Hope For Education in Indonesia: Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo

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Hope for Education in Indonesia

Education is the most important thing to improve a person's quality and education is one
way to get to Indonesia as a developed country with qualified and integrity human resources.
Because I am a student college who comes from the region as well as education is not easy because
of economic and facilities limitations, so I hope that education in Indonesia will be better with no
focus only on the city, but can reach up to remote parts of
Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo, the country. Hopefully the quality of education in
di depan memberikan teladan Indonesia is increasingly advanced with research and
Ing Madyo mangun Karso technology based. I hope there will be no more corruption
di tengah membangun semangat cases from the central government, regional government
Tut Wuri Handayani or schools and educators. I hope that education funds can
dari belakang memberi dorongan be distributed evenly and on target, because there are still
many schools in the regions that are not feasible to use due
to the lack of financial assistance in supporting facilities and infrastructure. I hope the dropout rate
will decrease and I want state schools in Indonesia to have better facilities and quality than private
schools. In addition, I hope that Indonesia has the right and good education curriculum to form
high-quality, integrity students, have a spirit of nationalism, have a Pancasila, faithful and noble
spirit towards a prosperous Indonesia with quality education and the world's foremost.

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