Problem Set 4: 0 0 Z T 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z T

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Problem set 4

   
1 1 0 0 0
1. Let A =  0 1 0  , B =  0 1 . Find a feedback matrix K to place the poles of
0 0 2 1 0
1 0 0
(A − BK) at desired locations. Let C = . Is the system observable? Find the
0 0 1
transfer function, is the realization minimal? Find Markov parameters.
   
1 0 0 1 0
2. Let A =  0 5 0  , B =  0 1 . Find a feedback matrix K to place the poles of
0 0 2 1 0
(A − BK) at desired locations. Let C = 1 1 1 . Is the system observable? Find the
transfer function, is the realization minimal? Build a full order observer for this system which
asymptotically approches states of the system.

3. Construct a reduced order observer for the system in the previous example.

4. Find transmission and invariant zeros for the first two examples. Find the initial conditions
and input signals for which the output is identically zero.

5. Let (A, B) be from Example 2 and C be from Example 1. Find the transfer function. Is the
realization minimal?

6. (Attack on states) Consider Example 13.3 from the notes or any one of the examples above
where the set of invariant zeros is non empty. Suppose z0 is an invariant zero of the underlying
system. z0 t
  Suppose the input signal u(t) is corrupted with an additional term u0 e . Let
be in the kernel of the Rosenbrock system matrix at s = z0 . Find an expression for
x0 . Check that for this initial condition x0 , the output y(t) remains the same for both the
inputs u(t) and u(t) + u0 ez0 t . Thus, an attack on an input goes undetected at the output.
Check that the evolution of state x(t) changes under these two different inputs. Thus, the
system gets corrupted by an external attack and no effect is observed at the output. Can the
locations of invariant zeros be modified using output/state feedback?

7. Construct more toy examples like the previous one and do matlab simulations to understand
the effect of invariant zeros. They are used in the study of detection and correction of cyber
attacks for linear models.

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