ANTHE Test Analysis

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YOUR SCORE CARD (ANTHE 2019) Maximum Marks Your Scores 2 2 2 80 50 248 Your Percentage Scores 25.20% 25.20% 25.20% 720% 40.00% Tat ‘Average Scores 2 26 30 28 2 156 Highest Scores 56 56 60 100 7 a8 Percentile Scores 85.0 850 88.0 920 200 920 Percentile= Number of students who scoreless than you «100/ Total numberof students appear in ANTHE. YOUR PERFORMANCE WITH AVERAGE AND HIGHEST SCORER Your Score: Average Score Physics Chemistry = Biology = Maths = Mental Ability Highest Score YOUR LEVEL OF PREPARATION IN ANTHE-2019 Based on your Percentage of Marks (71.11%) Improve Yourseit Weak Average Good Very Good Excellent 0% 30% 50% 60% 90% 100% Your current level of preparation is maintaining and further improving your current level of commitment, coupled with Aakash Institute ‘support. you.can definitely enhance your performance and can Surely Qualify in lympiad/NTSE8 other competitive exams, @® Aakash DIFFICULTY LEVEL ANALYSIS ‘with Comparison of Your Marks and Highest Scorer Marks and Average Scorer Marks Total No bahia ES Ee 5 20 2 v 2» Easy PHYSICS — Moderate 5 20 15 0 20 Difficulty 5 2 7 6 16 Easy 6 24 20 2 2 CHEMISTRY Moderate 5 20 4 10 20 Difficulty 4 6 8 4 6 Easy 5 20 20 2 20 BIOLOGY [iverctd 6 24 24 4 24 Difficulty 4 6 6 4 16 Easy 8 32 28 2 2 LUNI Moderate 10 40 32 10 40 Difficulty 7 28 20 6 2% Easy 6 24 6 16 24 Vee Pera Moderate 8 22 20 18 32 Difficulty 6 24 4 2 2 DIFFICULTY LEVEL ANALYSIS — SUBJECT WISE PHYSICS CHEMISTRY MATHEMATICS zo) 28 20 20 20) 2 20 20 is 15 16 as Hd a6 12] 12 19] ny 10] me oz 5 5 4 o Easy Moderate Difficut Easy Moderate Difficut asy Moderate Dificut sou Score Average Scare Highest Soure «Your Score mAverage Score highest Score —-MYour Score Average Scare shighest Sore MENTAL ABILITY BIOLOGY 25 mw vol 2 2 1s 16 15] Bio 7 10 5 4 ° Easy Moderate Diffieat Fasy Moderate Diffie @® Aakash RELATIVE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS - SUBJECT WISE No. of Right Questions} No. of Questions Wrongly Reo buildin boiled 1,4,5,8, 10,12, 13,14, 2,3,6, 7, 15,17, 18,19, 16, 20,21, 22,28, 24,25, aritateated 26,27, 20,32, 36,41, 43, 1, 28, 29,34 PHYSICS 31, 98,39, 4, 46,47, 4, ‘ee 95,37, 38, 42 49,50 1,4,5,8, 10,12, 13,14, 2,3,6,7, 15,17, 18,19, 16,20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, * 26,27, 80, 32, 36, 41, 43, ae CHEMISTRY 31, 33,39, 40,46, 47, 48, ta as eas? 49,50 1,4,5,8, 10, 12, 13,14, 2,3,6,7,15,17, 18,19, 16,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,26, * 26,27, 30, 32, 36,41, 43, ea 2 2s) EToTRelcyg 31, 83, 39, 40, 46,47, 48, a, 35,97, 38, 42 49,50 " 1,4,5,8, 10,12, 13,14, 2,3,6,7, 15,17, 18,19, 16,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25, * 26,27, 20, 32, 36,41, 43, ea 28 2) NU} 31, 33, 39, 40, 46,47, 48, 144s 35,37, 38, 42 49,50 . 1,4,5,8, 10, 12, 13,14, 2,3,6,7, 15,17, 18,19, 16,20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25, * 26,27, 30, 32, 36, 41, 43, ace) NVI a 31, 33, 39, 40, 46,47, 48, 144s 35, 37, 38, 42 49,50 " ® Aakash ANTHE CASH SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Cash Scholarship 1 1 £100,000" £50,000 Awards« = 2 1 £75,000 £40,000 Top 100 ranking students n each class Wil algo be eile for Gash Arcs 3 1 £50,000 £30,000) Table repress the one wise Cash Ids dat tor ech lcs category 4010 7 £25,000 £15,000 (oor las VIG BY Sung Ce nteso 40 £15,000 £10,000 sitet00 50 £10,000 £5,000 ‘Wpe: Thesecash suatisa be ening Aakash Op Year Casrorn Cutter Ces Kar Ces Kar Long Te Digtal ous. ‘Necessary Information/ Conditions about Cash Awards: 1 10, ‘Astudent