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A Study of Solubility of Strontium Sulfate

Donald F. Jacques, SPE, Exxon Chemical Co.

Brent I. Bourland, Exxon Chemical Co.

This paper describes the results of a solubility study of solubilities based on pure sodium chloride systems were
strontium sulfate in sodium chloride brine. A predictive the limiting thermodynamic case. This model did not
equation for the solubility of strontium sulfate is provide for pressure effects and it was limited to 212°F
presented, which is useful for calculating solubility in (l00°C). Some work 5 ,6 available at the time indicated
water containing 0 to 200 giL (0 to 200 g/dm 3 ) sodium slight increases in SrS04 solubility with pressure, but
chloride at temperatures from 100 to 300°F (38 to the study was limited to 95°F (35°C) maximum and low
149°C), with pressures from 100 to 3,000 psig (689 to salinity.
20 684 kPa), and total ionic strengths of 0 to 3.43. This To predict SrS04 precipitation and scaling under
paper also describes the experimental technique downhole conditions, solubility data are needed that
employed and the special equipment designed for this bracket all possible temperatures, pressures, and
study. salinities of oilfield waters. This study reports the results
of new solubility determinations developed under
Introduction broader test conditions. The results then are combined
Strontium sulfate scale formation has become a growing with the 1979 data 4 to provide a predictive solubility
concern in oil-production systems. 1-3 Until recently, the model.
appearance of strontium in oilfield scales has been
primarily in the presence of barium sulfate scale. Almost Theory
pure SrSO 4 scale now is observed in several production To develop data that could be used generally to predict
wells around the world. The scale formation is primarily SrS04 solubility in most oilfield brines, the solubility of
a result of subsurface commingling of waters, which SrS04 was studied in pure synthetic NaC! brines. The
results in a water supersaturated in SrSO 4. salinity, temperature, and pressure ranges used in this
The literature does not readily provide solubility data study were selected to encompass most oilfield condi-
that permit prediction of SrSO 4 scaling under downhole tions.
conditions. Jacques et al. 4 presented the most recent
SrSO 4 solubility data in 1979. Their work presented a Minimum Maximum
comprehensive literature survey, new solubility data Salinity, giL, NaCl o 200
developed in synthetic brine systems from 77 to 212°F Pressure, psig (kPa) 100 (689) 3,000 (20 7(0)
(25 to 100°C), and studies of effective SrS04 scale in- Temperature, OF (0C) 100 (38) 300 (149)
hibitors. The study showed that the solubility of SrS04 To develop the most useful data possible over the ranges
increased with increasing ionic strength and decreased of the three variables listed demanding the fewest possi-
with increasing temperature once 104 ° F (40 °C) had ble experiments, we used the Box-Behnken experimental
been exceeded. A method of predicting SrSO 4 precipita- design as taught by DuPont. 7 This space-filling design
tion in field brines was suggested on the assumption that was followed by a second design, a 2 3 factorial, inside
the first design.
The Box-Behnken approach for three independent
Copyright 1983 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME variables simply defines a cube with the three variables

Low Midpoint High Low Midpoint High

Temperature, of 100 185 300 Temperature, of 140 185 238
Temperature, (1/K)x 10 3 3.216 2.793 2.369 Temperature, (11K) x 10 3 3.005 2.793 2.581
Salinity, 9 NaCI/L 0 52.25 200 Salinity, 9 NaCI/L 13.9 52.25 114
Salinity, ~ 0.053 0.955 1.858 Salinity, ~ 0.504 0.955 1.404
Pressure, psig 100 1,550 3,000 Pressure, psig 825 1,550 2,275

