7 - 2.action Card Report Summary - Example PDF

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ABC Widget Oilfield Services Ltd. - ACTION CARD REPORT SUMMARY

Date Department
Observation/Event Action Taken Method of Report Date Completed
Observed Responsible

Feb 12, 2013 Salesman drove vehicle over front Pounded rebar down Action Card Shop Feb 1st
parking curb with rebar sticking out of and checked for others.
it causing a flat tire.

Feb 21, 2013 Receptionist received a deep paper cut Provided with first aid: Action Card Office Feb 21, 2013
on thumb. cleaning and Band Aid. Completed

Mar 26,2013 Near Miss/Contractor clearing snow Notified Department, Action Card Operations - Shop Feb 30, 2012
driving above posted 15km/hr. Supervisor Filled out Completed
Contractors not wearing Hi-visibility ACTION Form
Vests PPE

ACTION Card Report Summary

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