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Department of Social Welfare and Development



Status of Implementation


Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 24 series of 2018 as signed by the Secretary last 27th of December 2018, the Field
Offices committed their respective Thrusts and Priorities with the following objectives:

1. To promote unanimity of purpose within the organization, allow coordination and collaboration across
organizational units, strengthen the Department’s organizational capacities and deliver gender responsive
services of our social welfare and development programs; and
2. To guide and direct all DSWD Bureaus, Services, National Project Management Offices and Field Offices in their
role in strategy implementation which include formulation and adoption of gender responsive policies, plans
and budgets as well as performance targets

Implementation Status

Organizational Outcome 1: Well-being of poor families improved

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 The department shall On-going As of October 30, 2019, there were 429 tickets
establish an office that will from 8888 hotline that were acted upon and
serve as link with all provided assistance regarding the concerns of
beneficiaries for them to be the caller. Some of the tickets are requesting for
informed and receive any assistance through AICS, and inquiries/
development in the complaints on release of stipend for
programs of DSWD that beneficiaries of Social Pension Program. The
concern them, report procedures on the availment of the program
anomalies and complaints. It were thoroughly discussed to the callers, and
will also protect them from clarified their complaints. Out of 429 tickets, we
any fraudulent acts of received six commendations from the central
unscrupulous individuals office.
posing as social workers or
employees of the DSWD.
2 Update the lists of all cash Socpen
program beneficiaries, - On-going Socpen:
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Revalidation deadline is until Nov. 15, 2019
Program (4Ps), Social Encoding of revalidated benes is until Nov. 30,
Pension (Soc Pen), Cash for 2019
Work, Kapit-Bisig Laban sa As of Oct 25, 2019, only 236,796 of 318,579
Kahirapan-Comprehensive beneficiaries are included in the generated list
and Integrated Delivery of of beneficiaries from central office. The Field
Social Services , Sustainable Office has ongoing cross-matching to determine
Livelihood Program and whether the remaining 81,783 beneficiaries are
Assistance to Individuals in for revalidation of included in the error list for
possible correction or replacement.
Department of Social Welfare and Development

Crisis Situation to establish a

national database
3 Institutionalize and C/O KALAHI CIDSS
harmonize the Community
Organizing (CO) and
Community Driven
Development (CDD)
approach in the Promotive
Programs and strengthening
internal convergence.
3 Institutionalize the CDD in C/O KALAHI CIDSS
partner national
government agencies (NGA)
and LGUs and strengthen
external convergence.
4 RE-evaluate the SLP to make C/O Sustainable Livelihood Program
sure it remains relevant to
the needs of the
5 Promote the Comprehensive C/O soctech
Intervention against Gender-
Based Violence (CIAGV) and
Counseling Service for the
Rehabilitation of
Perpetrators of Domestic
Violence (CSRPDV) among
LGUs particularly in the 4Ps
6 Conduct of Social Welfare C/O PANTAWID
and Development Indicators
(SWDI) RE-assessment for
the 4.4 million 4Ps
7 The Social Technology N/A
Bureau to design new
models of interventions for
the transitioning poor exiting
the CY 2018 4Ps.

Organizational Outcome 2: Rights of the Poor and Vulnerable Sectors Provided and Protected

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Creation of timely, relevant N/A
and applicable models of
intervention for the poor,
marginalized, and
vulnerable sectors
Department of Social Welfare and Development

2 Routine inspection and C/O

evaluation of DSWD- GASSD / ADMIN
maintained centers and
residential care facilities to
ensure safety of the
3 A Memorandum of
Agreement between the The schedule of meeting with AFP and PNP is
AFP, PNP and DSWD to being arranged to start the engagement in the
assist and secure implementation of the programs especially
employees in the transfer during the payout. The meeting is yet to be
and payout of funds for finalized this November.
beneficiaries of our
programs in far flung areas
or locations where
Landbank cannot be of
service to them.
4 Evaluation of devolved N/A
social welfare programs to
LGUs that did not involve
funding from DSWD to
ascertain their status,
relevance, applicability,
and outcome.
5 Generate private sector Several partners and stakeholders were engaged
support for the vulnerable to protect and promote the vulnerable sectors
sectors through external through external resource generation in the
resource generation. form of cash or in kind assistance.

