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Imaging Manual

Vi 3.0 Imaging Manual

© 2011 VJ Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced,
displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright
holder. For permission, contact VJ Technologies, Inc., 631.589.8800.

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Vi 3.0 Imaging Manual

1. Image and Software Management ......................................................................... 6
1.1. Logging In and Out ....................................................................................................................6
1.2. Password Changing and Run Options .....................................................................................6
1.3. Solution Stopping and Starting .................................................................................................6
1.4. Setting Administrator and Operator Rights............................................................................7
1.5. Toolbars ......................................................................................................................................9
1.6. Image/Window Display ............................................................................................................10
1.6.1. Display a Single Image ...................................................................................................... 10
1.6.2. Display Two Images Vertically or Horizontally................................................................ 11
1.7. Image Management ..................................................................................................................11
1.7.1. Open ................................................................................................................................... 11
1.7.2. Save As ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.7.3. Close and Close All ............................................................................................................ 12
2. Image Manipulation Tools .................................................................................... 13
2.1. Setting the Window and Level ................................................................................................13
2.2. Automatic Defect Enhancement (ADE) Filter .......................................................................15
2.2.1. ADE Example 1 ................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.2. ADE Example 2 ................................................................................................................. 16
2.3. Pan/Scroll Mode .......................................................................................................................16
2.4. Zoom to Fit................................................................................................................................16
2.5. Zooming In or Out ...................................................................................................................17
2.6. Zooming In on an Image Region .............................................................................................17
2.7. Zooming by 4x ..........................................................................................................................17
2.8. Rotating Images in 90° Increments ........................................................................................17
2.9. Flipping the Image Vertically .................................................................................................18
2.10. Flipping the Image Horizontally .............................................................................................18
2.11. Inverting Image Contrast ........................................................................................................18
3. Image Annotations and Text ................................................................................ 19
3.1. Annotation Properties ..............................................................................................................19
3.1.1. Changing Annotations Properties ..................................................................................... 19
3.1.2. Annotation Select Tool ...................................................................................................... 20
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3.1.3. Moving an Object ............................................................................................................... 21

3.1.4. Resizing an Object ............................................................................................................. 21
3.1.5. Deleting an Object ............................................................................................................. 21
3.1.6. Layer Tools (Bring to Front, Send to Back) ..................................................................... 21
3.2. Annotations ...............................................................................................................................22
3.2.1. Line Tool ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.2.2. Pointer Tool........................................................................................................................ 22
3.2.3. Open and Closed Curve Tools ........................................................................................... 23
3.2.4. Polyline Tool ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.5. Polygon Tool ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.6. Rectangle and Ellipse Tool ................................................................................................ 24
3.2.7. Freehand Tool.................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.8. Text Annotation Text Properties ....................................................................................... 24
4. Image Measurement Tools.................................................................................... 26
4.1. Line Profiles ..............................................................................................................................26
4.2. Line Profile Statistics ...............................................................................................................27
4.2.1. Line Profile Trend Lines ................................................................................................... 27
4.2.2. Line Profile Tabular Data ................................................................................................. 28
4.3. Histogram..................................................................................................................................28
4.3.1. Histogram Statistics ........................................................................................................... 29
4.3.2. Histogram Trend Lines...................................................................................................... 30
4.3.3. Histogram Tabular Data ................................................................................................... 30
4.4. Linear Calibration and Measurement ...................................................................................30
4.4.1. Linear Calibration ............................................................................................................. 30
4.4.2. Annotation Ruler ............................................................................................................... 31
4.4.3. Protractor Tool ................................................................................................................... 32
5. Macros .................................................................................................................... 33
5.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................33
5.2. Views Properties .......................................................................................................................34
5.2.1. Dialog Box.......................................................................................................................... 34
5.2.2. View Properties .................................................................................................................. 35
5.3. Macro Execution ......................................................................................................................36

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6. Image Processing Tools ......................................................................................... 37

6.1. Applying a Filter to an Open Image .......................................................................................37
6.2. Creating a New Filter ...............................................................................................................37
7. Database Management .......................................................................................... 38
7.1. Database Query ........................................................................................................................38
7.1.1. General Notes on Performing a Query. ............................................................................ 38
7.2. Query Results ...........................................................................................................................39
8. Detector Calibration .............................................................................................. 41
8.1. Full Calibration, Gain and Offset ...........................................................................................41
8.2. Offset Only Calibration ...........................................................................................................45
9. Bad Pixel Map - Creating ..................................................................................... 46

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1. Image and Software Management

Imaging Screen

Vi provides three (3) levels of user control: System, Administrator and Operator. By default, the
software opens with Operator loaded as the user. When logged in as an Operator, the login icon is
gray. If logged in as System or Administrator, the login icon is red.

1.1. Logging In and Out

To log in as System or Administrator, select the gray login icon . To log out, select the
red login icon. Operator is not password controlled, therefore when the login icon is gray, the
Operator security level is active.

1.2. Password Changing and Run Options

Passwords are changed by selecting Edit and then Configure and logging in as System.
Default passwords are vjtvi and admin for System and Administrator, respectively. To change
the passwords, select the security level and then the Change tab.