represented by the x, y, and z axes. The limits of each equilibrium was obtained, the solution was to be filtered
variable selected become the limits of the cube. The under conditions as close as possible to those of the test.
trials to be run experimentally represent the centers of The amount of filtrate would be measured and then
each edge on the cube and the center point of the cube brought back to ambient conditions without permitting
(Fig. 1). The general procedure calls for the response, precipitation of SrS04. The filtrate then would be
the SrSO 4 solubility, to be defined in terms of the three analyzed for strontium by atomic absorption and the ac-
independent variables. It is found generally that the tual SrS04 solubility would be calculated.
variables should be used in a form that will yield the A two-pressure vessel system was devised after
most linear relationship possible with the response. It several design considerations. SrS04 was dissolved in
should be apparent from thermodynamics that the the test brine to the saturation point in one vessel, and
solubility of a salt defined as log K sp' log solubility then the solution was filtered under the temperature and
product constant, is linearly related to liT and the square pressure conditions of the test into a second vessel that
root of the ionic strength. It was also anticipated 5,6 that contained a preweighed amount of fluid. The amount of
pressure would provide a linear response with log K sp' filtrate received into the second vessel was determined
For these reasons, the variables were defined as liT, by weight after the filtration, and the appropriate
.;;;., and p, and the dependent variable (response) was analytical procedures then were used to determine the
defined as log K sp' The centers of the edges of the cube SrS04 solubility in the first vessel. The first vessel was
then are defined as the midpoint of the variables as called the "test pressure vessel" (TPY) and the second
linearly defined. For example, the midpoint of 100 to vessel was called the "receiver pressure vessel" (RPY).
300°F (38 to 149°C) would be 200°F (93°C) if The TPY and RPY were originally manufactured from
temperature is defined as OF (0C) but would be 185°F 316 stainless steel but were changed to Hastelloy C
(85°C) if temperature is defined as reciprocal degrees because of corrosion problems. Initial studies were per-
Kelvin. Table 1 shows the range of each variable and formed in air, but it was found that an oxygen-free at-
midpoint as used in the initial Box-Behnken design for mosphere was required to prevent Hastelloy C corrosion
this study. Each trial (set of variables) was run at least in tests above 250°F (121°C); as a result, all tests were
twice. Regression analyses were run on the data to performed under nitrogen atmosphere. Fig. 2 shows the
develop an equation defining solubility (log K,p) in design of the TPY, which was a symmetric vessel that
terms of liT, p, and';;;'. The regression results were could be rolled on its side. Fig. 3 shows the design of the
then used to predict solubility of SrSO 4 for trials within RPY. It was designed to weigh under 2,500 g to permit
the Box-Behnken cube (i.e., Trials 13 through 21 in accurate measurements of the amount of filtrate entering
Fig. I). the vessel. Both pressure vessels were fitted with safety
Trials 13 through 21 are a typical 2 3 factorial design heads set at 4,000 psig (27 579 kPa).
using Trial 13 as a common midpoint with the Box-
Behnken design. As shown in Fig. 1, the factorial design Solubility Test Procedure
for three variables is also defined by a cube, and the trial The solubility test method consisted of preparing pure
points are at the comers of the cube. In keeping with the NaCI brines from ACS reagent-grade chemicals and
linear definition of the variables, the range of each water that was first deionized and then distilled (DOW).
variable in the factorial design is shown in Table 2. The brines were filtered through a 0.2-micron (0.2-fJ.m)
The factorial trials were determined experimentally membrane and then were deaerated with nitrogen to
and were compared to the predicted values from the Box- remove oxygen. SrS04 crystals were prepared by the
Behnken regression. A combined regression of the Box- method previously outlined. 4
Behnken and factorial trials were then run to yield an im- While under a nitrogen atmosphere, 50 mL (50 cm 3 )
proved predictive equation. We combined the solubility of deaerated test brine and 0.25 g of laboratory-prepared
data from the previous work 4 that fall within the design SrSO 4 were added to the TPY. The top was secured on
of the present study [i.e., the 104 and 150°F (40 and the TPY, which then was pressurized with nitrogen at
66°C), 0 to 200 giL (0 to 200 g/dm 3 ) NaCl] with this room temperature. The pressure selected was calculated
study to yield the final predictive solubility model. using the ideal gas law so that when the test temperature
was achieved, the test pressure would also be achieved.
Equipment Design The loaded, pressurized TPY then was checked for leaks
The basic design required that laboratory-prepared and placed in a modified roller oven (Baroid Model 701)
SrS04 crystals be dissolved to an equilibrium condition for 72 hours. The roller oven could hold four TPY's.
in a test brine at temperatures up to 300°F (l49°C) and Rolling was used to provide constant agitation of the test
at pressures up to 3,000 psig (20 700 kPa). Once fluids. The oven temperature-control system was
APRIL 1983 293
modified by replacing the temperature controller with an
5 RFL Model 720 zero-voltage-firing proportional
temperature controller. This permitted the oven
: 19~ ________-=~
temperature to be controlled to within ±0.2°F
,, (±O.loq.
Before the end of the dissolution phase of the study in
2. 18:I

