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This study aims to determine students' perceptions based on gender towards teacher
pedagogics in the learning process of chemistry at SMAN Semarang, which includes: 1). Students'
perceptions of teachers in delivering subject matter, 2). Students 'perceptions of teachers in using
learning methods and media, and 3). Students' perceptions in closing and evaluating learning. This
study uses a qualitative approach that is presented descriptively. The population of this research is all
students of SMAN Kota Semarang, class XI MIPA, amounting to 36 ,. Data collection techniques by
distributing questionnaires to 36 students, and observation. After the data is collected, it is then
processed using the average of each question item, and then the average score is grouped in the
category of very good, good, sufficient, not good and not good. The results showed that students'
perceptions based on gender towards teacher pedagogical knowledge in conveying learning material
were considered good by male students 42.12 while female students 39.21% The performance
included activities such as, teachers doing apperception, explaining material, managing class,
answering questions, creating an active classroom atmosphere, and others. Likewise in using
learning methods and media, evaluating and closing learning which implies that with a good student
perception of the teacher and high interest in learning, students will be more motivated in
conducting learning activities. So from these two things can increase the achievement of student
learning outcomes.

Keywords: pendidikan,Persepsi,Pedagogical knowledge,pembelajaran kimia, Hidrokarbon

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