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53 Ðá wæs on burgum Béowulf Scyldinga Was in a fort Beowulf of the Scyldings

léof léodcyning longe þráge dear king of a people long time

folcum gefraége --fæder ellor hwearf people well-known father elsewhere turn

aldor of earde-- oþ þæt him eft onwóc lord land until again be born to
héah Healfdene héold þenden lifde noble Healfdene rule while live

gamol ond gúðréouw glæde Scyldingas· aged fierce in battle gracious Scyñdingas

ðaém féower bearn forðgerímed to him four child all told

in worold wócun weoroda raéswan: world waken band leader

Heorogár ond Hróðgár ond Hálga til· heorogár y Hróðgár y Hálga god

hýrde ic þæt wæs Onelan cwén hear onelan queen

Heaðo-Scilfingas healsgebedda. Heaðo-Scilfingas bedfellow

Þá wæs Hróðgáre herespéd gyfen was Hróðgáre success in battle give

wíges weorðmynd þæt him his winemágas war honour friend and kindsman

66 georne hýrdon oðð þæt séo geogoð gewéox readily obey until youthful company increase

magodriht micel· him on mód bearn band of young retainers large mind run into

þæt healreced hátan wolde hall- bulding command (willdan)wish

medoærn micel men gewyrcean medhall great man construct

þone yldo bearn aéfre gefrúnon than men child ever learn

ond þaér on innan eall gedaélan There inside all distribute

Young old which give
geongum ond ealdum swylc him god sealde
búton folcscare ond feorum gumena Except people´s portion life man
ða ic wíde gefrægn weorc gebannan Then widely hear task order
manigre maégþe geond þisne middangeard· Many tribe over earth
folcstede frætwan. Him on fyrste gelomp Dwelling place adorn time happen
aédre mid yldum þæt hit wearð ealgearo Early men become quite ready
healærna maést· scóp him Heort naman Hall-building greatest create for it name
sé þe his wordes geweald wíde hæfde· Word power far and wide have
hé béot ne áléh· béagas daélde boastful speech, boast, threat divide, separate
sinc æt symle. Sele hlífade treasure, riches, gold, silver /and, more rearely, at, near hall, house, dwelling,
héah ond horngéap· heaðowylma bád hight, tall, lofty / broad between the gables strong masculine. of fire on a funeral
pyre, battle-surge/forced contribution, impost, pledge
láðan líges· ne wæs hit lenge þá gén Lies length, height yet, now, still

þæt se ecghete áþumswéoran It / sword-hatred, hostile hate, war

æfter wælníðe wæcnan scolde After/ To waken, arise, spring to come, awake, from should

Ðá se ellengaést earfoðlíce a bold or powerful demon with difficulty, hardly

þráge geþolode sé þe in þýstrum bád (plu of þrāg) time, season, while/ to suffer in/dimness of sight or mind
darkness, gloom /forced contribution, impost, pledge
þæt hé dógora gehwám dréam gehýrde each (one) whoever, who; everyone joy, pleasure, gladness, delight, mirth,rejoicing
rapture, ecstasy, frenzy;/ To hear, perceive sound
hlúdne in healle· þaér wæs hearpan swég a blow, a crash, sound, voice/in/ strong feminine was/ harp/sound
swutol sang scopes· sægde sé þe cúþe Clear song poet say,speak/ he, she, it, that, this; /
frumsceaft fíra feorran reccan· first creation, origin/ men, human beings remove, avert, (from afar) /extend, go
cwæð þæt se ælmihtiga eorðan worhte say, speak, proclaim ground prepare, do, work, construct

wlitebeorhtne wang swá wæter bebúgeð Brightness plain, mead, field water

gesette sigehréþig sunnan ond mónan set, appoint, replace from the south/moon (plur)
léoman tó léohte land-búendum radiance, light, ray of light lightly dweller, inhabitant

ond gefrætwade foldan scéatas adorn, decorate earth, ground, land /angles, corners,
regions, districts
leomum ond léafum· líf éac gesceóp Branche leave life/also, and, likewise, moreover/
shape, create
cynna gehwylcum þára ðe cwice hwyrfaþ kind, sort couch, (quitch)-grass
Swá ðá drihtguman dréamum lifdon warrios
éadiglice oð ðæt án ongan Happy one
fyrene fremman féond on helle crime, peccaturn / further, advance, frame enemy / hell
wæs se grimma gaést Grendel háten war-mask, helmet soul, spirit hotly, fervidly
maére mearcstapa sé þe móras héold famous, great, excellent sloping, inclined, bent

fen ond fæsten· fífelcynnes eard evening before Sunday/

fastness, fortress, stronghold native
wonsaélí wer weardode hwíle Unblessed creature guard, protect / while

siþðan him scyppend forscrifen hæfde After/

in Caines cynne þone cwealm gewræc in, on; within// kind; species, family, people; nation death, murder, slaughter; torment,
pain; plague, pestilence/ wreak, give effect to anger
éce drihten þæs þe hé Ábel slóg· ache, pain/ lord, governor, leader He, she, it /
ne gefeah hé þaére faéhðe ac hé hine feor forwræc Not/rejoice/feud; enmity. 2. adverbially in dat., angrily but/
metod for þý máne mancynne fram creator, god/ at that / mankind; inhabitants, people/forward, fom