I ,
1 the TPV, the RPV was charged with a known weight of
test brine or DDW and pressurized. The desired RPV


13 working pressure was selected using the ideal gas law, so
that it would permit filtration of a suitable amount of test
:: .--------
, / 15 16
solution at a minimal pressure differential between the
TPV and RPV. The weight of the RPV was determined
l-j~-------~---- both before and after charging using a Mettler PC 4400
digital top-loading balance. Weights were measured to
12,," 6
±0.1 g.
" 8

Trials 1 - 13: 1.t Design: Box-Behnken

After 72 hours in the roller oven, the TPV was placed
upright in a Precision Model 28 forced-draft oven. The
oven was set at the same temperature as the roller oven.
....- Trials 13 - 21: 2nd Design: 2' Factorial
A charged RPV and a filtration assembly were
equilibrated in the Precision oven before the placement
Fig. 1-Experimental strategy. of the TPV. The filtration assembly (Fig. 4) consisted of
a high-pressure, stainless steel, 25-mm (0.98-in.)
millipore filter, XX45 025 00, connected to an
Autoclave series SW vent-type valve (labled "C" in
Fig. 4). All connecting tubing and fittings were ;Is-in.
(3.048-mm) 316 stainless steel. The filter membrane was
a Millipore® Fluoropore filter, unlaminated, 0.5-micron
(0.5-Jlm) pore size, FHUP 025 00. The TPV, filtration
assembly, and RPV were connected in the Precision
oven at Points Wand X. A ;Is-in. (3.048-mm) nitrogen
line was connected at Points Y and Z, as shown, inside
the oven. Note that Valves A, B, and D are closed during
100 !ilL VESSEL this step. This line went through the oven wall and to a
valve-and-gauge assembly that was connected to a high-
Fig. 2-Test pressure vessel (TPV) design. pressure nitrogen source. The high-pressure source con-
sisted of a Teledyne/Sprague air-operated gas booster
(Model S-486-CN -100), which took 400-psig
(2800-kPa) nitrogen from a cylinder and compressed it to
5,000 psig (34500 kPa) into a 300-mL (300-cm 3 )
Autoclave pressure vessel (Model BC-030-5A). The
regulators used were Grove 15LHX and 15LX small-
volume, high-pressure units that could operate up to 650
and 3,000 psig (4500 and 20 700 kPa) , respectively. The
I • ,

pressure gauges [100, 1,000, and 3,000 psig (689, 6895,

7S !ilL VESSEL and 20 700 kPa)] used were Marsh Master Test gauges
(ANSI B40.1, Grade 3A) with an accuracy of ±0.25%
Fig. 3-Receiver pressure vessel (RPV) design.
of span.
Once the system was assembled (Fig. 4), the oven
door was closed and the system brought back to thermal
equilibrium. Valve C then was opened. (Note that Valve
C opens and closes only Connection Z and that Connec-
High PreMur. tions Wand X are always open.) Valves E and F were
Soun:a then opened and the pressure gauge was brought to the
Inlkla 0utaIda desired working pressure of the RPV. When this was ac-
complished, Valve F was closed to isolate the system.
WaH The system was then checked for leaks by observing the
pressure gauge for a period of time. If no pressure drop
was observed, Valve D on the RPV was opened. If no
Millipole APV leaks had occurred in the RPV during equilibration in the
Filter oven and if the initial pressurization was done properly at.
room temperature, no change was observed on the gauge
Fig. 4-Filtration system. upon opening Valve D. If a slight leak had occurred, the
gauge pressure would drop when Valve D was opened.
The actual pressure in the RPV could be calculated since