1.3. Solution Stopping and Starting

 Run on Startup

Check this box to load and automatically run the program when the software is opened.
 Opr. Can Run Solution

If the Run On Startup box is unchecked, the System user can restrict the operator from
running the solution via this check box.

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 Opr. Can Stop Solution

With this box unchecked, the operator is not allowed to stop the solution.
 Opr. Can Quit Program

Controls whether or not the operator can quit the Vi program.

1.4. Setting Administrator and Operator Rights

When the Properties icon is selected for each folder/function/tool, the user will note two tabs.
Selecting the Access tab will display the Administrator and Operator rights. If the current user
is Operator, the rights section is grayed out.

To change the rights, you must be logged in as System. To set the rights for the Administrator
and Operator, perform the following procedure:
1. Log in as System.
2. Select the Solution folder (top most folder in the solution tree).
3. Select Properties icon and the Access tab.
4. Select the Solution folder.
5. To change major folder rights, select either Edit or View.

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6. Define Operator and Administrator rights for the entire solution, subfolders and data
access. There are several rules associated with the rights.
 Operator rights
o Operator rights cannot be greater than the Administrator rights.
o If Hide is selected for Operator at the Solution folder level, as shown in the screen
capture to the right, all subfolders will be set to Hide for the Operator and cannot be
o At the Solution folder level, if Edit is selected, subfolders may be defined as either Edit,
View or Hide.
o At the Solution folder level, if View is selected, subfolders may be defined as either
View or Hide.
 Administrator rights
o At the Solution folder level, if Edit is selected, subfolders may be defined as either Edit
or View.
o At the Solution folder level, if View is selected, subfolders may be defined as either
Edit, View or Hide.
Truth Table for SOLUTION level
Edit View Hide Edit View Hide
Admin x x x
Opr. x x x

Admin x x x x
Opr. x x x

Admin x x
Opr. x x

After the Solution folder level has been defined, if necessary, define subfolders and data
access rights.

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1.5. Toolbars

The toolbars shown in the following figure are in standard configurations.

Attributes associated with the toolbars are as follows:

 Icons can be hidden or exposed via the Solution tree.
 If a function is enabled, the corresponding icon turns orange.
 To discontinue a function, select the Pan and Scroll icon or a second function.
 The Solution Explorer can be docked to (associated with) an ImageDisplayer graphical
user interface (GUI) by:
o Displaying the Vi3 Solution Explorer.
o Highlighting the Solution level.
o Selecting the Properties icon.
o In the Dock To dropdown box, select the ImageDisplayer. Select None, if the Solution
tree is to be minimized from the screen.

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1.6. Image/Window Display

Up to four images can be viewed simultaneously in Vi with each image in one (1) of four (4)
Window Displays. If no image is present in a Window Display, the corresponding image title
bar will display the number of the Window Display (for example ImageDisplayWindow1). If
an image is present in the Window Display, the name and path of the image is given.

0 1

2 3

The Window Display tool bar is used to select how many Display Windows
are shown and in which configuration they are shown. The selections are: Single, Double
Horizontal, Double Vertical and Tile Quadrant. Images can be opened in each window by
selecting the configuration from the Window Display toolbar, then selecting the window
(clicking in the window) and then selecting File, Open or Open DCM.
1.6.1. Display a Single Image
To fill the display with a single image either:
1. Select the appropriate tab on the toolbar.
2. Double click on the corresponding image title bar.

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3. Select the corresponding maximize/minimize icon.

Assuming two (2), three (3) or four (4) images have been opened in the hidden
Window Displays, any of the four images can be displayed in the exposed Window
Display by selecting the Window tab and then the desired image. When images are
opened in the Window Display(s), the corresponding file name and path are displayed
on the Window tab.

1.6.2. Display Two Images Vertically or Horizontally

To fill the display with 2 images tiled vertically or horizontally, open images in
ImageDisplayWindow0 and ImageDisplayWindow1, then click the corresponding button on
the Window Display toolbar for either vertical or horizontal tile.

1.7. Image Management

Selecting the File tab allows the user to Open, Save As, Close and Close All images. Each
function, except for Close All, is applied to the active window display. Note that Save is not
offered as a choice to help prevent accidentally overwriting the raw image data.

1.7.1. Open
Selecting Open displays a file browser. If All Files (*.*) is selected in the File Type drop
down box, all files, including non-image files, are listed. Selecting a file type simplifies the
search process. Vi tools are only applicable for the file types listed.
1.7.2. Save As
Selecting Save As displays a file browser and allows the user to save the image in a variety of
image formats.
 Performing a Save As allows the operator to capture the current image state (contrast
enhancement, image zoom, image processing and so on.).

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 The default All Files (*.*) will save a .tif image in 16-bit format. No annotations are
saved. To save a 16-bit .tif image with annotations, select Tiff 16-bit with Annotations.
All other file formats are 8-bit.

1.7.3. Close and Close All

Selecting either of these two choices closes the image(s) with no changes applied.

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2. Image Manipulation Tools

This section describes the Vi image manipulation tools.

