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1.- The Wilsons live in a __________ house

that has about eight rooms and an enormous
a) huge
b) mild
c) familiar
d) faithful

2.- The mailman had to ________ our letters

to our neighbor because we were away.
a) bring
b) surpass
c) endow
d) deliver

3.- The farmer discovered to tramp ______

one of his hens.
a) steal
b) stolen
c) stealing
d) to steal

4.- Tom’s friend _________ for Jenny is

a) ship
b) sty
c) ness
d) dom

5.- _____________ I ______________ the

letter? You never told me to do it!
a) Can /have destroyed
b) Should / have destroyed
c) Can have / destroyed
d) Should have / destroyed
6.- I am ___________ with Phil. His
statements are insulting.
a) worthy
b) dropped
c) anxious
d) annoyed
7.- __________ his studies. Phil is looking
for a job.
a) Finishes
b) Finishing
c) Has finished
d) Having finished

8.- We never imagined Eddie ____ in public.

a) sang
b) sings
c) singing
d) to sing
9.- If Kate ______ sincere. Mr Lynch
_______ help her; but she isn’t.
a) were / would
b) will be / would
c) were / will
d) will be / will

10.- Working with clay is a __________ I

learned at school.
a) goal
b) skill
c) network
d) harness
11.- Tim was so anxious that he
_______________ on smoking nervously.
a) put
b) was
c) kept
d) moved
12.- Ralph ____________ have ___________
the situation. He’s too immature.
a) should / not understood
b) could / not understood
c) should not / understood
d) could not / understood

13.- You should help Amy ___________

everything for the meeting.
a) prepare
b) prepares
c) prepared
d) preparing

14.- Celia’s astonish _______ was evident

a) er
b) ment
c) or
d) hood

15.- Marcia wishes she ____________ a

little thinner but she can’t.
a) can get
b) could get
c) can be getting
d) could have gotten
16.- Miss Jones is ______________ out for
that role. She’s the actress we need.
a) cut
b) put
c) got
d) set
17.- Mrs. Collins has _____________
appeared. Nobady has seen her in weeks.
a) an
b) mis
c) in
d) dis
18.- Maria wished Fred ___________ not
__________ that job. She couldn’t see him
as often as she wanted to.
a) had / take
b) did / took
c) had / taken
d) did / to take
19.- Not talking that way! I’m not going
to _________ your bad manners.
a) look in
b) stand
c) look for
d) stand for
20.- Harry is a very ___________ person. He
is always kind and considerate.
a) think
b) thinking
c) thoughtfull
d) thoughtfully
21.- Does the teacher wish her students
___________ more polite.
a) are
b) were
c) will be
d) should be
22.- Grace fell _______ love with her boss.
a) in
b) off
c) to
d) for

23.- The archaeologists ________ explore a

new area next week if they _________ enough
a) will / get
b) will / will get
c) would / get
d) would / will get
24.- This wire is twisted. I need a
_________ one.
a) right
b) narrow
c) shallow
d) straight

25.- The manager wanted to __________the

clerk ________ for a higher position.
a) see / out
b) try / out
c) see / out
d) try / on

26.- The hotel is full. They don’t have any

a) plentiful
b) desolate
c) available
d) suitable

27.- The telephone rang when all of us

were___________ in sleep.
a) out
b) deep
c) fell
d) over
28.- The children can’t _____________ the
tent. It’s too large.
a) set down
b) get down
c) set up
d) get up

29.- If the package had arrived earlier, I

____________ received it.
a) had
b) would
c) had been
d) would have

30.- It was John who hid our books. There’s

no ___________ about it.
a) doubt
b) foal
c) guild
d) toll

31.- We need to __________ aware _________

our deficiencies.
a) be / of
b) have / of
c) be / with
d) have / with

32.- The police searched the forest and

____________ found the lost child.
a) evenly
b) definitely
c) eventually
d) occasionally

33.- Andy got his first job. He’s

_____________ errands ______ the milkman.
a) taking / to
b) running / to
c) taking / for
d) running / for

34.- The garden was filled with ________

after the party.
a) leisure
b) litter
c) waste
d) load
35.- The sudden ringing of the telephone
_____ Mike from his sleep.
a) boasted
b) dropped
c) aroused
d) rattled