SrS0 4
Experimental Predicted
p Temperature NaCI Salinity SrS0 4 (mg/L)
Trial Run (psig) (OF) (gIL) (~) (mg/L) Eq. 1 Eq. 2
65202 3,135 301 52.25 0.947 411 388 448
65226 3,040 305 52.25 0.947 407 383 441
65227 3,095 305 52.25 0.947 379 384 443

2 63962 2,932 99 52.25 0.948 398 731 656

65214 2,986 101 52.25 0.948 694 726 655

3 63969 96 303 52.25 0.947 355 342 404

65202 100 301 52.25 0.947 315 343 406

4 65212 96 101 52.25 0.948 587 646 635

65213 95 101 52.25 0.948 599 646 635

5 63975 3,135 187 200 1.853 890 819 820

65222 3,135 187 200 1.853 777 819 820

6 63965 3,068 186 0 0.0461 99 83 92

63974 2,987 187 0 0.0432 87 82 91

7 63967 100 186 200 1.853 665 723 768

65223 99 187 200 1.853 706 724 767

8 63968 100 186 0 0.0520 126 74 86

65221 81 187 0 0.0424 84 73 85

9 65225 1,550 305 200 1.853 799 747 655

65241 1,536 300 200 1.853 777 747 659
65240 1,550 300 200 1.853 646 747 659

10 65207 1,170 301 0 0.0258 31 41 31

65218 1,570 310 0 0.0285 38 40 29
65219 1,587 310 0 0.0266 33 40 29

11 65210 1,482 101 200 1.853 867 787 859

65215 1,400 101 200 1.853 806 783 858

12 63964 1,550 100 0 0.0470 103 146 152

63978 1,536 100 0 0.0540 136 146 153
63208 1,496 101 0 0.0571 152 145 152

13 63966 1,604 186 52.25 0.948 519 500 528

63973 1,604 187 52.25 0.948 574 499 527
65220 1,404 187 52.25 0.948 518 499 527

the volume of the system from Valve F to Valves A, B, assembly was then vented through Valve C and discon-
and D had been detennined. If the pressure loss was nected from the TPV and RPV at Points Wand Z. A
significant, the RPV was replaced with another one. pressure slightly higher than the pusher pressure was ap-
Valve C was then closed. plied to the RPV with Valve D open to force all of the
The TPV working pressure was checked in a manner filtrate lodged between the valve stem and the RPV top
similar to that described for the RPV. The gauge into the vessel. The RPV was brought back slowly to
pressure was set at the desired TPV test pressure by ad- room temperature, vented, and weighed.
justment of the regulator. Valve F was closed and then The strontium level in the diluted filtrate was then
Valve A was opened. The actual pressure in the TPV detennined by atomic absorption using a Varian Model
was calculated. If a significant leak was detected, the 775ABQ. The amount of soluble SrS04 in the test brine
filtration was not perfonned and the test was discarded. at the test temperature and pressure was calculated.
The filtration was perfonned if the TPV was judged to be
in good condition. The calculated pressure in the TPV Solubility Data
was recorded as the actual test pressure. Data from the first phase of this study, the Box-Behnken
The filtration was perfonned by opening Valve F to design shown in Fig. 1, are presented in Table 3.
provide a pusher pressure close to the test pressure. "Trial" refers to the point on the design cube in Fig. 1
Valve B was opened. The filtration was complete in less and "Run" refers to the actual experiment perfonned.
than 1 second. Then, Valves A, B, D, and E were Each trial was duplicated or triplicated. Since it was im-
closed. The nitrogen system was vented through Valve G possible to achieve the exact target test pressure and
and disconnected at Points Y and Z. The filtration temperature, only the actual experimental values are
APRIL 1983 295

SrS0 4
Experimental Predicted
p Temperature NaCI Salinity SrS0 4 (mg/L)
Trial Run (psig) (OF) (gIL) (J;) (mg/L) Eq.1 Eq. 2
14 65237 806 155 13.9 0.489 322 274 315
65250 811 140 13.9 0.489 324 294 333
65254 811 140 13.9 0.489 337 294 333
15 65236 2,290 155 13.9 0.489 358 288 323
65253 2,268 140 13.9 0.489 366 312 340
65249 2,281 140 13.9 0.489 363 312 340

