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Broadcasting Defined

Midterms Lecture 2
• Broadcasting – the art and science of transmitting to space of radio signal aurally,
visually or both to be received by the general public.
• Types of Broadcasting:
1. Amplitude Modulation
2. Frequency Modulation
3. Television
4. Facsimile
5. Short-Wave Transmission
• Network and Stations
- are means by which broadcasting became possible.
• Broadcast Channel
- band of frequencies occupied by a carrier and two sidebands.
• Classification of Broadcast Channels
1. Clear Channel – one in which stations can be broadcast over a wide listening
area free from interference from other stations.
2. Local Channel – one in which several stations may operate in power not
exceeding 250Watts.
3. Regional Channel – one in which several stations may operate with power not
to exceed 5kW.
• Time of Operation
1. Unlimited Time – allows the broadcasting around the clock if the station
2. Limited Time – applies to stations operating in clear channels.
3. Day Time – permits operation solely between sunrise and sunset.
4. Night Time – permits operation solely between sunset and sunrise.
5. Experimental Period – this period may be used for experimental purposes,
testing and maintenance of apparatus, for licensing of any medium frequency
broadcast station on its authorized power provided no interference is caused
from other stations maintaining a regular operating schedule within such period.
6. Sharing Time - permits operation during the restricted time period, a
schedule time required by the use of the same channel from several stations.
7. Specified Hours – operating period specified by the license
Broadcast Station Set-Up
1. Combined Studio – Transmitter Set-Up
1. Simple Planning
2. Studio and transmitter are accessible with each other
3. Occupies less space.
1. The station must be located in a topographically advantageous place.
2. The station is usually inconvenient for the majority of the personnel.
2. Separate Studio-Transmitter Set-Up
1. The antenna can be created in the most topographically advantageous feasible location.
2. The studio and transmitter can be located conveniently for the majority of the
1. Complex planning
2. Time factor between studios and transmitter is considerable.
3. Requires two or more estates.

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