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Jay Hauser

Britton v. Turner, 6 N.H. 481 (N.H. 1834)

 Is P entitled to recover the money they earned despite quitting?
 P agreed to work for D for a year for $120 (3.6 thousand today). They had a contract
 P left ten months in.
 D did not pay P for their time worked.
Procedural History
 The trial court found by jury verdict that P was owed $95 (2.8 thousand today)
Rule Applied
 Previous courts have held that the party who fails to complete their full task is not entitled
to recover anything
 Plaintiff is not entitled to recover based on the actual contract because they never
completed their end of the bargain
 The previous rule places a party who does not do any of their contracted work in a better
position than the party who does some of their work but gets no compensation for it
 P is entitled to the money
Rule of the Case
 Employers are required to compensate workers for the value of the services they actually
 Affirmed

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