16 65228 854 238 13.9 0.489 227 186 230

65245 825 238 13.9 0.489 217 185 230

17 65229 2,310 238 13.9 0.489 277 197 240

65243 2,336 238 13.9 0.489 258 197 240

18 65252 818 140 114 1.399 750 775 760

65255 818 137 114 1.399 787 780 763
65258 825 137 114 1.399 787 780 763

19 65239 2,351 155 114 1.399 778 800 762

65251 2,309 140 114 1.399 796 823 777
65247 2,329 140 114 1.399 633 824 778

20 65231 942 238 114 1.399 615 656 654

65246 859 238 114 1.399 596 654 654

21 65244 2,390 238 114 1.399 608 696 680

65256 2,377 235 114 1.399 701 699 683

listed in Table 3. The square root of the total ionic was run on the combination of the Box-Behnken and fac-
strength listed includes the contribution from the soluble torial designs and yielded an equation of the same form
SrS04' The solubility is reported in the table as mg/L as Eq. 1 with
Regression analyses were performed on the data A = -10.325,
shown in Table 3. Many methods of defining the B = 4.274,
variables and the solubility were tried to determine the C = -0.732,
best fit. Use of the expressions log Ksp, pressure (p) in D = 4.6x 10- 5 ,
psia, inverse temperature (T) in K, and the square root of E = 1257.736, and
the total ionic strength, Jii, provided the best regression F = -667.119.
results. The regression equation that best fits the data on
Table 3 is Very little change in the coefficients was observed.
The solubility data from the previous work 4 (Table 5)
logk sp =A+BJ!;. +Cp.+Dp that falI within the design of this study [i.e., the 104 and
160°F, 0 to 200 giL (40 and 71°C, 0 to 200 g/dm 3 )
=EIT+F(J!;.IT), .................... (1) NaCl] were combined with the data of this study. The
212°F (l00°C) was omitted because flashing of water
where appeared to have occurred during the open filtration by
the method used then. Regression analyses were per-
A = -10.379, formed on the combined data. It was found that a model
B = 4.245, similar to Eq. 1 would not provide a satisfactory fit.
C = -0.715, Several methods of curve fitting were attempted. Dif-
D = 3.5x 10- 5 , ferent variable definitions and combinations were
E = 1271.894, and studied. Several forms of expressing the dependent
F = -656.441. variable also were examined. The best equation yielded
the smalIest difference between experimental and
Regression Eq. 1 was used to predict a solubility for each predicted SrS04 solubilities.
run in Table 3 and is listed in the next-to-last column. The final mathematical model or regression equation
Table 4 shows the results of the solubility determina- derived for strontium sulfate solubility was
tions made on the 2 3 factorial design shown in Fig. 1
along with solubilities predicted from the regression on logK sp = - ............................... (2)
the Box-Behnken design (Eq. 1). A new regression study R

TABLE 5-SrSO 4 SOLUBILITY OAT A (0 psig)· 500

SrS0 4
Experimental Predicted • 400 ··············1041=
(mg/L) 0
Temperature NaCI Salinity SrS0 4 !(!
(OF) gIL (J;) (mg/L) Eq.1 Eq.2 ..J
104 0.00 0.0177 143 133 153 a
104 1.00 0.1325 186 174 202
104 5.02 0.2946 272 246 280
104 10.00 0.4152 342 309 344
104 20.00 0.5867 470 410 439
104 50.75 0.9339 671 627 626
104 100.00 1.3106 830 794 784 200
104 150.00 1.6050 896 811 851
104 200.00 1.8530 868 739 861