2.1. Setting the Window and Level

Depending on the detector, the data collected is 12, 14 or 16 bits in depth. This means each
pixel can range between:

Bit Depth Black Pixel White Pixel

(No X-ray) (Saturated Pixel)
12 0 4095
14 0 16,383
16 0 65,535

It is not possible to view these large grayscale ranges simultaneously. This is due to two
factors. First, the display monitor is not capable of displaying that many grayscales
simultaneously, and secondly, the human eye cannot differentiate between that many
grayscales simultaneously. The best the human eye can differentiate is approximately 7 to 8
bits, which are 128 to 256 shades of gray. In order to review the greater bit depth, a mechanism
that allows the operators to selectively choose a range of grayscales is required. This tool is
generally referred to as Window and Leveling or contrast enhancement.
To perform a contrast enhancement, Vi uses a look up table (LUT) to map the detector
grayscale values (Input) to the display grayscale values (Output). The following graph shows
an LUT.
The Window value is the range of grayscales selected and the Level is the center point of the
Window. All values outside the Window are mapped to either black or white. Grayscale
values within the Window are mapped between 0 and 255.
Adjusting the Window or Level values does not change the image data.
The user must export the image to save the values.


Display Window Value

0 Black
0 Max Value for
Input Detector

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To view the Window and Level values:

On the Image Manipulation Tools toolbar, click the dropdown box and select Show W/L values.
The Window value is the number on the left.

As an alternative, the Window and Level may be adjusted by holding
down the scroll wheel and dragging the mouse. Dragging the mouse
left/right and up/down adjusts the Windows and Level respectively.

The Optimize button is used to quickly adjust the contrast of an area of interest. In the
example below, the wire penetrameters are to be contrast enhanced. After selecting the icon,
and drawing a box (as shown in the top image), the image is automatically optimized (bottom
image). This means the detector grayscale values selected within the box (Input) were mapped
to the full display grayscale range (Output). At this point, the slide bars can be used to
manually adjust to the desired display image.

To reset the Window and Level values to their full range, double click the slide bar.

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2.2. Automatic Defect Enhancement (ADE) Filter

The expanded bit depth of digital detectors has greatly increased the contrast sensitivity of
systems making even the smallest contrast differences detectable. But this has made it more
difficult to quickly view images. As stated in the previous section, this is due to the fact that
the human eye is only able to see approximately 256 shades of gray. If the detector has over
65,000 shades of gray capability, then a large number of contrast enhancements must be
performed over the entire detector grayscale range to ensure a small contrast detail (defect)
does not go unseen.
Automatic Defect Enhancement (ADE) is a system option, available separately. It is an
extremely powerful filter that compresses the large detector grayscale range to an image range
that requires very little, if any, contrast enhancement. This is done with little loss of
information. Two ADE examples are presented in the following sections.
2.2.1. ADE Example 1
This example shows 2 images, with and without the ADE filter. There is a steep change in
material thickness. The left image has contrast enhancement applied, but even with the
contrast enhancement, it is difficult to discern. However, with the ADE filter applied, it is
easily seen along with many other defects, all in the same view. The ADE filter significantly
decreases the time required to examine images because all image information is presented to
the viewer with little or no contrast enhancement required.
With ADE

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2.2.2. ADE Example 2

This ADE example shows 2 percent hole penetrameters. In the left view, it is not possible to
image all penetrameters within the same image without employing the ADE filter. Multiple
contrast enhancements would be necessary increasing inspection time. With the ADE filter,
all holes are visible within the same image.
With ADE

2.3. Pan/Scroll Mode

By default, when an image is first loaded, Pan and Scroll function is enabled (note the
orange color). When other functions are selected, the icon turns blue. Otherwise, when this
function is disabled, it is enabled by clicking (selecting) the icon on the image manipulation
After selecting the icon, place the cursor over the image, left click and hold the mouse and drag
the cursor over the image. This drags the image in whatever direction the cursor is moved. If
the entire image is in the field of view, the image will not move with respect to the cursor.

2.4. Zoom to Fit

This function adjusts the image zoom to fit the entire image in the window display.

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2.5. Zooming In or Out

To zoom in or out of an image, use the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons . Each time the
Zoom In or Zoom Out icon is selected, the image zooms in or out by 20%.
100% indicates each pixel of the detector is displayed on one (1) monitor

As an alternative, the image can be zoomed in and out using the mouse
scroll wheel.

2.6. Zooming In on an Image Region

To zoom in on a desired region, click the Zoom In Region icon , move the cursor to the top
left corner of the desired region and press and hold the left mouse button, then drag down
diagonally to the lower right corner of the desired region, and then release the mouse button

2.7. Zooming by 4x

Vi includes a function that works much the same as a conventional magnifying glass, which
can magnify an image region by a factor of 4.
To use this function:

1. Click the 4x zoom icon . The icon changes to orange.

2. Move the cursor over the image target area and press the left mouse button. The area
immediately under the cursor is enlarged in a separate “floating” window. While
holding the left mouse button, the 4x zoom region will follow the cursor.
3. To discontinue using the 4x zoom function, select the Pan/Scroll icon.

2.8. Rotating Images in 90° Increments

Vi Imaging provides the ability to rotate an image in increments of 90°, which is useful when
aligning an image prior to review. There are four selections: 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°.