For Centers and Residential Care Facilities

(CRCF): SALAG Lawyers, Couples for Christ, El
Shaddai, Ninoy and Cory Aquino Foundation, De
La Salle Zobel Foundation, De La Salle University
– Dasmariñas, Center for Family and Ministries,
Pinky Cares Foundation, United Bayanihan
Foundation, I Care for my City Foundation,
Ateneo de Manila University

For survivors of trafficking: International Justice

Mission (IJM), Kanlungan sa Erma Foundation,
Philippine Christian Ministry Network, Destiny
Rescue Philippines, Salvation Army.

6 Implementation of N/A
Bangsamoro Umpungan sa
Nutrisyon (BANGUN) in
target Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao
(ARMM) areas to address
malnutrition in partnership
with NGAs’ LGUs,
Department of Social Welfare and Development

communities, parents and

intended beneficiaries to
alleviate hunger and
malnutrition among the
children of ARMM as
provided for by the DSWDs
Strategic Plan CY 2018-
7 Implementation of Ongoing CRISIS INTERVENTION SECTION:
Protective services i.e.
Recovery and Reintegration Approval of Regional Memorandum Circular no.
Program for Trafficked 002 s. 2019 - Guidelines on the Effective and
Persons (RRPTP), AICS, Efficient Delivery of Assistance to Individuals in
Supplementary Feeding Crisis Situation (AICS) and endorsed to Central
Program (SFP), SocPen, Office last Sept. 11, 2019 for information and
Alternative Parental Care, reference. The guidelines provide mechanism on
and other community- the timely payout and liquidation, and promotes
based services better fund management and improve
transparency, as well as complies the Ease of
Doing Business Act.

Hiring of additional 45 SWO II assigned to assist

referrals from 28 districts in support to the ease
of doing business act and immediately respond to

Engage more partners in the delivery of our

programs and services with 107% Increase of
partnership of CIU with service providers (SP) from
38 SP last year to 79 this year. This facilitates the
efficient and timely delivery of service to public.

Involvement of Accounting staff and from Finance

Management Division for Fast liquidation of funds
thru the new systems in placed following the
approved Regional Memorandum Circular


As of Sept.
31% utilized/ ongoing feeding;
Remaining are with on-going procurement


177 clients were served with 100% fund utilized

on subsidy.


Foster Child Placed - 13

Department of Social Welfare and Development

Foster Parents Developed – 5

14 ACA and PAPA


447 clients (Jan-present)

Community Based :

Clients Served (3rd quarter)

CNSP – 42
WEDC – 115
Other vulnerable groups – 62

Activities –
Skills Enhancement Training for LSWDOs/NGO
and Centers handling Victim Survivors of Human
Consultation Dialogue for Minors Traveling
Consultation Meeting with selected LSWDOs
handling Court Related Cases and other Special
Cases, and
Regional Consultation Forum with Overseas
Filipinos and their Families

8 Implementation of C/O
Unconditional Cash UCT - REPORT
Transfer (UCT) based on
TRAIN Law to alleviate the
effects caused by the
increase in prices of
commodities caused by the
said law which directly
affect poor individuals and
9 Implementation of the Done 7,200,000.00 The RPMO was able to pay 72 beneficiaries since
Centenarians Act of 2016 January 2019 and is requesting CO for funding of
honoring all Filipinos who the remaining 24 centenarians for this year.
reach a ripe old age of 100
years wherever they reside-
a fitting tribute to our
10 Convince LGUs with a high C/O
incidence of gender based PANTAWID GAD Focal
violence cases to adapt the
programs of the DSWD.
These programs are helpful
to the communities in
times of conflict, disaster or
crisis and also in times of
Department of Social Welfare and Development