þanon untýdras ealle onwócon after that from there /unskillful, inexperienced all, everybody,everything,
eotenas ond ylfe ond orcnéäs giant, monster, enemy/ sprite, fairy
swylce gígantas þá wið gode wunnon likewise, as well, as if/giants with, by, near/god/labor, toil, resist, fight
lange þráge hé him ðæs léan forgeald. Long/time, period,while he/ them/ for that/ reward, gift, loan /repay, requite

1. Þæt: it , that, the

2. ðe : wich
3. þá: when
4. on: in
5. þæt: he
6. þe: because
7. oð: until
8. þæs þe: where
9. ðá: then , as
10. on: of
11. ne: not
12. his: its
13. ac: but
14. of: from
15. Swá: as, so
16. Him: them, for himself
17. Ðæs
18. sé þe: he who
19. wonsaélí wer: unblessed creature
20. for: before, in the sight of, in or into the presence of, as far as; (temporal) during, before; w.i.(causal) for, on account of, for the sake of,
through, because of, owing to, from, by reason of; as to; in order to; w.d. for, on account of, because of, with, by; w.a. for, in place of,
instead of, equivalent to, at the price of; in preference to; in spite of; ~ worulde as regards to this world; ~ Dryhtne by God; 2. conj for,
because; ~ hwý/hwám/hwon wherefore?; ~ þám/þon/þý therefore; because, since; ~ þám þe, ~ þý þe because; ~ þý þæt, ~ þám þæt in
order that; 3. adv too, very;~ án only; 4. sv/t7 lǽtan ~ to take (one) for.
21. Lifdon: infinitive- libban
Past: wē lifdon
gē lifdon

hīo lifdon

22. Ongan- onginnan: lass 3 strong verb. begin; endeavour; undertake

past indicative ongan

23. Scyppend, masculine nd-stem; strong masculine. Creator.

gefeah; Third-person preterite of ġefēon, First-person preterite of ġefēon

vil spirits and giants: ylfe ond orcnéäs / swylce


24. Forscrífan: [] sv/t1 3rd pres forscrífð past forscráf/forscrifon ptp forscrifen to decree; proscribe, condemn, doom; 2 bewitch
25. First-person preterite singular form of habban, Third-person preterite singular form of habban, Subjunctive preterite singular form of
habban: have; possess, own, hold; keep, retain; entertain, cherish; look after, carry on; esteem, consider; be subject to, experience; get,
obtain; assert; aux verb in pres. perfect have; ~ forconsider; ge~ hold, keep from, restrain, preserve; yfle ge~ afflict, torment; on
gewunan ~ to be accustomed to; ~ gemǽne to have or hold in common
26. sculan [] irreg v/i 3rd pres sceall, scal/sculon past sceolde, scolde, scealde, scalde ptp gesculen 1. to owe; hé him sceolde 10,000 peninga
he owed him 10,000 pennies; 2. denoting obligation or constraint of various kinds, shall, must, ought, (I) have or am (with infinitive), to
be bound to, with an infinitive expressed or that may be inferred from the preceding clause; (1) denoting duty, moral obligation; (2) shall,
ought as being fit, right, proper, in accordance with reason; hú híe libban scoldon how they should live; (3) denoting obligation to
perform an engagement, to do appointed work, to carry out the terms of an agreement; sume sculon hweorfan hǽðena land it will be
the task of some to convert heathen lands; (4) denoting bidding, commanding; hwæt sceal ic singan?; (5) where the obligation results
from a law, statute, regulation; (6) denoting the necessity of fate, of the order of providence, shall, must as being decreed by fate or
providence; sceal hine wulf etan his fate will be to be eaten by a wolf; (7) to be forced.
27. ge-hwá, pron., prec. by partit. gen., each (one); gsm. gehwæs, 2527, 2828 (ref. to fem.); dsm. gehwaém, 1364
(ref. to fem.), 1420; gehwám, 882, 2033; dsn. gehwám, 88;
28. symle: simble. adv always, continually. adj continual, perpetual
29. héold (past)- 3rd sing of healdan: hold, contain, hold fast, grasp, retain, possess, inhabit; curb, restrain, compel, control, rule, reign;
keep, guard, preserve, foster, cherish, defend; withhold, detain, lock up; maintain, uphold, support; regard, observe, fulfill, do, practice,
satisfy, pay; take care; celebrate, hold (festival); sv/i7 hold out, last; proceed, go; treat, behave to, bear oneself; keep in mind;
Singular: þrāg plural: þráge

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