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When rotating the image, the angle is always regarded as an absolute angle relative to the
original orientation of the image. If the image is rotated 90°, and then rotated again by 180°,
the resulting angle of rotation for the image is 180°, rather than the cumulative total of 370°.
The image can always be returned to the original orientation by selecting 0 degrees.
Annotations including text will rotate with the image.

When selecting Save As, the image is saved in the rotated orientation.

2.9. Flipping the Image Vertically

Flipping an image actually causes the image to be mirrored (reversed). By clicking the flip
vertical icon , the image is flipped from top to bottom regardless of the image zoom level.

2.10. Flipping the Image Horizontally

Clicking the flip horizontal icon , mirrors the image left to right regardless of the image
zoom level.

Normal View Image Flipped Horizontally

2.11. Inverting Image Contrast

By default, Vi Imaging displays the native detector polarity. Negative polarity is consistent
with radiographic film exposures where thicker material produces a lighter grayscale, and
thinner material or lack of material will produce a darker grayscale. Positive polarity is the
opposite. To invert the contrast of the displayed image, click the contrast invert icon .

Negative Polarity Positive Polarity

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3. Image Annotations and Text

Adding annotations is accomplished by selecting the annotation icon (icon turns orange in color),
moving the cursor to the desired area of the image, left clicking, dragging and releasing when the
annotation size is sufficiently drawn. In some cases, a single right click is required to cease the
annotation drawing (polygon for example). Other attributes to annotations are as follows:
The annotation tool remains enabled until a second function is selected at which time the
annotation icon returns to blue (disabled).
Annotations are automatically saved when applied to an image.

3.1. Annotation Properties

3.1.1. Changing Annotations Properties

Annotation properties can be changed either prior to drawing or after drawing. If the
annotations are changed prior to drawing, then the changes will be saved. If annotations are
changed after drawing, the changes will not be saved and are only applied to the selected
annotation. Each annotation can have its own properties.
Annotation Properties
Annotation Color Line Line Font Font Font
Type Size Size Color Type
Line X X X
Arrow X X X
Closed Curve X X X
Open Curve X X X
Polyline X X X
Polygon X X X
Rectangle X X X
Ellipse X X X
Freehand X X X
Text X X X X X X

Line Type - Solid, Dash, Dot, Dash Dot and Dash Dot Dot

Text – For additional text settings, please refer to the text portion of the

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 Changing the Default Properties

To change the default properties for a specific annotation, select the Properties Change
icon and then select the desired annotation icon. If properties are changed using this
method, the changes are retained and applied the next time the annotation is used. The
Properties Change icon will remain enabled (orange) until selected again at which time it
will return to blue.

 Temporary Changes to the Properties

To change properties after an annotation is drawn, select the annotation using the
Annotation Select Tool (see the following section), right click over the annotation
and then select Configure.

3.1.2. Annotation Select Tool

The Annotation Select Tool is used to select an annotation so it can be moved, deleted or
have its properties changed.

Unselected Selected

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3.1.3. Moving an Object

To move an object, select the object, hover the mouse over the graphic line (not the handle),
left click and drag to the desired position.

3.1.4. Resizing an Object

To resize an object, select the object, hover the mouse over one (1) of the handles (white
squares), left click, hold and drag to the desired shape.

3.1.5. Deleting an Object

An annotation can be deleted by selecting the annotation and either hitting the Delete key on
the keyboard, selecting the Delete icon or right clicking over the object and selecting
Delete from the menu.
3.1.6. Layer Tools (Bring to Front, Send to Back)
Annotations can be placed in layers by right clicking over a selected annotation.
 Bring To Front
The highlighted annotation is placed on top of all other annotations.

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 Send to Back
The highlighted annotation is placed behind all other annotations.

3.2. Annotations

3.2.1. Line Tool

The Line tool creates straight-line graphics. To create a line, click the Line tool icon,
hold, drag and release. The Annotation tool remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon
or another function is selected.

3.2.2. Pointer Tool

The Pointer tool creates an arrow. The tip of the arrow begins at the first left click point.
Click and hold and then pull the arrow out to the desired length and angle. Release the button
to complete the operation. As with any annotation mark, the pointer attributes may be edited
through its properties menu. Annotation tool remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon
or another function is selected.

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3.2.3. Open and Closed Curve Tools

These annotations are the same except one closes the beginning and ending points. When the
final segment has been drawn, right click to complete the operation. The Open and Closed
Curve tool remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon or another function is

3.2.4. Polyline Tool

The Polyline tool allows the user to create a line that is made up of straight or curved
line segments or a combination of both. When the final line segment has been drawn, right
click to complete the operation. The Annotation tool remains enabled until either the Pan and
Scroll icon or another function is selected.

3.2.5. Polygon Tool

With the Polygon tool , a polygon (series of straight lines) can be created. Once the last
point has been drawn, right clicking the mouse closes up the polygon. The Annotation tool
remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon or another function is selected.

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3.2.6. Rectangle and Ellipse Tool

To create a rectangle or ellipse, click the Rectangle or Ellipse icon, left click, hold
and drag to the desired size and shape. The Annotation tool remains enabled until either the
Pan/Scroll icon or another function is selected.

3.2.7. Freehand Tool

To draw a freehand image, click the Freehand tool icon , left click and hold to begin the
line. At the end of the line, release the button. The Annotation tool remains enabled until
either the Pan/Scroll icon or another function is selected.