160 0.00 0.0152 106 87 104

160 1.00 0.1325 151 118 147
160 5.02 0.2946 222 172 218
160 10.00 0.4152 290 222 277
160 20.00 0.5867 384 305 368
160 50.75 0.9339 572 504 555 100
160 100.00 1.3106 731 692 717 1 2 3
160 150.00 1.6050 776 754 787
160 200.00 1.8530 798 726 798
\I Total Ionic Strength
• Adapted from Ref. 4. Fig . 5-SrSO 4 solubility vs. ionic strength.

where from the data base reported in this paper. The last two
plots fall within the temperature range of this work, but
x = liT, are extrapolated beyond the ionic strength of 3.5. A
R = A+BX+C.J;, +DJ.I.+Ep2 +FXp+G.J;,p, and significant difference between Fletcher's work and this
p = pressure [psig (kPa)]. work is the brine composition. We used pure NaCI brine
compared with Fletcher's use of brines containing
The coefficients of the equation were various amounts of calcium, sulfate, magnesium, and
other ions. The agreement between the plots and data
A = 0.266498 x 10 -3, from the work of Fletcher appears good, deviating for
B = -244.828xW- 3 , those values extrapolated from this work.
C = -0.191065 X 10 3 ,
D = 53.543xW- 6 , Discussion
E = -1.383xW- 12 , The SrS04 solubility data, as presented in the tables, in-
F = I.W3323xW- 6 , and dicate that pressure changes from 100 to 3,000 psig (689
G = -0.509x 10- 9 . to 20 684 kPa) result in only very small differences in
solubility. The trend of solubility decreasing with
The last two columns in Tables 3, 4, and 5 contain the temperature is obvious and is similar to that observed in
predicted SrSO 4 solubility using both the initial model the earlier work 4 graphically presented in Fig. 6. In-
(Eq. 1) and the final model (Eq. 2). Correlation coeffi- creasing ionic strength results in a significant increase in
cients were calculated between the experimental values SrSO 4 solubility.
and the calculated values for both Eqs. 1 and 2. The A better understanding of solubility trends becomes
coefficients were 0.9857 and 0.9918, respectively, in- more apparent after regression studies are performed.
dicating the improvement in fit achieved by the use of The regression performed on just the Box-Behnken data
Eq.2. (Trials 1 through 13) resulted in Eq. 1, which provides a
Fig. 5 shows plots of Ksp vs. Jil. for three tempera- reasonable model for the surface of the cube design. It
tures. The solid lines are Ksp values predicted from Eq. does not provide as precise a model in the interior of the
2. The X's are values from work by Fletcher et al. 8 The cube design. This becomes apparent by comparing the
first plot at 75 OF (24°C) represents extrapolated values predicted solubilities from Eq. 1 with the experimental
APRIL 1983 297






Q. 15

1000.0 _------r-- ~



::::r 800.0

d 400.0



Fig. 6-SrSO 4 solubility in NaCI brines. 4 Fig. 7-SrSO 4 solubility vs. temperature and ionic strength
at 1,550 psig (Eq. 2).

ones in Tables 4 and 5. Use of a model with the same contours remain the same across the entire range of the
algebraic fonn as Eq. 2, with just Box-Behnken design design with only minor shifts along the solubility edge of
data, did provide a slight improvement. the cube. Any point on the surface in Fig. 7 represents a
When all the experimental data were used in the saturated solution. Points above it represent super-
regression study and the algebraic fonn of Eq. 2 was saturated solutions, while those below it represent sub-
employed, a significant improvement in the prediction of saturated solutions. The model presented can predict
solubility within the Box-Behnken interior was ob- potential scaling problems. This is done by comparing
served. The predicted solubilities presented in the last the predicted solubility product (Ksp) to the actual prod-
columns of Tables 3, 4, and 5 are from the final model uct of the strontium concentration times the sulfate con-
using Eq. 2. centration (Q), and is written
A three-dimensional, computer-generated presentation
of the solubility of SrS04 as a function of temperature mg/L Sr mg/L SO 4 6
and square root of ionic strength at 1,550 psig (l0 687 Q= X xlO- ............ (3)
kPa) is presented in Fig. 7. The surface indicates a 87.62 96.0
decrease in solubility with increasing temperature and a
significant increase with increasing ionic strength. The If the ratio QI K sp is greater than 1. 0, then a potential
solubility reaches a maximum in highly concentrated scaling problem exists.
brines, similar to that seen in Fig. 6. This behavior is The infonnation needed to do these computations
observed in all temperatures and pressures within the typically comes from water analyses. If we know the ion
design of this study. Surfaces similar to the one in Fig. 7 concentration, we can substitute the appropriate values
can be generated at any pressure within the design. The into Eq. 3 to solve for Q and into Eq. 4 to solve for ionic
. ~.:.:.:::.:.:::.:::.......