11 Implementation of N/A
International Social
Welfare Services for
Filipino Nationals under the
supervision of the Social
Welfare Attache Offices
(SWATOs) in Riyadh and
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia; Kuwait, Dubai,
United Arab of Emirates;
Qatar, Malaysia, and
Hongkong. The
guaranteeing of the welfare
and protection of Filipinos
whether here or abroad
must be among the primary
concerns of the DSWD. An
inter-governmental agency
approach often times
works best for providing
adequate service and an
immediate response to an
array of multiple concerns
when present.
12 Re-assess and study the The Social Worker from Community Based
DSWD’s roles, objectives, Services Section attended the National
policies, and programs on Orientation on Strategies Toward Acceptance,
the Drug Rehabilitation and Reintegration and Transformation (START) for
Reintegration especially Recovering Drug Dependents and their Families
since we are included cum Workshop on Case Management Protocol
among the lead agencies of for Yakap Bayan Program held on Aug.13-17 in
the National Drug Makati City. It covers the START as a community
Rehabilitation Program. based after care intervention for recovering
The family is the basic unit drug dependents that have completed primary
of society and as such has a residential or outpatient rehabilitation
critical role to play in the programs. Yakap Bayan as a support service and
success of the drug an aftercare program model in assisting
rehabilitation program. We Recovering Person Who Used Drugs (RPWUD)
must educate, empower, which envisions to help clients maintain an
capacitate and transform autonomous functioning and lifestyle change
this powerful unit of society from rehabilitation/ treatment. There are LGUs
(the family) in order to be to be piloted within the year until next year to
able to deal with the address the needs of the drug surenderees and
problem of drugs or their families and become volunteers, advocate
avoidance of drugs in order and leaders in fighting drugs.
to be able to deal with the
drug problem effectively.

13 Sustain the Level, 1,2, or 3 Pre-assessment of the 4 centers has been done
accreditation of Centers by the standards unit, while pre-accreditation
and facilities in accordance assessment of the two centers (NTSB and HE)
Department of Social Welfare and Development

with the set standards , and was conducted by the National Inspectorate
adopt a more holistic Committee of the Central Office. The Field Office
developmental approach in is targeting these two centers for accreditation
dealing with issues of street this year. An exit conference was held on
children, the homeless October 29 convened by the national
families, the Indigenous inspectorate committee, and the two centers
Peoples, (Ips), Persons with with regional inspectorate representatives
Disabilities (PWDs) and agreed to comply the lacking requirements for
Senior Citizens in order to accreditation. However, the workforce in the
stimulate the development centers remain wanting to have standard client
of these vulnerable set of worker ratio for an effective and efficient case
people as a whole while management and holistic care and rehabilitation
maintaining harmony and of the residents.
balance in the community
so as not to deprive our
future generations The sectoral focal person for PWD and Senior
citizen are engaging the LGU in promoting and
protecting the rights of this sectors by conduct
of quarterly meeting of RCDA and RCMB
respectively. Regional Convention of Senior
Citizen was also conducted in celebration of
Elderly Filipino Week to accentuate the
country’s elder’s contribution to nation building,
discuss the status of the social pension program
and other services of regional line agencies and
NCMB, as well as the new laws and pending bills
for senior citizen, and strengthen the
partnership and linkage among OSCA and
Federation of Senior Citizens Association in the

14 Establishment of “Silungan N/A

sa Barangay” as a facility for
street children and
homeless families to
address their plight in
partnership with NGAs,
LGUs and others.