3.2.8. Text Annotation Text Properties

 Adding Text
Text can be added to an image by selecting either the Normal Text entry
or the Notepad entry . The Annotation tool
remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon or another function is selected.

o Multi-line Text – To add a second line to the text entry, press Enter at the end of
the first line.

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o Notepad Background Color – To change background color of the Notepad,

select the dropdown box associated with the BrushColor field in the properties
o Fill Rectangle – The Notepad tool can be used to create a filled rectangle (do not
enter text after selecting).
o Editing – After text has been placed on the image, right clicking and selecting
Configure will allow the user to change the text.
 Text Properties
Text properties are shown below:

o Pen section – Displays the line properties of the box drawn around the text. This
section is the same as the properties section for the graphic annotations.
o Font section – Displays the font properties. This area is similar to normal word
processing attributes.

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4. Image Measurement Tools

4.1. Line Profiles

A Line Profile tool creates a graph of the grayscale values between adjacent pixels falling
along a drawn line. This tool is useful in determining the change in density within examined
material along a line. To use the Line Profile tool, select the appropriate icon and then draw a
line (left click, hold, drag and release). After releasing the mouse button, a graph is displayed.
The Line Profile tool remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon or another function is
selected. After selecting the Annotation Select icon, the user may move and/or resize the
drawn line. After each release of the left mouse button, a new graph is drawn.
 Y-Axis, Grayscale

The Y-axis of the graph is the grayscale value. Only grayscales along the line (not the
detector bit depth) are presented on the Y-axis. The Y-axis is automatically scaled each
time the graph is updated (moving/resizing the line).
 X-Axis, Pixel Location

The X-axis represents the length of the drawn line in pixels. The 0 mark on the axis
represents the beginning of the line (first left click) and the high number represents end of
the drawn line (release of the left mouse button). For purposes of clarity, it is advised the
user draw the line in a left to right direction. In doing so, the gray plot will be in the same

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Other items associated with the line profile tool:

 The Line Profile can be performed regardless of image orientation (Rotate, Flip or Mirror).
 The Line Profile graph is presented as a positive or negative image, depending on the
detector employed in the system, regardless how the image is presented on the display.
 If the line is drawn left to right, pixels are plotted starting at the origin and then moving
right along the X-axis (same direction). If the line is drawn right to left, pixel plot
represents a right to left direction (pixel plot at graph origin represents where the line was
 To delete the line profile,
1. Select the Annotation Select Tool.
2. Click on line.
3. Delete line.
4. Select the Close button in the Line Profile window.

4.2. Line Profile Statistics

 MinGrayScale

The minimum grayscale value recorded along the line.

 MaxGrayScale

The maximum grayscale value recorded along the line.

 MeanGrayScale

The average grayscale value recorded along the line.

 Std. Dev.

The standard deviation, which is the average deviation from the mean value recorded along
the line.
4.2.1. Line Profile Trend Lines
 Mean
Adds a line within the plot showing the mean grayscale value within the plot.
 Min/Max
Adds two (2) lines within the plot showing the minimum and maximum grayscale values.
 Std. Dev.
Adds two (2) lines within the plot showing the standard deviation region.

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4.2.2. Line Profile Tabular Data

Clicking View Tabular Data displays a table that lists the pixel location, the line (X axis) and
the corresponding grayscale value. The slide bar is used to scroll through the entire list of
table data.

4.3. Histogram

A Histogram displays the distribution of grayscales for a region. This tool is useful in
determining the change in density within examined material within a region. To use the
Histogram tool, select the appropriate icon and then draw a rectangle (left click, hold, drag and
release). After releasing the mouse button, the plot is displayed.

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The Histogram tool remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon or another function is
selected. After selecting the Annotation Select icon, the user may move and/or resize the
rectangle. After each release of the left mouse button, a new graph will be drawn.
 X-Axis, Grayscale

The X-axis represents the grayscale distribution within the region of interest (ROI). Only
those grayscale values within the region are plotted along the X-axis (not the detector bit
depth). The X-axis is automatically scaled each time the graph is updated (moving/resizing
the ROI).
 Y-Axis, Pixel Count

The Y-axis indicates a pixel count for each grayscale value.

It is important to remember all grayscale values represented, including random noise, will
be plotted along the X-axis. Two graphs are shown to the right. The bottom plot was after
a smoothing filter function was applied to the image. A smoothing function performs a
localized pixel average that can be used to reduce the affect of noise when plotting the X-
axis. This is indicated by the higher minimum grayscale value and the lower maximum
grayscale value when comparing the first/top plot. This also holds true for the Line Profile
Other items associated with the histogram tool:
 The Histogram can be performed regardless of image orientation (Rotate, Flip or Mirror).
 The Histogram is presented as a positive or negative image, depending on the detector
employed in the system, regardless how the image is presented on the display.
 To delete the histogram window:

1. Select the Annotation Select Tool.

2. Click on Histogram box.

3. Delete box.

4. Select the Close button in the Histogram window.

4.3.1. Histogram Statistics
 MinGrayScale
The minimum grayscale value recorded within the ROI.
 MaxGrayScale
The maximum grayscale value recorded within the ROI.

