhance her frontline service delivery Preceptor:
with reflective practice.

Clinical Instructor: Clinical Instructor:

Megan participated in orientation and is
aware of the organizations policies and
procedures. She has been respectful in
meetings and through written
communication. The reflective paper is
a good opportunity to critically reflect
on interactions with PARN clients, as
well as having conversations with your
preceptor and other staff.
4. Demonstrated knowledge Student: Student:
of relational practice in ● The project that I was assigned  Final poster presentation –
project to for this semester is related to on March 28th, Tilly and I
development, respectful women fleeing from violence will be able to present what
of group process, from rural communities such as we have learned this
leadership/followership, and Kawartha Lakes or Haliburton semester into a presentation
collaborative practice to meet with limited transportation and explain to individuals
the needs and build capacity services. I will then reach out to what we have experienced in
of the population in the given those transportation services and community placement
context. see what they think would be  Tilly and I have had the
the most suitable way to reach opportunity to go with
out to these women to provide Rachel to “the Bridge”, and
Progress Progress them with helpful resources
Midterm Final assists other peers with
with regards to safety, making a meal for the
prevention and education. women’s dinner
◻ SP ◻ SP ● My target audience for this
◻ ND ◻ UP project is women fleeing from  From the beginning of the
◻ UP violence. This type of project semester and comparing it to
influences my practice and now, my communication
community health because I am skills have greatly improved
reaching out to women who do with various staff members
not have these resources as at PARN
easily accessible as other  I have been a part of an
communities interview process regarding
● I will have the opportunity to drug strategy and I am able
meet new peers and staff while to communicate with
working with this project and be different people from
able to share ideas and thoughts different counties. The goal
to finalize my project of the interview is to find out
● I will also hopefully have the what things are going well or
opportunity to sit in on staff bad, what goals there are,
meetings at PARN and meetings and what improvements
with other program directors there could be
from other counties and express
information regarding my
project that I will be working on Preceptor:
this semester

Clinical Instructor:
Preceptor: Megan’s communication
with service providers in the HAL/CKL
areas via email has been respectful and
appropriate. We are looking forward to
how Megan will tailor her
communication skills and knowledge
translation activities to different
audiences (i.e., service providers vs.
community members).

Clinical Instructor:
Megan’s frequent respectful
communication with me and her
preceptor and partner and join in on
outreach visits and working at the harm
reduction cupboard show a beginning
understanding of the context of the
clients. I imagine with rehearsing and
confidence in material she might
present to service providers, I anticipate
she will be able to create a professional
5. Demonstrated self- Student: Student:
regulation by engaging in ● I am able to demonstrate self-  I have developed a lot of
self-reflective practice and regulation by completing tasks self-regulation and self-
identifying learning needs with little to no supervision and reflective practice since the
through self-assessment that by attending clinical even when beginning of the semester. I
align with the SON’s my preceptors are unable to be have done this by:
program goals and the there o Multi-tasking various
Community Health Nursing ● As the Community Health projects with ongoing
Standards of Practice in Nursing Standards of Practice in due dates
Canada. Canada states, nursing standards o Staying up to date on
define the scope and depth of what needs to be
practice (CHNC, 2012). Tilly done and by when
and I – by the end of this o When I was unable to
placement will be able to reach come into clinical in
Progress Progress out to the community and the first half of the
Midterm Final provide resources regarding semester, I completed
fleeing from domestic violence the work assigned
◻ SP ◻ SP and sexual violence. As well as from Megan and
◻ ND ◻ UP learning about safe ways to Rachel at home and
◻ UP provide equipment to was able to send
individuals to reduce the risks of them an email of
drug use. what I had
● I am prepared to work with accomplished that
people of all ages and genders in day.
different settings, and am  I have continued to complete
prepared to demonstrate tasks with little to no
leadership in a professional supervision, as well as
nursing practice with diverse attending clinical even when
health care contexts my preceptors are away at a
meeting or conference
Preceptor: It is clear from Megan’s
open communication and strategies for
seeking clarity that she is increasing her Preceptor:
understanding of individual health
teachings and systems of service
delivery. Clinical Instructor:
Clinical Instructor:
Megan frequently seeks feedback and
understanding in this relatively
independent practice setting. I
anticipate with further critical
reflection, she will be able to more
easily apply population health concepts
to the project.

This section to be filled out Student Areas of Strength Student Areas of Strength
by the student
1. Effective communication 1.Responsibility

2. Professionalism with my 2. Respectful towards clients

peers and instructors and peers

3. Adaptability 3.Professionalism

Student Areas for Future Student Areas for Future

Development Development

1. Taking more initiative 1.Being aware of policies that

effect individuals and health
2. Learning about more ways promotion
to help with health
promotion within the 2. Taking initiative on
community reaching out to people to get
more answers related to my
3. Advancing my research project
3.Having confidence when
trying new things for the first
time (HR cupboard)

General Comments:
Preceptor: Megan is off to a great start!
Instructor: Megan is progression towards meeting the course objectives is moving along as anticipated,
particularly in a relatively independent practice setting that is new to her. She has made great effort to seek to
understand the context of the population and the project. With resubmission of her project note one and further
critical reflection and discussions with staff, I anticipate good evidence informed project outcomes. Ann

Signature of Instructor______________________________ Date _____________________________

Signature of Preceptor_Rachel Petty & Megan Deyman___ Date ___Feb. 13, 2019______

Signature of Student: Megan Scott Date: February 7th, 2019

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

General Comments:

Signature of Instructor_______________________________ Date _____________________________

Signature of Preceptor_______________________________ Date _____________________________

Signature of Student: Megan Scott Date: March 13th, 2019

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

Completion of all Course Components

Total number of clinical hours completed_____________

Attendance Sheet Attached: ____yes ____no

1. Street Nursing Simulation completed

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

2. Project Notes (1&2)

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

3. Reflection

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

4. Poster Project

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

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