Organizational Outcome 3: Immediate Relief and Early Recovery of Disaster Victims / Survivors Ensured

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Re-evaluate the DSWD’s N/A
current mandate to
include a proactive and
preventive role in disaster
Department of Social Welfare and Development

risk, for disaster

preparedness which will
steer us in the right
direction and enable us to
preposition goods and
services in the event of
calamity or disaster or
national emergency.
2 Institutionalization of a C/O
Multi-Stakeholder DRMD
Volunteer Mobilization
Program for Disaster
Operations in anticipation
of any eventuality that
may necessitate the
deployment of such
3 Creation of a functional C/O
Comprehensive DRMD
Emergency Program for
Children (CEPC) Core
Group Secretariat that
will monitor the
implementation of the
CEPC Strategic Plan CY

4 Creation of guidelines and C/O

standards to ensure the DRMD / ADMIN
maintenance of standard
operating procedures
(SOP) and quality control
measures for
warehousing, logistics,
production and others.
The computerization of
these services in order to
enable easy access tro
data for trouble shooting,
transparency, monitoring
of expiry of goods, and
inventory purposes. The
updated national
database as proposed
shall enable quick access
to the affected
individuals, households
and communities with the
corresponding speedy
dispatch of goods and
services to them.
Department of Social Welfare and Development

Organizational Outcome 4: Continuing Compliance of Social Welfare and Development Agencies to Standards in the
Delivery of Social Welfare Services Ensured

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 A review of the present N/A
policies of the Central
Office Review Committee
and Field Office Review
Committee which handle
and recommend
appropriate action for
reported complaints
against erring SWDAs.
The said complaints shall
be logged and monitored
by the Operations
Centers of the DSWD
Central Office for
immediate action.
2 Full operationalization of C/O
Enforcement and
Advocacy Division at the
Standards Bureau to Conduct of Orientation by SEAD last October
conform with empirical 2019 as attended by Field Office Review
and quantifiable Committee

Organizational Outcome 5: Delivery of Social Welfare and Development Programs by Local Government Units
through LSWDOs, improved

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Development and On-going
implementation of Service Delivery Assessment is ongoing. Out of
LSWDO three-year plan 74 LGUs, 37 LGUs were already assessed. No
on Technical Assistance TARA Plan yet. Planning to submit the plan by
and Resource end of December 2019.
Augmentation (TARA)
program for LSWDOs.
Department of Social Welfare and Development

2 Learning and Done. C/O

Intervention for Conducted 2 batches of LDI on
LSWDOs Leadership and Management to 41
Training on Child Protection in
Emergencies (CPiE) to 32 LSWDOs

3 Creation of a course N/A

binder-type lecture
series on skills,
research and applicable
programs for learning
and development of

4 Providing continuing C/O

educational HRMD (PRAISE committee)
opportunities for
development for our
licensed social workers
through on line
education and seminars.
5 Creating an N/A
Organizational Learning
for LSWDOs through
Alliance Building (collab
20 – Development of
Competency Based
Development program

Support to Operations

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Intensifying advocacy done.
for the identified
Priority Legislations i.e.
National Policy on - SWDL.NET CALABARZON Run for Fun – A decade
Community Driven for Service last July 20, 2019 (Advocacy
Development, Social conducted ABSNET )
Welfare and - SWD Forum to be conducted on October 30,
Development Act which 2019
equipped and empower
the poor with the
Department of Social Welfare and Development

financial and technical

support required in
order for them to be
able to set their
community priorities
and take the necessary
steps in order to
address them in
partnership with the
LGUs and other
2 Implementation and C/O
monitoring of DSWD PPD – GAD Focal
sector commitments
through the
Comprehensive Sector
and gender and
development (GAD)
Plans and Budget in
transparent and
accountable manner.
3 Implementation of C/O
DSWD Research, Policy, PPD – GAD Focal
and Evaluation Agenda
for CY 2019-2022
4 Enhancement and N/A
upgrading of the SWDI
system to make it
applicable, relevant,
and valuable for all
clientele groups.
5 The intensification of C/O
the strategies in the NHTS
conduct of the
Listahanan 3 Round - Conduct of Training of Trainers
Asssessment to make it - Conducted Trainings for Area Coordinators,
truly reflective of the Area Supervisors, and Enumerators
situation in the
community level
throughout the country.
6 Evaluation and N/A
assessment of the
existing Planning, Policy
Development, Research
and Results-based
Monitoring and
Evaluation Programs
which must be flexible,
adoptable, updated,
Department of Social Welfare and Development