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 MeanGrayScale
The average grayscale value within the ROI.
 Std. Dev.
The standard deviation, which is the average deviation from the mean value recorded
along the line.
4.3.2. Histogram Trend Lines
 Mean
Adds a line within the plot showing the mean grayscale value within the plot.
 Min/Max
Adds two (2) lines within the plot showing the minimum and maximum grayscale values.
 Std. Dev.
Adds two (2) lines within the plot showing the standard deviation region.
4.3.3. Histogram Tabular Data
Clicking View Tabular Data displays a table where the left column gives all grayscale values
(minimum at top of scroll) in the ROI and the right column displays the number of pixels
counted for the correspond grayscale value.

4.4. Linear Calibration and Measurement

4.4.1. Linear Calibration

Linear calibration is accomplished using a feature in the image of a known length and using
that feature as a reference. To start linear calibration, click the Calibration icon . The Linear
Calibration dialog box displays.
To perform linear calibration:
1. Open the desired image and identify a known dimension.

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2. Click the Calibration icon .

The Linear Calibration dialog box displays.

If the reference feature is at a different position than the measured object
in relation to the X-ray source and detector, the measurement may not be
accurate due to the different geometric magnifications.

3. Draw a line across the known feature. After releasing the mouse button, the
Reference Distance (the number of pixels contained in the line) displays.
4. Enter the Physical Distance in the Actual Measurement section and select the unit of
measure in the drop down box.
5. Click OK to store the calibration. To reset the calibration, click Cancel.
Other items associated with the line profile:
 The calibration line can be drawn at any angle.
 The current calibration will remain when a new image is loaded.
 If new solution is loaded or the software is restarted, the calibration is lost and the
Annotation Ruler unit of measurement will default back to pixels.
4.4.2. Annotation Ruler
After a calibration is performed, a linear distance may be measured directly on the screen
using the Annotation Ruler. An example measurement is shown below. To take a
measurement on the screen, click the ruler icon , click and hold on the image at the
beginning point of the feature, then drag the ruler to the end point of the feature and then
release the mouse button.

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The Ruler tool counts the number pixels and correlates to the Linear Calibration therefore
image zoom factor does not affect the distance measurement except making it more or less
easy to identify the beginning and ending feature points.
The ruler is capable of reporting distances in inches, centimeters, millimeters, meter and
pixels. The resultant measurement is an annotation therefore the properties of the annotation
are configured as described above. The default measurement unit can be set through the
Properties menu.
4.4.3. Protractor Tool

The Protractor tool allows the user to take angular measurements, in degrees, on screen. To
use the protractor, click the Protractor icon , click, release and pull the line along the
reference plane and then click again. This is the base of the measurement. Move the cursor
and a second line displays. Pull the cursor and then left click when the second line is along
the second plane. The measure displays at the point where the two lines meet.
The measurement is an annotation therefore the properties can be changed as described
previously. The Protractor tool remains enabled until either the Pan/Scroll icon or another
function is selected.

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5. Macros
5.1. Introduction

The Vi macro function is powerful and provides the following capabilities:

 The ability to preprogram any number of views for controlled repeatable inspections:
o Image zoom, scroll and pan
o Contrast invert and enhancement
o Rotation, mirror and flip
 The ability to perform user-defined image filtering and a math operation sequence.
 The ability to set image display arrangement (tile vertical for example) and to automatically
load a reference image in a window display.
 The ability to manually step through macros or run them in Auto View mode which
automatically steps through each view.
To program a basic imaging macro:
1. Display the Solution tree.

2. Highlight the top level Macro and then select the New Child icon.
Confirm a new macro is to be added.
3. The default name will be Macro# where # is 1 for the first macro. Rename the macro if
4. Highlight the new macro and select the New Child. The Toolbox menu will open.
Select the Views tool.
5. At this point, the different views are ready to be added to the macro. Adjust the image
to the desired state (contrast, zoom, mirror, and so on).
6. Highlight the Views folder and select New Child icon. Confirm a new View is to be
added. Rename the View if desired.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all views have been added.
The resultant Macro tree should look like the following screen capture.

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Once a macro is created (Macro1 for example), it can be manually run or run within a solution.
To run manually, please refer to the following sections. To run a macro within a solution,
please contact VJ Technologies.
 Delete – With Macro, Views or View highlighted, click the delete icon. A delete
confirmation is displayed.
 View Order - To change the position of a View, highlight the View and click the up
or down arrow.

5.2. Views Properties

Under a macro, properties can be set for both the Views level and for each individual View.
5.2.1. Dialog Box
The Properties - Views dialog box is shown in the following figure. To display this dialog

box, click the Properties icon .

 Pause Views On, Stop Views On and Indicate Stopped

These Boolean fields can be used to exit a macro and are used when the macro is being
employed in a solution.
 PC Opr. Can Stop Views
The system operator (operator login) is able to stop the Auto View loop by selecting the
macro stop button.
 Loop Last Auto View Back to the First
If the macro is run in Auto View (automatically stepping through the views), when the
macro reaches the last View, it will start back at the first View continually looping until
stopped by the solution or operator.