900 /'

/ ... .....,
.. 800

400 1/

:::E /i .............. 50:1 mg/l CI:g/l NaCI

(mg/L) A B C Ii
Sr 560 565 550 300
Ii - - - - NaCI
Na 43,817 39,292 44,275 Ii _. _. - 100:1 mgll Ca:gll NaCI
Ca 7,930 6,977 6,967 if
Mg 1,422 1,270 1,215
CI 85,555 76,148 83,957 Ii
S04 210 540 100 If
HC0 3 232 311 360 If
pH 7.0 7.3 7.5 Ii
Temperature, OF 230 230 230
Pressure, psig 2,500 2,500 2,500
~ 1.6441 1.553 1.617
Log(Ksp) -4.8623 -4.8165 - 4.8200
Ksp 1.37x10- 5 1.52x 10- 5 1.51x10-5
0 1.39 x 10- 5 3.63x10-5 0.65 x 10- 5
OIK sp 1.01 2.38 0.43 100L-----~-------7------_L______~----
prediction borderline scale prone no scale
observation borderline scale no scale
Fig. 8-SrSO 4 solubility vs. ionic strength in different brines
• Adapled from Eq. 2. (250C). 4

strength appears to be the limiting solubility at a given ionic

strength. In complex brines containing calcium or
1L=lh~mizi2, ........................... (4) magnesium, the apparent solubility of SrS04 is greater
than NaCI brine for the equivalent ionic strength. 4,8 One
where mi is the molality of the ith ion and Zi is the explanation of the difference is the formation of ion
charge of the ith ion. Having calculated ionic strength, pairs, for example, SrS04 0, MgS04 0, CaS04 0. Most
and knowing temperature (11K) and pressure [psig analytical methods (atomic absorption and titrimetric
(kPa)], Eq. 2 can be used to solve for log (K sp )' If the methods, for example) do not distinguish between free
ratio QI K sp is equal to or less than 1.0, then no scaling is ions and ion pairs. A second possibility is the precipita-
predicted. If that ratio is greater than 1.0, then the water tion of CaSO 4 resulting from the presence of a large con-
is supersaturated and scaling is possible. The greater the centration of calcium ions. Such a precipitation would
ratio of QI K sp' the more likely scaling will occur. keep the sulfate ion concentration low and permit a
Examples of the calculation used to make scale predic- greater amount of SrS04 to dissolve. Complex ions have
tions are shown in Table 6. The analyses of three waters been dealt with in numerous publications such as
from the same field are listed in the table. From the Davies 10 and Nancollas. II The magnitude of the devia-
water analyses, ionic strengths were calculated. The tion from expected solubility is indicated by the work of
calculated ionic strength, temperature [230°F or Jacques et al., 4 from data generated by Davis and Col-
(0.OO261/K)], and pressure [2,500 psig (17237 kPa)] lins,9 and from the work of Fletcher et al. 8 Fig. 8 is a
were substituted into Eq. 2 to generate a predicted log plot of data from Jacques et al. showing mg/L SrS04 as
(K sp )' Q was calculated on the measured strontium and a function of ionic strength. The brines contain different
sulfate ion concentration, and the values of Q were com- levels of calcium. The pure calcium brine shows the
pared to the respective predicted Ksp values. At the bot- largest deviation from the pure NaCI system of 20% at
tom of the table are listed the field observations. Brine A an ionic strength of about 0.7 at 7r F (25 °C). 4 Davis
came from a well that had borderline SrSO 4 scaling and Collins measured solubilities 10 to 20% higher in
tendencies. Brine B was from a well that had SrS04 calcium and magnesium brines than in the pure NaCl
scale when untreated with scale inhibitor, and Brine C brines of the same ionic strength. In most oilfield brines,
was from a well that had no scaling problem. These NaCI will be the largest source of ions, while