culturally sensitive,
gender responsible and
relevant to the poor and
needs of the
7 The Operations Center N/A
at the DSWD Central
Office shall monitor the
entire organizations
plans, programs, daily
activities, operations,
delivery of services,
resources, funds
strategies, quality
control of goods and
services, organizational
issues, beneficiaries,
of personnel,
evaluation and

General Administration and Support Services

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Organization C/O
Development, HRMD
Management and
Human Resource
 Pursue DSWD
reorganization to C/O
support the HRMD
implementation of
its programs and
Department of Social Welfare and Development

services in keeping
with the times.
 Regularization of
qualified and civil
service eligible
MOA/COS workers C/O
within the HRMD
restrictions allowed
by the GAA
 Igniting integrity
and good
governance i.e.
Continuous N/A
Certification of
Auditors (CIA, CISA,
CFE). Empower the
Internal Affairs
Service under Office
of the Secretary to
address any issues,
concerning graft,
corruption and
abuse of power,
among others.
2 Organization C/O
Development, HRMD
Management and
Human Resource
 Creation of
guidelines and
policies to safeguard
the health and
overall well-being of
our workforce in
keeping with
accepted standards
in the Bureaucracy.
 The establishment of
a database based on
monthly reporting
by HR of all
employees as per
their records.
3 Strengthening DSWD
 Training of
Department of Social Welfare and Development

Speakers Bureau N/A

(SMS, NPMOs and
 Implementation of a
communication plan
to promote bottom-
up support from the N/A
organic staff of the
DSWD in pursuit of
the implementation
of DSWD Strategic
Plan covering the
years 2017-2022.
 Undertake critical
activities to ensure
that LGUs and other
stakeholders will
understand and OPC
support the DSWD
programs and
services along each
outcome and
strategic initiative.
4 Administrative and C/O
Other Support Services
 Full conversion from ADMIN / FMD
deployment of
Special Disbursing
Officer(SDOs) to
cash cards or other
similar modes for the
implementation of
programs and
services involving
disbursement of
funds directly lodged
with DSWD.
 Full integration of
Financial FMD
Service with eNGAS,
eBudget, and eCash
 Implementation of a
fully functional
management C/O
Information System ADMIN / FMD
transparency and
accountability in the
Department of Social Welfare and Development

management of
public funds such as
Social Pension, ESA,
SLP and other funds
provided to DSWD
5 Administrative and C/O
Other Support Services ADMIN / FMD
 Evaluation and
assessment of
Internal Financial
Reforms vis-a-vis
compliance with
oversight regulatory
and safety measures
to ensure the
effectiveness to
support operations
 Conduct of strategic
audits as part of our
thru updated and
continuing Internal
Audit Practices in
conformity with the
Philippine Internal
Auditing Standards
in order to ensure
accountability, and
good governance.
 Completion of
retitling of all DSWD
real properties ADMIN
 Implementation of
efficiency inventory
and disposal of
DSWD records based ADMIN
on the prescribed
retention period as
approved by the
National Archives of
the Philippines
6 Administrative and ADMIN / FMD / HRMD
Other Support Services
 Judicious monitoring - 1-day conduct of HRMIS by HRMD with ICT
of the use of Human
Department of Social Welfare and Development