36.- Tom’s _______ to the problem is

different from mine, but we agree on many
a) theory
b) approach
c) perspective
d) development

37.- The police ______ Jeff’s car to the

police station. It was parked in a
restricted area.
a) hauled
b) dwelled
c) dropped
d) stored

38.- Dick couldn’t attend school. He’s ill

a) of
b) by
c) off
d) with

39.- They have an interesting ______- of

photographs at the Museum of Modern Arts.
a) output
b) feature
c) ornate
d) display
40.- The policemen caught those who
_________ away from their guards.
a) kept
b) broke
c) blew
d) threw

41.- Janet needs some stalks of ________

for her salad.
a) celery
b) pair
c) salary
d) pear

42.- Nothing _________ Jeremy’s hunger.

He’s always eating.
a) provides
b) attempts
c) suffices
d) achieves

43.- The __________ of our swimming pool is

only 1.50 m.
a) depth
b) ground
c) vacuum
d) foundry

44.- The guard knelt down ______ when the

Queen entered the room.
a) continuously
b) respectively
c) continually
d) respectfully

45.- The dog jumped over the ______ and

a) path
b) icicle
c) gate
d) shuttle

46.- Nancy will never be able to buy that

car she wants. She ____________ all her
a) saves
b) squanders
c) increases
d) decreases

47.- Peter’s is not a very ______ story.

Nobody will believe it.
a) fare
b) likely
c) reality
d) functional

48.- Jim accused Lucy of breaking the

window, but she ______ it.
a) denied
b) alleged
c) refused
d) rejected

49.- Somebody ________ have _______ Katty’s

ring; she can not find it.
a) must / stole
b) should / stole
c) must / stolen
d) should / stolen
50.- Harriet is not dull. She is
a) lazy
b) slowly
c) weak
d) clever
Aretha Franklin, the undisputed “Queen of
soul”, received more awards in America in
her short career than any other female
artist. She’s o the source and inspiration
of artists in many countries and projects
emotion as if she invented it.
Born one of five children in Detroit, she
was the daughter of reverend C. L.
Franklin, a well-know preacher in the
States, who toured churches throughout the
country with his helpers and singers.
Aretha was part of his choir, although she
was only fourteen years old.

51.- According to the article, Aretha

a) started singing when she was a
b) was inspired by artists all over the
c) invented different ways to project
d) helped his father to preach all over
the country

52.- Which of the following statements is

true according to the text?
a) Aretha Franklin had five children
b) Aretha had four brothers and sisters
c) Rev. Franklin’s oldest daughter was
d) Rev. Franklin’s only child sang in his
53.- When the author refers to Aretha
Franklin as “the undisputed” Queen of Soul,
he means that everybody
a) deserved her
b) agreed with her
c) gave her full credit
d) considered her number one

Dolores del Rio was a Mexican actress of
rare beauty who starred in more than 30
films in Hollywood and dozens in Mexico.
She died of natural causes at her home in
Newport Beach, Calif., at the age of 77. As
a teenager, Del Rio caught the eye of a
Hollywood director and shocked her upper-
class family by leaving Mexico City to
appear in his films. Her exquisite,
expressive face won her many fans with such
silent movies as “What Price Glory” and
“Ramona”, and she gracefully made the
transition to talking pictures. But she
became typecast, playing too many Indian
Maidens, peasant girls and Latin “femmes
fatales”. “When producers give you
beautiful clothes to wear in pictures, they
also give you dumb parts”, Del Río
complained in 1942. A year later she left
Hollywood for Mexico where she eventually
won four Ariels, the Mexican Oscars.

Taken from Newsweek, April 25, 1983.