willbe eligible fr Cash Awards in only ane category out ofthe two programs elther Classroom Course or Long Term Digital Course and not in both ‘Tobe eligible for Cash Awards, itis mandatory for top 200 students (100 students from each class i.e, moving to class IX & Class X) to join our Long, Term Digital Course before 31st December, 2019 irespective of whether thy jin our Classroom Course or not. Once the Long Term Digital Course Enrollment is cone, it will not be cancelled in any case. The students wil ill separate enrallment form for Long Term Digital Curse, No fee willbe charged for Long Term Digital Course. Itwillbe 100% Fre. ‘Students joining Two Year Classroom Course fr Class IX & X or Three Year Classroom Course for Class X to XIl or Four Year Classroom Course for ‘lass 1X to XIl wil get 40% of total Cash Awards in Academie Year 2020-2021 which willbe disbursed in two equal installments (Ist award installment by 15th June, 2020 & 2nd award installment by 15th November, 2020) and remaining 60% of Cash Awards willbe disbursed in ‘Academic Year 2021-2022 in? equal installments (3rd award installment by 15th June, 2021 & 4th award installment by 15th Novernber, 2021) ‘Students joining One Year Classroom Course for Cass I or Class X or Long Term Digital Course will get total Cash Awards disbursed in two equal installments (1st award instalment by 15th June, 2020. 2nd award instalment by 15th November, 2020), ‘Cash Awards shall be paid by cheque, Installments willbe paid by 15th June & 15th November af respective academic years as detailed above, by the cenre of Aakash from where the student appeared for ANTHE or enrolled in Aakash. To be eligible for Cash Awards, a student needs to maintain minimum 85% attendance in classes and tests conducted by AESL failing which it will lead to discontinuation of tat installment of Cash Awards ‘A student should maintain good performance i.e. either score a minimum average of 65% marks in all Assesment Tests conducted by AESL. {including All India Rakash Test Series -AIATS) and maintain an AIR in Top 300 in every AIATS as pat of Classroam Course or Long Term Digital Course failing which willed to discontinuation of that installment of Cash Awards Thefinal decision n both casesi.e. clause (6) and (7) vests with the Chatman & Managing Director, AESL and his decision will efinal & binding on the tudent/ parents ‘Students, entlling for ANTHE willbe lowes complementary access to Aakash Tutor - Daily Practice Tests (120 Practice Tests for students studying in lass Vl &IX) il 31st December, 2019. Students, studying in Class VIII & DX who take admission with Aakash and pay their Registration Fee, Admission Fee & Tuition Fee (IstInstallment on or befare 31st December, 2019 willbe allowed all-‘eatures access to Aakash iTutr til 3st March, 2020. [A. Fee Information for One Year Classroom Course for Class IX /X or Two Year Classroom Course for Clas IX & X “ulton Fe: Registration Fee: The Registration Fee for One/ Two Year Classroom Course is € 9440I- (inclusive of GST @ 18%) ne Tuition Fee for Classroom Course Is diferent at varlouscentes of Aakash in te county, deta, please contact the nearest certe of Aakash [Admission Fee: The Admission Fee for One Two Year Classronm Course ls € 14260 (inclushve of GST @ 18%) B, Fee Information for Three Year Classroom Course for Class X to XII ot Four Year Classroom Course for Class IX to XI ‘Tuition Fee: The Tuition Fee for Classroom Course fs diferent at varlous antes of Aakash inthe county + details, please contact the nearest centre of Aakash Registration Fee: The Registration