observations corresponded well with calculated ratios magnesium and calcium are present in lesser quantities
(Q1Ksp) which were 1.01, 2.38, and 0.43, respectively. (for example, see water analyses in Table 6). The
As stated in the earlier work,4 the pure NaCI system bivalent metal concentration would affect the apparent
APRIL 1983 299
solubility of SrSO 4, but the expected magnitude would Uthmaniyah Field," paper SPE 9626 presented at the 1980 SPE
be small. Fletcher et al. 8 showed this in their work with Middle East Oil Technical Conference, Manama, Bahrain, March
complex brines (see Fig. 7). 9-12.
3. Essel, A. and Carlberg, B.L.: "Strontium Sulfate Scale Control
It should be understood that the results presented in by Inhibitor Squeeze Treatment in the Fateh Field," 1. Pet. Tech.
this paper deal with thermodynamic equilibrium. While (June 1982) 1302-06.
solubility products are useful in the prediction of scaling 4. Jacques, D.F., Gollberg, J.B., and Whiteside, W.e.: "Strontium
tendencies, they do not account for kinetic factors, such Sulfate Solubility and the Effects of Scale Inhibitors," paper
presented at the NACE Middle East Corrosion Conferencel79,
as the presence of seeding crystals or surfaces, rates of Bahrain, April 15-17.
water production, physical changes (such as temperature 5. North, N.A.: "Pressure Dependence of SrS04 Solubility,"
and pressure) during production, and other factors that Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (1974) 28,1075.
influence the rate of precipitation. 6. MacDonald, R.W. and North, N.A.: "The Effects of Pressure on
the Solubility of CaCO 3' CaF 2' and SrSO 4 in Water," Cdn. 1.
Chem. (1974) 52, 3181.
Conclusions 7. "Strategy of Experimentation," E.!. DuPont de Nemours and Co.
This study has resulted in the development of an easy-to- short course, Wilmington, DE (Oct. 1975).
use method for determining solubilities of salts under 8. Fletcher, G.E., French, T.R., and Collins, A.G.: "A Method For
Calculating Strontium Sulfate Solubility," U.S. DOEI
downhole conditions. It has also resulted in a model BETC/RI-801l0 (1981).
useful for predicting SrS04 scaling potential in oilfield 9. Davis, J.W. and Collins, A.G.: "Solubility of Barium and Stron-
systems. tium Sulfates in Strong Electrolyte Solutions," Env. Sci. and
Tech. (1971) 10,1039.
10. Davies, e.W.: Ion Associations, Butterworths Pub. Inc.,
Nomenclature Reading, MA (1962).
K sp = molar solubility product of SrSO 4 II. Nancollas, G.H.: Interactions In Electrolyte Solutions, Elsevier
p = pressure, psia (kPa) Sci. Pub. Co. Inc., New York City (1966).

T = temperature, K SI Metric Conversion Factors

Z = pressure, psig (kPa) OF (OF-32)/1.8
p., = total ionic strength of (OF+459.67)/1.8
L x 1.0* E+OO
References micron x 1.0* E+OO
I. Nassivera, M. and Essel, A.: "Fateh Field Sea Water Injec- psig x 6.894 757 E+OO
tion-Water Treatment, Corrosion, and Scale Control," paper ·Conversion factor is exact. SPEJ
SPE 7765 presented at the 1979 SPE Middle East Oil Technical
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office Dec. 21, 1980.
Conference, Manama, Bahrain, March 25-29. Paper accepted for publication Oct. 4, 1982. Revised manuscript received Dec. 1,
2. Stoffer, K.G. and Lindlof, J.C.: "Strontium Sulfate Wellbore 1982. Paper (SPE 9625) first presented at the 1981 SPE Middle East Oil Technical
Scaling-A Case Study of Seawater Injection Compatibility in the Conference held in Manama, Bahrain, March 9-12.


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