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Role Playing:

How are you going to Receive guests or visitors in a hotel?

Give more emphasis on the importance of giving best reception to the clients.

Role Playing of a visitor addressing his complaint on the delay of the tour itinerary

Role Playing:
How are you going to Receive guests or visitors in a hotel?
Give more emphasis on the importance of

Role Playing of a visitor addressing his complaint on the delay of the tour itinerary

giving best reception to the clients.

Role Playing:
How are you going to Receive guests or visitors in a hotel?
Give more emphasis on the importance of giving best reception to the clients.

Role Playing:
How are you going to Receive guests or visitors in a hotel?
Give more emphasis on the importance of giving best reception to the clients.

Role Playing of a visitor addressing his complaint on the delay of the tour itinerary

Role Playing of a visitor addressing his complaint on the delay of the tour itinerary

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