Management - Training on HRMIS on December 9-11, 2019 to

Information System be attended by RMDC with ICTMS as Resource
to guarantee timely Person
release of salaries
for the cost of
services of personnel
with infallible
safeguards or checks
and balances in
 Implementation and
monitoring of an
Monitoring System
(ePTMS) to improve
efficiency, and
timely delivery of
good and services.
 Conduct an audit
and inventory of all
DSWD Buildings in
accordance with the
accepted industry
standards and ADMIN
practices, submit the
audit results and
make the necessary
reports to all
employees and
officials of the
 Continuous review,
implementation of a
structural repairs
and construction ADMIN / PROTECTIVE - CBSS
plans for all DSWD-
maintained Centers
and Residential Care

Strategic Social Technology Development

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

Department of Social Welfare and Development

(Done, Not (If applicable)

Done, On-
1 Modification and N/A
enhancement of the
present social
marketing strategies.
2 A heightened, N/A
sustainable and
strategic Human
Development Program.
3 Evaluation, N/A
consolidation and
upgrading of the Social
Technology Bureau
facilities in order to
remain relevant and
applicable to the
intended customer

Improving Transparency and Efficiency through Quality Management Program

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Completion of ISO C/O
Certification STANDARDS
requirements for The
National Household
Targeting System for
Poverty Reduction
2 Setting up of standards N/A
for department wide
submission of reports
resulting in collation,
processing and
updating of data.
3 Setting up standards N/A
and policies, operation
and maintenance
guidelines for
information systems
which are to be
developed to suit our
requirements together
with the creation of a
Department of Social Welfare and Development

manual to enable users

to navigate the
information system
with ease.
4 The establishment of an C/O ADMIN – PROPERTY - PSS
employees and citizens
responsible text bureau
which shall address
complaints from our
various program
beneficiaries and serve
as our direct link to
them and vice versa,
which at the same time
can be used by DSWD
employees to air their
complaints and
grievances without fear
or reservation.

Creating A Learning Environment through Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Support Knowledge Done. 1. MTA SOARS in CALABARZON: A Miles Ahead
Management (KM) for the Protection of Children- June 28, 2019
2. Training Manual on Basic Effective Parenting
Policies and Leadership for Houseparents and Caregivers - Oct. 24, 2019
which should
encourage a free
flowing exchange of
wholesome, quality,
practical, relevant,
focused and meaningful
ideas, theories, policies,
experiences, research,
methodology and
technology which
should boost and
strengthen our
development and
progress as an
organization both
internally and
 Reassess and update
to enhance KM
Department of Social Welfare and Development

system coordination,
functionality and
 Institutionalize
recognition and
incentives as part of
intellectual capitals
(KM PRIDE awards).
2 Generate New C/O
Knowledge for More Capacity Building Unit
Effective SWD 3 SWD L-Net meetings and Fun –run
Intervention: activity as part of advocacy and its
 Full utilization of the celebration of 10th year anniversary
collaboration 2 SWD Forum for partner stakeholders
mechanism (CGSS, (LGUs, NGOs, Academe) which tackled
SWDL-Net, SWD- recently approved social protection laws
Forum) and and DSWD programs
expansion to other SWD L-Net Program Review and Strategic
networks. Planning on December 5-6, 2019
 Continuous
processing and
harvesting of SWD
practices for practice
theory building in
order to facilitate a
pool of relevant and
applicable practices.
3 Knowledge Sharing and N/A
Collaboration to
Improve Performance:
 Strengthen KM
Teams thru LDIs to
upgrade KM Team
competencies and
 Continuous
provision of
technical assistance
on KM to OBS and
FOs and resource
augmentation for
 Develop and
culturally sensitive,
gender responsible
and aligned
Department of Social Welfare and Development

products(KP) and
 Operationalize the
DSWD Learning
4 Provision of network N/A
connectivity (DSWD
Enterprise Network).

Gender Mainstreaming

Thrust / Directive Remarks Budget Status / Justification

(Done, Not (If applicable)
Done, On-
1 Implementation of CY C/O
2019 DSWD GAD Plan PPD – GAD Focal
and Budget.
2 Conduct of gender C/O
responsive assessment PPD – GAD Focal
of programs and projects
using the Harmonized
GAD Guidelines tool.

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