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5.2.2. View Properties

 ImageBox
As stated previously, each View records different image attributes. The attributes
recorded will be applied to the image located in ImageBox designated in this dropdown.
If None is selected, the attributes are applied to the image currently opened.
 ImageDisplayer
In Vi, it is possible to drive different displays within the same solution (Foreground or
Background processing, for example). This dropdown box designates the image display
 Window
Within each of the different displays (ImageDisplayer), there are four windows. This
dropdown box designates the window display location.
 View Interval
In milliseconds, how long the View is paused before stepping to the next View.
 Rerecord View
When a view is displayed, the administrator may want to adjust the image attributes. If
new the new settings are to be saved, select this tab.

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5.3. Macro Execution

After a macro has been created, it is listed in the Macro toolbar dropdown box.

After selecting the macro, it begins running as set in the Properties - Views dialog box. The
Macro toolbar has four (4) controls.
 Camera

The Camera button starts the macro in Auto View mode and the Stop button stops the Auto
View. If not in the Auto View mode, the Previous and Next buttons manually step through
the macro.
 Stop

The stop button stops the macro.

 Previous and Next

With the macro stopped, the Next and Previous buttons are enabled and can be used to
manually step through the macro.

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6. Image Processing Tools

6.1. Applying a Filter to an Open Image

Image processing filters can be applied to an open image by selecting the appropriate filter
from the Filter toolbar dropdown box.

Filters listed in the dropdown box are loaded from the Filter folder in the Solution tree as
shown in the following figure. Filters can be listed on the ImageFilters tree as needed. Contact
the System Administrator to add or delete filters from the ImageFilters tree.

6.2. Creating a New Filter

To create a new filter, select New Filter in the ImageFilters folder on the Solution tree and
then click the Properties icon. The Properties – NewFilter dialog box displays. Change the
values, as necessary, and rename filter, if desired and then click Execute.

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7. Database Management
The Database Management section of the manual is only applicable for systems employing a
database to store inspection information and to attach images to an inspection database. When a
database is employed in a system, all information storage and image archiving occurs
automatically. This section of the manual covers reviewing an inspection after it has been

7.1. Database Query

Clicking the Database Query button displays the Query dialog box.

The Query dialog box allows for searching of previous inspections using user-defined search
criteria. The list of criteria is defined differently for each application. The Query button is
enabled depending on the state of the inspection.
7.1.1. General Notes on Performing a Query.
 Text fields (for example: ContainerID) are not case sensitive.
 For binary fields (for example: Liquids), used either Yes\No, True/False or 1\0.
 Time entry formats are in either Month/Day/Year (US format) or Day/Month/Year
(European format), depending on system configuration. Formats include 1/1/10, 1.10.10
and Jan 01 2010.
 Multiple query criteria may be used to further narrow a search.
o Value and Range
When a search criterion is entered in the Range field, the search looks for criteria
contained between, and inclusive of, the Value and Range data. The Range field
is disabled until data is entered in the Value field except for binary fields where
the Range field is always disabled.

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o Use % or _ for wild ward match in non date fields

To perform a search using incomplete criterion, check this box and place either a
“%” or “_” to represent the missing criterion. For example:
 To search for all Drum ID’s beginning with the number 1, enter Drum-1%.
 To search for all Drum ID’s where the second character is a wild card enter Drum-
1_001023A10. During a query, all valid characters (A-Z, 0-9) will be substituted for the
underscore (“_”).

7.2. Query Results

The results of a query are given in a table as shown below.

This table provides inspection details and can be thought of as the Parent table. For many
applications, additional tables are created and related to the main table. These additional tables
can be thought of as Children.
To view images, video or test data (Children) for an inspection sample, click the plus next to
the Parent ID (ContainerID). This displays one or more data relations DataRelation1 as
shown in the following figure.

 Parent Table (Container Data)

As stated above, the Parent table gives information associated with the container including
any Contain ID, Inspection Date\Time and so on. To sort the data in a column in either
ascending or descending lists, left click over the column name. To view all columns, use
the scroll bar located on the table bottom.

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 Child Table (Images and Movies)

With the Child table displayed, to display an image or video, click the desired row and then
click the Load Image button. An image is displayed in the imaging software or a video is
played back via Windows Media Player depending on the file type.

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8. Detector Calibration
8.1. Full Calibration, Gain and Offset

The detector calibration is performed through a wizard process. Below is the procedure for
both the Single Gain and Multi Gain calibration:
1. Welcome: Upon starting the Calibration Wizard, the Welcome screen is displayed.
This screen gives the detector status so the operator can confirm the detector is
configured correctly for calibration.

2. Offset Calibration: The second screen (Step 2 of 6) instructs the operator to verify the
detector has not been exposed to radiation for at least 10 minutes. This ensures any
latent (ghost) images have fully dissipated.

 Image Mean Value

The average grayscale value for the DDA is given in Image Mean Value field. For every
frame readout (integration time), this field is updated.

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If the Image Mean Value exceeds the maximum software configuration value, the number
turns red and Next is disabled. If exceeded, the most likely cause is X-ray is turned on but
a longer than normal integration time could also be a cause.

3. Upon clicking Next, a frame averaged image is captured. The number of frames (frame
average) is given in the lower left hand corner. A task bar is displayed indicating an
image capture is occurring.

