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Name- Siddharth Gautam

Roll No.- PGP10233

Problem Statement-

Is this the right time for BOS to take its business in USA

For the future purposes and for the company to meet their target USA is the answer.


1) Ready to drink (RTD) is forecast to grow at 8% per year and contribute to 20% of global
growth in the soft drink market in the five years.
2) Ice tea represents close to 9% of the global soft drinks market by value and volume and is
one of the fastest growing categories.
3) Ice tea has grown twice as fast as the market over the past five years and is expected to
grow by 45% over the next five years.
4) The premium soft drink market in South Africa is limited and although the ice tea’s share is
increasing current consumptions remains at around 1L per person per year compared to an
average of 18 L in the USA. the personalities of BOS’s founders and their broader team and
their ambitious mindsets and global exposures resulted in hunger for global success and the
network and knowledge to recognise and develop opportunities abroad.
5) BOS’s high touch demand is not limited to the team’s business to business relations but is
extended to every day consumers, the BOS team has a great sense of “what to fly”.

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