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[Last Name] 1

Mikel Ingram

Professor Richardson



Victorian Mansion

Logical Perceptions

The 4 doors would be in the directions of North, South, East, and West. The statement

clearly says that there are 4 doors; but they said it in a specific order. The Cardinal direction is

what the path is based on, and they started out with (East, West, North, South). The doors that

were stated was “Door 1 leads to the corridor. Door 2 leads to a 40-foot drop to a cave floor

underneath the mansion and death. Door 3 leads to the bag of cash. Door 4 leads to a viscous

dog that would love to eat you.” If you think about it, every “game” whether if it’s life and death

will always have some type of rule twist and pattern to it, but if you find that pattern then you

win. If you closely look at the order with the compass directions that the doors were placed in,

then you may be in luck. Door 3 states that it leads to the bag of cash, and if you find a rhythmic

pattern such as the order which the cardinal directions were said, then door 3 is “North” based on

theory. Finding true North has and will always be priority if you are lost and may possibly know

the sense of direction to get to a destination, but this game may or may not be based on that, but

the evil creator of the game still decided to factor those directions into the game. North in

another way you can also look at it as “going up” or “going to the top”, which is another way of

saying a path of success. Door 4 states that a vicious dog that is human hungry will be behind it,

but that is based on the other path; “South”.

[Last Name] 2

Tracking your steps from the very moment you stand is very important, as well as how

many steps you have taken. To be on the safe side, you can leave a shoe to remember your center

and Keep a consistent number and distance so your steps you counted can be accurate. Know

that there is nothing to latch on to, so be very cautious and precise about it. To identify your true

north you can't use your eyes or ears, so it must be possibly the ground that may have a slight

imbalance for you to identify the direction; if no patterns are recognized then you will have to

choose a random door and wish for the best. Just for a safe tactic you can shout while walking in

the direction to see if you hear an echo. If you hear and echo then retrace back, for it is the door

with the 40ft drop.

If you get to the room with the money in it, be also aware that if you pick it up there is

spikes that will sink out through the walls when you lift it, so you can either take some cash out

the bag or leave it. Remember that there’s a possibility that the lever under the bag is one of the

type of levers that requires and exact amount of weight or more for it to keep the needles in the

wall; so the trick to that is to simply put your last shoe in the bag and take some cash out

measuring how much weight would be equivalent to it. I know It was elegant wear so take your

dress socks off as well and be very calm when you do it; it’s better safe than sorry. Once you

decide, you must exit the room and retrace your steps back to the center. Knowing you came

from the north side; there’s a chance your theory is correct by going based off what you first did.

Replay the order which the rooms were stated in your head and go with door 1, which is on the

east side. You can keep facing the same direction once you get back to the center. Take a 90*

degree angle left, since you are opposite now, then walk through that door, which will be your

[Last Name] 3

There are no senses that could be used other than your eyes with possibility of a dog eyes

reflection, and your ears to hear from yelling to test to see if the door in front of you is the 40ft

drop door. Other than that, your senses then should turn into “Sensitive Thinking.”

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