54.- Dolores Del Rio’s beauty gave her a
great popularity as an actress, however she
a) only played dumb roles.
b) Was a “femme fatale”.
c) Became typecast.
d) Made only silent movies.

55.- The reaction of Dolores del Rio’s

family at her leaving for Hollywood was of
a) amusement and hope.
b) Surprise and disapproval.
c) Impotence and fear.
d) Frustration and anger.

56.- Which of the following statements is

true according to the text?
a) Dolores del Rio acted mainly in silent
b) Dolores del Rio fell in love with a
Hollywood director.
c) Dolores del Rio attracted the
attention of a Hollywood director.
d) Dolores del Rio once complained about
the kind of clothes she was given.

1.- I _____________ do that if I __________
in his place.
a) didn’t/was
b) must’n/were
c) shouldn’t/were
d) didn’t/were

2.- I watched the cat _____ in the rain.

a) running
b) to run
c) run
d) ran
3.- Robert can not give a lecture. He is an
a) im
b) il
c) in
d) un
4.- Mike is very grateful _____ his friend.
a) with
b) on
c) at
d) to

5.- ________________ Diana __________

taking a bath when we called her this
morning. She never answered the telephone.
a) Could/ have been
b) Should/ be
c) Could/be
d) Should/ have been
6.- Ralph ____________have _________ the
situation. He’s too immature.
a) should/ not understood
b) could/ not understood
c) could not /understood
d) should not/ understood

7.- Billy saw the man __________ his

mother’s handbag
a) took
b) takes
c) taking
d) to take
8.- Paul _______ to California if gets a
a) would go
b) will go
c) goes
d) go
9.- Sandra was not at home when I go up
this morning. She ______ have left early.
a) must
b) would
c) can
d) may
10.- Does the teacher wish her students
_______ more polite?
a) are
b) were
c) will be
d) should be
11.- Vicky _____________ left for the
congress. I have not seen her for a week
a) would be
b) must be
c) would have
d) must have
12.- Sally’s party has been _______
commented on all around the town
a) wide
b) width
c) widen
d) widely

13.- If I ____________ the money soon. I

____________ go to Acapulco with you.
a) got/may
b) get/will
c) get/rather
d) got/should

14.- Gaby will never trust anybody. She is

always filled with ____________givings.
a) in
b) un
c) mis
d) dis
15.- The garden was filled with
_____________ after the party
a) litter
b) leisure
c) waste
d) load
16.- Not ____________ the film. I couldn’t
argue with Albert
a) have seen
b) have to see
c) having seen
d) having to see

17.- My cousin was nominated ______ of

Webson School
a) major
b) principle
c) mayor
d) principal

18.- They have an interesting ____________

of photograps at the “Museum of Modern Art”
a) output
b) feature
c) ornate
d) display

19.- Professor Jones ___________ perfect

program for the year.
a) devised
b) complied
c) executed
d) endeavored

20.- The table is not __________ for our

dinning room
a) familiar
b) hand-made
c) suitable
d) home-building

21.- She could have _______ the contest if

she __________ worked more
a) won/has
b) won/had
c) to win/has
d) to win/had

22.- Jim and I have traveled ________ the

world together
a) amid
b) among
c) for all
d) throughout

23.- Mr. Clark is always very busy. He

never reserves time for___________.
a) output
b) leisure
c) display
d) network

24.- If Clair had met George in other

circumstances, she __________married him.
a) had
b) would
c) has been
d) would have

25.- I __________ do that if I ____________

in his place.
a) didn’t/was
b) mustn’n/were
c) shouldn’t was
d) would’t /were
26.- ____________ Mary have been ________
at the time?
a) Could / writing
b) Should /write
c) Must /written
d) Might / to write

27.- Everybody __________ understood what

she said.
a) dis
b) mis
c) un
d) in

28.- The Smiths moved to a very pleasant

a) don
b) ment
c) ship
d) hood

29.- We __________ about silly thins till

a) chatted
b) wasted
c) alleged
d) exchanged

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