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Name: Christopher Lloyd L.

Varquez Reflection on the Preamble

1. What is a preamble? What does it mean? Where did the word originated from? Explain.

 The term preamble is derived from the Latin preambulare which means “to walk before.”
It is an introduction to the main subject. It is the prologue of the Constitution.

2. Is a preamble essential in a constitution? Why or why not?

 Technically, the preamble is not essential in a constitution. It forms no integral part of our
Constitution. It cannot be invoked as a source of private right enforceable by the courts or
of any governmental power not expressly granted or at least, clearly implied therefrom.

3. What is the value of a preamble or its objectives? Expound.

 It sets down origin and purposes of the Constitution. It tells us who are the authors of the
Constitution and for whom it has been promulgated.
 It states the general purposes which are intended to be achieved by the Constitution and
the government established under it, and certain basic principles underlying the
fundamental charter.
 It serves as an aid in its interpretation when there are vague or ambiguous provisions in the

4. According to the preamble, what is the source of the constitution's authority? Where in the
preamble can we see it? Cite the line/s from the preamble. What is the proof that they are indeed
the true source? Cite historical fact.

 The source is from the Filipino people, from the words of the preamble “We, the sovereign
Filipino people, x x x do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”
 The preamble of the 1987 Constitution used the first person approach by the pronouns “we”
and “our” instead of the impersonal third person approach used “the Filipino people” and
“their” in the Preamble of the 1935 Constitution.

5. From the preamble, what are the national purposes and aims in adopting the 1987 Constitution?

 The national purposes and aims are:

o To build a just and humane society and
o To establish a Government that shall:
Name: Christopher Lloyd L. Varquez Reflection on the Preamble

 Embody our ideals and aspirations

 Promote the common good
 Conserve and develop our patrimony
 Secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom,
love, equality, and peace.

6. After over 30 years since the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, are the purposes and aims of
the 1987 Constitution as set forth in the preamble, fulfilled? Justify and reflect on your answer.

 I think such purposes and aims are not fulfilled.

 A society that is just sounds unrealistic, knowing that the society we live in favors the
powerful over the weak, the rich over the poor, and the intelligent over the ignorant.
 The government has done at least something to effect a change in this country. However,
the promotion of the common good has never been fulfilled, or if fulfilled, minimally. Due
to the massive and excessive corruption in our government, the projects and plans that are
supposedly for the people are not attained because of the corrupt officials who took every
opportunity to uplift themselves and to have better lives.

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