Brand Positioning Is All About Owning A Space in The Consumers' Mind and Create A

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Used power of Digital Marketing to further their reach amongst the population of India

Modi from a regional brand to a national one. With the help of advertising giants,
campaigns were made across TV, Print, and Digital to create the father figure that a nation

Ache Din , Abki Baar Modi Sarkaar” was a brilliant master-stroke in Marketing.

Brand Positioning is all about owning a space in the consumers’ mind and create a
surround-sound effect.

2014 2019
Ab ki baar, Modi Sarkaar Phir ek baar, Modi Sarkar!
Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat Aayega to Modi hi!
Main bhi Chowkidaar!
Acche Din Aayenge
The messaging is clear and direct in all of the slogans. There’s nothing left to the

Being Responsive to the campaign environment is very important to establish power and
authority. The BJP leader took note and started the “Main Bhi Chowkidaar” campaign in
response leading to us witnessing BJP leaders prefixing Chowkidaar to their twitter handles.


My First Vote for Modi - A campaign targeted towards the youth communicated in a very
casual jargon, to get their vote for confidence around issues such as safety for girls, traffic
laws or just a case of how do you come off as cool amongst your peer.

The presidential nature of the campaign. Modi successfully portrayed the campaign as Modi v Rahul
instead of bjp vs cpngress

Testimonial of the beneficiaries

BJP managed to win the favor of castes, ideological adherents, demographic groups, and geographic
areas that were not previously solidly BJP votaries.



EMOJI for Occasion
lectoral rolls to collect basic information on voters down to every polling booth. Party workers then
add their field experience and ground knowledge to identify caste and community groups and their
voting trends. The combined information helps in creating handy reference tools like constituency-
wise heat maps for leaders. The profiling becomes more precise by adding telephone data bases,
which are obtained from freelance data vendors.

accessing electricity bills — that have a 1:1 correlation to a person or household’s socio-economic
status. While the list of below poverty line families and individuals is easily available, the electricity
bill helps classify lower-middle, middle-middle and upper-middle classes.

PERSONAL CALL and messages

One to one whatsapp messages and calls

Use of apps

In Rajasthan, the BJP IT cell has an entire team dedicated to the NaMo app, which shows how
seriously it wants to use it during the elections,” says the person quoted earlier. Party sources say
many workers in the state IT cell have switched to JioPhone over the past few months.

Don’t pander to everybody: Modi steadfastly refused to appeal to everybody. He knew his base,
knew it was vast enough, knew what stoked their emotions, and was not swayed by the temptation
of winning everyone over.

Being inclusive and giving a group hug to all 1.2 billion Indians of all hues, classes and religions could
wait until after the elections.

the current campaign, the legions of the BJP’s unofficial armies ensured endless and sapping
debates on- and off-line. All the while, Modi himself deployed a shoot-and-scoot strategy on the
election trail, targeting a weak opposition this time.

Getting the Best Minds on Board: Second, they hired the best known names in Indian
advertising. Sam Balsara, Prasoon Joshi, Piyush Pandey. These people have a wealth of experience
behind them. They have run successful campaigns with hundreds of brands in their lives. They took
sentimentality out of the picture and looked at this as business. They decided that their client was
the BJP. If BJP was any other brand, how would they sell? Having these experienced senior people
like the trio certainly helped.

Database Marketing. Particularly in important states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, what the
campaign managers did was collect huge database and they worked on reaching out directly to the
people. It also greatly helped that the opposition ran a very lackluster campaign run by the
opposition party. All these factors mentioned above resulted in a landslide victory. While advertising
and marketing alone did not help, but in my view, they were major contributors.
The BJP’s strategy with respect to elections is that if you win the
booth, you will win the constituency, and the state. We looked at prior
voting data at the booth level. Data from the Election Commission’s
Form 20 tells you how the votes in that booth were distributed—this
gives a good idea of the core votes and the shifting-votes of each party.
We digitised the electoral roll and then mapped mobile numbers to
the names on the electoral rolls to deliver messages via social media.
The BJP’s panna pramukh is in charge of 60 names, which form
one panna, or page, of an electoral roll. Her responsibility is to go to
these houses and deliver the BJP’s messaging and report their reaction
to the party.

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