Upon completion, the offset image is archived overwriting the previous
offset image.

An Offset only correction can be configured in Vi. Please refer to the

Offset Only calibration function in this manual for additional
information on this function.

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4. Gain Correction: Next, two screens are displayed instructing the operator to ready the
system for a gain calibration and to turn on the X-ray and set the kV to a nominal range.
At this point in the Wizard, if the Cancel button is selected, only the new
offset image is archived and the Calibration Wizard is exited.

Vi offers two (2) gain correction methods; Single and Multi Gain. The
following procedure describes both methods. A single gain calibration
samples the detector at a single mA setting thus a single corresponding
DDA grayscale value. A multi gain calibration samples the detector at
an X number of mA settings, where X is configurable by the system
administrator. A multi gain calibration produces an overall better image
but it requires more time to calibrate. For some applications, the image
improvement using the multi gain calibration may warrant the additional

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5. Single Gain Correction: The following message instructs the operator to adjust the mA
setting to bring Image Mean Value to within a predefined minimum and maximum
range. This range is configurable by the system administrator and is typically between
60% and 80% of the DDA dynamic range.
If the Image Mean Value is within the predefined range, Next is enabled. Upon
clicking Next, a frame averaged image is captured. The number of frames (frame
average) is given in the lower left hand corner. A task bar is displayed indicating an
image capture is occurring.

6. Multi Gain Correction:

a. For the first multi gain calibration measurement point, adjust the mA to bring the
Image Mean Value to approximately 80% of the DDA dynamic grayscale range.
b. For the remaining measurement points, adjust the mA to according to the
number of multi gain calibration points.
i. The final measurement point should approximately 10% of the DDA
dynamic grayscale range.
ii. The remaining measurement points should be evenly divided between
the 10% and 80% points.
The number of gain calibration points is configurable by the system
administrator. For this example, there are 5 gain calibration points (1 of

The predefined minimum and maximum range settings for the Image
Mean Value are only applicable for the upper and lower ends of the
grayscale values (10% and 90% for example).

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8.2. Offset Only Calibration

Vi can be configured to provide for an Offset Only calibration. The Offset Only calibration can
run with a status screen (shown below) or in background mode with no status screen displayed
to the operator.

The Offset Only function can be implemented by an operator via a GUI button or via a
programmatic command.

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9. Bad Pixel Map - Creating

The bad pixel map is created per ASTM E2597. The Wizard directs the operator through the
different tests defined in the ASTM standard. For detailed information on each test, please refer to
ASTM E2597.
ASTM E2597 states that for each test, a sequence of images totaling 120
seconds shall be collected. Experience has shown this time to be
excessive, therefore the software is usually configured for less time.
However, if required, this configuration may be changed to 120 seconds.

1. Welcome: Upon starting the Bad Pixel Wizard, the Welcome screen is displayed. This screen
gives the detector status so the operator can confirm the detector is configured correctly for

2. Noisy Pixel Test: The first test implemented by the Bad Pixel Wizard is the Noisy Pixel test.

For this test:

a. Verify that the X-ray is off.

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b. If the Image Mean Value is within defined settings, Next is enabled. This maximum
allowable value is configurable by the system administrator. If exceeded, the most
likely cause is X-ray is turned on but a longer than normal integration time could also
be a cause.
c. Upon clicking Next, a status progress bar is displayed.
3. Over and Under Test: The second test performed per ASTM E2597 is the Over and Under

For this test:

a. Turn on X-ray. Adjust kV to the normal operating level.
b. Adjust mA so the grayscale value (Image Mean Value) is approximately 50% of the
detector dynamic range.
c. When the grayscale value is within boundaries defined in the software configuration,
Next is enabled.
d. Upon clicking Next, a status progress bar is displayed.
4. Non Uniform Pixel – 10%: The third test performed is the Non-Uniform 10% Test.

For this test:

a. Turn on X-ray. Adjust kV to the normal operating level.
b. Adjust mA such that the grayscale value (Image Mean Value) is approximately 10% of
the detector dynamic range.

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c. When the grayscale value is within boundaries defined in the software configuration,
Next becomes enabled.
d. Upon selecting Next, a status progress bar is displayed.
5. Non Uniform Pixel – 80%: The fourth test performed is the Non-Uniform 80% Test.

For this test:

a. Turn on X-ray. Adjust kV to the normal operating level.
b. Adjust mA such that the grayscale value (Image Mean Value) is approximately 80% of
the detector dynamic range.
c. When the grayscale value is within boundaries defined in the software configuration,
Next is enabled.
d. Upon clicking Next, a status progress bar is displayed.
6. Persistence Lag Test: The final test is the Persistence Lag Test.

For this test:

a. Turn on X-ray. Adjust kV to the normal operating level.
b. Adjust mA such that the grayscale value (Image Mean Value) is approximately 80% of
the detector dynamic range.
c. When the grayscale value is within boundaries defined in the software configuration,
the Next button is enabled.
d. Upon clicking Next, the X-ray automatically turns off after 5 seconds. If the system
does not remotely control the X-ray, the operator is required to manually turn off the X-
ray after 5 seconds (the time is not critical). The software automatically monitors the
average grayscale value and when at a low level, the test is performed.
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