Fee for Three / Four Year Classroom Course is € 17700 inclusive of GST @ 18%) ‘Admission Fee: The Admission Fee for Three / Four Year Classroom Course is € 25960)- (inclusive of GST @ 18%) ® Note: For more information, refer our website: Aakash TESTIMONIAL OF OUR TOPPERS FROM ANTHE-2017 an 1 | an 2 AIIMS 2019 | NEET 2019 & Tana Wau an 3 NEET & AIIMS.2019 JEE (Main) - 2019 & an 01 JEE (Advanced) - 2019 Hello fiends, my name i Bhavik Bansal. joined Aakash inttue in 2 Year Integrated Program in 2017. thas been a pleasure spending my two yearshere which has amajor contribution inmy success, Faculieshere have catered tomy equeston medical entrance elated topics alongwith KVPY and Olympiads. They stressedon the importance of NCERTS. Throughout my preparation, they tressedon conceptsand their deep application rather than memarization. AIATS and other tests have helped inintiling confidence and made us aware of current patternand competition. Thecreditaf my success goes omy parents and to faculties at Askash whe havescted a 1am Akshat Kaushik and joined Aakash institute & years ago in class 1X a a pre-Foundation student and my journey 25 a medial aspirant has been ted to Aakash Insitute, the books, the teachers or the classroom fverything. Faculty at Aakash is extremely caring & hard working who makes ita point fr every student tobe ‘equally interactive in the classrooms sessions. The management system along wit the test programs are a violesome package, more than opts, for any medical aspirant lookng to acvevehis or her fulpotential My 4 years journey has beenhardbut werthitand| would like to express my gratitude teachers Ey frends for thet love & suppor for me-Iw'sh good luckto al he medial aspirants after med recommend Dakashas thebestcoachingwitha great platform toelpthepassionate students achievethelt goals. HS Tecra kau Hello fiends, my name is Dravya Marwahs. lined Aakash in 2017 for 2 year classroom integrated course for JEE (Main) and Advanced, secured 99.9908766 perentilein January attemat of JEE (Mair. lam realy thankful tomy teachers whohave always guided mein treright ection. Faculty at Aakash are well qual ied andbighly experienced Personalized attentionis givento every studentin classroom, They delvercontentinaninteractve way. The study package povided tous is good and sufficient. Success Magnet has quality questions for JEE (Aavanced). alo ike testing patter of Aakash. We have fortnightly test series and term exams. Al india ‘Aakash Test Series (A1ATS) provides us the opportunity to check our knowledge at rational evel Regular doubt sessions are heldinwhichallour doubts ae cleared, lenjoyedmy two-year journey with Aakash andcveditofmy success defintely oes tomy parents and faculy members at Aakash, pt Hello Friends, | am Sayantan Dhar. |oined Aakash Institute in 2017 in Two Year classroom course. lowe my suecessto faculties at Aakash who have always motivated me duringmy prepaation. They provided me wih al the basic and advanced concepts. The study material helped me alot. The testing pattem helped mecheck my preparationtevelAIATS motivated me toworkharder Medical[IIT-JEE|Foundations (Dera eal Ssh Aakash Nationwide Centres - 2019 © Corporate Branches Branches: 130 © Franchise Gontres Franchise Centres: 73 © Franchise Vitual Classroom Centres Franchise Yoo: 05 Medical|IIT-JEE| Foundations (Doo alah Easton Sevens ine) Registered Office 5 Aakash Tower, 8, Psa Road, New Dehi-110005 aaa hs (011) 47629486, Fon (011) 47629472 cam Wbales wi aakash ac in NEAREST Teall reach ws@zesn

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